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Behaviors and influencing factors of self-harm and suicide among high school students in Haidian district of Beijing: a retrospective analysis

Yan-hui SHEN , Chu JIANG , Yuan SHEN ,
目的 分析中学生自我伤害和自杀时间变动趋势以及相关影响因素,为更有效预防青少年自杀提供依据。
方法 资料来自北京市海淀区疾病预防控制中心2008、2010、2012、2014、2016年5次全国青少年健康危险因素调查数据,采用分层整群随机抽样方法,抽取海淀区21所中学共22 604名学生进行匿名集体自填问卷调查。
结果 海淀区13.65 % 的中学生曾有意伤害过自己,初中生为14.57 % ,高中生为13.08 % ,高中生低于初中生( χ 2 = 10.81, P = 0.001)。12.25 % 的中学生认真考虑过自杀,6.46 % 的中学生有过自杀计划,2.33 % 的中学生采取过自杀措施。女生认真考虑过自杀率高于男生( χ 2 = 42.85, P = 0.001),男女生采取过自杀措施率无统计学差异。时间趋势上,2016年中学生采取过自杀措施率(1.54 % )明显低于2008年(2.62 % ),但在2012 — 2014年间有波动。有自杀倾向的高中生中因学习压力大而自杀的占22.99 % ,因家庭原因占15.05 % ,还有7.93 % 是因为失恋。尝试过自杀或自伤的学生中,73.75 % 没有寻求过帮助。logistic回归分析显示,影响高中生自杀的因素有曾经离家出走、醉酒、孤独、因学习压力而不愉快、职业高中、吸烟、性行为、被约会对象殴打,其中离家出走和被约会对象殴打的 OR 值较高;影响初中生自杀的因素有离家出走、赌博、孤独、因学习压力不愉快、动手打架等,离家出走 OR 值较高。
结论 海淀区中学生采取自杀措施率低于或近似于其他地区,且呈下降趋势;学校积极开展筛查、早期进行危机心理干预将起到重要作用。
Objective To analyze temporal trend and related factors of self-harm and suicide behaviors among high school students in Haidian district of Beijing and to provide evidences for effective intervention on suicide in adolescents.
Methods We collected data on 22 604 high school students from 5 waves of National Surveillance on Adolescents′ Health Risk Behaviors conducted in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016. The students were selected at 21 high schools in Haidian district of Beijing with multistage random cluster sampling and were asked to complete a self-administered anonymous questionnaire survey.
Results Of the high school students surveyed, 13.65% reported ever having intentional self-harm behavior and more junior students than senior students (14.57% vs. 13.08%) reported the behavior, with a significant difference ( χ 2 = 10.81, P = 0.001). For all the students, 12.25%, 6.46%, and 2.33% reported ever having serious suicide ideation, suicide planning, and suicide attempt; significantly more girl students reported ever having serious suicide ideation than the boy students ( χ 2 = 42.85, P = 0.001) but there was no significant gender difference in reported rate of suicide attempt. The proportion of students reporting ever having suicide attempt was obviously low in the survey of 2016 than that of the students surveyed in 2008 (1.54% vs. 2.62%) and the proportion fluctuated slightly between 2012 and 2014. Of the students with suicide ideation, 22.99%, 15.05%, and 7.93% attributed their suicide ideation to academic performance stress, family event, and lovesick, respectively. Of the students with suicide attempt or self-harm behaviors, 73.75% did not seek for help. The results of multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that the risk factors of suicide behaviors included ever running away from home, drunkenness, loneliness, unhappiness due to study stress, being a vocational high school student, smoking, sexual behavior, and being assaulted by a lover among senior high school students; while, among junior high school students, ever running away from home, gambling, loneliness, unhappiness due to study stress, and beating others in a fighting were risk factors of suicide behaviors; ever running away from home was a stronger risk factor for all the students and being assaulted by a lover was a stronger risk factor for senior high school students.
Conclusion The prevalence of suicide attempt among high school students in Haidian district of Beijing is slightly lower than among the students in other regions and presents a decreasing trend. Screening and early psychological intervention on risk factors may play important role in suicide prevention among the students.