  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

尽管 Microsoft Excel 日期公式只能使用在 1900 年 1 月 1 日至 9999 年 12 月 31 日之间输入的日期,但你可以使用自定义 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 函数计算 (年) 某人或 1900 年 1 月 1 日之前首次创建的内容的年龄。


Microsoft 提供的编程示例仅用于进行说明,而不提供明示或默示担保。 这包括但不限于适销性或对特定用途的适用性的默示担保。 本文假设您熟悉正在演示的编程语言和用于创建和调试过程的工具。 Microsoft 支持工程师可以帮助解释特定过程的功能,但他们不会修改这些示例以提供新增功能或构建步骤以满足你的特定需要。

Excel 以文本形式输入 1900 年 1 月 1 日之前的日期。 此函数适用于以文本形式输入的日期,从 1/1/0001 开始,正常日期,并且可以处理开始日期在 1900 之前和结束日期在 1900 之后的日期。 若要使用 宏,请执行以下步骤:

  • 启动 Excel。 查看要使用 函数的工作表。

  • 按 Alt+F11 切换到 Visual Basic 编辑器。

  • 在“插入”菜单上,单击“模块”。

  • 在模块中键入以下代码:

    ' This is the initial function. It takes in a start date and an end date.
    Public Function AgeFunc(stdate As Variant, endate As Variant)
        ' Dim our variables.
        Dim stvar As String
        Dim stmon As String
        Dim stday As String
        Dim styr As String
        Dim endvar As String
        Dim endmon As String
        Dim endday As String
        Dim endyr As String
        Dim stmonf As Integer
        Dim stdayf As Integer
        Dim styrf As Integer
        Dim endmonf As Integer
        Dim enddayf As Integer
        Dim endyrf As Integer
        Dim years As Integer
        ' This variable will be used to modify string length.
        Dim fx As Integer
        fx = 0
        ' Calls custom function sfunc which runs the Search worksheet function
        ' and returns the results.
        ' Searches for the first "/" sign in the start date.
        stvar = sfunc("/", stdate)
        ' Parse the month and day from the start date.
        stmon = Left(stdate, sfunc("/", stdate) - 1)
        stday = Mid(stdate, stvar + 1, sfunc("/", stdate, sfunc("/", stdate) + 1) - stvar - 1)
        ' Check the length of the day and month strings and modify the string 
        ' length variable.
        If Len(stday) = 1 Then fx = fx + 1
        If Len(stmon) = 2 Then fx = fx + 1
        ' Parse the year, using information from the string length variable.
        styr = Right(stdate, Len(stdate) - (sfunc("/", stdate) + 1) - stvar + fx)
        ' Change the text values we obtained to integers for calculation 
        ' purposes.
        stmonf = CInt(stmon)
        stdayf = CInt(stday)
        styrf = CInt(styr)
        ' Check for valid date entries.
        If stmonf < 1 Or stmonf > 12 Or stdayf < 1 Or stdayf > 31 Or styrf < 1 Then
            AgeFunc = "Invalid Date"
            Exit Function
        End If
        ' Reset the string length variable.
        fx = 0
        ' Parse the first "/" sign from the end date.
        endvar = sfunc("/", endate)
       ' Parse the month and day from the end date.
        endmon = Left(endate, sfunc("/", endate) - 1)
        endday = Mid(endate, endvar + 1, sfunc("/", endate, sfunc("/", endate) + 1) - endvar - 1)
        ' Check the length of the day and month strings and modify the string 
        ' length variable.
        If Len(endday) = 1 Then fx = fx + 1
        If Len(endmon) = 2 Then fx = fx + 1
        ' Parse the year, using information from the string length variable.
        endyr = Right(endate, Len(endate) - (sfunc("/", endate) + 1) - endvar + fx)
        ' Change the text values we obtained to integers for calculation 
        ' purposes.
        endmonf = CInt(endmon)
        enddayf = CInt(endday)
        endyrf = CInt(endyr)
        ' Check for valid date entries.
        If endmonf < 1 Or endmonf > 12 Or enddayf < 1 Or enddayf > 31 Or endyrf < 1 Then
            AgeFunc = "Invalid Date"
            Exit Function
        End If
        ' Determine the initial number of years by subtracting the first and 
        ' second year.
        years = endyrf - styrf
        ' Look at the month and day values to make sure a full year has passed. 
        If stmonf > endmonf Then
            years = years - 1
        End If
    If stmonf = endmonf And stdayf > enddayf Then
            years = years - 1
        End If
        ' Make sure that we are not returning a negative number and, if not, 
        ' return the years.
        If years < 0 Then
            AgeFunc = "Invalid Date"
            AgeFunc = years
        End If
    End Function
    ' This is a second function that the first will call.
    ' It runs the Search worksheet function with arguments passed from AgeFunc.
    ' It is used so that the code is easier to read.
    Public Function sfunc(x As Variant, y As Variant, Optional z As Variant)
        sfunc = Application.WorksheetFunction.Search(x, y, z)
    End Function
  • 保存文件。

  • 键入以下数据:

     A1 01/01/1887
     A2 02/02/1945

    在单元格 A3 中,输入以下公式:

                  startdate 是对 A1) 第一个日期 (单元格引用,enddate 是对 A2)  (第二个日期的单元格引用。

    结果应为 58。

    检查 1900 年 1 月 1 日之前的所有日期是否有效。 Excel 不会检查以文本形式输入的日期。

    有关如何使用本文中的示例代码的详细信息,请参阅 如何在 Office 2010 中运行知识库文章中的示例代码
