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Aggregation pipeline stages

Doctrine MongoDB ODM provides integration for the following aggregation pipeline stages:

  • $addFields
  • $bucket
  • $bucketAuto
  • $collStats
  • $count
  • $densify
  • $facet
  • $fill
  • $geoNear
  • $graphLookup
  • $group
  • $indexStats
  • $limit
  • $lookup
  • $match
  • $merge
  • $project
  • $redact
  • $replaceRoot
  • $replaceWith
  • $sample
  • $search
  • $setWindowFields
  • $skip
  • $sort
  • $sortByCount
  • $unionWith
  • $unset
  • $unwind
  • Support for $densify , $fill , $merge , $replaceWith , $search , $set , $setWindowFields , $unionWith , and $unset was added in Doctrine MongoDB ODM 2.6. Please consult the MongoDB documentation to ensure that the pipeline stage is available in the MongoDB version you are using.


    Adds new fields to documents. $addFields outputs documents that contain all existing fields from the input documents and newly added fields.

    The $addFields stage is equivalent to a $project stage that explicitly specifies all existing fields in the input documents and adds the new fields.

    You can also pass expressions as arrays:

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->addFields() ->field('purchaseYear') ->year('$purchaseDate');

    This allows usage of any expression operators introduced by MongoDB, even if Doctrine ODM does not yet wrap it with convenience methods.

    You can see all available expression operators at MongoDB documentation here.


    Categorizes incoming documents into groups, called buckets, based on a specified expression and bucket boundaries.

    Each bucket is represented as a document in the output. The document for each bucket contains an _id field, whose value specifies the inclusive lower bound of the bucket and a count field that contains the number of documents in the bucket. The count field is included by default when the output is not specified.

    $bucket only produces output documents for buckets that contain at least one input document.

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->addFields() ->field('purchaseYear') ->expression(['$year' => '$purchaseDate']) ->field('multiply') ->expression(['$multiply' => ['$price', 2 ] ]);
    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->bucket() ->groupBy('$itemCount') ->boundaries(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, '5+') ->defaultBucket('5+') ->output() ->field('lowestValue') ->min('$value') ->field('highestValue') ->max('$value')


    Similar to $bucket, except that boundaries are automatically determined in an attempt to evenly distribute the documents into the specified number of buckets.

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->bucketAuto() ->groupBy('$itemCount') ->buckets(5) ->output() ->field('lowestValue') ->min('$value') ->field('highestValue') ->max('$value')


    The $collStats stage returns statistics regarding a collection or view.


    Returns a document that contains a count of the number of documents input to the stage.

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->match() ->field('itemCount') ->eq(1) ->count('numSingleItemOrders')

    The example above returns a single document with the numSingleItemOrders containing the number of orders found.


    Creates new documents in a sequence of documents where certain values in a field are missing. You can use $densify to fill gaps in time series data, add missing values between groups of data, or to populate your data with a specified range of values. Taking the partition example from the $densify documentation, this is how you would create the pipeline from the example with the aggregation builder:

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Coffee::class); $builder ->densify() ->field('altitude') ->partitionByFields('variety') ->range('full', 200)


    Processes multiple aggregation pipelines within a single stage on the same set of input documents. Each sub-pipeline has its own field in the output document where its results are stored as an array of documents.

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->facet() ->field('groupedByItemCount') ->pipeline( $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class)->group() ->field('id') ->expression('$itemCount') ->field('lowestValue') ->min('$value') ->field('highestValue') ->max('$value') ->field('totalValue') ->sum('$value') ->field('averageValue') ->avg('$value') ->field('groupedByYear') ->pipeline( $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class)->group() ->field('id') ->year('purchaseDate') ->field('lowestValue') ->min('$value') ->field('highestValue') ->max('$value') ->field('totalValue') ->sum('$value') ->field('averageValue') ->avg('$value')


    The $fill stage populates null and missing field values within documents. You can use $fill to populate missing data points in a sequence based on surrounding values, or with a fixed value.

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\StockPrice::class); $builder ->fill() ->sortBy('time', 1) ->output() ->field('price')->linear()

    For each field in the output, you can use linear to use linear interpolation based on the surrounding values, locf to carry forward the last observed value, or value to specify an expression that returns the value for the field:

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\StockPrice::class); $builder ->fill() ->sortBy('time', 1) ->output() ->field('interpolated')->linear() ->field('lastValue')->locf() ->field('fixedValue')->value('foo') ->field('computedValue')->value( $builder->expr()->multiply('$someField', 5),


    The $geoNear stage finds and outputs documents in order of nearest to farthest from a specified point.

    1<?php $builder = $this->dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\City::class); $builder ->geoNear(120, 40) ->spherical(true) ->distanceField('distance') // Convert radians to kilometers (use 3963.192 for miles) ->distanceMultiplier(6378.137);

    The $geoNear stage must be the first stage in the pipeline and the collection must contain a single geospatial index. You must include the distanceField option for the stage to work.


    Performs a recursive search on a collection, with options for restricting the search by recursion depth and query filter. The $graphLookup stage can be used to resolve association graphs and flatten them into a single list.

    1<?php $builder = $this->dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Traveller::class); $builder ->graphLookup('nearestAirport') ->connectFromField('connections') ->maxDepth(2) ->depthField('numConnections') ->alias('destinations');

    The target document of the reference used in connectFromField must be the very same document. The aggregation builder will throw an exception if you try to resolve a different document.

    Due to a limitation in MongoDB, the $graphLookup stage can not be used with references that are stored as DBRef. To use references in a $graphLookup stage, store the reference as ID or ref. This is explained in the Reference mapping chapter.


    The $group stage is used to do calculations based on previously matched documents:


    The $indexStats stage returns statistics regarding the use of each index for the collection. More information can be found in the official Documentation

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->match() ->field('user') ->references($user) ->group() ->field('id') ->expression( $builder->expr() ->field('month') ->month('purchaseDate') ->field('year') ->year('purchaseDate') ->field('numPurchases') ->sum(1) ->field('amount') ->sum('$amount');

    The $lookup stage was introduced in MongoDB 3.2. Using it on older servers will result in an error.

    The $lookup stage is used to fetch documents from different collections in pipeline stages. Take the following relationship for example:

    1<?php * @ReferenceMany( * targetDocument=Documents\Item::class, * cascade="all", * storeAs="id" private $items;

    In MongoDB 3.2, the resulting array will be empty for a one-to-many relationship, you need to unwind your field at first and use a group stage afterwards.

    The resulting array will contain all matched item documents in an array. This has to be considered when looking up one-to-one relationships:

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->lookup('items') ->alias('items');
    1<?php * @ReferenceOne( * targetDocument=Documents\Item::class, * cascade="all", * storeAs="id" private $items;

    MongoDB will always return an array, even if the lookup only returned a single document. Thus, when looking up one-to-one references the result must be flattened using the $unwind operator.

    Looking up a reference nested in an embedded document (like ->lookup('embedDoc.refDocs')) is not supported. You'll need to make your lookup as if your Reference was not mapped See below for more.

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->lookup('user') ->alias('user') ->unwind('$user');

    Due to a limitation in MongoDB, the $lookup stage can not be used with references that are stored as DBRef. To use references in a $lookup stage, store the reference as ID or ref. This is explained in the Reference mapping chapter.

    You can also configure your lookup manually if you don't have it mapped in your document:


    The $match stage lets you filter documents according to certain criteria. It works just like the query builder:

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->lookup('unmappedCollection') ->localField('_id') ->foreignField('userId') ->alias('items');

    You can also use fields defined in previous stages:

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->match() ->field('purchaseDate') ->gte($from) ->lt($to) ->field('user') ->references($user);


    The $merge stage is used to write the results of an aggregation pipeline to a collection. Unlike the $out stage, this stage does not replace the entire output collection, but lets you define how to handle conflicts or missing data in the output collection. $merge must be the last stage in an aggregation pipeline.

    The following pipeline uses the $merge pipeline stage to aggregate orders that were created after the last aggregation run (tracked separately in the $lastAggregateRunAt variable) and updates the monthlyOrderStats collection to account for latest data.

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->project() ->excludeFields(['_id']) ->includeFields(['purchaseDate', 'user']) ->field('purchaseYear') ->year('$purchaseDate') ->match() ->field('purchaseYear') ->equals(2016);
    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->match() ->field('purchaseDate')->gte($lastAggregateRunAt) ->group() ->field('_id') ->expression( $builder->expr() ->field('month') ->month('purchaseDate') ->field('year') ->year('purchaseDate') ->field('count')->countDocuments() ->field('totalAmount')->sum('$amount') ->set() ->field('year')->value('$_id.year') ->field('month')->value('$_id.month') ->unset('_id') ->merge() ->into('monthlyOrderStats') ->on('year', 'month') ->whenMatched('replace') ->whenNotMatched('insert')

    The on builder method tells the merge stage which fields to use to match documents in the output collection. The output collection needs to have a unique index on the fields specified in the on method. The whenMatched and whenNotMatched methods define how to handle conflicts or missing data in the output collection. For more information on the available options, see the MongoDB documentation.

    The $out stage is used to store the result of the aggregation pipeline in a collection instead of returning an iterable cursor of results. This must be the last stage in an aggregation pipeline.

    If the collection specified by the $out operation already exists, then upon completion of the aggregation, the existing collection is atomically replaced. Any indexes that existed on the collection are left intact. If the aggregation fails, the $out operation does not remove the data from an existing collection.

    The aggregation pipeline will fail to complete if the result would violate any unique index constraints, including those on the _id field.


    The $project stage lets you reshape the current document or define a completely new one:


    The redact stage can be used to restrict the contents of the documents based on information stored in the documents themselves. You can read more about the $redact stage in the MongoDB documentation.

    The following example taken from the official documentation checks the level field on all document levels and evaluates it to grant or deny access:

    _id: 1, level: 1, acct_id: "xyz123", cc: { level: 5, type: "yy", num: 000000000000, exp_date: ISODate("2015-11-01T00:00:00.000Z"), billing_addr: { level: 5, addr1: "123 ABC Street", city: "Some City" shipping_addr: [ level: 3, addr1: "987 XYZ Ave", city: "Some City" level: 3, addr1: "PO Box 0123", city: "Some City" status: "A"
    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->project() ->excludeFields(['_id']) ->includeFields(['purchaseDate', 'user']) ->field('purchaseYear') ->year('$purchaseDate');
    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->redact() ->cond( $builder->expr()->gte('$$level', 5), '$$PRUNE', '$$DESCEND'


    Promotes a specified document to the top level and replaces all other fields. The operation replaces all existing fields in the input document, including the _id field. You can promote an existing embedded document to the top level, or create a new document for promotion.


    Replaces the input document with the specified document. This stage is an alias for the $replaceRoot stage.


    The sample stage can be used to randomly select a subset of documents in the aggregation pipeline. It behaves like the $limit stage, but instead of returning the first n documents it returns n random documents.


    The $search stage performs a full-text search on the specified field or fields which must be covered by an Atlas Search index. This stage is only available when using MongoDB Atlas. $search must be the first stage in the aggregation pipeline.

    The following example documents basic usage of the $search stage. Due to the number of available operators, please refer to the MongoDB documentation for a reference of all available operators.

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->replaceRoot('$embeddedField'); $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->replaceRoot() ->field('averagePricePerItem') ->divide('$value', '$itemCount');
    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\BlogPosts::class); $builder ->search() ->text() ->query('MongoDB', 'ODM', 'Aggregation') ->fields('title', 'content')

    Adds new fields to documents. The $set stage is an alias for the $addFields stage.


    The $setWindowFields performs operations on a specified span of documents in a collection and returns the results based on the chosen window operator. For example, $setWindowFields can be used to calculate the difference in a value between two documents in a collection.

    The following example uses the $setWindowFields stage to obtain a cumulative sales quantity for each year:

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->set() ->field('purchaseYear') ->year('$purchaseDate');
    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\InfectionNumbers::class); $builder ->setWindowFields() ->partitionBy($builder->expr()->year('$purchaseDate')) ->sortBy('purchaseDate', 1) ->output() ->field('cumulativeQuantityForYear') ->sum('$quantity') ->window(['unbounded', 'current'])

    $sort, $limit and $skip

    The $sort, $limit and $skip stages behave like the corresponding query options, allowing you to control the order and subset of results returned by the aggregation pipeline.


    Groups incoming documents based on the value of a specified expression, then computes the count of documents in each distinct group.

    Each output document contains two fields: an _id field containing the distinct grouping value, and a count field containing the number of documents belonging to that grouping or category.

    The documents are sorted by count in descending order.

    The example above is equivalent to the following pipeline:

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder->sortByCount('$items');
    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->group() ->field('_id') ->expression('$items') ->field('count') ->sum(1) ->sort(['count' => -1])


    $unionWith combines the results of two or more pipelines into a single result set. The stage outputs the combined result set (including duplicates) to the next stage.

    1<?php // Create a pipeline to apply within the union $unionBuilder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Warehouse::class); $unionBuilder ->project() ->excludeFields(['_id']) ->includeFields(['location']); $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Supplier::class); $builder ->project() ->excludeFields(['_id']) ->includeFields(['location']) ->unionWith(\Documents\Warehouse::class) // Directly filter documents from the unioned collection ->pipeline($unionBuilder)


    Removes fields from documents. The $unset stage is an alias for the $project stage that removes fields.

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->unset('customer', 'shippingAddress.street', 'billingAddress.street')

    The above example is equivalent to the following pipeline using $project:

    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\Orders::class); $builder ->project() ->excludeFields(['customer', 'shippingAddress.street', 'billingAddress.street'])


    The $unwind stage flattens an array in a document, returning a copy for each item. Take this sample document:

    _id: { month: 1, year: 2016 purchaseDates: [ '2016-01-07', '2016-03-10', '2016-06-25'

    To flatten the purchaseDates array, we would apply the following pipeline stage:

    The stage would return three documents, each containing a single purchase date:

    _id: { month: 1, year: 2016 purchaseDates: '2016-01-07' _id: { month: 1, year: 2016 purchaseDates: '2016-03-10' _id: { month: 1, year: 2016 purchaseDates: '2016-06-25'
    1<?php $builder = $dm->createAggregationBuilder(\Documents\User::class); $builder->unwind('$purchaseDates');