  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接


1. 日期转时间戳(to_unixtime)

  • 官方文档

to_unixtime (_timestamp_) → double
Returns timestamp as a UNIX timestamp.

返回时间戳转换成UNIX 时间戳格式。

  • 实例
select to_unixtime(cast ('2020-02-03 22:22:22.022' as timestamp))  
  • 运行结果


2. 时间戳转日期时间

2.1 from_unixtime

  • 官方文档:

from_unixtime (_unixtime_) → timestamp
Returns the UNIX timestamp unixtime as a timestamp.
from_unixtime (_unixtime_, _string_) → timestamp with time zone
Returns the UNIX timestamp unixtime as a timestamp with time zone using string for the time zone.
from_unixtime (_unixtime_, _hours_, _minutes_) → timestamp with time zone
Returns the UNIX timestamp unixtime as a timestamp with time zone using hours and minutes for the time zone offset.

  • 实例
select from_unixtime(1580739742.022)
select from_unixtime(1580739742.022,'US/Pacific')
select from_unixtime(1580739742.022,8,00)
  • 运行结果


2.2 format_datetime

  • 官方文档

format_datetime (_timestamp_, _format_) → varchar
Formats timestamp as a string using format . **


  • 实例
select format_datetime(from_unixtime(1.580739742022E9) ,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.mmm')
select format_datetime(from_unixtime(1.580739742022E9) ,'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.mmm')
select format_datetime(from_unixtime(1580739742022/1000) ,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
  • 运行结果



3.1 date_add

  • 官方文档

date_add (_unit_, _value_, _timestamp_) → [same as input]
Adds an interval value of type unit to timestamp . Subtraction can be performed by using a negative value.
加减相应单位的间隔时间 算出新的时间戳,通过加负值的方式实现减法计算

  • 实例
select date_add('hour', -2, cast ('2020-02-03 22:22:22.022' as timestamp))
  • 运行结果


3.2 date_diff


  • 官方文档

date_diff (_unit_, _timestamp1_, _timestamp2_) → bigint

Returns timestamp2 - timestamp1 expressed in terms of unit .

  • 实例
select date_diff('hour', cast ('2020-02-01 22:22:22' as timestamp) , cast ('2020-02-03 22:22:22' as timestamp))
  • 运行结果


3.3 presto 时间单位参数表

The functions in this section support the following interval units:

Unit 单位 Description 单位解释
millisecond Milliseconds 毫秒
second Seconds 秒
minute Minutes 分钟
hour Hours 小时
day Days 天
week Weeks 周
month Months 月
quarter Quarters of a year 季度
year Years 年


Date and Time Operators

| Operator | Example | Result |

+ date '2012-08-08' + interval '2' day 2012-08-10
+ time '01:00' + interval '3' hour 04:00:00.000
+ timestamp '2012-08-08 01:00' + interval '29' hour 2012-08-09 06:00:00.000
+ timestamp '2012-10-31 01:00' + interval '1' month 2012-11-30 01:00:00.000
+ interval '2' day + interval '3' hour 2 03:00:00.000
+ interval '3' year + interval '5' month 3-5
- date '2012-08-08' - interval '2' day 2012-08-06
- time '01:00' - interval '3' hour 22:00:00.000
- timestamp '2012-08-08 01:00' - interval '29' hour 2012-08-06 20:00:00.000
- timestamp '2012-10-31 01:00' - interval '1' month 2012-09-30 01:00:00.000
- interval '2' day - interval '3' hour 1 21:00:00.000
- interval '3' year - interval '5' month 2-7


1. 拼接

1.1 concat

  • 官方文档

concat (_string1_, _..._, _stringN_) → varchar
Returns the concatenation of string1 , string2 , ... , stringN . This function provides the same functionality as the SQL-standard concatenation operator ( || )
返回 多个字符串的拼接结果,类似SQL里的 || 运算结果。

  • 实例
-- 多字符串拼接
select concat('too',' ','young,',' ','too',' ','simple')
  • 运行结果


2. 截取

2.1 substr

  • 官方文档

substr (_string_, _start_) → varchar
Returns the rest of string from the starting position start . Positions start with 1 . A negative starting position is interpreted as being relative to the end of the string.
substr (_string_, _start_, _length_) → varchar
Returns a substring from string of length length from the starting position start . Positions start with 1 . A negative starting position is interpreted as being relative to the end of the string.

  • 实例
-- 截取字符串,第一个参数为目标字符串,第二个参数的是开始位
select substr('Too young, too simple!',11)
-- 截取字符串,第一个参数为目标字符串,第二个参数的是开始位,第三个参数为截取字符长度
select substr('Too young, too simple!',5,5)
  • 运行结果


3. 替换

3.1 replace

  • 官方文档

replace (_string_, _search_) → varchar
Removes all instances of search from string .
replace (_string_, _search_, _replace_) → varchar
Replaces all instances of search with replace in string .
If search is an empty string, inserts replace in front of every character and at the end of the string .

  • 实例
-- 删除相应字符
select replace('Too young, too simple!',' ')
-- 替换字符
select replace('Too young, too simple!',' ','-')
  • 运行结果


4. 分割

4.1 split

  • 官方文档

split (_string_, _delimiter) -> array(varchar_)
Splits string on delimiter and returns an array.
split (_string_, _delimiter_, _limit) -> array(varchar_)
Splits string on delimiter and returns an array of size at most limit . The last element in the array always contain everything left in the string . limit must be a positive number.

  • 实例
-- 分割字符
select split('Too young, too simple!',' ')
-- 按设定长度分割字符
select split('Too young, too simple!',' ',3)
  • 运行结果


4.2 split_part

  • 官方文档

split_part (_string_, _delimiter_, _index_) → varchar
Splits string on delimiter and returns the field index . Field indexes start with 1 . If the index is larger than than the number of fields, then null is returned.

  • 实例
-- 分割字符,并返回对应index的字符串
select split_part('Too young, too simple!',' ',4)
  • 运行结果



1. 包含关系判断

1.1 regexp_like

  • 官方文档

regexp_like (_string_, _pattern_) → boolean
Evaluates the regular expression pattern and determines if it is contained within string .
This function is similar to the LIKE operator, except that the pattern only needs to be contained within string , rather than needing to match all of string . In other words, this performs a contains operation rather than a match operation. You can match the entire string by anchoring the pattern using ^ and $

对字符串是否含有对应片段进行判断,返回对应的布尔值。这个函数类似 LIKE 判断,但与之不同的只要包含在字符串中即可,而不是完美匹配字符串。简而言之,这个函数用于检测包含而不是匹配操作。你可以通过^和$符号的限定来匹配整个字符串。

  • 实例
select regexp_like('Too young, too simple!', 'simple')
  • 运行结果


2. 提取

2.1 regexp_extract

  • 官方文档

regexp_extract (_string_, _pattern_) → varchar
Returns the first substring matched by the regular expression pattern in string :


  • 实例
select regexp_extract('too young, too simple!', 'too')
  • 官方文档

regexp_extract (_string_, _pattern_, _group_) → varchar
Finds the first occurrence of the regular expression pattern in string and returns the capturing group number group

  • 实例
select regexp_extract('2020-02-05','(\d{4})-((\d{2})-(\d{2}))',2)
组编号 捕获组 匹配
0 (\d{4})-((\d{2})-(\d{2})) 2020-02-05
1 (\d{4}) 2020
2 ((\d{2})-(\d{2})) 02-05
3 (\d{2}) 02
4 (\d{2}) 05

2.2 regexp_extract_all

和 regexp_extract 类似,返回匹配的所有子串。

regexp_extract_all (_string_, _pattern) -> array(varchar_)
Returns the substring(s) matched by the regular expression pattern in string :
SELECT regexp_extract_all('1a 2b 14m', 'd+'); -- [1, 2, 14]
regexp_extract_all (_string_, _pattern_, _group) -> array(varchar_)
Finds all occurrences of the regular expression pattern in string and returns the capturing group number group :
SELECT regexp_extract_all('1a 2b 14m', '(d+)([a-z]+)', 2); -- ['a', 'b', 'm']

  • 实例
select regexp_extract_all('2020-02-05','-\d{2}') as result
  • 运行结果


3. 替换

3.1 regexp_replace

  • 官方文档

regexp_replace (_string_, _pattern_) → varchar
Removes every instance of the substring matched by the regular expression pattern from string


regexp_replace (_string_, _pattern_, _replacement_) → varchar
Replaces every instance of the substring matched by the regular expression pattern in string with replacement . Capturing groups can be referenced in replacement using $g for a numbered group or ${name} for a named group. A dollar sign ( $ ) may be included in the replacement by escaping it with a backslash ( \$ ):


  • 实例
select regexp_replace('2020-02-05','-\d{2}','/01') as result
select regexp_replace('2020-02-05','(\d{4})-((\d{2})-(\d{2}))','$4') as result
  • 运行结果


4. 分割

4.1 regexp_split

  • 官方文档

regexp_split (_string_, _pattern) -> array(varchar_)
Splits string using the regular expression pattern and returns an array. Trailing empty strings are preserved


  • 实例
SELECT regexp_split('1a2b3c6f', '[a-z]') as result
  • 运行结果
