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忐忑的眼镜  ·  ctypes: Get full ...·  2 天前    · 
爱搭讪的红金鱼  ·  c_char array value ...·  2 天前    · 
乐观的洋葱  ·  [RESOLVED] PDO ...·  4 天前    · 
急躁的吐司  ·  Returning Invalid ...·  6 天前    · 
烦恼的核桃  ·  tRESTClient Usage to ...·  1 周前    · 
忐忑的土豆  ·  setAlternateIconName ...·  7 月前    · 
慷慨大方的跑步鞋  ·  Search·  1 年前    · 
时尚的蜡烛  ·  python ...·  1 年前    · 
Active-active multi-master
  • Latency-optimized geo-partitioning
  • Locality-optimized geo-partitioning
  • Follower reads
  • Read replicas
  • Enable server-to-server encryption
  • Enable client-to-server encryption
  • Connect to clusters
  • TLS and authentication
  • Encryption at rest
  • Column-level encryption
  • Replace a failed YB-Master
  • Manual remote bootstrap of failed peer
  • Recover YB-TServer from crash loop
  • Performance issues
  • Temp schema-objects of all kinds
  • Globality of metadata and privacy of use of temp objects
  • Paradigm for creating temporary objects
  • Recursive CTE
  • Case study: traversing an employee hierarchy Traversing general graphs Bacon numbers for synthetic data
  • Bacon numbers for IMDb data
  • Transaction model for top-level SQL statements
  • Names and identifiers
  • Name resolution in top-level SQL
  • Cursors
  • Invocation syntax and semantics
  • Grouping sets, rollup, cube
  • array_agg(), string_agg(), jsonb_agg(), jsonb_object_agg()
  • bit_and(), bit_or(), bool_and(), bool_or()
  • variance(), var_pop(), var_samp(), stddev(), stddev_pop(), stddev_samp()
  • mode(), percentile_disc(), percentile_cont()
  • rank(), dense_rank(), percent_rank(), cume_dist()
  • Case study: percentile_cont() and the "68–95–99.7" rule Case study: linear regression on COVID data Inspect the COVIDcast data
  • Copy the .csv files to staging tables
  • Check staged data conforms to the rules
  • Join the staged data into a single table
  • Create assert_assumptions_ok()
  • Create xform_to_covidcast_fb_survey_results()
  • ingest-the-data.sql
  • Data for scatter-plot for 21-Oct-2020
  • Scatter-plot for 21-Oct-2020
  • percent_rank(), cume_dist() and ntile()
  • first_value(), nth_value(), last_value()
  • lag(), lead()
  • Name resolution in subprograms
  • The "pg_proc" catalog table
  • array_fill()
  • array_position(), array_positions()
  • array_remove()
  • array_replace() / set value
  • array_to_string()
  • string_to_array()
  • Binary
  • Boolean
  • Character
  • 2 ~names.abbrev never searched
  • 3 'set timezone' string not resolved in ~abbrevs.abbrev
  • 4 ~abbrevs.abbrev before ~names.name
  • Helper functions
  • Syntax contexts for offset
  • Recommended practice
  • Typecasting between date-time and text-values
  • Interval-interval addition and subtraction
  • Interval-number multiplication
  • Moment-moment overloads of "-"
  • Moment-interval overloads of "+" and "-"
  • Custom interval domains
  • Interval utility functions
  • Typecasting between date-time data types
  • Function extract() | date_part()
  • Implementations that model the overlaps operator
  • Formatting functions
  • Case study: SQL stopwatch Download & install the date-time utilities
  • jsonb_extract_path()
  • jsonb_extract_path_text() and json_extract_path_text()
  • jsonb_object()
  • jsonb_object_agg()
  • jsonb_object_keys()
  • jsonb_populate_record()
  • jsonb_populate_recordset()
  • jsonb_pretty()
  • jsonb_set() and jsonb_insert()
  • jsonb_strip_nulls()
  • jsonb_to_record()
  • jsonb_to_recordset()
  • jsonb_typeof()
  • row_to_json()
  • to_jsonb()
  • Money
  • Numeric
  • Range
  • Serial
  • Keywords
  • Reserved names