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Connect to a SQL database with credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret - AWS Secrets Manager

Connect to a SQL database with credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret

In Java applications, you can use the Secrets Manager SQL Connection drivers to connect to MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MSSQLServer databases using credentials stored in Secrets Manager. Each driver wraps the base JDBC driver, so you can use JDBC calls to access your database. However, instead of passing a username and password for the connection, you provide the ID of a secret. The driver calls Secrets Manager to retrieve the secret value, and then uses the credentials in the secret to connect to the database. The driver also caches the credentials using the Java client-side caching library , so future connections don't require a call to Secrets Manager. By default, the cache refreshes every hour and also when the secret is rotated. To configure the cache, see SecretCacheConfiguration .

You can download the source code from GitHub .

To use the Secrets Manager SQL Connection drivers:

Your application must be in Java 8 or higher.

Your secret must be one of the following:

If your database is replicated to other Regions, to connect to a replica database in another Region, you specify the regional endpoint and port when you create the connection. You can store regional connection information in the secret as extra key/value pairs, in SSM Parameter Store parameters, or in your code configuration.

To add the driver to your project, in your Maven build file pom.xml , add the following dependency for the driver. For more information, see Secrets Manager SQL Connection Library on the Maven Central Repository website.

<dependency> <groupId>com.amazonaws.secretsmanager</groupId> <artifactId>aws-secretsmanager-jdbc</artifactId> <version>1.0.8</version> </dependency>

The driver uses the default credential provider chain . If you run the driver on Amazon EKS, it might pick up the credentials of the node it is running on instead of the service account role. To address this, add version 1 of com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-sts to your Gradle or Maven project file as a dependency.

To set an AWS PrivateLink DNS endpoint URL and a region in the secretsmanager.properties file:

drivers.vpcEndpointUrl = endpoint URL drivers.vpcEndpointRegion = endpoint region

To override the primary region, set the AWS_SECRET_JDBC_REGION environment variable or make the following change to the secretsmanager.properties file:

drivers.region = region

Establish a connection to a database

The following example shows how to establish a connection to a database using the credentials and connection information in a secret. Once you have the connection, you can use JDBC calls to access the database. For more information, see JDBC Basics on the Java documentation website.

// Load the JDBC driver Class.forName( "com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerMySQLDriver" ).newInstance(); // Retrieve the connection info from the secret String URL = "secretId"; // Populate the user property with the secret ARN to retrieve user and password from the secret Properties info = new Properties( ); info.put( "user", "secretId" ); // Establish the connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, info);
// Load the JDBC driver Class.forName( "com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerPostgreSQLDriver" ).newInstance(); // Retrieve the connection info from the secret String URL = "secretId"; // Populate the user property with the secret ARN to retrieve user and password from the secret Properties info = new Properties( ); info.put( "user", "secretId" ); // Establish the connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, info);
// Load the JDBC driver Class.forName( "com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerOracleDriver" ).newInstance(); // Retrieve the connection info from the secret String URL = "secretId"; // Populate the user property with the secret ARN to retrieve user and password from the secret Properties info = new Properties( ); info.put( "user", "secretId" ); // Establish the connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, info);
// Load the JDBC driver Class.forName( "com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerMSSQLServerDriver" ).newInstance(); // Retrieve the connection info from the secret String URL = "secretId"; // Populate the user property with the secret ARN to retrieve user and password from the secret Properties info = new Properties( ); info.put( "user", "secretId" ); // Establish the connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, info);

Establish a connection by specifying the endpoint and port

The following example shows how to establish a connection to a database using the credentials in a secret with an endpoint and port that you specify.

Amazon RDS managed secrets don't include the endpoint and port of the database. To connect to a database using master credentials in a secret that's managed by Amazon RDS, you specify them in your code.

Secrets that are replicated to other Regions can improve latency for the connection to the regional database, but they do not contain different connection information from the source secret. Each replica is a copy of the source secret. To store regional connection information in the secret, add more key/value pairs for the endpoint and port information for the Regions.

Once you have the connection, you can use JDBC calls to access the database. For more information, see JDBC Basics on the Java documentation website.

// Load the JDBC driver Class.forName( "com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerMySQLDriver" ).newInstance(); // Set the endpoint and port. You can also retrieve it from a key/value pair in the secret. String URL = "jdbc-secretsmanager:mysql://example.com:3306"; // Populate the user property with the secret ARN to retrieve user and password from the secret Properties info = new Properties( ); info.put( "user", "secretId" ); // Establish the connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, info);
// Load the JDBC driver Class.forName( "com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerPostgreSQLDriver" ).newInstance(); // Set the endpoint and port. You can also retrieve it from a key/value pair in the secret. String URL = "jdbc-secretsmanager:postgresql://example.com:5432/database"; // Populate the user property with the secret ARN to retrieve user and password from the secret Properties info = new Properties( ); info.put( "user", "secretId" ); // Establish the connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, info);
// Load the JDBC driver Class.forName( "com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerOracleDriver" ).newInstance(); // Set the endpoint and port. You can also retrieve it from a key/value pair in the secret. String URL = "jdbc-secretsmanager:oracle:thin:@example.com:1521/ORCL"; // Populate the user property with the secret ARN to retrieve user and password from the secret Properties info = new Properties( ); info.put( "user", "secretId" ); // Establish the connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, info);
// Load the JDBC driver Class.forName( "com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerMSSQLServerDriver" ).newInstance(); // Set the endpoint and port. You can also retrieve it from a key/value pair in the secret. String URL = "jdbc-secretsmanager:sqlserver://example.com:1433"; // Populate the user property with the secret ARN to retrieve user and password from the secret Properties info = new Properties( ); info.put( "user", "secretId" ); // Establish the connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, info);

Use c3p0 connection pooling to establish a connection

The following example shows how to establish a connection pool with a c3p0.properties file that uses the driver to retrieve credentials and connection information from the secret. For user and jdbcUrl , enter the secret ID to configure the connection pool. Then you can retrieve connections from the pool and use them as any other database connections. For more information, see JDBC Basics on the Java documentation website.

For more information about c3p0, see c3p0 on the Machinery For Change website.

c3p0.user=secretId c3p0.driverClass=com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerMySQLDriver c3p0.jdbcUrl=secretId
c3p0.user=secretId c3p0.driverClass=com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerPostgreSQLDriver c3p0.jdbcUrl=secretId
c3p0.user=secretId c3p0.driverClass=com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerOracleDriver c3p0.jdbcUrl=secretId
c3p0.user=secretId c3p0.driverClass=com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerMSSQLServerDriver c3p0.jdbcUrl=secretId

Use c3p0 connection pooling to establish a connection by specifying the endpoint and port

The following example shows how to establish a connection pool with a c3p0.properties file that uses the the driver to retrieve credentials in a secret with an endpoint and port that you specify. Then you can retrieve connections from the pool and use them as any other database connections. For more information, see JDBC Basics on the Java documentation website.

Amazon RDS managed secrets don't include the endpoint and port of the database. To connect to a database using master credentials in a secret that's managed by Amazon RDS, you specify them in your code.

Secrets that are replicated to other Regions can improve latency for the connection to the regional database, but they do not contain different connection information from the source secret. Each replica is a copy of the source secret. To store regional connection information in the secret, add more key/value pairs for the endpoint and port information for the Regions.

c3p0.user=secretId c3p0.driverClass=com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerMySQLDriver c3p0.jdbcUrl=jdbc-secretsmanager:mysql://example.com:3306
c3p0.user=secretId c3p0.driverClass=com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerPostgreSQLDriver c3p0.jdbcUrl=jdbc-secretsmanager:postgresql://example.com:5432/database
c3p0.user=secretId c3p0.driverClass=com.amazonaws.secretsmanager.sql.AWSSecretsManagerOracleDriver c3p0.jdbcUrl=jdbc-secretsmanager:oracle:thin:@example.com:1521/ORCL