Private Sub vbMain()
Dim stat As ViStatus
Dim dfltRM
Dim sesn
Dim retCount
Dim idnResult
Dim resultBuffer
As ViSession
As ViSession
As Long
As String * 72
As String * 256
Rem Open Default Resource Manager
stat = viOpenDefaultRM(dfltRM)
If (stat < VI_SUCCESS) Then
Rem Error initializing VISA...exiting
Exit Sub
End If
Rem Open communication with GPIB Device at Primary Addr 1
Rem NOTE: For simplicity, we will not show error checking
stat = viOpen(dfltRM, "GPIB::1::INSTR", VI_NULL, VI_NULL, sesn)
Rem Initialize the timeout attribute to 10 s
stat = viSetAttribute(sesn, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, 10000)
Rem Set termination character to carriage return (\r=0x0D)
stat = viSetAttribute(sesn, VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR, &H0D)
stat = viSetAttribute(sesn, VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN, VI_TRUE)
Rem Don't assert END on the last byte
stat = viSetAttribute(sesn, VI_ATTR_SEND_END_EN, VI_FALSE)
Rem Clear the device
stat = viClear(sesn)
Rem Request the IEEE 488.2 identification information
stat = viWrite(sesn, "*IDN?", 5, retCount)
stat = viRead(sesn, idnResult, 72, retCount)
Rem Your code should use idnResult and retCount to parse device info
Rem Trigger the device for an instrument reading
stat = viAssertTrigger(sesn, VI_TRIG_PROT_DEFAULT)
Rem Receive results
stat = viRead(sesn, resultBuffer, 256, retCount)
Rem Close sessions
stat = viClose (sesn)
stat = viClose (dfltRM)
End Sub