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From : Chris Smith < chris.smith_at_intelliflo.com > Date : Mon, 10 Sep 2012 08:29:29 -0700 (PDT)
One of our developers has come across an issue when trying to apply a patch with TortoiseMerge.

When TortoiseMerge is launched after using the Apply Patch option in the explorer context menu, it starts up TortoiseMerge and immediate displays and empty error message box (see attachment). As you can imagine, this isn't all that helpful :-)

I've tried to create a stand alone test case for this but I cannot get it to fail in this way. I can't reveal our WC or source either unfortunately.

It occurs on two separate computers from clean check outs. Both are Windows 7 X64, using TSVN 1.7.9 X64.

The scenario is creating a patch from one feature branch and applying to another feature branch.

I'll provide any info that I can on request.

Any help appreciated.

------------------------------------------------------ http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/ds/viewMessage.do?dsForumId=757&dsMessageId=3004808

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