  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
class napari.qt. QtViewerButtons ( viewer : ViewerModel ) [source]

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QFrame

Button controls for the napari viewer.


viewer ( napari.components.ViewerModel ) – Napari viewer containing the rendered scene, layers, and controls.

pyqtConfigure (...)

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal.

raise_ (self)

receivers (self, PYQT_SIGNAL)

rect (self)

releaseKeyboard (self)

releaseMouse (self)

releaseShortcut (self, int)

removeAction (self, QAction)

removeEventFilter (self, QObject)

render (, sourceRegion, flags, ...)

repaint (-> None  -> None)

resize ()

resizeEvent (self, QResizeEvent)

restoreGeometry (self, Union[QByteArray, ...)

saveGeometry (self)

screen (self)

scroll ()

sender (self)

senderSignalIndex (self)

setAcceptDrops (self, bool)

setAccessibleDescription (self, str)

setAccessibleName (self, str)

setAttribute (self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on)

setAutoFillBackground (self, bool)

setBackgroundRole (self, QPalette.ColorRole)

setBaseSize ()

setContentsMargins ()

setContextMenuPolicy (self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)

setCursor (self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])

setDisabled (self, bool)

setEnabled (self, bool)

setFixedHeight (self, int)

setFixedSize ()

setFixedWidth (self, int)

setFocus ()

setFocusPolicy (self, Qt.FocusPolicy)

setFocusProxy (self, QWidget)

setFont (self, QFont)

setForegroundRole (self, QPalette.ColorRole)

setFrameRect (self, QRect)

setFrameShadow (self, QFrame.Shadow)

setFrameShape (self, QFrame.Shape)

setFrameStyle (self, int)

setGeometry ()

setGraphicsEffect (self, QGraphicsEffect)

setHidden (self, bool)

setInputMethodHints (self, ...)

setLayout (self, QLayout)

setLayoutDirection (self, Qt.LayoutDirection)

setLineWidth (self, int)

setLocale (self, QLocale)

setMask ()

setMaximumHeight (self, int)

setMaximumSize ()

setMaximumWidth (self, int)

setMidLineWidth (self, int)

setMinimumHeight (self, int)

setMinimumSize ()

setMinimumWidth (self, int)

setMouseTracking (self, bool)

setObjectName (self, str)

setPalette (self, QPalette)

setParent ()

setProperty (self, str, Any)

setShortcutAutoRepeat (self, int[, enabled])

setShortcutEnabled (self, int[, enabled])

setSizeIncrement ()

setSizePolicy ()

setStatusTip (self, str)

setStyle (self, QStyle)

setStyleSheet (self, str)

setTabOrder (QWidget, QWidget)

setTabletTracking (self, bool)

setToolTip (self, str)

setToolTipDuration (self, int)

setUpdatesEnabled (self, bool)

setVisible (self, bool)

setWhatsThis (self, str)

setWindowFilePath (self, str)

setWindowFlag (self, Qt.WindowType, on)

setWindowFlags (self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, ...)

setWindowIcon (self, QIcon)

setWindowIconText (self, str)

setWindowModality (self, Qt.WindowModality)

setWindowModified (self, bool)

setWindowOpacity (self, float)

setWindowRole (self, str)

setWindowState (self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, ...)

setWindowTitle (self, str)

sharedPainter (self)

show (self)

showEvent (self, QShowEvent)

showFullScreen (self)

showMaximized (self)

showMinimized (self)

showNormal (self)

signalsBlocked (self)

size (self)

sizeHint (self)

sizeIncrement (self)

sizePolicy (self)

stackUnder (self, QWidget)

startTimer (self, int[, timerType])

statusTip (self)

style (self)

styleSheet (self)

tabletEvent (self, QTabletEvent)

testAttribute (self, Qt.WidgetAttribute)

thread (self)

timerEvent (self, QTimerEvent)

toolTip (self)

toolTipDuration (self)

tr (self, str[, disambiguation, n])

underMouse (self)

ungrabGesture (self, Qt.GestureType)

unsetCursor (self)

unsetLayoutDirection (self)

unsetLocale (self)

update (-> None  -> None)

updateGeometry (self)

updateMicroFocus (self)

updatesEnabled (self)

visibleRegion (self)

whatsThis (self)

wheelEvent (self, QWheelEvent)

width (self)

widthMM (self)

winId (self)

window (self)

windowFilePath (self)

windowFlags (self)

windowHandle (self)

windowIcon (self)

windowIconText (self)

windowModality (self)

windowOpacity (self)

windowRole (self)

windowState (self)

windowTitle (self)

windowType (self)

x (self)

y (self)

class RenderFlags class RenderFlags ( Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] ) None class RenderFlags ( QWidget.RenderFlags ) None

Bases: sip.simplewrapper

findChild ( self , type , name : str = '' , options : Union [ Qt.FindChildOptions , Qt.FindChildOption ] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively ) QObject findChild ( self , Tuple , name : str = '' , options : Union [ Qt.FindChildOptions , Qt.FindChildOption ] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively ) QObject findChildren ( self , type , name : str = '' , options : Union [ Qt.FindChildOptions , Qt.FindChildOption ] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively ) List [ QObject ] findChildren ( self , Tuple , name : str = '' , options : Union [ Qt.FindChildOptions , Qt.FindChildOption ] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively ) List [ QObject ] findChildren ( self , type , QRegExp , options : Union [ Qt.FindChildOptions , Qt.FindChildOption ] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively ) List [ QObject ] findChildren ( self , Tuple , QRegExp , options : Union [ Qt.FindChildOptions , Qt.FindChildOption ] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively ) List [ QObject ] findChildren ( self , type , QRegularExpression , options : Union [ Qt.FindChildOptions , Qt.FindChildOption ] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively ) List [ QObject ] findChildren ( self , Tuple , QRegularExpression , options : Union [ Qt.FindChildOptions , Qt.FindChildOption ] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively ) List [ QObject ] pyqtConfigure ( ... )

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

render ( self , QPaintDevice , targetOffset : QPoint = QPoint() , sourceRegion : QRegion = QRegion() , flags : Union [ QWidget.RenderFlags , QWidget.RenderFlag ] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren) ) render ( self , QPainter , targetOffset : QPoint = QPoint() , sourceRegion : QRegion = QRegion() , flags : Union [ QWidget.RenderFlags , QWidget.RenderFlag ] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren) ) None QtViewerButtons.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None repaint ( self , QRect ) None repaint ( self , QRegion ) None