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try modifying your log4j2-test.xml file to match the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<configuration name="${sys:log_file}" status="warn"
        <property name="rolling_log_file_name"
            value="${sys:log_file}" />
        <property name="app_log_folder"
            value="${rolling_log_file_name}" />
        <property name="app_log_base_directory"
            value="${sys:dtep.logs.home}${sys:file.separator}${app_log_folder}" />
        <property name="console_log_pattern"
            value="%date{yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss} %highlight{%5level} %style{%5processid}{normal, blue} --- [%15thread] %style{%logger{1.}}{normal, cyan} : %message%n%throwable%n" />
        <property name="file_log_pattern"
            value="%date{yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.sss} %5level %5processid --- [%15thread] %logger{1.} : %message%n%throwable%n" />
        <appender type="console" name="console" target="system_out">
            <layout type="patternlayout" pattern="${console_log_pattern}" />
        <appender type="rollingfile" name="rollingfile"
            <layout type="patternlayout" pattern="${file_log_pattern}" />
                <policy type="timebasedtriggeringpolicy" />
                <policy type="sizebasedtriggeringpolicy" size="1kb" />
            <strategy type="defaultrolloverstrategy" fileindex="nomax">
                <delete basepath="${app_log_base_directory}" maxdepth="5"
                        <iflastmodified age="1m">
                                <ifaccumulatedfilesize exceeds="3 kb" />
                                <ifaccumulatedfilecount exceeds="3" />
        <root level="trace">
            <appenderref ref="console">
                    <filter type="thresholdfilter" level="info" onmatch="accept"
                        onmismatch="deny" />
            <appenderref ref="rollingfile">
                    <filter type="thresholdfilter" level="info" onmatch="accept"
                        onmismatch="deny" />
        <asynclogger name="org.springframework" level="info"
            <appenderref ref="console" />
            <appenderref ref="rollingfile" />
        <asynclogger name="org.hibernate" level="info"
            <appenderref ref="console" />
            <appenderref ref="rollingfile" />

i faced this problem while upgrading to log4j 2.17.1 (due to those vulnerabilities). on my project i need to keep springboot 1.5.

i solved it just by placing the log4j2.xml file into the "resources" folder and not at the root folder as it was before. yes, it doesn't make sense. it doesn't need to be a complex xml, as mine is very simple, and doesn't need to have any property related to 'xwex'.

although on internet people say log4j 2.8+ and spring 1.5 are incompatible, it doesn't seem to be the cause of this specific problem.

i discovered it after trying a lot of possibilities, fighting with dependencies and finally getting hopeless and trying everything haha.

springboot1 default log4j.xml use pattern: %xwex is not supported by 2.8+, but we can override the pattern by set environment variable log_exception_conversion_word like: %throwable

public class application {
    public static void main(string[] args) {
        system.setproperty("log_exception_conversion_word", "%throwable");
        springapplication.run(application.class, args);

i think that existing answers are correct but incomplete.

you get that error if both the following conditions occur:

  • you are using an old version of spring-boot with a recent version of log4j2 (not ideal but possible; you are upgrading log4j2 due to "log4shell" vulnerability, right?)
  • you are using the default logging config file provided by spring-boot (it is /org/springframework/boot/logging/log4j2/log4j2.xml in spring-boot-x.x.x.release.jar). this is the real problem.
  • the default config file exists to allow a quick setup of new applications. unfortunately it is not compatible with log4j 2.8+.

    probably you want to use your own configuration and, perhaps, you have already prepared your config file but the application hasn't found it.

    possible solutions:

  • upgrade spring-boot or downgrade log4j2 (downgrading is not recommended, of course).

  • if you really want to use the default cfg (really?), set this environment variable: log_exception_conversion_word=%throwable as suggested by tsingke

  • ensure that your own log4j2.xml or, even better, log4j2-spring.xml is in the classpath or in a path pointed out by the logging.config environment variable (see custom log configuration).

    i have used solution #3.

    side note: if you upgrade log4j but continue using spring-boot 1.x you suffer from other vulnerabilities, so it should be just the first step, even if your boss (or your customer) only cares about log4shell!

    there is an issue reported that says spring boot 1.5 is not compatible with log4j 2.8. https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/9172

    i was getting errors like yours with spring boot 1.5 and log4j 2.8.2, and the errors away when i switched to log4j 2.7

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