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Following Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, China further opens its financial market. The People's Bank of China and Hong Kong Monetary Authority jointly announced on May 16 that a cooperation connecting will be carried out between the Mainland China and Hong Kong. As the bond market in the Mainland China ranks third in the global market that only next to the United State and Japan,the "Bond Connect" can help optimize the interconnection of the Mainland China and Hong Kong in bond market infrastructure and cross-border cooperation, further facilitate the participation of investors in bond market. With the opening of bond market of the Mainland China and reduction of China's regulative measures on flow of capital, it can be expected that the offshore funds investing in the bond market of the Mainland China could have a exponential grow.


Inrecent years, China remainshigh-speed growth in economics, and has made significant achievement in development of bond market,continuously increasing the attractiveness of RMB bond assets. Bloomberg,Citibank and other international bond index providers have announced that China's bondmarket will be included in its bond index,showed that international investors to allocate RMB assets, investment in the mainland bondmarket demand continues to increase. In the early period of "Bond Connect", the "North China Connect" will be firstly connected without limit on investment amount, and the future will be timely research extended to "South China Connect".
The important decision of China attracted international concerns on China's financial market.

Discuss the internationalization of Ren Min Bi from the macro perspective
首席经济学家 Chief Economis

Latest Policies and Impact of Chinese Bond Market
交易所 Exchange
High-level Dialogue : Opportunities and Challenges for the Internationalization of Chinese Bond Market
What risks and challenges does "Bond Connect" have? How to prevent them?
High-level Dialogue:Discuss the investment strategy and direction of China's bond market
End of forum.

Roundtable Dialogue: Chinese dollar debt

圆桌对话:中国绿色债券市场的发展及趋势 Development and Roundtable Dialogue: tendency of Chinese green bond market
Half a day training

Discuss the risks of cross-border investment in bond market and hedge strategies in international perspective
Tea breaks and networking
Buffet lunch and networking

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CGA(ChinaGoAbroad),暨"中国走出去":是第一家中英双语、为跨境商务提供对接和专业咨询服务的会员制平台;CGA建立国际会员联盟体系,加盟方包括中外企业、投资者、政府机构、金融、学术、媒体机构、非营利组织等。通过线下的定制型、保密型专属服务,CGA(及其加盟机构与专家顾问智囊团)为跨境项目和贸易提供投资与合作过程中所需的各领域服务。欲了解更多详情, 请点击此处

ChinaGoAbroad (CGA) is a membership-based matchmaking and advisory service focused on cross-border investments involving China. We specialize in matchmaking trade and investment transactions, crisis management and political risk insurance. Key areas include "Belt and Road" infrastructure, sports and tourism, and agribusiness. For more information, please click here .

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Notice of activities

1、The participants in a formal dress or a business suit to attend.
2、For the convenience of communication participants, the organizers will distribute to different colors according to the badge identity of the guests.
3、In order to ensure the safety and interests of the participants of the meeting, the guests to participate in any activities, including listening to the report of the forum, in exchange, enjoy tea break,the documents are required to wear the uniform. Participants admission certificate (a certificate to a person), every time there is someone who checks the badge.

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The official website of 中国国际债券投资论坛 2017 (China International Bond Investment Forum 2017) .

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