How do you host your website on Google App Engine?

Google App Engine is a powerful platform that lets you build and run applications on Google's infrastructure — whether you need to build a multi-tiered web application from scratch or host a static website. Here's a step-by-step guide to hosting your website on Google App Engine.

Creating a Google Cloud Platform project

To use Google's tools for your own site or app, you need to create a new project on Google Cloud Platform. This requires having a Google account.

  • Go to the App Engine dashboard on the Google Cloud Platform Console and press the Create button.
  • If you've not created a project before, you'll need to select whether you want to receive email updates or not, agree to the Terms of Service, and then you should be able to continue.
  • Enter a name for the project, edit your project ID and note it down. For this tutorial, the following values are used:
  • Project Name: GAE Sample Site
  • Project ID: gaesamplesite
  • Click the Create button to create your project.
  • Creating an application

    Each Cloud Platform project can contain one App Engine application. Let's prepare an app for our project.

  • We'll need a sample application to publish. If you've not got one to use, download and unzip this sample app .
  • Have a look at the sample application's structure — the website folder contains your website content and app.yaml is your application configuration file.
  • Your website content must go inside the website folder, and its landing page must be called index.html , but apart from that it can take whatever form you like.
  • The app.yaml file is a configuration file that tells App Engine how to map URLs to your static files. You don't need to edit it.
  • Publishing your application

    Now that we've got our project made and sample app files collected together, let's publish our app.

  • Open Google Cloud Shell .
  • Drag and drop the sample-app folder into the left pane of the code editor.
  • Run the following in the command line to select your project:


    gcloud config set project gaesamplesite
  • Then run the following command to go to your app's directory:


    cd sample-app
  • You are now ready to deploy your application, i.e. upload your app to App Engine:


    gcloud app deploy