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1- I have an Integer Linear programming problem I solved it using CPLEX solver (mip) with optcr=0 does this provide a local optimal solution or global solution?
If a use BARON (mip) instead will it be able to provide the global optimal solution as it is a deterministic global solver? DO I have to adjust a certain parameter to get the global optimal?
2- I have a problem with quadratic objective function and linear constraints (all decision variables are continuous). So it is a convex problem. I used BARON solver to solve it. Is the solution provided the global optimal solution or do I have to adjust a certain parameter?
Thanks in advance

1- I have an Integer Linear programming problem I solved it using CPLEX solver (mip) with optcr=0 does this provide a local optimal solution or global solution?

A global optimal solution.

If a use BARON (mip) instead will it be able to provide the global optimal solution as it is a deterministic global solver? DO I have to adjust a certain parameter to get the global optimal?

BARON will also find a global optimal solution if you set optcr=0

2- I have a problem with quadratic objective function and linear constraints (all decision variables are continuous). So it is a convex problem. I used BARON solver to solve it. Is the solution provided the global optimal solution or do I have to adjust a certain parameter?

Having a quadratic objective and linear constraints does not necessarily result in a convex problem. Whether it is convex or non-convex. With optcr=0, BARON will find a global optimal solution.
If the problem is convex, you could also solve it with CPLEX (again, with optcr=0 CPLEX will find a global optimal solution)

The cplex and Baron solver manuals may be of interest to you:

I hope this helps!

“best possible” refers to the value of the best bound on the objective function value.

I hope this helps!

The “best bound” column in the CPLEX log refers to the best bound that is known so far. Look for example at the following excerpt of a CPLEX log for a maximization problem.

Nodes                                         Cuts/
   Node  Left     Objective  IInf  Best Integer    Best Bound    ItCnt     Gap
      0     0       29.5688   108                     29.5688      157         
*     0+    0                            8.0000       26.3005           228.76%
Found incumbent of value 8.000000 after 0.17 sec. (210.88 ticks)
Detecting symmetries...
      0     1       26.3005   145        8.0000       26.0000     1780  225.00%
Elapsed time = 0.17 sec. (211.37 ticks, tree = 0.01 MB, solutions = 1)
*   180+  137                           15.0000       26.0000            73.33%
                                                      Cuts: 7                  
Found incumbent of value 15.000000 after 0.33 sec. (450.84 ticks)
    180   139       25.0000    86       15.0000       26.0000     9648   73.33%
    380   298       18.2545    47       15.0000       26.0000    16231   73.33%
                                                     Cuts: 11                  
*   440+  347                           16.0000       25.9814            62.38%
                                                  Impl Bds: 3                  
Found incumbent of value 16.000000 after 0.53 sec. (770.33 ticks)
*   510+  396                           17.0000       25.9437            52.61%
Found incumbent of value 17.000000 after 0.58 sec. (832.62 ticks)
*   517   339      integral     0       18.0000       25.9437    19881   44.13%
Found incumbent of value 18.000000 after 0.58 sec. (835.88 ticks)
    620   428       23.0525    69       18.0000       25.6677    22019   42.60%

Cplex starts with a bound of 29.5688. Now the bound decreases (26.3005, 26.0000, 25.9814 ,…) and the objective value of the best integer solution increases (8.0000, 15.0000, 16.0000) .
This is how the branch and bound algorithm works see e.g. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branch_and_bound).

The CPLEX documentation on how to interpret the node log may also be of interest.

I hope this helps!