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I'm sorry if I missed something. I just installed wireshark on my laptop to practice with. I'm running Opensuse 12.1 and have to admit I'm also rather new to Linux!

I have a problem when trying to play a RTP stream. I'm trying to do the following:

  1. Load capture
  2. Go to telephony -> rtp -> show all streams
  3. I select the stream I want to listen to and click analyze -> player -> decode and play.

It then gives me the following error:

Got this info from PortAudio Library: Default hostApiName: OSS Default devicename: No Device (-1)

Then when I click ok it gives me another popup:

Can not Open Stream in PortAudio Library. Error: invalid sample rate

I can use the "Save Payload" function and save the stream to .au to the file system and play it with VLC.

I did some searching already on google and found that OSS should be ALSA on Linux, I can't find how to change it within Wireshark however. Also the discussions I find in regards to it don't seem to mention a solution and are usually several years old.

I also tried updating PortAudio, this did not help.

Your help is much appreciated!

Also, system specs:

ASUS X53e-SX1403V Intel I5 2450M Realtek HD audio

asked 20 Apr '12, 07:26

bsanders's gravatar image

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As you can see, portaudio is trying to use an OSS audio device which apparently fails. Since you are using PulseAudio, try running Wireshark with padsp which exposes a fake OSS DSP device to PortAudio that actually uses pulseaudio.


padsp wireshark

answered 29 Jul '14, 04:00

Lekensteyn's gravatar image

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