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2000.9 2004.7 ,西北农林科技大学资源与环境学院,水土保持与荒漠化防治专业,学士学位;

2004.9 2009.7 ,中国科学院教育部水土保持与生态环境研究中心,土壤学专业,博士学位(硕博连读);


2009.6 2013.6 ,三峡大学,副教授;

2011.3 2013.6 ,华中农业大学,博士后;

2015.1 2016.1 ,美国农业部国家泥沙实验室,访问学者

2013.6 2018.12 ,中国科学院水利部 / 西北农林科技大学,水土保持研究所,副研究员

2019.1 -今,中国科学院水利部 / 西北农林科技大学,水土保持研究所,研究员


中国原子能农业学会理事会理事、 Water 期刊编委、世界水土保持学会终身会员、欧洲地球科学联盟会员、中国地理学会会员、中国土壤学会会员、中国水土保持学会会员, Soil & Tillage Research, Geoderma, Catena, Land Degradation and Development, Journal of Hydrology, European Journal of Soil Science, Journal of Soils and Sediments, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Geomorphology, SSSAJ, Environmental Earth Science, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, Environmental Research, Journal of Mountain

Science, Soil use and management等期刊审稿人。


土壤侵蚀新方法与新技术; 土壤侵蚀过程与机理; 水土保持与生态修复; 土壤发育、侵蚀与古气候演化等。


1. 国家重点研发计划项目(课题):黑土坡面侵蚀 - 沉积空间分布 ( 主持,编号 : 2016YFE0202900)

2. 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目:中国黄土高原和南非典型流域泥沙来源及调控对策 ( 主持,编号 : 41761144060)

3. 国家自然科学基金项目:雨滴打击对坡面薄层流阻力及流速场的扰动机制研究 ( 主持,编号 : 42277344)

4. 国家自然科学基金项目:稀土元素示踪红壤坡面细沟与细沟间侵蚀演化过程 ( 主持,编号 : 41201270)

5. 国家科技支撑计划项目(专题):治沟造地工程的生态安全保障关键技术 ( 主持,编号 : 2015BAC01B03-03)

6. 中国科学院对外合作重点项目子课题:气候变化对中国黄河中游和塞尔维亚萨瓦河流域农业水土环境影响评估及适应对策 ( 主持,编号 : 161461KYSB20170013)

7. 中国科学院 西部之光 人才培养计划 :沟道整治新修边坡碎落台的稳定性及其水土保持机理研究 ( 主持,编号 : 人字 (2014)91 )

8. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项子课题:典型黑土区风力 - 水力 - 冻融驱动的复合侵蚀过程与阻控关键技术 ( 主持,编号 : XDA28010201)

9. 陕西省重点研发计划项目:土壤团聚体稳定性对坡面侵蚀过程的影响 ( 主持,编号 : 2017KJXX-83)

10. 陕西省科技统筹创新工程计划子课题:陕北治沟造地及坡面植被恢复关键技术研究与示范 ( 主持,编号 : 2013KTDZ 03-03-01 )

11. 湖北省自然科学基金:稀土元素示踪三峡库区小流域产沙过程 ( 主持,编号 : 2012FFB03801)

12. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划:稀土元素定量监测土壤团聚体对坡面不同侵蚀方式的影响 ( 主持,编号 : 2016JQ4017)


[1] Hairu Li, Ju Gu, Gang Liu* , Mohamed A.M. Abd Elbasit, Feinan Hu, Tingrun Zou, Liang Wang, Qiong Zhang, Zhen Guo. Effects of raindrop temperature on the contributions of slaking and mechanical striking to aggregate disintegration during splash erosion. Soil & Tillage Research, 2022, 224: 105518.

[2] Hongqiang Shi, Hai Xiao, Gang Liu* , Mohamed A. M. Abd Elbasit, Fenli Zheng, Qiong Zhang, Yang Zhang, Zhen Guo. Identifying interrill, rill, and ephemeral gully erosion evolution by using rare earth elements as tracers. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 612: 128271.

[3] Enshuai Shen, Gang Liu *, Mohamed A. M. Abd Elbasit, Xiaoyun Zhan, Qian Feng, Chenxi Dan, Hongqiang Shi, Xiangyu Chen, Qiong Zhang, Zhen Guo. Comparison of a laser precipitation monitor, piezoelectric transducer and particle imaging transient visual measurement technology under simulated rainfall in laboratory conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 610: 127978.

[4] Enshuai Shen, Gang Liu *, Chenxi Dan, Chengbo Shu, Ruijun Wang, Xiaoqing Liu, Jianxin Zhou, Xiangyu Chen. Combined effects of rainfall and flow depth on the resistance characteristics of sheet flow on gentle slopes. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 603: 127112.

[5] Gang Liu , Fenli Zheng*, Glenn V. Wilson, Ximeng Xu, Chang Liu. Three decades of ephemeral gully erosion studies. Soil & Tillage Research, 2021, 212:105046.

[6] Chang Liu, Gang Liu* , Hairu Li, Xiaokang Wang, Hong Chen, Chenxi Dan, Enshuai Shen, Chengbo Shu. Using ground-penetrating radar to investigate the thickness of mollic epipedons developed from loessial parent material. Soil & Tillage Research, 2021, 212: 105047.

[7] Hong Chen, Gang Liu *, Xunchang Zhang, Hongqiang Shi, Hairu Li. Quantifying sediment source contributions in an agricultural catchment with ephemeral and classic gullies using 137 Cs technique. Geoderma, 2021, 398: 115112.

[8] Hairu Li, Gang Liu *, Ju Gu, Hong Chen, Hongqiang Shi, Mohamed A. M. Abd Elbasit, Feinan Hu. Response of soil aggregate disintegration to the different content of organic carbon and its fractions during splash erosion. Hydrological Processes, 2021, 35: e14060.

[9] Enshuai Shen, Gang Liu *, Yafei Jia, Chenxi Dan, Mohamed A. M. Abd Elbasit, Chang Liu, Ju Gu, Hongqiang Shi. Effects of raindrop impact on the resistance characteristics of sheet flow. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 592: 125767.

[10] Ju Gu, Gang Liu *, Mohamed A. M. Abd-Elbasit, Hongqiang Shi. Response of slope surface roughness to wave-induced erosion during water level fluctuating. Journal of Mountain Science, 2020, 17(4): 871-883.

[11] Gang Liu , Fenli Zheng*, Jia Lu, Yafei Jia, Xun-chang (John) Zhang, Feinan Hu, Jiaqiong Zhang. Interactive effects of raindrop impact and groundwater seepage on soil erosion . Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 578: 124066.

[12] Gang Liu , Seth M. Dabney, Daniel C. Yoder, Robert R. Wells, Dalmo A.N. Vieira. Modeling land management effects on the size distribution of eroded sediment . Soil & Tillage Research, 2019, 192: 121-133.

[13] Gang Liu , Feinan Hu, Fenli Zheng, Qiong Zhang. Effects and mechanisms of erosion control techniques on stairstep cut-slopes. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 656: 307-315.

[14] Feinan Hu, Jingfang Liu, Chenyang Xu, Wei Du, Zhihua Yang, Xinmin Liu, Gang Liu *, Shiwei Zhao. Soil internal forces contribute more than raindrop impact force to rainfall splash erosion. Geoderma, 2018, 330: 91-98.

[15] Xunchang Zhang, Gang Liu *, Fenli Zheng. Understanding erosion processes using rare earth element tracers in a preformed interrill-rill system. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 625: 920-927.

[16] Hai Xiao, Gang Liu *, Qiong Zhang, Fenli Zheng, Xunchang Zhang, Puling Liu, Jiaqiong Zhang, Feinan Hu, Mohamed A. M. Abd-Elbasit. Quantifying contributions of slaking and mechanical breakdown of soil aggregates to splash erosion for different soils from the Loess plateau of China. Soil & Tillage Research, 2018, 178: 150-158.

[17] Gang Liu , Feinan Hu, Mohamed A. M. Abd-Elbasit, Fenli Zheng, Puling Liu, Hai Xiao, Qiong Zhang, Jiaqiong Zhang. Holocene erosion triggered by climate change in the central Loess Plateau of China. Catena, 2018, 160: 103-111.

[18] Hai Xiao, Gang Liu *, Mohamed A. M. Abd-Elbasit, Xunchang Zhang, Puling Liu, Fenli Zheng, Jiaqiong Zhang, Feinan Hu. Effects of slaking and mechanical breakdown on disaggregation and splash erosion. European Journal of Soil Science, 2017, 68: 797-805.

[19] Xunchang Zhang, Gang Liu *, Fenli Zheng. A simple enrichment correction factor for improving erosion estimation using rare earth oxide tracers. Vadose Zone Journal, 2017, 16(12), doi: 10.2136/vzj2017.05.0096

[20] Hai Xiao, Gang Liu *, Puling Liu, Fenli Zheng, Jiaqiong Zhang, Feinan Hu. Developing equations to explore relationships between aggregate stability and erodibility in Ultisols of subtropical China. Catena, 2017, 157: 279-285.

[21] Hai Xiao, Gang Liu *, Puling Liu, Fenli Zheng, Jiaqiong Zhang, Feinan Hu. Sediment transport capacity of concentrated flows on steep loessial slope with erodible beds. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 2350.

[22] Hai Xiao, Gang Liu *, Puling Liu, Fenli Zheng, Jiaqiong Zhang, Feinan Hu. Response of soil detachment rate to the hydraulic parameters of concentrated flow on steep loessial slopes on the Loess Plateau of China. Hydrological Processes, 2017, 31: 2613-2621.

[23] Gang Liu , Hai Xiao, Puling Liu, Qiong Zhang, Jiaqiong Zhang. Using rare earth elements to monitor sediment sources from a miniature model of a small watershed in the Three Gorges area of China . Catena, 2016, 143: 114-122.

[24] Gang Liu , Hai Xiao, Puling Liu, Qiong Zhang, Jiaqiong Zhang. An improved method for tracing soil erosion using rare earth elements. Journal of Soils and Sediments , 2016, 16: 1670-1679.

[25] Gang Liu , Puling Liu, Mingyi Yang, Qiong Zhang, David Warrington. Establishment of chronofunctions for dark loessial soil on the central Loess Plateau based on soil chronosequences . Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 73: 4313-4323.

[26] Gang Liu , Puling Liu, Mingyi Yang, Chongfa Cai, Wennian Xu, Qiong Zhang, Wei Yang. The significance and relationships among substitutive climatic proxies in the Holocene at the middle Loess Plateau in China . Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013, 70: 2997-3004.

[27] Gang Liu , Mingyi Yang, David Warrington, Puling Liu, Junliang Tian. Using beryllium-7 to monitor the relative proportions of interrill and rill erosion from loessal soil slopes in a single rainfall event . Earth Surface Processes and Landforms , 2011, 36(4): 439-448.

[28] Gang Liu , Fengxia Tian, David Warrington, Shiqing Zheng, Qiong Zhang. Efficacy of grass for mitigating runoff and erosion from an artificial loessial earthen road . Transactions of the ASABE, 2010, 53(1): 119-125.


2020 年中国水土保持学会科学技术一等奖(排名第二)

2018 年第十三届中国土壤学会科学技术二等奖(排名第二)

2018 年第六届中国土壤学会优秀青年学者奖

2017 年第九届中国水土保持学会科学技术二等奖(排名第一)

2016 年第二届全国水土保持与荒漠化防治青年学术论坛优秀论文二等奖

2016 年第十届中国水土保持学会青年科技奖

2016 年陕西省青年科技新星

2013 年湖北省技术发明二等奖

2012 年宜昌市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖

2012 年三峡大学自然科学一等奖

2012 年湖北省新世纪高层次人才

2010 年三峡大学优秀教师