GET /uploads/vortrag-horst-allmann-itk-2010.ogv?1 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Opera/9.80 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.5.8; U; en) Presto/2.8.131 Version/11.11
Accept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/webp, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1
Accept-Language: en,en-US;q=0.9,sv;q=0.8,nl;q=0.7,nb;q=0.6,da;q=0.5,de;q=0.4
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
If-Range: Mon, 30 May 2011 19:06:34 GMT
Connection: Keep-Alive
Range: bytes=36065-99004149
This third request gives away that the response of the first request gave 36065 bytes before Opera aborted the connection.
I don’t know yet why it doesn’t work as it should. I’ll ask our <video> developer if he can take a look. Please don’t make changes to your server configuration or remove the video file or anything so that we can analyze this properly.
Ok, i did some more testing. I encoded now two files and i did it with ffmpeg2theora 0.27, Firefoog and the latest ffmpeg2theora build from firefogg nightly. So its not my encoding.
In the attchement you can see what happens on ogv in Chrome if i seek in the movie.
Would be nice if i where looking for some hollywood effects. Chrome does the pepper’s ghost *lol
That looks like Chrome missed a keyframe after the seek and applied subsequent video frames with the wrong keyframe. You can make this less likely to happen (or recover more quickly) by using shorter time between the keyframes when encoding. (Obviously it’s not a nice effect but trying to avoid it means that it takes longer time to seek when you happened to miss the previous keyframe, so it’s a tradeoff.)
Here i found another webm and there is also no download status in the bar: HTML5, CSS3 for The New York Times
Works fine for me on mac.
Ubuntu Opera 11.11:
ogv and webm working fine expect that there are also is no download progress in the bar.
Does Opera really show somewhere the download progress? Screenshot? How does it look? Light grey like in FX?
Ubuntu Chromium 11:
same problems as in Windows with ogv
I also uploaded the videos to another server and called them directly in the adressbar.
The problems are the same. So its not my html/javascript - this must be Opera and Chrome bugs!
If i call my ogv directly in the adressbar in Opera on Windows, then the site is loading forever…
This one plays, but has no seeker in the bar:
Ubuntu Opera 11.11:
ogv and webm working fine expect that there are also is no download progress in the bar.
Does Opera really show somewhere the download progress?
I also uploaded the videos to another server and called them directly in the adressbar.
The problems are the same.
So its not my html/javascript - this must be Opera and Chrome bugs!
If i call my ogv directly in the adressbar in Opera on Windows, then the site is loading forever…
Yeah I also noticed that we’d never stop loading with your video.
This one plays, but has no seeker in the bar:
I guess I’ll have to look at that one as well.
Sorry i mean ogv and not webm.
Opera 10.54 = No seeking (ogv)
Opera 10.63 = ogv and webm OK
Opera 11.11 = ogv playing but no seeking and windows mouse arrow keeps loading forever
WebM is loading forever in Opera if you gzip it. Uncompressed it works just fine (see
Just add the following to your .htaccess and you’re good to go
SetEnvIf REQUEST_URI webm$ no-gzip dont-vary
(assuming you ran into the same problem I did of course)
The videos are not gzipt.
I corrected this one post where i was saying its webm.
The problem is ogv:
Opera 10.54 = No seeking (ogv)
Opera 10.63 = ogv and webm OK
Opera 11.11 = ogv playing but no seeking and windows mouse arrow keeps loading forever