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Gong Wang An No. (2020)1960

All Centre and State bodies’ ministries and commissions, all bodies, office bodies and undertaking work units directly subordinate to the State Council, all Centre enterprises:

In order to implement the spirit of relevant Party Centre documents and the “Cybersecurity Law”, guide focus sectors and departments in comprehensively implementing the cybersecurity multi-level protection system and critical information infrastructure security protection system, complete and perfect the national comprehensive cybersecurity defence system, effectively prevent cybersecurity threats, forcefully deal with major cybersecurity incidents, coordinate public security bodies’ strengthening of cybersecurity supervision and management, strictly attack unlawful and criminal activities harming cybersecurity, realistically ensure the security of critical information infrastructure, important networks and data, the Ministry of Public Security has researched and formulated the “Guiding Opinions on Implementing the Cybersecurity Multi-Level Protection System and Critical Information Infrastructure Security Protection System”. These are hereby issued to you, please earnestly consult and implement them in combination with the work reality in your sectors and your departments.

Ministry of Public Security

22 July 2020

Guiding Opinions on Implementing the Cybersecurity Multi-Level Protection System and Critical Information Infrastructure Security Protection System

The cybersecurity multi-level protection system and critical information infrastructure security protection system are basic systems laid down in relevant Party Centre documents and the “Cybersecurity Law”. In recent years, all work units and all departments have comprehensively strengthened cybersecurity work according to the requirements of Central cybersecurity policies and the provisions of the “Cybersecurity Law” and other such laws and regulations, powerfully ensuring the security of national critical information infrastructure, important networks and data. Even though information technology develops at flying speed, cybersecurity work still faces several new situations, new tasks and new challenges. In order to implement the cybersecurity multi-level protection system and critical information infrastructure security protection system, complete and perfect the national cybersecurity defence system, effectively prevent cybersecurity threats, forcefully deal with cybersecurity incidents, strictly attack unlawful and criminal activities harming cybersecurity, realistically safeguard national cybersecurity, the following Guiding Opinions are hereby formulated.

I, Guiding ideology, basic principles and work objectives.

(1) Guiding ideology

With Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era as guidance, according to the policy arrangements of the Party Centre and the State Council, with the overall national security view as  the lead, earnestly implement the cyber power strategy, comprehensively strengthen overall cybersecurity work planning, with implementing the cybersecurity multi-level protection system and critical information infrastructure security protection system as basis, with protecting the security of critical information infrastructure, important networks and data as focus points, comprehensively strengthen work in areas such as cybersecurity prevention and management, monitoring and early warning, emergency response, investigation and attack, intelligence and information, etc., timely monitor and deal with cybersecurity risks, threats and sudden cybersecurity incidents, protect critical information infrastructure, important networks and data from attacks, intrusions, interference and destruction, punish online unlawful and criminal activities according to the law, substantially raise cybersecurity protection capabilities, vigorously build a comprehensive cybersecurity defence system, substantially safeguard national cyberspace sovereignty, national security and the social and public interest, protect the lawful rights and interests of the popular masses, ensure and stimulate the healthy development of economic and social informatization.

(2) Basic principles

– Persist in tiered protection, focus on prominent issues. On the basis of the degree of importance of networks (including network infrastructure, information systems, data resources, etc.) for national security, economic construction and social life, as well as factors such as the degree of harm after they should be destroyed, scientifically determine the security protection tier of networks, implement tiered protection and tiered supervision and management, focus on ensuring the security of critical information infrastructure and third-tier (including third-tier, hereafter similar) and higher networks.

-Persisting in active defence and comprehensive protection. According to laws, regulations and relevant State standards and norms, fully use artificial intelligence, big data analysis and other such technologies to vigorously implement cybersecurity management and technical protection measures, strengthen cybersecurity mentoring, state sensing, reporting and early warning, emergency response and other such major work matters, comprehensively adopt cybersecurity protection, defence and safeguard measures, prevent and curb the occurrence of major cybersecurity risks and incidents, protect the security of new technology applications and new business models such as cloud computing , the Internet of Things, the New Internet, big data, smart manufacturing, etc.

-Persisting in protection according to the law and creating joint forces. On the basis of the provisions of the “Cybersecurity Law” and other such laws and regulations, public security bodies fulfil cybersecurity protection, supervision and management duties and responsibilities according to the law, sectoral competent departments for cybersecurity (including supervision and management departments, hereafter similar) fulfil cybersecurity supervision and management responsibilities within their sectors according to the law, strengthen and implement the dominant protection responsibility of network operators, give full rein and muster forces from all parts of society, coordinate and cooperate, decide and work as  team, and create cybersecurity protection work joint forces.

(3) Work objectives

– Deeply implementing the cybersecurity multi-level protection system. Cybersecurity multi-level protection tier determination and filing, tier monitoring and assessment, security construction, inspections and other such basic work matters are to be profoundly advanced. The “three izations and six defences” measures of “actualization, systematization and regularization” of cybersecurity protection and “dynamic defence, active defence, defence in depth, accurate protection, overall protection, joint defence and joint control” to be effectively implemented, a beneficial ecology for cybersecurity protection to be basically established, critical information infrastructure security protection capabilities to clearly strengthen.

– The critical information infrastructure security protection system to be established and implemented. Critical information infrastructure base numbers to be made clear, security protection bodies to be completed, responsibilities to be clarified, protection to be powerful. On the basis of implementing the cybersecurity multi-level protection system, critical information infrastructure-related critical position personnel management, supply chain security, data security, emergency response and other such focus protection measures to be effectively implemented, clearly strengthening critical information infrastructure security protection capabilities.

– Cybersecurity monitoring, early warning and emergency response capabilities to clearly increase. A cross-sector, cross-departmental and cross-regional three-dimensional cybersecurity monitoring system and cybersecurity protection platform to be basically completed, clearly raising cybersecurity state sensing, reporting, early warning and incident discovery and handling capabilities. Cybersecurity advance plans to be scientifically readied, emergency response and handling mechanisms to be perfected, emergency drills to be conducted in a regularized manner, major cybersecurity incidents to be effectively prevented, restrained and dealt with.

– A comprehensive cybersecurity prevention system to be basically created. Cybersecurity protection work mechanisms to be completed and perfected, a cybersecurity work structure with Party Committees in overall leadership, all departments taking responsibility according to the division of work, and social forces from many sides participating to be further perfected. The cybersecurity responsibility system to be effectively implemented, cybersecurity management, prevention, supervision, guidance, investigation and attack capabilities to clearly rise, and a comprehensive cybersecurity protection system integrating “attack, defence, management and control” to be basically created.

II, Deeply implementing the national cybersecurity multi-level protection system

According to the requirements oof the national cybersecurity multi-level protection system, all work units and all departments will, under the guidance and supervision of public security bodies, earnestly organize and deeply launch cybersecurity multi-level protection work, establish a beneficial cybersecurity protection ecology, substantially implement their dominant responsibilities, and completely enhance cybersecurity protection capabilities.

(1) Deepening network tier determination and filing work. Network operators shall comprehensively comb through all kinds of networks in their work unit, and especially the basic situation of cloud computing, Internet of Things, the New Internet, big data, smart manufacturing and other such new technological applications, and on the basis of the function of the network, its service scope, service counterparts, the data it handles and other such matters, scientifically determine the security protection tier of networks, second-level and higher networks will be filed according to the law with public security bodies, and filed with the sectoral competent department. Newly built networks shall be assigned a security protection tier in the planning and design phase. Public security bodies conduct examination and verification of the filing materials and network security protection tier submitted by network operators, where the tier determination result is reasonable and filing materials comply with requirements, they will timely issue cybersecurity multi-level protection filing certification. Sectoral competent departments may, on the basis of the national standard “Cybersecurity Multi-Level Protection Tier Determination Guidelines”, formulate guiding opinions for cybersecurity multi-level protection tier determination in integration with the characteristics of their sector.

(2) Regularly conducting cybersecurity tier assessments. Network operators shall, on the basis of relevant standards and norms, conduct monitoring and assessment of the security of networks with determined and filed tiers, and search for possibly existing cybersecurity problems and vulnerabilities. Third-tier and higher network operators shall entrust tier assessment bodies compliant with relevant State regulations to annually conduct a cybersecurity tier assessment, and timely submit the tier assessment report to the public security body and administrative competent department who received the filing. Newly-built third-tier and higher networks shall be put into operation after undergoing tier assessment. Network operators must, in the process of conducting assessment services, conclude a security and secrecy protection agreement with the assessment body, and conduct supervision and management of the assessment process. Public security bodies must strengthen supervision and management over tier assessment bodies in their localities, establish structures for the background inspection of assessment personnel and the examination and verification of personnel, and ensure that the tier assessment process is objective, fair and secure.

(3) Scientifically conducting security construction and improvements. Network operators shall, in the process of network construction and operation, simultaneously plan, simultaneously build and simultaneously use relevant cybersecurity protection measures. They shall, on the basis of the “Cybersecurity Multi-Level Protection Basic Requirements”, the “Cybersecurity Multi-Level Protection Security Design Technology Requirements” and other such national standards, and on the basis of existing security protection measures, completely comb through and analyse security protection requirements, and in integration with the problems and vulnerabilities discovered during the process of tier assessment, according to the requirements of “once centre” (security management centre), “three protects” (secure telecommunications networks, secure regional boundaries, secure computing environments”, earnestly conduct network security construction, improvement and consolidation, and comprehensively implement security protection technology measures. Network operators may move networks into the cloud, or outsource security services, fully using the capabilities and levels of cloud service companies and cybersecurity service companies to enhance cybersecurity protection. They shall comprehensively strengthen cybersecurity management, establish and perfect personnel management, education and training, system security construction and operational maintenance and other such management structures, strengthen management of computer rooms, facilities and medium security, strengthen the protection of important data and personal information, formulate operational norms and workflows, strengthen daily supervision and verification, and ensure the effective implementation of all management measures.

(4) Strengthening the implementation of security responsibility. Sectoral competent departments and network operators shall, on the basis of the requirements of the “Cybersecurity Law” and other such laws and regulations as well as relevant policies, and according to the principle of “who manages is responsible, who operates is responsible”, draw clear cybersecurity protection borders, clarify security protection work responsibilities, establish cybersecurity multi-level protection work responsibility systems, implement responsibility investigation structures, and ensure that “everyone has the responsibility to protect their land, and everyone does their utmost to protect their land”. Network operators must regularly organize dedicates forces to conduct cybersecurity inspections monitoring and assessment, sectoral competent departments must organize risk assessments, timely discover cybersecurity vulnerabilities and weak segments, and correct them, and incessantly raise cybersecurity protection capabilities and levels.

(5) Strengthening supply chain security management. Network operators shall strengthen the security management of critical network personnel, third-tier and higher network operators shall strengthen management over the bodies and personnel providing them with design, construction, operational maintenance and technical services, assess security risks that may exist in the process of services, and adopt corresponding management and control measures. Network operators shall strengthen network operations and maintenance management, where it is truly necessary to conduct Internet remote operational maintenance because of business needs, they shall provide an explanation of their assessment, and adopt corresponding management and control measures. Network operators shall purchase and use network products and services compliant with the requirements of State laws and regulations as well as relevant standards and norms, third-tier and higher network operators shall vigorously use secure and trustworthy network products and services.

(6) Implementing encryption security protection requirements. Network operators shall implement the provisions of the “Encryption Law” and other such laws and regulations as well as encryption us-related standards and norms. Third-tier and higher networks shall correctly and effectively adopt encryption technology for protection, and use encryption products and services compliant with related requirements. Third-tier and higher network operators shall, in the network planning, construction and operations stages, simultaneously conduct encryption use security assessment wat the same time as conducting cybersecurity tier assessment according to encryption use security assessment management rules and related standards.

III, Building and implementing the critical information infrastructure security protection system

Public security bodies guide and supervise critical information infrastructure security protection work. All work units and all departments shall strengthen the construction of legal systems, policy systems standards systems, protection systems, defence systems and safeguard systems for critical information infrastructure security, establish and implement critical information infrastructure security protection systems, and on the basis of implementing the cybersecurity multi-level protection system, give prominence to its protection focus, strengthen protection measures, and realistically ensure the security of critical information infrastructure.

(1) Organising the identification of critical information infrastructure. On the basis of relevant provisions of the Party Centre and the Ministry of Public Security, the competent and supervision and management departments (hereafter jointly named protection work departments) of important sectors and domains such as public telecommunications and information services, energy, transportation, waterworks, finance, public services, e-government, national defence science and technology and industry, etc., shall formulate critical information infrastructure identification norms for their sectors or domains and report them to the Ministry of Public Security for filing. Protection work departments are, on the basis of the identification norms, responsible for organizing the identification of critical information infrastructure in their sectors and domains, and to timely report the identification results to the related critical information infrastructure operators and to the Ministry of Public Security. They shall include focus protection counterparts such as basic networks meeting determination conditions, large-scale special networks, core business systems, cloud platforms, big data platforms, the Internet of Things, industrial control systems, smart manufacturing systems, the New Internet, novel telecommunications, etc., in critical information infrastructure. Critical information infrastructure lists will be subject to dynamic adjustment mechanisms, where relatively major changes occur in relevant network infrastructures and information systems, operators shall timely report the relevant circumstances to the protection work department, the protection work department shall organize re-identification, notify the operator about the identification result, and report the matter to the Ministry of Public Security.

(2) Clarifying the division of labour in critical information infrastructure security protection work functions. The Ministry of Public Security is responsible for the top-level design, planning and arrangement of critical information infrastructure security protection work, and completes and perfects the critical information infrastructure security protection structures and systems together with relevant departments. Protection work departments are responsible for organizational leadership over critical information infrastructure security protection work in their sectors and their areas, as well as formulating and implementing general plans and security protection tactics for critical information infrastructure security in their sectors and their areas, and implementing critical information infrastructure security guidance and supervision responsibilities within their own sectors and areas. Critical information infrastructure operators are responsible for the establishment of a specialized security management body, organizing and conducting critical information infrastructure security and protection work, whose main responsible person bears overall responsibility for the work unit’s critical information infrastructure security protection.

(3) Implementing focus protection measures for critical information infrastructure. Critical information infrastructure operators shall, on the basis of the cybersecurity multi-level protection standards, conduct security construction and conduct tiered monitoring, and must timely correct problems, risks and vulnerabilities they find; on the basis of critical information infrastructure security protection standards, strengthen security protection measures and conduct security monitoring and assessment. We must comb through network assets, establish asset files, strengthen the management of personnel in core positions, integrate protection with monitoring and early warning, emergency response and handling, data protection and other such focus protection measures, reasonably differentiate fields and areas, reduce the Internet’s disclosure surface, strengthen cyberattack threat control, strengthen defence-in-depth, vigorously use technologies to conduct cybersecurity protection, build a cybersecurity protection system with encryption technology, trusted computing, artificial intelligence, big data analysis etc. at the core, incessantly enhance the inherent security of critical information infrastructure, and capabilities for active immunity and active defence. Operators meeting conditions shall establish their own security services body, undertaking critical information infrastructure security protection tasks, they may also raise cybersecurity specialized and intensified protection capabilities through migrating to the cloud or purchasing security services and other such measures.

(4) Strengthening the protection of important data and personal information. Operators shall establish and implement a protection structure for important data and personal information security, conduct disaster-proof backups of important networks and important databases in critical information infrastructure, adopt critical technological measures such as identity differentiation, access control, encrypted protection, security audits, security isolation, trusted verification, etc. to substantially protect the security of important data in its entire lifecycle. Operators shall store personal information and important data collected and produced during their domestic operations inside the territory, where they need to provide it abroad because of business requirements, they shall abide by relevant regulations and conduct a security assessment.

(5) Strengthening the security management of personnel in core positions as well as products and services. We must conduct a background security inspection of responsible persons in specialized security management bodies and personnel in critical positions, and strengthen management. We must implement security management over critical information infrastructure design, construction, operations, maintenance and other such services, purchase secure and trustworthy network products and services, and ensure supply chain security. Where the purchase of products and services may influence national security, a security review shall be undergone according to relevant state regulations. Public security bodies strengthen security management over critical information infrastructure security service bodies, and provide support for operators conducting security protection work.

IV, Strengthening cooperation and coordination in cybersecurity protection work

Sectoral competent departments and network operators must closely cooperate with public security bodies, forcefully conduct security monitoring, reporting, early warning, emergency response, threat intelligence and other such work, implement regularized measures, enhance their capabilities to respond to and deal with sudden cybersecurity incidents and major risk prevention and control.

(1) Strengthening the construction of a three-dimensional cybersecurity monitoring system. All work units and all departments must comprehensively strengthen cybersecurity monitoring, conduct real-time monitoring of critical information infrastructure, important networks, etc., and when they discover cyberattacks and security threats, immediately report them to public security bodies and relevant departments, and adopt effective measures to deal with them. They must strengthen the research and applications of new network technologies, research and draw up cyberspace topography information maps (network maps), and ensure map-based battle. Sectoral competent departments and network operators must construct cybersecurity protection operations platforms for their sector and their work unit, build smart platform brains, , and rely on the platform and big data to conduct real-time monitoring, reporting, early warning, emergency response, security protection, command and control and other such work, and link up with public security bodies’ relevant security protection platform, creating a comprehensive defence and control structure integrating hierarchical and local links, connecting vertical and horizontal links, in a coordinated and jointly acting manner. Focus sectors, network operators and public security bodies must establish cybersecurity supervision and control command centres, implement a 24-7 duty staffing system, and create regularized and actualized cybersecurity work mechanisms.

(2) Strengthening cybersecurity information sharing reporting and early warning. Sectoral competent departments and network operators must, with the support of the national cyber and information security information notification mechanism, strengthen the construction of cyber and information security notification and early warning capabilities, timely collect, pool and analyse all sides’ cybersecurity information, strengthen threat intelligence work, organize the conduct of cybersecurity threat analysis and state research and argumentation, and timely notify early warnings and responses. Third-level and higher network operators and critical information infrastructure operators must conduct cybersecurity monitoring, early warning and information notification work, timely receive and deal with cybersecurity early warning notifications and information coming from the national level, sectoral level and local level, and notify cybersecurity monitoring and early warning information as well as cybersecurity incidents to sectoral competent departments, filing public security bodies. Public security bodies must strengthen the construction of cyber and information security information circulation and early warning mechanisms and forces, and incessantly raise cybersecurity notification and early warning capabilities.

(3) Strengthen the construction of cybersecurity emergency response mechanisms. Sectoral competent departments and network operators must, according to relevant State requirements, formulate cybersecurity emergency response plans, strengthen cybersecurity emergency response force construction and emergency response resource stockage, closely cooperate with public security bodies to establish a cybersecurity incident reporting structure and emergency response mechanisms. Critical information infrastructure operators and third-tier and higher network operators shall regularly conduct emergency response drills, effectively respond to cybersecurity incidents, and timely correct and consolidate prominent problems, leaks and vulnerabilities discovered during emergency response drills, and perfect protection measures. Sectoral competent departments and network operators shall coordinate with public security bodies’ annual organization and conduct of cybersecurity supervision and inspections, tournaments, exercises and other such work, and incessantly enhance security protection capabilities and resistance capabilities.

(4) Strengthening cybersecurity incident handling and case investigation When major cybersecurity threats and incidents occur in critical information infrastructure or third-tier and higher networks, sectoral competent departments, network operators and public security bodies shall jointly launch a response. Telecommunications operators and network service providers shall provide technical support and assistance. Network operators shall cooperate with public security bodies in attacking unlawful and criminal online activities; when indications of unlawful or criminal acts, major cybersecurity threats and incidents are discovered, they shall timely report the matter to public security bodies and relevant departments, and provide the necessary assistance.

(5) Strengthening cybersecurity problem and threat correction supervision and management. Public security bodies establish and appoint a supervision and management structure, to be appointed to supervise and manage, or schedule talks with relevant responsible persons where network operators persistently procrastinate and do not correct weak cybersecurity work or major security problems and vulnerabilities, or where relatively large cybersecurity risks exist, major cybersecurity incidents, occur, etc., according to regulatory powers and procedures,  together with sectoral competent departments, and to strengthen supervision, inspection and administrative law enforcement, as well as conduct administrative punishment according to laws and regulations. Network operators shall, according to relevant requirements, adopt measures to timely conduct corrections, and eliminate major risks and vulnerabilities. Where major cybersecurity incidents occur, sectoral competent departments shall organize the entire sector to conduct correction and reorganization.

V, Strengthening all guarantees in cybersecurity work

(1) Strengthening organizational leadership. All work units and all departments must give high regard to multi-level cybersecurity protection and critical information infrastructure security protection work, enter it onto the important matters agenda, strengthen comprehensive leadership, planning and design, earnestly research and resolve major problems such as the establishment of cybersecurity bodies, personnel allocation, financial input, security protection measure construction, etc. Sectoral competent departments and network operators must clarify that the main responsible persons in those work units are the first responsible persons for cybersecurity, and determine a leading cadre management to be separately responsible for cybersecurity work, establish dedicated cybersecurity bodies, clarify tasks and divisions of labour, grasping matters level by level, and implementing matters level by level.

(2) Strengthening financial policy guarantees. All work units and all departments must, through existing funding channels, ensure funding input for critical information infrastructure, third-tier and higher networks, etc., to conduct tiered monitoring, risk assessment, encryption use security monitoring, drills and competitions, security construction and reorganization, security protection platform construction, encryption protection system construction, operational maintenance, supervision and inspection, education and training, etc. Critical information infrastructure operators shall ensure sufficient amounts of cybersecurity input, and when making cybersecurity and informatization-related policy decisions, shall have members from the cybersecurity management body participate. Relevant departments must support focus cybersecurity technology industries and projects, support cybersecurity technology research, development, innovation and application, and promote the healthy development of the cybersecurity industry. Public security bodies must, together with relevant departments, organize and implement “Belt-Road” cybersecurity strategies, and support cybersecurity enterprises “marching out”, and share China’s cybersecurity protection experience with relevant countries.

(3) Strengthening testing and evaluation All work units and all departments must further complete and perfect cybersecurity testing and evaluation structures, clarify testing standards, and organize the conduct of testing. Public security bodies will enter cybersecurity work into the comprehensive social management and governance testing and evaluation system, annually organize testing and evaluation to be conducted for all localities’ cybersecurity work, annually chose advance work unit in cybersecurity multi-level protection and critical information infrastructure security protection work, and report the results to Party Committees and governments, and notify cybersecurity and informatization departments.

(4) Strengthening technical breakthroughs. All work units and all departments must fully muster social forces from cybersecurity enterprises, scientific research bodies, experts, etc., to vigorously participate in making core breakthroughs in cybersecurity technology, strengthen cybersecurity coordination and cooperation, interaction and mutual support, joint governance and sharing, and collective defence and collective governance.  Public security bodies must, together with relevant departments, strengthen cybersecurity multi-level protection and critical information infrastructure security protection standards formulation work, publish standards and application guidelines, strengthen the dissemination, application and implementation of standards build pilot demonstration bases, and enhance the healthy development of our country’s cybersecurity industries and enterprises.

(5) Strengthening talent training. All work units and all departments must strengthen cybersecurity multi-level protection and critical information infrastructure security protection professional exchanges, and discover and select high-grade, precise and advanced talents through organizing and conducting tournaments, competitions and other such forms, build talent databases, establish and complete talent discovery training, selection and use mechanisms, and provide talent guarantees to do cybersecurity work well.












































(二)加强经费政策保障。各单位、各部门要通过现有经费渠道、保障关键信息基础设施、第三级以上网络等开展等级测评、风险评估、密码应用安全性检测、演练竞赛、安全建设整改、安全保护平台建设、密码保障系统建设、运行维护、监督检查、教育培训等经费投入。关键信息基础设施运营者应保障足额的网络安全投入,作出网络安全和信息化有关决策时应有网络安全管理机构人员参与。有关部门要扶持重点网络安全技术产业和项目,支持网络安全技术研究开发和创新应用,推动网络安全产业健康发展。公安机关要会同相关部门组织实施“一带一路”网络安全战略,支持网络安全企业“走出去”, 与有关国家共享中国网络安全保护经验。


