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孤国春秋:七王必死 The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die(2023)中英字幕下载

更新日期: 2023年04月14日 下载次数: 285 SRT ASS
电影: 孤国春秋:七王必死 The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die(2023)

年代: 2023

长度: 111分钟

国家: 英国

语言: 英语

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孤国春秋:七王必死 The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die(2023)中英字幕下载预览

《七王丧钟》,(根据伯纳德康威尔原着小说改编),一百年来,这片土地动荡不安For a hundred years,萨克逊人和丹麦入侵者掀起战争War between Saxons and Dane invaders.,觊觎王位者大动干戈And war between men who wanted to be kings.,我追随的乌特雷德大人 乌特雷德之子 由丹麦人养大的萨克逊人My lord,则带来了片刻的安宁had brought about a fragile peace.,随着爱德华国王健康恶化But as King Edward's health faltered,动乱接踵而来trouble spread.,尽管多数王国向萨克逊人宣誓效忠And while most of the country was sworn to the Saxons,乌特雷德的诺桑比亚却拒绝称臣Uhtred's land of Northumbria was not.,这也成了敌人亟欲利用的弱点And enemies were keen to exploit this.,(德文特河)And enemies were keen to exploit this.,(西诺桑比亚,德文特河)And enemies were keen to exploit this.,狼战士!Wolf!,狼战士!Wolf! [grunts] Wolf!,把这里毁了,别让人发现我们上岸Destroy the settlement. Leave no sign we have landed.,安拉夫,间谍来了Anlaf,我的孩子啊Behold my child.,安拉夫之女Behold the daughter of Anlaf.,像个小丑You look ridiculous.,这是他们的装扮,父亲It is how they dress,要混入人群就得…If I'm to hide amongst them,爱德华国王死了吗?Is King Edward dead?,还没Not yet.,-但快了 -那我们来对了-But each breath could be his last. -Then we chose our moment.,国王驾崩後,萨克逊人必然会起内哄A king dies,去通知所有不满他们的国王Pass this news to all kings who hate them.,说我已从爱尔兰前来,正在寻求结盟Tell them I have crossed from Irland and wish to make allies.,你回温彻斯特吧Return yourself to Winchester.,等待时机Wait.,好好玩弄他们Play with them.,制造混乱Unleash chaos.,(温彻斯特)Unleash chaos.,(威塞克斯王国,温彻斯特)Unleash chaos.,别动,退後No. Stay back.,找出王后!Find the queen!,艾格芙王后Lady Eadgifu,叛徒艾弗维尔 派人来保护你和艾德蒙王子the traitor Aelfweard has sent men to take you and Prince Edmund into protection.,我拒绝成为人质I have no wish to be a hostage.,-能击退他们吗? -除非有艾索斯坦-Can we fight them? -Not without Aethelstan.,守卫一定能…Well,人们开始选边站了Loyalties are shifting and factions forming.,我们不知道谁能信任It is not certain who supports us.,应该趁早带着王子去避难We should flee with your son whilst we can.,这简直无法饶恕I will not forgive this.,我也不会原谅艾索斯坦 让我们陷入险境Nor forgive Aethelstan for leaving us exposed.,竟然抛下我们Damn him for his absence.,来吧,艾德蒙,我们要走了Come,王后呢?动作快!搜!- Where's the queen? - Move! Look everywhere!,-母后,这是… -别说话- Mother,等等-Wait.,皮尔里各- Pyrlig. - We got word.,艾索斯坦为了祈求父亲平安 踏上朝圣之旅了Aethelstan has gone on pilgrimage to pray for his father's health.,去找他,告诉他国王死了 然後帮我赏他一巴掌Then find him and tell him of his death.,他发誓要保护我们的Then strike him,来吧,没时间了Come. There's no time.,你们要去找谁?Where will you go?,-乌特雷德 -投靠异教徒?-To Uhtred. -The pagan?,-他们在里面 -快走- They're in here! - Go! Go!,乌特雷德背叛了我丈夫Uhtred betrayed my husband.,这样妥吗?Are we sure this is wise?,乌特雷德视艾索斯坦如己出 绝对可靠Uhtred was like a father to Aethelstan. He can be trusted.,我们要去最後的王国We go to the last kingdom.,(贝班堡)We go to the last kingdom.,(诺桑比亚王国,贝班堡)We go to the last kingdom.,他在军队前大喊:“放箭!”He stood in front of the army,结果一支箭射穿了他的头And an arrow went right through his head.,真的太精采了Oh,这片土地上的战役将流传千古But then,-两场都是 -对,肯努特-Both times. - Hey. Cnut.,他是个好老二He was a proper… cock!,还有凶猛的屠马人Then there were the horse-killers. Oh,-他叫什麽? -血发-What was his name? -Bloodhair.,血发,女巫又叫什麽?Bloodhair. And what was her name? She of the curses?,别提了,她叫丝凯德 Do not remind me. Skade!,她是疯婆娘Now,另一位先知的下场不太好喔Another one who thought she was a seer. It didn't go well for her.,那真的是预知梦,我梦到三次了I am telling you,-你梦到什麽,英格丽丝? -别问了,大人-And what is your dream,听好了,“七王丧钟”-Hear my words. "Seven kings must die." - Lord?,-七位国王和… -英格丽丝-Seven kings and-- -Ingrith!,注意,王后来了All stand for the queen!,艾格芙王后Queen Eadgifu.,还有我最尊贵的朋友,艾德汉大人And my most noble friend,什麽风把你们吹来了?What brings you this far north?,我们母子来寻求庇护I come seeking refuge with my son.,爱德华国王驾崩了Edward,我很遗憾Then my heart grieves.,我一直想要和解I'd hoped to reconcile.,一个挂了,还剩六个One down,够了,我不喜欢这样No! I do not like it.,诺桑比亚将承认艾索斯坦为新王Northumbria recognizes the new king,艾索斯坦不一定能即位Do not assume Aethelstan will be king.,-有谁拥护艾弗维尔? -威塞克斯诸位郡长-Who is supporting Aelfweard? - The ealdormen of Wessex.,不意外,还在说艾索斯坦是私生子?Of course. Still claiming Aethelstan's a bastard?,对,威尔特郡为艾弗维尔提供金援Yes. Aelfweard has the wealth of Wiltunscir behind him.,我们在艾尔斯伯里的间谍 通报他正在当地公开招兵买马Our spies in Aegelesburg say he's there.
我们要在他壮大前 去艾尔斯伯里逮住他We will go to Aegelesburg and seize him before he is at full force.,我们希望你采取防守姿态We would prefer your guard.,我的提议能争取时间 让艾索斯坦去温彻斯特加冕为王My offer gives Aethelstan the time to go to Winchester to be crowned,还能避免军事冲突and we avoid a clash of armies.,-我立誓要守护艾索斯坦…I swore an oath to protect Aethelstan--,对,你是信守诺言的人And of course,但你没有履行向国王称臣的承诺Yet your oath to swear your lands to the king remains unfulfilled.,你的丈夫对丹麦後裔充满敌意Your husband showed himself hostile to those of Danish blood.,他不是统一英格兰的最佳人选As such,否则英格兰早就统一了 If he had been,现在不一样了But now things can be different.,艾索斯坦可以是 实现萨克逊人梦想的国王Aethelstan can be the king to fulfill the Saxon dream.,除非他发誓…If he chooses to swear--,我已宣誓效忠,我的誓言依旧有效I swore an oath of loyalty,如果艾弗维尔在招募佣兵 一定会到处放话If Aelfweard is buying mercenaries,这样还能发动突袭吗?Do you think we can still execute an ambush?,如果是为了艾索斯坦,当然没问题If it is for Aethelstan,-只要他不睡着 -就那麽一次-If he does not fall asleep. -Once. I fell asleep once.,确定不派年轻战士吗?Are you certain this is better than a band of young fighters?,我听说你们最近都在饮酒作乐I hear you do little these days but feast and hunt.,我不会把自己发的誓 丢给年轻人去实现I will not send young men to do a task I swore to do myself.,来吧,臭家伙…Come on,快啊Come on! Come on.,现在停下来。Stop it now.,奥斯柏,边境怎麽样? 苏格兰人没作乱吧?Osbert! What news from our borders? Do the Scots behave themselves?,父亲,听说德文特河畔有狼战士Yes,-狼战士? -你背着剑做什麽?-Wolf-Warriors? -Why are you carrying your sword?,我们要去保护艾索斯坦 不受他弟弟伤害We're riding to protect Aethelstan from his brother.,我也去Then I will come.,- 我要与你并肩作战留下来 - 守着你应得的领土吧-Any fight of yours is mine. -Stay here and protect your birthright.,被动等待准没好事No good comes of sitting waiting for a birthright.,那你就训练马匹So you train the horses,教教那男孩怎麽保护自己and you teach that boy how to defend himself.,先王的三儿子不怎麽讨喜No one likes the third son of a dead king.,父亲Father.,-你会向艾索斯坦称臣吗? -我必须遵守诺言-Will you swear our lands to Aethelstan? -I must honor my word.,诺桑比亚人一定会很舍不得 他们的异教领主Northumbrians will be sad to lose their pagan lord.,终於出来了Gotcha!,这个小王八蛋-Look at this little bastard. -Are we ready?,-准备好了吗? -他在抱怨他的马鞍He's complaining about his saddle.,-说害他屁股痛 -不是屁股,是背-Says his arse gets sore. - Didn't say arse. I said my back.,我帮你做了这个I made you this.,你们每个人都有And one for each of you.,坐在冷冰冰的地上 迟早变成冷冰冰的屍体Men who sit on cold earth find the cold earth calls for them.,她再次证明了自己的预知能力Once again,大人,你别当真Lord,再说一次吧Tell it again.,“七王丧钟”,大人"Seven kings must die,-“七位国王…” -别说了-"Seven kings--" -Ingrith,继续说Go on.,“和你心爱的女人”"And the woman you love.",我并非国王,也没有女人I'm no king,-对我毫无意义 -乌特雷德大人-It means nothing. - Lord Uhtred.,我已吩咐儿子训练王子I told my son to train yours.,瓦莎可以服侍你While you are here,-当自己家 -关於艾索斯坦,我想说一件事-Make this fortress your home. -I wish to say one thing of Aethelstan.,他已经不像从前那般无忧无虑He is not quite the carefree boy you raised.,他现在非常虔诚He has grown very much into his faith.,奥斯华兄弟会对他影响极深The Brotherhood of Oswald exert great influence.,我吓跑不少这种人,修士都莫名怕我I have scared off such men before. For some reason,让我们再次拥立新王吧- Let's go play kingmaker. - Once again.,(格拉斯顿伯里)- Let's go play kingmaker. - Once again.,(威塞克斯王国,格拉斯顿伯里)- Let's go play kingmaker. - Once again.,父王去世了?不可能My father? No,上帝说他会活过冬天的I thought God had given him the winter.,艾索斯坦大人 你得赶快到威塞克斯加冕Lord Aethelstan,你弟弟正在召集人手Your brother gathers men.,务必趁他结成大军前 返回温彻斯特登基为王Establish yourself at Winchester before he raises an army.,我们会遵从上帝的命令 皮尔里各神父We will leave when God commands us to leave,上帝尚未要求我们离去And that command has not been given.,祷告完就回去吧Return when you have prayed.,我该离开吗?Do I depart?,只有圣经知道Only the book has answers.,来吧Play.,你被指引至《马太福音》第57节You have been guided to the Book of Matthew,“於是耶稣动身前往推罗与西顿海岸”"Then Jesus went thence and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon.",上帝要你战斗God wants you to fight.,(艾尔斯伯里)God wants you to fight.,(麦西亚王国,艾尔斯伯里)God wants you to fight.,真是谢了Oh. Thank you,停,有何贵干?Halt. State your business here.,我们听说有人在招募战士We heard a man is looking for fighters.,想来赚点钱We come to make some coin.,进去吧Go on.,-这里简直成了地狱 -爱德华任它凋零-This place has fallen to shit. - Edward left it to decline.,幸好艾塞弗蕾德不必见证这一切I'm glad Aethelflaed is not here to see it.,大家都接到消息了Word has spread.,我敢说一半的人都是熟面孔I swear I've fought half these men.,-这不是普通的招兵买马 -是要开战了This is not someone trying to recruit. This is preparing for a battle.,那个年轻人就是艾弗维尔That is the youth Aelfweard.,去探听他的计画Go see what men know of his plans.,我给你看一把剑!I'll show you a sword!,-你剑上那个是琥珀? -怎麽卖?-Is that amber in your sword? -How much do you want for it?,-回去喝奶吧 -艾格,冷静- Go home to your mothers. - Edgar! No.,威佛!Wilfrid!,威佛!Wilfrid!,你叫我?Do you speak to me,抱歉,我以为你是威佛Your pardon. I thought you were Wilfrid.,我们曾在泰腾豪之战并肩作战A great man I fought with at Tettenhall.,你打过泰腾豪之战?Wait,我父亲也有参战My father was there.,-你现在为谁效命? -艾弗…什麽的-Who do you fight for now? -Aelf… something?......