  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
# Reference: http://roboojack.blogspot.in/2014/12/bulk-upload-your-local-maven-artifacts.html
if [ "$#" -ne 3 ] || ! [ -d "$1" ]; then
    echo "Usage:"
    echo "       bash run.sh <repoRootFolder> <repositoryId> <repositoryUrl>"
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "       Where..."
    echo "       repoRootFolder: The folder containing the repository tree."
    echo "                       Ensure you move the repository outside of ~/.m2 folder"
    echo "                       or whatever is configured in settings.xml"
    echo "       repositoryId:   The repositoryId from the <server> configured for the repositoryUrl in settings.xml."
    echo "                       Ensure that you have configured username and password in settings.xml."
    echo "       repositoryUrl:  The URL of the repository where you want to upload the files."
    exit 1
while read -r line ; do
    echo "Processing file $line"
    jarLocation=$(realpath $line)
    pomLocation=$(find $(dirname $jarLocation) -name "*.pom")
#    jarLocation=$PWD${jarLocation/pom/jar}
    printf "\n ---------------- \n 发布pom: %s\njar: %s\n" $pomLocation $jarLocation
    mvn deploy:deploy-file -DpomFile=$pomLocation -Dfile=$jarLocation -DrepositoryId=$2 -Durl=$3
done < <(find $1 -name "*.jar")
# https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-tgz-downloader
docker run --name temp -d node:latest sleep 1000
docker exec -it temp bash
# 克隆所需要依赖的仓库
git clone xxx
npm set registry=xxx
# 下载所有依赖到本地
npm i
# 利用npm插件将依赖转为tgz文件
npm install node-tgz-downloader -g
download-tgz package-lock path/to/package-lock.json
# 下载产物在这里
ls -lh tarballs
# 遍历当前文件夹下文件
for file in $(find .)
    if test -f $file
        echo "当前文件${file}"
        curl -u root:123456 -X POST "" \
        -H "accept: application/json" \
        -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
        -F "npm.asset=@${file};type=application/x-compressed"
    if test -d $file
        echo $file 是目录
echo 结束


npm login --registry=$REPOSITORY
for package in $PACKAGES_PATH/*.tgz; do
    npm publish --registry=$REPOSITORY $package