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Accepted answer

since you're not in control of the return type, you must make sure you return a valid object and not just a temporary. one solution would be a function-local static variable:

virtual const core::matrix4& getviewmatrixaffector() const
  static const core::matrix4 val;
  return val;

if you find yourself doing this in many functions (with the same type of the variable), make val a (suitably renamed) static member of the class.

intel c++ gives this warning even if the reference is valid outside the function. this is just a bug i witnessed in this version, but it may also appear in others. if you use this version: just mask the warning out by wrapping your function this way:

#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:473)
( your function definition )
#pragma warning(pop)

i´m not sure if 473 is the index of this warning - but you see the correct one in the compuler´s messages.

when you return by reference, as in core::matrix4&, you need an object which will still be around when the function returns. in your case, you are returning a "local temporary object", which is destructed after that function exits. in order to fix this, you need to return by value, like so:

virtual const core::matrix4 getviewmatrixaffector() const {return core::matrix4();};
//                        ^ no '&'

when you create an object as a local temporary, it is destroyed as soon as the function's scope ends. in turn, you should never return a reference to it, as this would yield undefined behaviour. consider returning it by value, or returning a smart pointer to an object on the free store.

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