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  • assertAndRetrieveTidyValue: Retriever of 'tidyselect'
  • dfHRQoL: Regression coefficients and confidence intervals from HRQoL...
  • drawHorizontalLines: Draws the horizontal lines
  • forestplot: Draws a forest plot
  • forestplot-package: Package description
  • fp_add_lines: Adds a line to the graph
  • fpColors: A function for the color elements used in forestplot()
  • fp_decorate_graph: Decorate the graph
  • fpDrawCI: Draw standard confidence intervals
  • fpLegend: A function for the legend used in forestplot()
  • fp_set_zebra_style: Decorate the plot with a zebra pattern
  • fpShapesGp: A function for graphical parameters of the shapes used in...
  • fpTxtGp: Get font settings for forestplot
  • getTicks: Ticks for plot axis
  • heightDetails.xaxis: Gets the height for an x-axis object
  • HRQoL: Regression coefficients and confidence intervals from HRQoL...
  • prDefaultGp: Construct default parameters from arguments that may include...
  • prepAlign: Prepares graph position
  • prepGraphPositions: Prepares graph position
  • prepGridMargins: Convert margins to viewport npc margins
  • prepLabelText: Prepares label text
  • prepLines: Prepares the lines for the plot
  • prFpConvertMultidimArray: Converts a 2D or 3D array to mean, lower, upper
  • prFpDrawLine: Draws a straight line
  • prFpFetchRowLabel: Get the label
  • prFpFindWidestGrob: Finds the widest grob in the current list of grobs
  • prFpGetConfintFnList: Get a function list
  • prFpGetLayoutVP: Get the main 'forestplot'
  • prFpGetLegendBoxPosition: Converts legend position to a standard position
  • prFpPrepareLegendMarker: Prepares the legend marker function
  • prFpPrintLabels: Plots the labels
  • prFpValidateLabelList: Validate the forestplot label list
  • prFpXrange: Gets the x-axis range
  • prGetLabelsList: Gets the forestplot labels
  • prGetShapeGp: A function to extract graphical parameters from a fpShapesGp...
  • prGetTextGrobCex: Just a simple access to the gp$cex parameter
  • prGparMerge: Merges two 'gpar' elements
  • prGridPlotTitle: Adds a title to the plot
  • prListRep: An alternative to rep()
  • prMergeGp: A function to merge two sets of graphical parameters
  • prPopulateList: Populate a list corresponding to matrix specs
  • prPushMarginViewport: Pushes viewport with margins
  • row_manipulation: Insert/append rows into forestplot
  • safeLoadPackage: Safely loads package
  • style_manipulation: Set the style of the graph
  • text_styling: Text styling
  • Browse all...
  • #' Sets the output style associated with the `foresplot` #' @inheritParams fp_insert_row #' @inheritParams fpShapesGp #' @inheritParams forestplot #' @param txt_gp Set the fonts etc for all text elements. See [`fpTxtGp()`] #' for details #' @return The foresplot object with the styles #' @export #' @example inst/examples/fp_set_style_example.R #' @rdname style_manipulation #' @family graph modifiers #' @family forestplot functions fp_set_style <- function ( x , default = NULL , box = NULL , lines = NULL , vertices = NULL , summary = NULL , zero = NULL , axes = NULL , hrz_lines = NULL , grid = NULL , txt_gp = NULL , align = NULL ) { new_gp <- fpShapesGp ( default = default , box = box , lines = lines , vertices = vertices , summary = summary , zero = zero , axes = axes , hrz_lines = hrz_lines , grid = grid ) for ( n in names ( x $ shapes_gp )) { if ( ! is.null ( new_gp [ [n]] )) { x $ shapes_gp [ [n]] <- new_gp [ [n]] if ( ! is.null ( txt_gp )) { x $ txt_gp <- txt_gp if ( ! is.null ( align )) { x $ align <- prepAlign ( align , graph.pos = x $ graph.pos , nc = attr ( x $ labels , "no_cols" )) return ( x )