jeloyah (Member) asked a question.

"[DRC INBB-3] Black Box Instances." Unable to instantiate user created IP's
I've created some IP, according to the UG118 Creating and Packaging Custom IP

When I try to instantiate them (in a new project), I received these messages:

" [DRC INBB-3] Black Box Instances: Cell 'xx' of type 'xxxxxxx' has undefined contents and is considered a black box. The contents of this cell must be defined for opt_design to complete successfully. "

I found some similar messages in the forum, but none of the solutions worked for me.

What I'm doing wrong?

(Using Win 10 Pro, 64b & Vivado 2017-2)


    Hi @jeloyahge.1 ,

    Sorry about the delay. There is a mismatch between the name of your IPs as they have been added to the project and the name you are using to instantiate them to your project.

    Basically, when you add an IP to you project, you select an name which is not necessarily the "catalog name of the IP". By default, it is not. Vivado add an index to the name. This way you could add multiple time the same IP but with different configurations.

    If you modify your top level vhdl file, your issue will be solved (I have attached a corrected version).

    Hope that helps,



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  • Nagi_M (Member)
    hello @jeloyahge.1 how did you solve the problem, am also facing the same issue after changing the IP names. Can you please help me to sort it out ?

  • jeloyah (Member)

    1) I made a bin to bcd converter (created the project, entered the VHDL code, synthesized it and generated the IP). Everything was OK.

    2) I created some other VHDL files, synthesized them, and generated the IP's. Everything was OK.

    3) Then I created a top-level project where I defined the new repository. Next I instantiated the IP created before and mapped them (PORT MAP). Everything sinthesized fine.

    4) When I tried to implement this top-level project, I received the message [DRC INBB-3] Black Box Instances: Cell 'xx' of type 'xxxxxxx' has undefined contents and is considered a black box. The contents of this cell must be defined for opt_design to complete successfully.

    According to Xilinx documentation, the IP can be in a different directory than the project which instantiates it. In fact, I see in the project's folder (/xxxxx_user_files/ip) some subfolders with info about the IP's instantiated (I suppose these folders were created by Vivado; I didn't created them).

    What do you mean by "IP is available to the new project (in the IP path)" ?

  • Hi @jeloyahge.1 ,

    When creating a new project, you need to add you IP directory to the IP repo path:

    Hope that helps,



  • jeloyah (Member)

    Yes, the IP's directories are already in the IP repo path (I specified the repository when I called IP catalog, then added every IP I'm going to map inside the project).

    Anyway, this doesn't seem to be the issue, since Vivado is synthesizing the design OK.

    Synthesis is fine, port mapping is fine, the IP's were synthesized/implemented OK, the IP route is OK. Just the Implementation is throwing the "DRC INBB-3 message error".

    How is this possible?

    Is there another alternative for instantiate / use those IPs?

  • HI @jeloyahge.1 ,

    Could you share your project? I can have a look.



  • jeloyah (Member)

    This is the project where I'm pretending to use IP:s

    modules to be created as IPs:





    IPs created:





    top level project where IPs are instantiated:



    Hi @jeloyahge.1 ,

    Sorry about the delay. There is a mismatch between the name of your IPs as they have been added to the project and the name you are using to instantiate them to your project.

    Basically, when you add an IP to you project, you select an name which is not necessarily the "catalog name of the IP". By default, it is not. Vivado add an index to the name. This way you could add multiple time the same IP but with different configurations.

    If you modify your top level vhdl file, your issue will be solved (I have attached a corrected version).

    Hope that helps,



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  • jeloyah (Member)

    It works!

    When I was trying to solve this issue, once, I thought about the mismatch but never tested if this could be the problem. Your explanation sounds reasonable, but I don't remember if any part of the documentation prevents about this situation.

    Thanks a lot for your invaluable time, your patience and your effort.

  • Hi @jeloyahge.1 ,

    I don't remember if any part of the documentation prevents about this situation.

    > This is more a coding issue. We cannot document every issue...

  • Hello,

    I know the topic is closed but I encoutered the same issue and this solution did not help me solving the problem.

    It turns out that my problem came from the packaging of a custom in the first place. I repackaged the concerned IP (after generating the output products, I had not done it before) and it worked !

    Hope that will help others,


  • Hi @yannick_molinghennic9 ,

    You might want to create a new topic for your issue rater than replying on an old topic.

    In your new topic, please make sure to detail your issue, the vivado version and share a test case if possible.


  • praseetha (Member)
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    Hello @hpoetzlber9 ,

    I am also facing the same issue in vivdo 2020.2 . I did not get any error during sythesis but only this warning and later during implementation I could not implement it due to this error. I also added the IP path to the design repositary.

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  • praseetha (Member)
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    This is the name of module and I have not created any Pl yet.

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