# URL ## If your site is put in a subdirectory, set url as 'http://yoursite.com/child' and root as '/child/' url:https://rsreland.net# 已修改-原值:http://yoursite.com root:/ permalink:blog/:year:month:day:hour:minute/# 已修改-原值::year/:month/:day/:title/
# 是否根据 style 改变代码背景色(如果 style 是深色背景别忘了开启此项) # If true, the code background will change color based on the style (If style has a dark background, don't forget to true) bg_color:true# 已修改-原值:false
# 导航栏的相关配置 # Navigation bar navbar: # 导航栏左侧的标题,为空则按 hexo config 中 `title` 显示 # The title on the left side of the navigation bar. If empty, it is based on `title` in hexo config blog_title:"居红乡"# 已修改-原值:"Fluid"
# 导航栏菜单,可自行增减,key 用来关联 languages/*.yml,如不存在关联则显示 key 本身的值;icon 是 css class,可以省略;增加 name 可以强制显示指定名称 # Navigation bar menu. `key` is used to associate languages/*.yml. If there is no association, the value of `key` itself will be displayed; if `icon` is a css class, it can be omitted; adding `name` can force the display of the specified name menu: - { key:"home", link:"/", icon:"iconfont icon-home-fill" } - { key:"archive", link:"/archives/", icon:"iconfont icon-archive-fill" } - { key:"category", link:"/categories/", icon:"iconfont icon-category-fill" } - { key:"tag", link:"/tags/", icon:"iconfont icon-tags-fill" } - { key:"series", link:"/series/", icon:"iconfont icon-codeforces"} # 已修改-新增 - { key:"thanks", link:"/thanks/", icon:"iconfont icon-bookmark-fill"} # 已修改-新增 - { key:"about", link:"/about/", icon:"iconfont icon-user-fill" } - { key:"links", link:"/links/", icon:"iconfont icon-link-fill" } # 已修改-取消注释
#--------------------------- # 页脚 # Footer #--------------------------- footer: # 页脚第一行文字的 HTML,建议保留 Fluid 的链接,用于向更多人推广本主题 # HTML of the first line of the footer, it is recommended to keep the Fluid link to promote this theme to more people content:' <a href="https://hexo.io" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><span>Hexo</span></a> <i class="iconfont icon-love"></i> <a href="https://github.com/fluid-dev/hexo-theme-fluid" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><span>Fluid</span></a> <div> <span id="timeDate">载入天数...</span> <span id="times">载入时分秒...</span> <script src="/js/duration.js"></script> </div> '# 已修改-新增:<div>……</div>之间的代码
#--------------------------- # 首页 # Home Page #--------------------------- index: # 首页 Banner 头图,可以是相对路径或绝对路径,以下相同 # Path of Banner image, can be a relative path or an absolute path, the same on other pages banner_img:/img/r2net_banner.jpg# 已修改-原值:/img/default.png
# 首页副标题的独立设置 # Independent config of home page subtitle slogan: enable:true
# 为空则按 hexo config.subtitle 显示 # If empty, text based on `subtitle` in hexo config text:"我们的头顶,还有广阔的星空!"# 已修改-原值:"An elegant Material-Design theme for Hexo"
# 文章在首页的默认封面图,当没有指定 index_img 时会使用该图片,若两者都为空则不显示任何图片 # Path of the default post cover when `index_img` is not set. If both are empty, no image will be displayed default_index_img:/img/r2net_thumbnail.jpg# 已修改-空值
# 在文章开头显示文章更新时间,该时间默认是 md 文件更新时间,可通过 front-matter 中 `updated` 手动指定(和 date 一样格式) # Update date is displayed at the beginning of the post. The default date is the update date of the md file, which can be manually specified by `updated` in front-matter (same format as date) updated: enable:true# 已修改-原值:false
# 层级的折叠深度,0 是全部折叠,大于 0 后如果存在子分类则默认展开 # Collapse depth. If 0, all posts collapsed. If greater than 0, it will be expanded by default if there are subcategories collapse_depth:1# 已修改-原值:0