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function [Y,U,V]=rgb2yuv(frame,yuvformat,convmtrx)
%Converts RGB to YUV
%Version: 3.00, Date: 2007/11/21, author: Nikola Sprljan
% R,G,B - R,G and B components of the frame
% yuvformat - YUV format [optional, default = 'YUV444_8']. Supported YUV
%            formats are:
%            'YUV444_8' = 4:4:4 sampling, 8-bit precision
%            'YUV420_8' = 4:2:0 sampling, 8-bit precision
% convmtrx - Conversion matrix [optional, default = 'BT709_l']. The
%           following conversions ase defined (see in Notes for more
%           details):
%           'BT601_f' = ITU-R BT.601, RGB full [0...255] (BT601_f.mat)
%           'BT601_219' = ITU-R BT.601, RGB limited [0...219] (BT601_219.mat)
%           'BT601_l' = ITU-R BT.601, RGB limited [16...235] (BT601_l.mat)
%           'BT709_f' = ITU-R BT.709, RGB limited [0...255] (BT709_f.mat)
%           'BT709_l' = ITU-R BT.709, RGB limited [16...235] (BT709_l.mat)
% Y,U,V - Y,U and V components of the frame
% imresize.m - Matlab Image Processing Toolbox (when formats other than
%             4:4:4 used)
% Note that a more correct term for what is here called YUV would be YCbCr,
% since it is used for YUV representation in digital domain. Also, the R, G
% and B components are actually non-linear because of gamma correction, and
% are more correctly denoted as R', G' and B'. YCbCr is expected to be in
% the range (below that is "footroom" range and above is "headroom"):
%  Y = [16...235]
%  Cb,Cr = [16...240]
% Some more details on the defined conversions follow.
% ITU-R BT.601 - for SD (720x576) and lower resolutions. Three versions are
% available:
% 1) RGB in full range [0...255], rgb2yuvT matrix:
%  0.257  0.504   0.098
%  -0.148 -0.291   0.439
%   0.439 -0.368  -0.071
%  yuvoffset = [16; 128; 128]
% (Resulting output range is Y=[16...235];Cb=[16...240];Cr=[16...240]
% (Coefficients taken from [3],[4],[5],[6]. Integer implementation in [7])
% 2) RGB limited to [0...219], rgb2yuvT matrix:
%  0.299   0.587   0.114
%  -0.173  -0.339   0.511
%  0.511  -0.428   -0.083
%  yuvoffset = [16; 128; 128]
% (Resulting output range is Y=[16...235];Cb=[16...240];Cr=[16...240])
% (Note that in [1] the coeffcients are rounded to the nearest integer,
%  while the coefficients here are from [4] and [6]. If original signal is in
%  range [16...235] then offset of 16 for Y signal is not necessary, e.g.
%  definition from [6])
% 3) RGB limited to [16...235], rgb2yuvT matrix:
%  0.299  0.587   0.114
%  -0.169 -0.331   0.500
%   0.500 -0.419  -0.081
%  yuvoffset = [0; 128; 128]
% (Resulting output range is Y=[16...235];Cb=[18.5...237.5];Cr=[18.5...237.5])
% (This conversion is also used in JPEG, which allows the input to be in the
%  full [0...255] range, where the output is in range Y=[0...255];
%  Cb=[0.5...255.5];Cr=[0.5...255.5])
% (Coefficients taken from [1],[3])
% ITU-R BT.709 - for HD resolutions (i.e. higher than SD). Two versions are
% available:
% 1) RGB in full range [0...255], rgb2yuvT matrix:
%  0.1826  0.6142   0.0620
%  -0.1006 -0.3386   0.4392
%   0.4392 -0.3989  -0.0403
%  yuvoffset = [16; 128; 128]
% (Resulting output range is Y=[16...235];Cb=[16...240];Cr=[16...240])
% (Coefficients taken from [5], less precise version in [6]. Appears to be a
%  scaled version of the next one, where RGB is limited.)
% 2) RGB limited to [16...235], rgb2yuvT matrix:
%  0.2126  0.7152   0.0722
%  -0.1146 -0.3854   0.5000
%   0.5000 -0.4542  -0.0468
%  yuvoffset = [0; 128; 128]
% (Resulting output range is Y=[16...235];Cb=[18.5...237.5];Cr=[18.5...237.5])
% (Coefficients taken from [2]. The ones in [6] are slightly different, for no
%  obvious reason)
% References:
%  [1] Rec. ITU-R BT.601-6
%  [2] Rec. ITU-R BT.709-5
%  [3]
%  [4] http://www.poynton.com/ColorFAQ.html
%  [5] http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/vipblks/ref/colorspaceconversion.html
% [6]KeithJack,VideoDemystified,Chapter3, http://www.compression.ru/download/articles/color_space/ch03.pdf
%  [7] http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/wceddraw/html/_dxce_converting_between_yuv_and_rgb.asp
% yuv = rgb2yuv(R,G,B,'YUV420_8','BT709_f');

R = frame(:,:,1);
G = frame(:,:,2);
B = frame(:,:,3);

if strcmp(convmtrx,'BT601_f')
elseif strcmp(convmtrx,'BT601_l')
elseif strcmp(convmtrx,'BT601_219')
elseif strcmp(convmtrx,'BT709_f')
elseif strcmp(convmtrx,'BT709_l')

T = rgb2yuvT;
R = double(R);
G = double(G);
B = double(B);
Y = T(1,1) * R + T(1,2) * G + T(1,3) * B + yuvoffset(1);
U = T(2,1) * R + T(2,2) * G + T(2,3) * B + yuvoffset(2);
V = T(3,1) * R + T(3,2) * G + T(3,3) * B + yuvoffset(3);
if (strcmp(yuvformat,'YUV420_8'))
U = imresize(U,0.5,'bicubic');
V = imresize(V,0.5,'bicubic');
elseif (strcmp(yuvformat,'YUV444_8'))
%do nothing, already in the correct subsampling format
Y = uint8(round(Y));
U = uint8(round(U));
V = uint8(round(V));

%Alternative conversion, as in [7], defined with:
% C = Y - 16
% D = U - 127
% E = V - 128
% R = clip(( 298 * C          + 409 * E + 128) >> 8)
% G = clip(( 298 * C - 100 * D - 208 * E + 128) >> 8)
% B = clip(( 298 * C + 516 * D          + 128) >> 8)
%yuv(:,:,1) = yuv(:,:,1) - 16;
%yuv(:,:,2) = yuv(:,:,2) - 128;
%yuv(:,:,3) = yuv(:,:,3) - 128;
%rgb(:,:,1) = uint8(floor((298*yuv(:,:,1) + 409*yuv(:,:,3) + 128)/256));
%rgb(:,:,2) = uint8(floor((298*yuv(:,:,1) - 100*yuv(:,:,3) - 208*yuv(:,:,2))/256));
%rgb(:,:,3) = uint8(floor((298*yuv(:,:,1) + 516*yuv(:,:,2) + 128)/256));

本文转载自: http://www.mathworks.cn/matlabcentral/fileexchange/27051-mpeg2-video-encoder/content/MPEG2_Video_Encoder_MATLAB-RaviLakkundi/rgb2yuv.m

function [Y,U,V]=rgb2yuv(frame,yuvformat,convmtrx)%Converts RGB to YUV%[Y,U,V]=rgb2yuv(R,G,B,yuvformat)%Version: 3.00, Date: 2007/11/21, author: Nikola Sprljan%%Input:% R,G,B - R,G and B components of the frame% yuvformat - YUV format [optional, defa
matlab 有自带的 rgb ycbcr 函数 ,但是根据观测,其Y的值为[16 235],不符合我们的要求,所以,提供另一种规范下的 转换 脚本 函数 ,其Y的值满足[0 255] RGB YUV % function yuv = my rgb 2 yuv (image) % input params. % image: input color image with 3 channels, w...
在图像处理过程 ,经常会遇到 YUV RGB 之间的 转换 ,这个 转换 有不同标准,有多种 转换 公式 ,有时,由于没有成对的匹配上,导致了效果异常。现在总结各种标准的 转换 公式 BT601 标准里有三种, BT709 有两种。 BT601 full range rgb =[0, 255], y=[16, 235], uv=[16, 240] R = 1.164 * (Y - 16) + 1.596 * (V - 128) G = 1.164 * (Y - 16) - 0.392 * (U - 128) - 0.812 *...
% BT.601标准 Y = 0.299*omg(:,:,1) + 0.587*omg(:,:,2) + 0.114*omg(:,:,3); U = -0.147*omg(:,:,1)- 0.289*omg(:,:,2) + 0.436*omg(:,:,3); V = 0.615*omg(:,:,1) - 0.5...
在图像处理 ,经常会遇到 RGB YUV 图像的问题,虽然有一些工具可以直接 转化 ,但是对于数据的处理过程并不太清晰,这里给出 MATLAB 的实现,直观感受数据 转化 过程及结果。 1.从 RGB YUV 422 clc;close all;clear infilename = '***.bmp'; outfilename = '***. yuv '; RGB img =imread(infilename); %figure;imshow( RGB img); YUV img = rgb 2ycbcr( RGB img);
颜色空间的 转换 ,除了闹着玩的找找定位,画画框,更具代表性的就是 yuv rgb 转化 主要用到了sdk ive内的算子,由于默认的是不支持ive的静态库的,需要在Makefile 将其添加进来   还是新建专门用于 转换 的线程   在原先处理线程的基础上进行修改 HI_MPI_IVE_CSC   是核心的 转换 函数 ,位于SVP目录下HiIVE API 参考手册 ,重点是对该 函数 参数的配置   注意事项要看仔细,这里对分辨率有着明确的要求,没细看的我第一次天真的又跳进自己挖好的坑里,不过在上一期思维方式
因为在作品图像相关的东西,过程 ,不可避免会涉及到 RGB YUV 的相互 转化 ,同时在模型训练的过程 ,有时候,只是训练的Y channel,所以还涉及到提取出channel 最后再合并成 RGB 图像的一个问题。 但是呢,在模型训练的时候,用的都是tensor,所以还涉及到从image 到tensor 的过程。 这里只介绍两种方法,一种是 基于BT.601 另一种是使用PIL transforms的那个Image.open().convert(‘YCbCr’) 先看第一种方法: BT601 def rgb 2y
YUV 是一种颜色编码方法,Y 代表明亮度,U 和 V 则是色度。 YUV 是一类颜色编码方法的统称,如 YUV 、Y`UV、YCbCr、YPbPr 等专有名词都可以称为 YUV 。 Y'UV 的发明是由于黑白电视到彩色电视的过渡时期。黑白视频只有 Y 数据,也就是灰阶值,到了彩色电视时期,增加了 UV 表示图像的色度(U 代表蓝色通道与亮度的差值,V 代表红色通道与亮度的差值),如果忽略... "Compiler generates FPU instructions for a device without an FPU (check __FPU_PRESENT)" Naruto123456__: 请问怎么调整顺序啊,可以具体一点吗,谢谢 加载内核模块-Unknown symbol错误分析 西瓜要加盐: 测试发现驱动代码里面没有MOUDLE_LICENSE("GPL);也会出现这种情况。