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Use the JetLink hose to daisy chain Jetboil and Eureka! multi-burner stoves together to create a four burner kitchen that rivals your one at home! Daisy chain Jetboil to Jetboil, Eureka! to Eureka! or Jetboil to Eureka!

MSRP : $79.99

Buy Online
  • Allows connection of multiple Jetboil/Eureka! propane stoves via JetLink port
  • Allows multiple stoves to be run off of a common fuel source and regulator
  • Rugged braided stainless steel hose design
  • Compatible with Genesis, HalfGen, Gonzo Grill, Ignites and Ignite Plus camp stoves (NOTE: Ignite camp stoves must be the last line in a JetLink chain of linked stoves, it cannot be the starting point)