  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
bool isPublic; std::vector> items; std::string dataChangeCreatedBy; std::string dataChangeLastModifiedBy; std::string dataChangeCreatedTime; std::string dataChangeLastModifiedTime; namespace YAML template <> struct convert static Node encode(const NsStore& store) Node node; node["appId"] = store.appId; node["clusterName"] = store.clusterName; node["namespaceName"] = store.namespaceName; node["comment"] = store.comment; node["format"] = store.format; node["isPublic"] = store.isPublic; node["dataChangeCreatedBy"] = store.dataChangeCreatedBy; node["dataChangeLastModifiedBy"] = store.dataChangeLastModifiedBy; node["dataChangeCreatedTime"] = store.dataChangeCreatedTime; node["dataChangeLastModifiedTime"] = store.dataChangeLastModifiedTime; Node items_node; for (const auto& item : store.items) Node item_node; for (const auto& kv : item) item_node[kv.first] = kv.second; items_node.push_back(item_node); node["items"] = items_node; return node; static bool decode(const Node& node, NsStore& store) if (!node.IsMap()) return false; store.appId = node["appId"].as(); store.clusterName = node["clusterName"].as(); store.namespaceName = node["namespaceName"].as(); store.comment = node["comment"].as(); store.format = node["format"].as(); store.isPublic = node["isPublic"].as(); store.dataChangeCreatedBy = node["dataChangeCreatedBy"].as(); store.dataChangeLastModifiedBy = node["dataChangeLastModifiedBy"].as(); store.dataChangeCreatedTime = node["dataChangeCreatedTime"].as(); store.dataChangeLastModifiedTime = node["dataChangeLastModifiedTime"].as(); const auto& items_node = node["items"]; store.items.reserve(items_node.size()); for (const auto& item_node : items_node) std::map item; for (const auto& kv : item_node) item[kv.first.as()] = kv.second.as(); store.items.push_back(std::move(item)); return true; int main() NsStore store; store.appId = "some-app-id"; store.clusterName = "some-cluster-name"; store.namespaceName = "some-namespace-name"; store.comment = "some-comment"; store.format = "some-format"; store.isPublic = true; store.dataChangeCreatedBy = "some-user"; store.dataChangeLastModifiedBy = "some-user"; store.dataChangeCreatedTime = "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"; store.dataChangeLastModifiedTime = "2022-01-02T00:00:00Z"; store.items.push_back({ {"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"} }); store.items.push_back({ {"key3", "value3"}, {"key4", "value4"} }); std::cout << "=== Encode ===\n"; std::cout << YAML::Dump(store) << "\n"; const std::string yaml_str = "appId: some-app-id\n" "clusterName: some-cluster-name\n" "namespaceName: some-namespace-name\n" "comment: some-comment\n" "format: some-format\n" "isPublic: true\n" "items:\n" " - {key1: value1, key2: value2}\n" " - {key3: value3, key4: value4}\n" "dataChangeCreatedBy: some-user\n" "dataChangeLastModifiedBy: some-user\n" "dataChangeCreatedTime: '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z'\n" "dataChangeLastModifiedTime: '2022-01-02T00:00:00Z'\n"; std::cout << "=== Decode ===\n"; const YAML::Node node = YAML::Load(yaml_str); NsStore store2; if (node.IsDefined() && !node.IsNull()) store2 = node.as(); std::cout << "appId=" << store2.appId << "\n"; std::cout << "clusterName=" << store2.clusterName << "\n"; std::cout << "namespaceName=" << store2.namespaceName << "\n"; std::cout << "comment=" << store2.comment << "\n"; std::cout << "format=" << store2.format << "\n"; std::cout << "isPublic=" << store2.isPublic << "\n"; std::cout << "dataChangeCreatedBy=" << store2.dataChangeCreatedBy << "\n"; std::cout << "dataChangeLastModifiedBy=" << store2.dataChangeLastModifiedBy << "\n"; std::cout << "dataChangeCreatedTime=" << store2.dataChangeCreatedTime << "\n"; std::cout << "dataChangeLastModifiedTime=" << store2.dataChangeLastModifiedTime << "\n"; std::cout << "items:\n"; for (const auto& item : store2.items) for (const auto& kv : item) std::cout << " " << kv.first << "=" << kv.second << "\n"; catch (const YAML::Exception& ex) std::cerr << ex.what() << "\n"; return 1; return 0;

转载请注明出处: https://golang.0voice.com/?id=251

function AmenityLabelsSearch(props: any,ref:any) { const router = useRouter(); const [form] = Form.useForm(); const FormItem = Form.Item; // 是否允许多套 const allowMultiList = ['是', '否']; // 是否筛选项 const isFilterItemList = ['...


function AmenityLabelsSearch(props: any,ref:any) { const router = useRouter(); const [form] = Form.useForm(); const FormItem = Form.Item; // 是否允许多套 const allowMultiList = ['是', '否']; // 是否筛选项 const isFilterItemList = ['...


function AmenityLabelsSearch(props: any,ref:any) { const router = useRouter(); const [form] = Form.useForm(); const FormItem = Form.Item; // 是否允许多套 const allowMultiList = ['是', '否']; // 是否筛选项 const isFilterItemList = ['...


if (amenityRef.current) { amenityRef.current.onReset...">import { useRef } from "react"; import AmenityLabelsSearch from "./AmenityLabelsSearch"; function ParentComponent() { const amenityRef = useRef(null); const handleReset = () => { if (amenityRef.current) { amenityRef.current.onReset...


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function AmenityLabelsSearch(props: any) { const router = useRouter(); const [form] = Form.useForm(); const FormItem = Form.Item; // 是否允许多套 const allowMultiList = ['是', '否']; // 是否筛选项 const isFilterItemList = ['是', '否']...


function AmenityLabelsSearch(props: any) { const router = useRouter(); const [form] = Form.useForm(); const FormItem = Form.Item; // 是否允许多套 const allowMultiList = ['是', '否']; // 是否筛选项 const isFilterItemList = ['是', '否']...


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  • function AmenityLabelsSearch(props: any,ref:any) { const router = useRouter(); const [form] = Form.useForm(); const FormItem = Form.Item; // 是否允许多套 const allowMultiList = ['是', '否']; // 是否筛选项 const isFilterItemList = ['...

  • function AmenityLabelsSearch(props: any,ref:any) { const router = useRouter(); const [form] = Form.useForm(); const FormItem = Form.Item; // 是否允许多套 const allowMultiList = ['是', '否']; // 是否筛选项 const isFilterItemList = ['...

  • function AmenityLabelsSearch(props: any,ref:any) { const router = useRouter(); const [form] = Form.useForm(); const FormItem = Form.Item; // 是否允许多套 const allowMultiList = ['是', '否']; // 是否筛选项 const isFilterItemList = ['...

  • if (amenityRef.current) { amenityRef.current.onReset...">import { useRef } from "react"; import AmenityLabelsSearch from "./AmenityLabelsSearch"; function ParentComponent() { const amenityRef = useRef(null); const handleReset = () => { if (amenityRef.current) { amenityRef.current.onReset... $ git push develop fatal: The current branch master has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use git push --set-upstream develop master Prometheus nfs exporter怎么部署到k8s please translate"Time-lapse detection of sublethal damage CTL–target cell interactions and sublethal damage during interaction were detected by co-registering the fluorescent reporter and dsRed OT1 CTL at the following frame intervals and duration...

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