  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

For the below java code though resource is closed in a finally block sonar is reporting:Use try-with-resources or close this “ObjectInputStream” in a “finally” clause.

FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
ObjectInputStream objIn = null;
try {
                        fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(value);
                        objIn = new ObjectInputStream(fileInputStream)
                    finally {
                            if(fileInputStream != null){
                            if(objIn != null){
                        }catch (IOException e){}
    How to Report a False-positive / False-negative Report False-positive / False-negative...
    Hey SonarSource Community! 
False-positives happen, as do false-negatives, and we’re eager to fix them. We are thrilled when our users report problems, so we can make our products better. 
What is a false-positive (FP)?
A false-positive is when an issue is raised unexpectedly on code that should not trigger an issue, or where the suggested action doesn’t make any sense for the code. 
What is a false-negative (FN)?
A false-negative is when an issue should be raised on a piece of code, but isn’t…

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