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However, thi s i s not equivalent t o b lindly observing [...]
some obsolete and old-fashioned customs and practices such as the tradition
of regarding men as superior to women.
但是, 這並 等於 目固 守古老而腐朽 的舊風俗、舊習慣,例如重男輕女的傳統習俗。
The number of people who receive treatment for drug
[...] dependenc e i s not equivalent t o t he number [...]
of people who need (or want) treatment,
as the number of individuals in treatment may be limited by the capacity of treatment services.
接受戒毒治疗的 需要 (或 想要)接受治 疗的人数,因为接受治疗的人数可能因治疗机构的能力而受到限制。
To begin with, what opinion survey
[...] finding mean s i s not equivalent t o d etailed and [...]
in-depth public opinion analyses.
先要說明,所謂從民意數據出發, 不等如長 篇和 透澈的民意分析。
Of course, the tenants will be given a small amount of compensation at the
time of redevelopment, which, however,
[...] is absolu te l y not equivalent t o t he redevelopment [...]
compensation provided by the URA.
當然,在重建時,會給予租客少許賠償,但 於市 建局 的重建賠償。
Furthermore, the ecosystem services provided by
[...] plantations a r e not equivalent t o p rimary forests.
此外,种植园所提供的 生态系统服务与原始森 不相 同。
Currency-Linked Capital Protected
[...] Investment Deposi t i s NOT equivalent t o , nor should [...]
it be treated as a substitute for, time deposit.
外 滙 掛 鈎
[...] 保 本 投 資 存 款 」 並 被 視 為 定 期 存 款 [...]
或 其 代 替 品 。
16 That, however , i s not equivalent t o s aying that [...]
there is no such obligation; it is to say, rather, that this obligation
is still “imperfect”, in need of being further clarified.
16 但这种 情 于是 不存 此类 义务;而是意 味着,这一义务仍然“不 [...]
完备” ,需要进一 步澄清。
2 The Face Amount is used to calculate premium, guaranteed cash payments and relevant policy
[...] values, but i t i s not equivalent t o t he death [...]
2 基本保額只用作計算保費、保證現金及相關保單價值,但 並不相 於身 故賠 償。
[...] Investment Deposi t i s NOT equivalent t o , nor should [...]
it be treated as a substitute for, time deposit.
更 特 息 」 投 資 存 款 並 被 視 為 定 期 [...]
存 款 或 其 代 替 品 。
Average yield to maturity is the weighted average yield to maturity of the investment portfolio of the Sub-Fund an d i s not equivalent t o t he yield achieved by unitholders and any capital gain/loss of each Unit of the Sub-Fund is not included in the calculation.
平均到期收益率是子基金的投資組合到期收益率的加權平均數,並非單位持有人可獲的收益率,並且沒有計算子基 金每單 位的資本溢利 / 虧損,故此平均到期收益率不代表單位持有人可能取得的總回報。
However, this clause is very general an d i s not equivalent i n t erms of guarantee to the clauses in an author’s contract:18 “The author hereby grants the copyright in the work in all countries to UNESCO, which shall, during the whole term of the copyright therein, have the exclusive right to translate, adapt, reproduce, perform, broadcast, communicate to the public, print and publish in any language and in any form the whole or any part of the work, and to authorize others to exercise any or all of [...]
its rights hereunder.
但这项条款非常笼统,比 上著 作合同18 有关条款所提供的那种保 障:“作者通过本合同,将其在所有国家中拥有的对该作品的著作权让与教科文组织。 在整个有关的保护期中,教科文组织将享有用任何语言和以任何形式翻译、改编、复 制、演奏、传播、向公众公布、印刷和发表整个或部分有关作品,以及授权第三方行使 本合同规定的所有这些或其中某些权利的专有权”19。
This standar d i s not equivalent t o S tandard for [...]
Infant Formula Codex Stan 72-1981 by CAC of FAO/ WHO and revised draft of
Infant Formula and Formulas for Special Medical Purpose Intended for Infants[Codex Stan ?
配方食品为推荐性的。 本 采用 联合 国粮农组织/世界卫生组织(FAO/WHO)食品法典委员会(CAC)婴儿配方 [...]
食品标准 Codex Stan 72-1981 和婴儿配方食品以及特殊医用婴儿配方食品标准的修改草案 [Codex Stan ?
See also the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, art. 2, which states that discrimination includes “denial of reasonable accommodation”, and the Declaration
of Principles on Equality, art. 2: “Equal treatment, as an aspect of
[...] equality , i s not equivalent t o i dentical [...]
另见《残疾人权利公 约》第 2
[...] 条,其中指出歧视包括“拒绝提供合理便利”,以及《平等原则宣言》第 2 条: “平等待遇作为平等的一个方面 ,不等 于相 同的待遇。
The compensatio n i s not t o e xceed t h e equivalent o f t hree months’ [...]
net base salary.
赔偿数 额不得超过 相当 三个 月的净基薪。
They require accounting on a “full accruals” basis, which effectively means that transactions and
other events are recognized and recorded when
[...] they occur (a n d not o n ly when cash or i t s equivalent i s r eceived or paid).
它要求 实行“完全应计”会计制,即,在交易和其他会计事项发生时对其进行确认和记录 仅是 在收付现 物的 时候 )。
Thus, in the case of Australia, the Migration
[...] Act 1958-1966 c ou l d not s e rv e a s a n equivalent o f t he power of extradition, [...]
nor could that Act’s
existence warrant an assurance of reciprocal treatment in extradition.
对澳大利亚的情况,1958 年和 1966 年移民 不能 替代 引渡权,该法的存在 也不能构 成引 渡事宜对等待遇的保障。
An aircraft which has already been boarded by members of the crew or passengers or the loading of the cargo of which has already begun or which has not yet been deboarded by members of the crew
or passengers or the unloading of the cargo
[...] of which h a s not b e en completed shal l b e equivalent t o a n aircraft [...]
in flight.
机组人员或乘客已登机的飞 机、或已开始上载货物的飞机、或机组人员或乘客尚未下飞机、或货物尚未 卸载完毕的飞 机, 等同 行中 的飞机。
Based on our discussion with the management of the Group and after
considering the anticipated
[...] 3D Patent royalty rat e o f not e x ce eding EUR 1. 5 ( equivalent t o a pproximately US$2.1) per [...]
panel and the projected
production volume of the Philips-branded Scope Products (with 3D Patents in respect of display panels or components) in the Territory of not more than 250,000 units, 500,000 units and 1 million units for the first, second and third year of the term of the IntellectualPropertyAgreement,thetotalamount of the 3D Patent royalty rebate shared by Philips is anticipated to be insignificant as compared to the projected turnover of the JV Group.
根據吾等與 貴集團管理層的討論,並考慮到3D專利權的 許可使用費收費率預期為每塊顯示 不超 過1.5 歐元 相當 2. 1美元),以及飛利 浦品牌範圍內產品(就顯示屏或組件方面具有3D專利權)於知識產權協議的期限內 [...]
台及1,000,000台,相比於合營集團的估計營業額而言,預期飛利浦所分成的3D專 利權許可使用費退款總額屬相當微少。
Balances with
[...] counterpar ti e s not h a vi ng a public investment grad e o r equivalent i n te rnal rating [...]
are typically enhanced to
investment grade through the extensive use of credit enhancement products, such as letters of credit or insurance products.
交易對手 公開 投資級 等內 部評 級的結餘通常透過廣泛使用信用加強產品(如信用證或保險產品)增強至投資級 別。
Subject to the passing of the ordinary resolution set out in item 5 of the notice of the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Buyback Mandate and on the basis that the issued share capital of the Company remains unchanged on the date of the Annual General Meeting, i.e. being 830,000,000 Shares, the Directors would be authorized under the Buyback Mandate to repurchase, during the period in which the Buyback Mandate remains in
force, an aggregate nominal
[...] amount of Sh ar e s not e x ce eding HK$8,300, 00 0 ( equivalent t o 8 3,000,000 [...]
Shares), representing 10%
of the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares in issue as at the date of the Annual General Meeting.
倘 股 東 週 年 大 會 通 告 第 5 項 有 關 授 出 購 回 授 權 之 普 通 決 議 案 獲 通過, 並 假 設 本 公 司 已 發 行 股 本 於 股 東 週 年 大 會 舉 行 日 期 保 持 不 變 ( 即 830,000,000股股份 ), 則 根 據 購 回 授
權 , 董 事 有 權 於 購 回 授 權 有 效 期
[...] 間 購 回 股 份 面 值 總 不 超 8,300,000 相 當 於 8 3, 000,000股股份 , 即 本 公 [...]
司 於 股 東 週 年 大 會 舉 行 日 期 已
發 行 股 份 面 值 總 額 之 10%) 之 股 份 。
The members of the Board are appointed as Auditors-General, or
[...] official s o f equivalent t i tl e, of their countries a n d not a s i ndividuals.
委员会成员以会员国审计长 官阶 官员 的资格, 是以 个人 资格接受任命。
As at the date of this announcement, the Board anticipates that the aggregate annual rent payable by the Group to the connected persons under all the existing lease agreements with such connected persons, i.e. the lease agreements disclosed in details in this announcement and the Other Existing Lease Agreements previously announced, will, based on the relevant annual
caps under such
[...] aforementioned agreeme nt s , not e x ce ed approximately RMB12,660, 38 0 ( equivalent t o a pproximately HK$15,698,871) [...]
for the year
ended 31 December 2012; and RMB15,504,500 (equivalent to approximately HK$19,225,580) for the year ended 31 December 2013.
[...] 年12月31日止年度及截至2013年12月31日止年度之年 金總 額( 按照上述協議 相關 年度 上 限計算 不超 約人 民幣12,660,380元(相當於約15,698,871港元)及人民幣15,504,500元 [...]
To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its
gain should be so
[...] chosen that t h e equivalent i s ot ropically radiated power (e.i.r.p. ) i s not m o re than that [...]
permitted for successful communication.
为降低对其他用户的潜在无线电干扰,应选择适当的天线类型及增益,以 便 等效 全向 辐射功率 (e.i. r. p.) 超过 许可 范围,实现正常通讯。
[...] [...] expenditure, only where the beneficiary is a developing country and t h e equivalent e x pe nditur e i s not a v ai lable for developed countries.
只有当受益方是发展中国 家,且没有用于发达国家的类似支出时,该支出才有资格称为发展 动支 出。
There was, a
[...] fortiori, no re as o n not t o a ppl y a n equivalent r u le in respect [...]
of reservations to treaty provisions enunciating
a peremptory norm of general international law (jus cogens); such was the purpose of draft guideline 4.4.3,49 drafted in a manner similar to that of the previous guideline.
同样 没有理 适用 项相似的 规则 , 针对宣布一项一般国内法强调规范的条约规定的保留;这正是准则草案 4.4.349 [...]
If you are located in a non-US jurisdiction, your provision of Personal Information, other access to our websites and online interactions with JCI constitutes your transfer of such
data to the United States, a
[...] jurisdiction that m a y not p r ov id e a n equivalent l e ve l of data [...]
protection to the laws in your home country.
如果您位于美国以外的辖区,您提供个人信息、对我们网站进行其它访问以及与JCI进行在线交互活动即表示您 将此类数据转移至美国,而美国辖区可能无法为您提供与您国籍所在国家法律所 规定 相同 平的 数据保护。
Purchase Price: the parties agree an indicative
[...] purchase pric e o f not m o re than RMB55,000, 00 0 ( equivalent t o H K$62,365,348) [...]
but the purchase price
will be determined and fixed at the signing of the formal legally binding purchase agreement after taking into account vanadium mineral reserves at the date of completion and the value of the related assets and such other factors considered by the parties as relevant.
購買價格: 協議方同意指導購買 為不高 於人 民幣 55,000,000 元 (合港幣 62,365,348 元),但該購買價格將於簽署正式 [...]
的具有法律約束力的收購協議時考慮交割日之時釩礦儲 量和相關資產的價值及其他雙方認為需要參考的因素而 釐定。
In this context, the representative of Japan notified the Executive Committee of its understanding that, if the project were approved, the
portion of the total funding
[...] approved for the pro je c t equivalent t o t he contribution of Japan [...]
should be spent only on activities
that could be monitored in a transparent manner, and that the funds should be spent only for the protection of the ozone layer, without being diverted to other uses.
就此,日本代表将其理解通知了执行委员会,即:如果项目获得核准,为项目所核 准的总供资 当于 日本 捐款的那部 金额 只能 用于能够以透明方式加以监测的活动, 而且,资金只能用于臭氧层的保护,不得挪作其他用途。
In its resolution 65/259, the General Assembly authorized the Secretary-General to proceed with structural review project 3 (rationalization of ICT organization),
and also decided to provide general
[...] temporary assist an c e equivalent t o s even P-4 [...]
positions for structural review project 4,
on strengthening OICT, of which five were to be funded from within existing resources.
大会第 65/259 号决议 授权秘书长开展结构审查项目
[...] 3(信通技术组织合理化),并决定为结构审查项目 4(加强信通厅 )提 供相当 于七 P-4 职位的一般临时人员,其中五个在现有资源 [...]
Whilst it is recognized that the salary and benefits package of local universities' academics compare favourably with that of many, though by
no means all, of their counterparts in
[...] universities a n d equivalent i n st itutions [...]
elsewhere, the Administration considers that
any direct comparison between the remuneration of academic staff in money terms could be misleading because the figures have to be interpreted in the context of each country's social and economic environment, the prevailing standard of living, inflation rate, purchasing power and market forces as well as relativities with other professions, which are essentially the factors determining the remuneration of academic staff.
雖然㆒般認為本港大學的教職員,比起許多(但 絕對不是所有)其他㆞方的大學和 等教 育機 構的同級㆟員,享有較優厚的薪金和福 [...]
利,我們認為,以金錢來直接比較教職員的薪酬,可能會得到錯誤的結論,因為我們 看這些數字時,必須同時考慮決定教職員薪酬的各項主要因素,包括當㆞的社會及經
濟狀況、當時的生活水平、通脹率、貨幣的購買力、市場力量,以及與其他行業薪酬 的比照。