  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
  • SecretProviderClass not found
  • Volume mount fails with secrets-store.csi.k8s.io not found in the list of registered CSI drivers
  • Mount fails with grpc: received message larger than max
  • failed to get CSI client: driver name secrets-store.csi.k8s.io not found in the list of registered CSI drivers
  • Volume mount fails with "GRPC error" err="failed to mount objects, error: failed to write file: no such file or directory
  • Logging

    To troubleshoot issues with the csi driver, you can look at logs from the secrets-store container of the csi driver pod running on the same node as your application pod:

    kubectl get pod -o wide
    # find the secrets store csi driver pod running on the same node as your application pod
    kubectl logs csi-secrets-store-secrets-store-csi-driver-7x44t secrets-store

    If the pod fails to start because of the inline volume mount, you can describe the pod to view mount failure errors and events:

    kubectl describe pod <application pod>

    It is always a good idea to include relevant logs from csi driver pod when opening a new issue.


    Starting the secrets-store container in driver with --enable-pprof=true will enable a debug http endpoint at --pprof-port (default: 6065). Accessing this will also require port-forward:

    kubectl port-forward csi-secrets-store-secrets-store-csi-driver-7x44t secrets-store 6065:6065 &
    curl localhost:6065/debug/pprof

    Common Errors

    SecretProviderClass not found

    kubectl describe pod <application pod> shows:

      Warning  FailedMount  3s (x4 over 6s)  kubelet, kind-control-plane  MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "secrets-store-inline" : rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to get secretproviderclass default/azure, error: secretproviderclasses.secrets-store.csi.x-k8s.io "azure" not found

    The SecretProviderClass being referenced in the volumeMount needs to exist in the same namespace as the application pod.

    Volume mount fails with secrets-store.csi.k8s.io not found in the list of registered CSI drivers

    kubectl describe pod <application pod> shows:

      Warning  FailedMount  1s (x4 over 4s)  kubelet, kind-control-plane  MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "secrets-store-inline" : kubernetes.io/csi: mounter.SetUpAt failed to get CSI client: driver name secrets-store.csi.k8s.io not found in the list of registered CSI drivers

    Secrets Store CSI Driver is deployed as a DaemonSet. The above error indicates the CSI driver pods aren’t running on the node.

    If the node is tainted, then add a toleration for the taint in the Secrets Store CSI Driver DaemonSet.

    Check to see if there are any node selectors preventing the Secrets Store CSI Driver pods from running on the node.

    Check to see if the CSIDriver object has been deployed to the cluster:

    # This is the desired output. If the secrets-store.csi.k8s.io isn't found, then reinstall the driver.
    kubectl get csidriver
    NAME                       ATTACHREQUIRED   PODINFOONMOUNT   MODES       AGE
    secrets-store.csi.k8s.io   false            true             Ephemeral   110m

    Mount fails with grpc: received message larger than max

    If the files pulled in by the SecretProviderClass are larger than 4MiB you may observe FailedMount warnings with a message that includes grpc: received message larger than max. You can configure the driver to accept responses larger than 4MiB by specifying the --max-call-recv-msg-size=<size in bytes> argument to the secrets-store container in the csi-secrets-store DaemonSet.

    Note that this may also increase memory resource consumption of the secrets-store container, so you should also consider increasing the memory limit as well.

    failed to get CSI client: driver name secrets-store.csi.k8s.io not found in the list of registered CSI drivers

    Volume mount fails with "GRPC error" err="failed to mount objects, error: failed to write file: no such file or directory

    Some Kubernetes distros (such as Rancher and Microk8s) use a custom kubeletRootDir path. This may cause errors such as volume mount failures or failures to register CSI drivers. If the default kubelet directory path of the distro you are using is not /var/lib/kubelet, it can be configured during installation via Helm chart using --set linux.kubeletRootDir=<desired/kubelet/dir/path>. For Rancher the kubelet directory path is /opt/rke/var/lib/kubelet and for Microk8s it is /var/snap/microk8s/common/var/lib/kubelet.