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After a TRIRIGA 3.4.2 standalone installation, we get a WebSphere warning message:

0000004e annotation W com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.annotation.WASAnnotationHelper collectClasses SRVE8000W: Skipped class that failed to initialize for annotation scanning.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ibm.tririga.platform.mvc.formview.tags.FvStructureTag
at java.lang.Class.forNameImpl(Native Method)…

0000004e annotation W com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.annotation.WASAnnotationHelper collectClasses SRVE8000W: Skipped class that failed to initialize for annotation scanning.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ibm.tririga.platform.mvc.formview.tags.WidgetTag
at java.lang.Class.forNameImpl(Native Method)…

How do you solve this problem?

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Mae-Ling Antonio: I did an upgrade from 3.1 – to and now attempting to get the application upgraded. I went from 10.1 to 10.3.2, but when I apply the 10.4 OM package, I get a bunch of errors that look like this … Has anyone encountered this before? Update: I found that if we removed all the items that existed in the target environment, it imported successfully with a few warnings.

Mani Sanjeevi: I too had the same problem when I tried to apply 10.4.1 upgrade from 10.3.2. I followed the same procedure of removing existing items in the target environment like you did but having said that “Imported successfully with a few warnings” is the main concerns here… You have to closely watch the OOB Forms, Queries & Reports while performing the post upgrade system test. The reason behind for this recheck is a few fields in OOB Forms will be hidden & some Queries “system filters” will set to blank and some may not work properly as its supposed to… Actually I’m preparing the list of those Forms & Queries now and will share it here when I’m done!

[Admin: The same question is also posted in the developerWorks forums .]

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Customer created a new security group that has access to the System Reports tab, so that the users are able to create Editable reports with System and State Transition actions. When logging into the system as a user in this new group (Non-Admin), the user can see the System Reports and create an editable report. On the Advanced tab, after adding System and State Transition actions, when clicking on the Delete link or trying to add an action using the Add link, the popup window gives the error:

TRIRIGA Security Warning
You do not have permission to access this page.
Please contact your TRIRIGA administrator.

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A common workflow message that I have seen in TRIRIGA server.log files looks a little like this message below… While this looks a little bit cryptic, the key information to look at is ‘Workflow template not found for Key.’ This is the important message here because it could be that the workflow being called has been retired. So, how do you find out what this workflow is based on the information in the WARN message? Reviewing the message shows the information ‘WFTID=10499101.34′ and Label=’Call triProjectCreate Required Document Mandatory Records’. The label should be the workflow that is being called. You would then want to open workflow builder and review this workflow to see what the status is (published, revision in progress, or retired).

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Has anyone seen these warnings before and how do you resolve them?
2014-03-11 11:41:36,098 WARN [org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate](pool-1-thread-6) POST request for "http://ms-cafm-a01:8001/pc/ci/dispatch" resulted in 501 (Not Implemented); invoking error handler...
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