  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

XAML editor complains “Object does not match target type” while using the RibbonView. I have the latest updated VS2017.

I have tried using the threads on StackOverflow.




I was not able to resolve my error using them links. The source compiles and runs but the editor complains and it is irritating and obstructing actual errors.

< telerik:RadRibbonView Grid.Row = "0" x:Name = "RibbonView" ApplicationName = "MyApplication" Title = "{x:Static properties:Resources.RibbonViewTitle}"
ApplicationButtonImageSource = "../Images/MyApp.png"
MinimizeButtonVisibility = "Visible" >
<!--Need to add HelpRequested Event Handler using MVVM-->
< telerik:RadRibbonView.TabStripAdditionalContent >
< StackPanel Orientation = "Horizontal" >
< TextBlock x:Name = "Vers" VerticalAlignment = "Center" Margin = "2,0,5,0" ></ TextBlock >
</ StackPanel >
</ telerik:RadRibbonView.TabStripAdditionalContent >
< telerik:RadRibbonView.QuickAccessToolBar >
< telerik:QuickAccessToolBar >
< telerik:RadRibbonButton Text = "{x:Static properties:Resources.FileMenuSave}" SmallImage = "../Images/Save_sm.png"
Size = "Small" telerik:KeyTipService.AccessText = "1" Command = "{Binding Path=SaveWorkflowCommand}" />
< telerik:RadRibbonButton Text = "Undo" SmallImage = "../Images/Undo_sm.png"
Size = "Small" telerik:KeyTipService.AccessText = "2" Command = "ApplicationCommands.Undo" />
< telerik:RadRibbonButton Text = "Redo" SmallImage = "../Images/Redo_sm.png"
Size = "Small" telerik:KeyTipService.AccessText = "3" Command = "ApplicationCommands.Redo" />
</ telerik:QuickAccessToolBar >
</ telerik:RadRibbonView.QuickAccessToolBar >
< telerik:RadRibbonView.ApplicationMenu >
< telerik:ApplicationMenu >
< telerik:RadRibbonButton Text = "{x:Static properties:Resources.FileMenuNewWorkflow}" LargeImage = "../Images/New_lg.png"
Command = "{Binding Path=NewWorkflowCommand}" />
< telerik:RadRibbonButton Text = "{x:Static properties:Resources.FileMenuOpen}" LargeImage = "../Images/Open_lg.png"
Command = "{Binding Path=OpenWorkflowCommand}" />
< telerik:Separator />
< telerik:RadRibbonButton Text = "{x:Static properties:Resources.FileMenuSave}" LargeImage = "../Images/Save_lg.png"
Command = "{Binding Path=SaveWorkflowCommand}" />
< telerik:RadRibbonButton Text = "{x:Static properties:Resources.FileMenuSaveAs}" LargeImage = "../Images/SaveAs_lg.png"
Command = "{Binding Path=SaveAsWorkflowCommand}" />
< telerik:RadRibbonButton Text = "{x:Static properties:Resources.FileMenuSaveAll}" LargeImage = "../Images/SaveAs_lg.png"
Command = "{Binding Path=SaveAllWorkflowsCommand}" />
< telerik:Separator />
< telerik:RadRibbonButton Text = "Import XML" LargeImage = "../Images/Import_lg.png" />
< telerik:RadRibbonButton Text = "{x:Static properties:Resources.DebugMenuStartWithoutDebugging}" LargeImage = "../Images/Start_lg.png"
Command = "{Binding Path=StartWithoutDebuggingCommand}" />
< telerik:Separator />
< telerik:RadRibbonButton Text = "Copy Variables" LargeImage = "../Images/Variables_lg.png" />
< telerik:Separator />
< telerik:RadRibbonButton Text = "Manage Extensions" LargeImage = "../Images/Import_lg.png"
< telerik:Separator />
< telerik:RadRibbonButton Text = "Encrypt Value" LargeImage = "../Images/encrypt_lg.png"
< telerik:Separator />
< telerik:ApplicationMenu.FooterContent >
< StackPanel Height = "25"
Orientation = "Horizontal" >
< telerik:RadButton Width = "86"
Height = "22"
Margin = "3 0 2 0" >
< telerik:RadButton.Content >
< StackPanel Orientation = "Horizontal"
VerticalAlignment = "Center"
Margin = "3 0  5 0" >
< Image Width = "16"
Height = "16" Source = "../Images/Exit_sm.png" />
< TextBlock Margin = "4 0 0 0"
VerticalAlignment = "Center"
Text = "Exit" />
</ StackPanel >
</ telerik:RadButton.Content >
</ telerik:RadButton >
</ StackPanel >
</ telerik:ApplicationMenu.FooterContent >
</ telerik:ApplicationMenu >
</ telerik:RadRibbonView.ApplicationMenu >
< telerik:RadRibbonView.Items >
< telerik:RadRibbonTab Header = "{x:Static properties:Resources.HomeMenu}" >
< telerik:RadRibbonGroup Header = "{x:Static properties:Resources.FileMenu}" telerik:KeyTipService.AltAccessText = "F" >
< telerik:RadRibbonButton x:Name = "RibGrpNew" LargeImage = "../Images/New_lg.png" Size = "Large"
Text = "{x:Static properties:Resources.FileMenuNewWorkflow}" telerik:KeyTipService.AccessText = "N" Command = "{Binding Path=NewWorkflowCommand}" ToolTip = "Ctrl+N" />
< telerik:RadCollapsiblePanel >
< telerik:RadRibbonButton x:Name = "RibGrpOpen"
LargeImage = "../Images/Open_lg.png" Size = "Large"
Text = "{x:Static properties:Resources.FileMenuOpen}" telerik:KeyTipService.AccessText = "O" Command = "{Binding Path=OpenWorkflowCommand}" />
</ telerik:RadCollapsiblePanel >
< StackPanel >
< telerik:RadRibbonButton x:Name = "RibGrpSave"
SmallImage = "../Images/Save_lg.png" Size = "Medium"
Text = "{x:Static properties:Resources.FileMenuSave}" telerik:KeyTipService.AccessText = "S" Command = "{Binding Path=SaveWorkflowCommand}" />
< telerik:RadRibbonButton x:Name = "RibGrpSaveAs"
SmallImage = "../Images/SaveAs_lg.png" Size = "Medium"
Text = "{x:Static properties:Resources.FileMenuSaveAs}" telerik:KeyTipService.AccessText = "SA" Command = "{Binding Path=SaveAsWorkflowCommand}" />
</ StackPanel >
</ telerik:RadRibbonGroup >
< telerik:RadRibbonGroup x:Name = "RibGrpExec" Header = "{x:Static properties:Resources.RibGrpExecHeader}" telerik:KeyTipService.AltAccessText = "E" >
< telerik:RadRibbonButton x:Name = "RibGrpStart" LargeImage = "../Images/Start_lg.png" Size = "Large"
Text = "{x:Static properties:Resources.DebugMenuStartWithoutDebugging}" Tag = "0" telerik:KeyTipService.AccessText = "ST" Command = "{Binding Path=StartWithoutDebuggingCommand}" >
</ telerik:RadRibbonButton >
< telerik:RadRibbonButton x:Name = "RibGrpStartWithVariable" Tag = "1" LargeImage = "../Images/StartVar_lg.png" Size = "Large"
Text = "Start with variable" telerik:KeyTipService.AccessText = "ST" Command = "{Binding Path=StartWithoutDebuggingCommand}" >
</ telerik:RadRibbonButton >
< telerik:RadCollapsiblePanel >
< telerik:RadRibbonButton x:Name = "RibGrpStop"
LargeImage = "../Images/Stop_lg.png" Size = "Large"
Text = "{x:Static properties:Resources.DebugMenuAbort}" Command = "{Binding Path=AbortCommand}" ToolTip = "F5" />
</ telerik:RadCollapsiblePanel >
< StackPanel >
< telerik:RadRibbonButton x:Name = "RunDebug"
SmallImage = "../Images/Debug_sm.png" Size = "Medium"
Text = "{x:Static properties:Resources.DebugMenuStartDebugging}" telerik:KeyTipService.AccessText = "DG" Command = "{Binding Path=StartWithDebuggingCommand}" />
< telerik:RadRibbonButton x:Name = "RunVerbose"
SmallImage = "../Images/Debug_sm.png" Size = "Medium"
Text = "Verbose_Logging" telerik:KeyTipService.AccessText = "DG" />
</ StackPanel >
</ telerik:RadRibbonGroup >
</ telerik:RadRibbonTab >
< telerik:RadRibbonTab Header = "{x:Static properties:Resources.ViewMenu}" />
< telerik:RadRibbonTab Header = "{x:Static properties:Resources.DebugMenu}" />
< telerik:RadRibbonTab Header = "{x:Static properties:Resources.HelpMenu}" />
</ telerik:RadRibbonView.Items >
</ telerik:RadRibbonView >

Any help or suggestion is appreciated.

I ran the snippet in VS2017 Professional without success of reproducing the issue. Could I ask you to provide a runnable sample project that isolates the issue, since I assume that clearing all the bindings and static setters might have prevented the issue from occurring).
Furthermore, I could suggest closing the studio, cleaning the bin and obj folders and their contents, and rebuilding, and/or checking if the types of the static properties that are set to the controls meet the expected types for the properties - i.e. if the Title of the RadRibbonView is a string etc.
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