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  • Bugzilla – Bug 346725 "Overriding managed version" in pom.xml should not be a warning severity Last modified: 2021-04-19 13:27:06 EDT
    I have a parent pom.xml that has dependencies defined under <dependencyManagement>, such that the versions defined are used by default by most child projects.
    However, I have some child projects that require an overridden dependency version.
    Maven itself doesn't seem to complain about doing this.  However, m2e issues a Warning that appears in the Problems view:
    Description: "Overriding manged version x.x.x for <component>"
    Resource: "pom.xml"
    Type: "Maven pom Loading Problem"
    2 options I would propose are to either have this type of warning configurable (short of hiding the "Maven pom Loading Problem" all together, which may hide other desired warnings) - or to switch the "Overriding managed" warning to be of "Info" severity, so that it can still be observed if desired - without contributing warnings to the project.  (I guess I would vote for the later option.)
    I have a pom that uses version 1.6 of the antrun plugin.  The relevant section from my pom is below:
    This pom does not have a parent pom.  After updating Eclipse 3.6.2 with m2e 1.0.0, the following warning is now being displayed on the Problems tab:
    Overriding managed version 1.3 for maven-antrun-plugin Maven pom Loading Problem
    I believe this warning is invalid.
    There are problems with a selection of plugins defined in the super POM apparently, this is tracked separately in issue 350203
    (In reply to comment #3)
    > I have a pom that uses version 1.6 of the antrun plugin.  The relevant section
    > from my pom is below:
    > <plugin>
    > <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
    > <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
    > <version>1.6</version>
    > </plugin>
    > This pom does not have a parent pom.  After updating Eclipse 3.6.2 with m2e
    > 1.0.0, the following warning is now being displayed on the Problems tab:
    > Overriding managed version 1.3 for maven-antrun-plugin Maven pom Loading
    > Problem
    > I believe this warning is invalid.
    I would like to reopen this bug because I "believe this can be improved further" (to quote the above comment!).
    In my POMs, I often use <version>${project.version}</version> so that I don't have to repeat my version number everywhere. This warning fails here, presumably because the string '${project.version}' is not equal to the actual version string (say, '2.6-SNAPSHOT').
    Could you please either a) try and resolve what ${project.version} is, or b) disable this warning if the value is an expression?
    This warning is only created when both <dependency> and matching <dependencyManagement> elements have <version>. I believe this warning is useful in many/most cases, but agree it does not necessary represent a problem. If you feel strongly enough about this warning, please provide a quality patch that will allow configuration of severity of this problem via eclipse preference.