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摘要 :通过离子液体调控人工反铁磁Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida (RKKY) 效应。在具有面内磁易轴的FeCoB/Ru/FeCoB 和具有面外磁易轴(Pt/Co)2/Ru/(Co/Pt)2的人工反铁磁中均在室温下实现了低电压调控铁磁-反铁磁耦合。在2.5 V的偏置电压下,磁光克尔成像系统可以观察到高达80%的电致磁畴翻转。第一性原理计算得到的结果和实验数据十分吻合。该理论证实了离子液体调控RKKY效应是电压改变铁磁层的费米能级进而改变人工反铁磁中的层间耦合能所致。这项工作为低电压实现可切换的铁磁-反铁磁自旋器件打下坚实基础,并且也为深入理解离子液体调控磁性过程提供理论平台。 (a) FeCoB (1.5 nm)/Ru (0.95 nm)/FeCoB (1.5 nm)的横截面TEM图片,II 是I的局部放大图,可以清晰地看到层状结构;II 中的比例尺是20 nm, I 中是5 nm; (b) (c) 是FeCoB (1.5 nm)/Ru ( Ru )/FeCoB (1.5 nm)人工反铁磁的磁滞回线Ru厚度依赖特性;单、双回线分别对应铁磁、反铁磁耦合; (d) (Pt 9 Å/Co 7.5 Å) 2 /Ru (0.95 nm)/(Co 7.5 Å/Pt 9 Å) 2 的横截面TEM图片,II 是I的局部放大图,II中的比例尺是50 nm,I中是5 nm; (e) (f) 是(Pt 9 Å/Co 7.5 Å) 2 /Ru ( Ru )/(Co 7.5 Å/Pt 9 Å) 2 人工反铁磁的磁滞回线Ru厚度依赖特性; (g-l) 在极性MOKE模式下观察到的 (Pt 9 Å/Co 7.5 Å) 2 /Ru (0.95 nm)/(Co 7.5 Å /Pt 9 Å) 2 /Ta (3.5 nm)结构的垂直动态磁化反转,比例尺50 μm; (g-i) 是磁场从+1000降到0 Oe所发生的第一次磁畴翻转过程; (j-l) 是磁场从0降到-1000 Oe所发生的第二次磁畴翻转过程; (g) 图左上角插图是磁畴翻转过程相对应的磁滞回线;所有测试均在室温下完成。 (b) (c) 分别代表CoFe(1.5 nm)/Ru(1.1 nm)/ CoFe (1.5 nm)和[Pt(0.88 nm)|Co(0.70 nm)] 2 /Ru(0.88 nm)/[Co(0.70 nm)|Pt(0.88 nm)] 2 人工反铁磁中层间交换耦合能随电压的变化;其中 x 代表铁磁和Ru界面的无序度,我们讨论了5种情况; (d) (e) 代表电压作用下CoFe ( x =0.5)及Co|Pt ( x =0.1)的布里渊区能量分布图;红色和蓝色分别代表铁磁和反铁磁耦合。 离子液体是一类结构可设计,性能多样化的一类新型物质统称,应用领域广泛,用作:催化剂、吸收剂、萃取剂、阻燃剂、抗静电剂、导电助剂、润滑剂、杀菌剂,涉及领域:化工、医药、材料、半导体、生物、芯片、航天、显示、环保、通讯、润滑等...目前已见报道的离子液体根据分子结构和物化性质可分化四代。第一代离子液体主要的组分是作为阳离子的二烷基咪唑六氟磷酸盐/烷基吡啶六氟磷酸盐和作为阴离子的金属卤化物,他们是理想的电化学溶剂,然而对空气和水非常敏感。第二代离子液体由铵盐等作为常用的阳离子,而六氟磷酸盐等作为阴离子,从而可在空气和水中稳定。第三代离子液体则包括了氨基酸和胆碱等天然离子或者是具有生物活性的离子。而第四代则最早出现在2018年,他们与其他分子液体混合后或者溶解后可展现出独特的性能。图1离子液体中典型的阳离子和阴离子 2022-03-18 Room-temperature ionic liquids are, as the name suggests, salts that exist in liquid states at room temperature. RTILs are of great interest to a variety of fields because they exhibit unique physical and thermodynamic properties, such as negligble vapor pressure, high thermal stability, high electrochemical stability, and low flammability. Moreover, ionic liquids exhibit high conductivity and a wide electrochemical window, which means that they are neither easily oxidized nor reduced, hence they are excellent candidates for efficient and green electrolytes in batteries. Due to the various potential applications RTILs promise, computer simulations of RTILs have widely propagated, and various combinations of different cations and anions have been designed and tested to further increase our knowledge in this field.Please note: this tutorial uses the general Amber force field (GAFF) force field to create an initial (not a “refined”) force field. Some aspects of the simulation results are not in as good agreement with experiment as the results presented in the papers listed above. This is a good object lesson: GAFF can get you started, and can provide results of reasonable accuracy. Depending on your needs, this may be enough. But it is often desirable to treat the GAFF results as a starting point for further refinement; the latter is usually system-specific, and is not covered in this tutorial. 2022-03-16