As part of my BPM process i have user interaction. When I’m trying to debug the code, control is coming to task but I don’t see any further action in task, seeing below error after execution of prrocess.
Kindly advice.
Error is SOAPException( Server.userException: com.webMethods.portal.bizPolicy.BizException: [POP.017.0016] Task Type ID is not valid EBE5320B-D1E8-39EE-FWED-F19577203916 )
Looks like you task has not been deployed to the task engine. Check your servers tab in Designer and check that the task has been assigned to the MWS server and is synced.
Thanks John. Now i’m unable to connect to MWS from Designer. I have given IP, https port, not sure, i don’t find much details, can you please advice.
Hi John, i somehow managed to connect to MWS from Designer. I see now MWS is started and Synchronized state but still getting the same error. Any other checks to perform ?
Now, getting below error:
Error is SOAPException( Server.userException: com.webMethods.portal.bizPolicy.BizException: [POP.017.0004] You dont have permissions to queue new task
Eventually solved by giving permssions to my user id in MWS → Administration → System Wide → Permission Management.
Well, done, posting your progress was great and will be of help to others.
I think you deserve the rest of your Saturday off now
Thanks John.
Hi, I have added some user interaction. I see MWS task page is getting opened, i could able to complete it; however control is not going back to rest of BPM process steps. Any suggestion ?