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VMware Cloud Foundation is an integrated software stack that bundles the VMware virtualization and management components like compute virtualization (vSphere), storage virtualization (vSAN), network virtualization (NSX), and cloud management (VMware Aria Suite). VCF consists of Cloud Builder - that automates the bringup of the management infrastructure and SDDC Manager - that automates the workload domain management, lifecycle and operations. This API reference guide covers APIs of both Cloud Builder and SDDC Manager

Table of Contents

  • API Versioning API
  • Security API
  • URL Encoding API
  • Error codes and messages API
  • 1. API Versioning API

  • API versioning is at the granularity of each resource.

  • API versioning is similar to URI versioning so that it is explicit i.e all APIs have the "/<version>/" prefix.

  • API version is independent of the product version and will evolve independently.

  • Tip : Reference APIs using the full path i.e "/v1/hosts" so that any future changes can be localized to a small scope in the automation code. This ensures that when the API version is incremented, you only need to update the references to the old APIs (which are now marked as deprecated) with the new APIs

    Note : An illustration of API versioning is shown in the table below.

    Note : The illustration assumes that the product version is incremented from N to N+1, N+2 and so on.

    Note : The API version is only incremented when there are backward incompatible changes.

    Note : The older version of the APIs are deprecated when the version is incremented.

    Note : In VCF 5.0, path variables of some APIs are updated to address the swagger issue: "Equivalent paths are not allowed". However, those APIs will appear as deleted and recreated in the API changelog.

    Note : In VCF 5.2, the ipAddress field in request payload or response body are deprecated and will be removed. Please use fqdn field instead.

  • All APIs are secured and need an username and password for invocation.

  • The APIs follow the Basic Authentication scheme.

  • To invoke the APIs, Cloud Builder "admin" account account and its password is required.

  • SDDC Manager APIs

  • All APIs are secured and need an access token for invocation.

  • The APIs follow the Bearer Authentication scheme.

  • Tip : For security reasons, you should periodically update the password of the SDDC Manager account.

  • To use more secured APIs like Get the Credentials API, Update or rotate passwords for a list of resources API, Retry a failed credentials task for a given ID API, the user should have the appropriate role mapped. Refer Authorization section for more details.
  • 2.2. Authentication API

  • An access token and a refresh token can be obtained using the Token API. Refer Create a token pair section

  • An access token has a validity of 1 hour and a refresh token has a validity of 24 hours.

  • If the access token has expired, a new access token can be obtained using the refresh token (provided the refresh token has not expired). Refer Refresh an access token section.

  • If the refresh token has expired, a new pair of access and refresh token can be obtained using the Token API. Refer Create a token pair section.

  • Refer below for various use cases of API invocation and the HTTP response code :-

  • 2.3. Authorization

  • Every user can either have an ADMIN role or an OPERATOR role. Refer Get the Roles and Add users for information to fetch the Role ID and add users.

  • To invoke more secured APIs like Get the Credentials API, Update or rotate passwords for a list of resources API, Retry a failed credentials task for a given ID API, the user MUST have the ADMIN role.

  • 2.4. Changing the "admin" account password API

    Cloud Builder APIs

    Note : Changing password of the Cloud Builder "admin" account is not supported.

    3. URL Encoding API

    While invoking any API, make sure to encode the URL twice using UTF-8 encoding scheme if the URL contains any non-ASCII character. Example:

    Character # is first encoded to %23, which is again encoded to %2523.

    4. Error codes and messages API

    Messages having {} indicate dynamic values being set.

    4.1. Hosts API

    Error code Description HOST_TASK_REGISTRATION_FAILED.remedy Please make sure that commonsvcs service is up and running. FAIL_DECOMMISSION_HOST Failed to decommission host. HOST_VALIDATION_FOR_DECOMMISSION_FAILED Failed to validate the host for decommission. HOST_VALIDATION_FOR_DECOMMISSION_FAILED.remedy Make sure that the host is not part of any cluster. HOST_NFS_MOUNT_CLEAN_FAILED Failed to remove NFS configuration of the host. HOST_NFS_MOUNT_CLEAN_FAILED.remedy Retry decommission once this issue gets resolved. KNOWN_HOST_ENTRY_CLEANUP_FAILED Failed to remove known hosts configuration entry of the host. KNOWN_HOST_ENTRY_CLEANUP_FAILED.remedy Retry decommission once this issue gets resolved. HOST_CREDENTIAL_DELETION_FAILED Failed to delete credentials of the host {0}. HOST_SERVICE_CREDENTIAL_DELETION_FAILED Failed to delete service account credentials of host {0}. HOST_SERVICE_CREDENTIAL_DELETION_INPUT_GENERATION_FAILED Failed to generate delete ESXi Service Account Input Data for host {0}. HOST_SERVICE_CREDENTIAL_DELETION_POSTVALIDATION_FAILED Validation of the ESXi service accounts credentials deletion failed for host {0}. HOST_CREDENTIAL_DELETION_FAILED.remedy Retry decommission once this issue gets resolved. HOST_STORAGE_SAVE_ERROR Failed to save input data to persistent storage REMOVE_HOST_NOT_INITIALIZED Removal for host {0} is not initialized. REMOVE_HOST_GET_DATA_ERROR Failed to get data for remove host. Reason: {0} REMOVE_HOST_UPDATE_DATA_ERROR Failed to update data for remove host. Reason: {0} DECOMMISSION_HOST_GET_DATA_ERROR Failed to get data for decommission host. Reason: {0} DECOMMISSION_HOST_UPDATE_DATA_ERROR Failed to update data for decommission host. Reason: {0} PMM_UPDATE_ALERT_FILTER_ERROR Failed to update alert-suppression filter for {0} to {1} SERIALIZATION_ERROR Failed to serialize the add host uber spec DM_HOST_NOT_REACHABLE Cannot connect to host with address {0} DM_HOST_NOT_REACHABLE.remedy Please check the connectivity to host with address {0}. DM_HOST_DNS_CONFIGURATION_FAILED Cannot configure DNS {0} on host(s) {1} DM_HOST_DNS_CONFIGURATION_FAILED.remedy Please check the DNS {0} configuration on the host(s). DM_HOST_NTP_CONFIGURATION_FAILED Cannot configure NTP servers {0} for host {1} DM_HOST_NTP_CONFIGURATION_FAILED.remedy Please check the connectivity to host with address {0}. NTP_SERVERS_NOT_REACHABLE NTP Servers {0} are not reachable from host {1} NTP_SERVERS_NOT_REACHABLE.remedy Please check the connectivity of NTP servers {0} from host {1} BLANK_PRIMARY_DNS_IP Cannot find primary DNS IP in the inventory. BLANK_PRIMARY_DNS_IP.remedy Please make sure that primary DNS IP is available in the inventory (DB). BLANK_NTP_IP Cannot find any NTP IP in the inventory. BLANK_NTP_IP.remedy Please make sure that at least one NTP IP is available in the inventory (DB). FAILED_TO_GET_DNS_NTP_IP Failed to fetch DNS and NTP IPs from inventory. FAILED_TO_GET_DNS_NTP_IP.remedy Please make sure that commonsvcs service is up and running. FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ESXIs Failed to update given hosts : {0} into DB. FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ESXIs.remedy Please make sure that commonsvcs service is up and running. FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ESXI Failed to update given host into DB. FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ESXI.remedy Please make sure that commonsvcs service is up and running. NOT_FREE_HOSTS Hosts : {0} are still part of a cluster. HOST_STATUS_UPDATE_FAILED Failed to update the status of the host HOST_STATUS_UPDATE_FAILED.remedy Please make sure that commonsvcs service is up and running. HOSTS_DELETE_FAILED Failed to delete host(s) : {0} HOST_DELETE_FAILED.remedy Retry decommission HOSTS_IN_DIFFERENT_CLUSTERS_ERROR Hosts are in different clusters NOT_ALL_HOSTS_IN_INVENTORY_ERROR Some ESXi hosts are not known to VCF VDSS_SIZE_ERROR Expected maximum {0}, but found {1} Virtual Distributed Switches. COMMISSION_HOST_INVALID_SPEC_DUPLICATE_HOSTS Invalid commission spec duplicate hosts - {0}:{1}. COMMISSION_HOST_INVALID_SPEC_DUPLICATE_HOSTS.remedy Please remove duplicate hosts - {0}:{1} from the commission spec. COMMISSION_HOST_INVENTORY_VALIDATION_FAILED Host(s) {0} already present in inventory, validation failed. COMMISSION_HOST_INVENTORY_VALIDATION_FAILED.remedy Please submit new host commission request by removing the duplicate hosts from the host commission input spec. COMMISSION_HOST_INVALID_SPEC Commission Hosts invalid spec DECOMMISSION_HOST_INVALID_SPEC ESXi Host(s) Decommission specification is invalid. DECOMMISSION_HOST_INVALID_SPEC.remedy Please provide valid input specification for ESXi Host Decommission. COMMISSION_HOST_INVALID_SPEC.remedy Please pass a valid Commission Hosts spec. ROTATE_HOST_SSH_KEYS_FAILED Error rotating SSH key for the Host(s) - [{0}]. ROTATE_HOST_SSH_KEYS_FAILED.remedy Please make sure that commonsvcs service is up and running. FAILED_TO_GET_SDDCMANAGER_KNOWNHOSTS Failed to get SDDC Manager known hosts. FAILED_TO_GET_SDDCMANAGER_KNOWNHOSTS.remedy Please make sure that commonsvcs service is up and running. FAILED_TO_UPDATE_SDDCMANAGER_KNOWNHOSTS Error updating SDDC Manager known hosts. FAILED_TO_UPDATE_SDDCMANAGER_KNOWNHOSTS.remedy Please make sure that commonsvcs service is up and running. HOSTS_NOT_FOUND_IN_SDDCMANAGER_KNOWNHOSTS Post validation failed as Host(s) - {0} not found in SDDC Manager known hosts. HOSTS_NOT_FOUND_IN_SDDCMANAGER_KNOWNHOSTS.remedy Please initiate a fresh decommisioning workflow for these host(s) - {0}. FAILED_TO_POST_KNOWNHOSTS_TO_APPLIANCEMANAGER Error posting known hosts to SDDC Manager. Status: {0} FAILED_TO_POST_KNOWNHOSTS_TO_APPLIANCEMANAGER.remedy Please make sure that commonsvcs service is up and running. CLUSTER_FTT_UNKNOWN_ERROR Null value for FTT for cluster {0}. FAILED_TO_MOUNT_NFS_DATASTORE_ON_HOST Failed to mount NFS datastore - {0}:{1} on Host - {2}. NFS_DATASTORE_NOT_MOUNTED_ON_HOSTS NFS datastore - {0}:{1}:{2} not mounted on Host(s) - {3}. VCF_HOST_CONNECTIVITY_TO_HOST_FAILED Could not connect to Host - [{0}]. FAILED_TO_UPDATE_NFS_CONFIGURATION_ON_SDDC_MANAGER Failed to update NFS configuration for Hosts - {0} FAILED_TO_REFRESH_NFS_CONFIGURATION_ON_SDDC_MANAGER Refreshing NFS configuration on SDDC Manager failed. FAILED_TO_DETERMINE_SDDC_MANAGER_IPADDRESS Failed to determine SDDC Manager IP address. FAILED_TO_FETCH_HOST_ATTRIBUTES Failed to fetch attributes from Host(s) - {0}. FAILED_TO_FETCH_HOST_ATTRIBUTES.remedy Please make sure that commonsvcs service is up and running. REMOVE_HOSTS_FROM_NOT_ACTIVE_DOMAIN_ERROR Removal for hosts {0} from not active domain is not allowed. REMOVE_HOSTS_FROM_NOT_ACTIVE_CLUSTER_ERROR Removal for hosts {0} from not active cluster is not allowed. HOSTS_ALREADY_BEING_REMOVED Host(s) {0} already being removed. REMOVE_HOSTS_NOT_ACTIVE_VCENTER_ERROR Removal for hosts {0} from domain with not active vCenter is not allowed. REMOVE_HOSTS_NOT_ACTIVE_NSX_MANAGER_ERROR Not attempting to remove hosts {0} from cluster {1} when the NSX Manager is in a bad state. Retry after confirming NSX Manager is not reporting any errors. REMOVE_HOSTS_NOT_ACTIVE_NSX_T_MANAGER_ERROR Not attempting to remove hosts {0} from cluster {1} when the NSX Manager is in a bad state. Retry after confirming NSX Manager is not reporting any errors. REMOVE_HOSTS_NOT_ACTIVE_NSX_MANAGER_ERROR.remedy Retry after confirming NSX Manager is not reporting any errors. REMOVE_HOST_FAILED_CRITICAL_ALARMS Failed to remove host because of uncleared critical alarms on cluster {0}. REMOVE_HOST_FAILED_CRITICAL_ALARMS.remedy Address critical issues and retry the task. COMM_FAILED_DUE_TO_MISSING_HOSTS Failed because hosts {0} are no more in the inventory. COMM_FAILED_DUE_TO_MISSING_HOSTS.remedy Please initiate a new workflow with the hosts {0}. DECOMM_FAILED_DUE_TO_MISSING_HOSTS Failed because host(s) : {0} are no more in the inventory. DECOMM_FAILED_DUE_TO_MISSING_HOSTS.remedy Please verify if correct set of hosts are being decommissioned. HOSTS_NOT_IN_EXPECTED_CLUSTERS_ERROR Hosts {0} are not in expected cluster {1} anymore. DECOMMISSIONING_FAILED Decommissioning failed. Reason : {0} SSH_LOGIN_FAILED SSH login failed for the host: {0} FAILED_TO_EXECUTE_COMMAND Command {0} execution failed on the host: {1}. DM_NTP_SYNC_FAILED Time synchronization of the NTP servers {0} failed on the host(s) {1}. DM_NTP_SYNC_FAILED.remedy Please check the connectivity of NTP servers {0} from host(s) {1}. HOSTS_COMMISSION_SPEC_VALIDATION_FAILED Hosts commission spec validation failed. errors: {0}. HOSTS_VALIDATION_FOR_COMMISSION_FAILED Hosts validation for commission failed. errors: {0}. FAILED_TO_RAISE_EVENT Failed to raise event. FQDN_NULL_OR_EMPTY FQDN cannot be null, empty or blank HOST_USERNAME_NULL_OR_EMPTY Host username cannot be null, empty or blank HOST_PASSWORD_NULL_OR_EMPTY Host password cannot be null, empty or blank STORAGE_TYPE_NULL_OR_EMPTY Storage type cannot be null or blank NETWORKPOOL_ID_NULL_OR_EMPTY Network pool ID cannot be null, empty or blank NETWORKPOOL_ID_INVALID Invalid Network pool ID NETWORKPOOL_NAME_NULL_OR_EMPTY Network pool name cannot be null, empty or blank STORAGE_TYPE_INVALID Storage type is invalid. Allowable values: {0} HOST_SPEC_EMPTY Input specification must not be empty WCP_LICENSE_VALIDATION_FAILED Workload Management is not inactive for the cluster and provided host license {0} has no Workload Management feature VVOL_STORAGE_PROTOCOL_NULL_OR_EMPTY vVol storage protocol cannot be null, empty or blank when storage type is vVol VVOL_STORAGE_PROTOCOL_INVALID vVol storage protocol is invalid. Allowable values: {0} VCENTER_PASSWORD_EXPIRED Password for VCenter with hostname {0} has expired. VCENTER_PASSWORD_EXPIRED.remedy Please check https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2147144 for more details. VCENTER_PASSWORD_VALIDATION_FAILED Validation of password for VCenter with id {0} failed. ESXI_CONFIGURATION_INPUT_GENERATION_FAILED Failed to generate ESXi configuration input FAILED_TO_GET_HOST_DNS_CONFIG Failed to get the DNS configuration from the host {0} HOST_INSTALL_TEMPORARY_CERTIFICATE_FAILED Failed to install temporary VMCA commissioning certificate for host {0} ESX_THUMBPRINT_VALIDATION_FAILED ESX {0} thumbprint validation fails ESX_THUMBPRINTS_NULL_OR_EMPTY ESX {0} thumbprints cannot be null or empty FAILED_TO_CONFIGURE_NFS_FOR_HOSTS Failed to mount NFS datastore on Host(s) - {0} FAILED_TO_RETRIEVE_ESXI_VERSION Failed to retrieve ESXi version for Host {0} SDDC_MANGER_NTP_SERVER_NOT_IN_SYNC SDDC Manager is not in sync with NTP server(s). HOST_VSAN_DISKS_VALIDATION_FAILED vSAN Disks Validation on the ESXi Host(s) failed: {0} HOST_VSAN_DISKS_VALIDATION_FAILED.remedy Make sure that ESXi Hosts disks are eligible for use by vSAN UPDATE_HOST_SOURCE_ID_PARAM_GENERATION_FAILED Failed to generate Update Host Source Id param GENERATE_CONFIGURE_POWER_MANAGEMENT_POLICY_ON_HOST_WITH_ESX_FAILED Failed to generate params to configure power management policy on host with Esx HOST_COMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE_ERROR The list of ESXi hosts size in the request payload must be between 1 and 50 HOST_DECOMM_PAYLOAD_SIZE_ERROR The list of ESXi hosts size in the request payload must be between 1 and 50 MAX_HOST_COMM_VALIDATION_LIMIT Host commission validation is not allowed at the moment as the \ maximum number of {0} host commission validations at once is reached. FAILED_TO_FETCH_SSH_CREDENTIALS_FOR_HOST Failed to fetch SSH Credentials for ESXi host with ID {0} GENERATE_ADD_HOST_RESOURCE_LOCKS_DATA_FAILED Failed to generate resource locks data for Add Host. GENERATE_REMOVE_HOST_RESOURCE_LOCKS_DATA_FAILED Failed to generate resource locks data for Remove Host. GENERATE_ADD_HOST_BLOCKED_RESOURCES_DATA_FAILED Failed to generate blocked resources data for Add Host HOST_MANAGEMENT_VNIC_DHCP_VALIDATION_FAILURE Failed to validate if ESXi host {0} has DHCP disabled. Reason: {1} HOST_MANAGEMENT_VNIC_USING_DHCP_VALIDATION_FAILED There are validation failures regarding ESXi Host(s) management networking configuration: {0} HOST_MANAGEMENT_VNIC_USING_DHCP_VALIDATION_FAILED.remedy DHCP configuration for the ESXi Host(s) management network is disallowed. Please configure static IP addresses. ALL_HOSTS_SKIPPED_FAILED All hosts are skipped, failing the workflow. GENERATE_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_LOCKS_DATA_FAILED Failed to generate Cluster Resource lock spec to acquire lock on given cluster {0} GENERATE_HOST_RESOURCE_LOCKS_DATA_FAILED Failed to generate ESXi Host(s) lock specification which would be used to lock the ESXi Host(s) {0} GENERATE_HOST_RESOURCE_LOCKS_DATA_FAILED.remedy Please contact support for more details on this error MIGRATE_VCF_ATTACHED_TAGS_TO_VCENTER_PARAM_GENERATION_FAILED Failed to generate Migrate VCF Attached Tags to vCenter Server parameter HOSTS_COMMISSION_SKIP_HOST_RESOURCE_WARNING_ERROR Failed to create resource warning for ESXi Host HOST_INSTALL_TEMPORARY_CERTIFICATE_FAILED_SYSTEM_ERROR Failed to install temporary VMCA certificate for host {0}, please check host is in time-sync with SDDC manager and \ host is able to reach the NTP server or vcenter vmca root certificate might have got refreshed which might not be present in the sddc manager trust store. Please check https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/78607 HOST_INSTALL_TEMPORARY_CERT_FAILED Failed to install temporary VMCA certificate for host(s). VSAN_ESA_FEATURE_NOT_ENABLED vSAN ESA feature not yet enabled. VSAN_MAX_FEATURE_NOT_ENABLED vSAN Max feature is not supported HOST_VSAN_ESA_DISKS_VALIDATION_FAILED vSAN ESA Disks Validation on the ESXi Host(s) failed: {0} HOST_VSAN_ESA_DISKS_VALIDATION_FAILED.remedy Make sure that ESXi Hosts disks are eligible for use by vSAN ESA FAILED_TO_FIND_ESXI_HOST_FOR_CREDENTIAL_BY_DEVICE_ID Failed to find ESXi Host by device ID {0} from credentials data FAILED_TO_FIND_ESXI_HOST_FOR_CREDENTIAL_BY_DEVICE_ID.remedy Please make sure a credential is present in the SDDC Manager Inventory for ESXi Host with ID {0} WORKFLOW_FAILED Workflow failed. Reason : {0}

    4.2. Common API

    Error code Description PUBLIC_CLUSTERSPEC_VALIDATION_FAILED Failed to validate cluster spec for {0} with errors {1} PUBLIC_CLUSTERSPEC_VALIDATIONS_FAILED Failed to validate cluster spec PUBLIC_CLUSTERSPEC_VALIDATIONS_UNDO_FAILED Failed to undo validate cluster spec PUBLIC_CLUSTEREXPANSION_SPEC_VALIDATION_FAILED Failed to validate cluster expansion spec PUBLIC_CLUSTERSTRETCH_SPEC_VALIDATION_FAILED Failed to validate Stretch Cluster spec PUBLIC_CLUSTERSTRETCH_SPEC_VALIDATION_FAILED.remedy Make sure a correct Stretch Cluster spec is provided PUBLIC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR InternalServerError PUBLIC_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION This operation is not supported for this SKU type PUBLIC_BAD_REQUEST Bad Request PUBLIC_DOMAINSPEC_VALIDATION_FAILED Failed to validate domain spec PUBLIC_SSO_DOMAINSPEC_VALIDATION_FAILED Failed to validate sso domain spec PUBLIC_HOST_IN_SPEC_VALIDATION_FAILED Failed to validate hosts in given spec with errors {0} VCENTER_PNID_CONTAINS_MGMT_DOMAIN_SSO_NAME_FAILED VC PNID contains MGMT Domain SSO name PUBLIC_VXRAIL_MANAGER_CONNECTION_FAILED Failed to connect VxRail Manager with errors {0} PUBLIC_SKUTYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED Given SKU type is not supported PUBLIC_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED Operation not supported for current environment PUBLIC_EDGESPEC_VALIDATION_FAILED Failed to validate edge cluster creation spec. {0} PUBLIC_EDGE_UPDATESPEC_VALIDATION_FAILED Failed to validate edge cluster update spec. {0} PUBLIC_CRITERIA_NOT_FOUND Criteria with name {0} does not exist PUBLIC_NULL_CRITERIA Criteria cannot be an empty or null value PUBLIC_INVALID_INPUT_FOR_CRITERIA Invalid input for critera with name {0}, Correct and retry the operation PUBLIC_UNSTRETCH_NOT_SUPPORTED Unstretch operation not supported PUBLIC_HOST_SSH_VALIDATION_FAILURE SSH validation failed for hosts {0} with account {1}. PUBLIC_HOST_SSH_VALIDATION_FAILURE.remedy Ensure that the correct credentials are provided and the provided host account is not locked. PUBLIC_BAD_REQUEST_MULTIPLE_DOMAIN_UPDATE_OPERATIONS Only one domain update operation is allowed at a time PUBLIC_BAD_REQUEST_MULTIPLE_DOMAIN_UPDATE_OPERATIONS.remedy Ensure the domain update spec has only one field PUBLIC_NON_VXRAIL_HOSTS_FOUND Hosts not managed by VxRail are not compliant with current operation, remove hosts with host names {0} to proceed PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS_RANGES_OVERLAP_WITH_EXISTING_IP_POOL The IP address range {0} overlaps with the existing IP address ranges {1} of the IP address pool {2} in the NSX cluster {3} PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS_RANGES_OVERLAP_IN_SPEC The IP address ranges {0} passed in the input spec overlaps. PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESSES_NOT_PART_OF_CIDR The IP addresses {0} in the spec are not part of their CIDR {1} PUBLIC_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS_RANGE The IP address ranges {0} are not valid PUBLIC_NOT_ENOUGH_IP_ADDRESSES_AVAILABLE Not enough IP addresses available in the IP address pool {0}, needed {1} IP addresses but found {2} PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS_POOL_DOESNOT_EXIST IP address pool {0} does not exist in the NSX cluster {1} for reuse PUBLIC_FAILED_TO_VALIDATE_IP_ADDRESS_POOL Failed to validate the IP address pool PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS_POOL_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE An IP address pool with the name {0} already exists in the NSX cluster {1} PUBLIC_INVALID_GATEWAY_IP_ADDRESS The gateway IP address in the spec {0} is not part of the subnet {1} PUBLIC_INVALID_CIDR_NOTATION The CIDR notation {0} in the spec is invalid PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS_POOL_SPEC_VALIDATION_FAILED IP address pool spec validation failed with errors {0} PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS_POOL_CONTAINS_SUBNETS_WITHOUT_GATEWAY The IP address pool {0} cannot be used as it contains subnets without gateway PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS_POOL_CONTAINS_BLOCK_SUBNETS The IP address pool {0} cannot be used as it contains block subnet(s) PUBLIC_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS_POOL_GATEWAY_RANGE The gateway IP address {0} must not be within IP address pool range {1} and {2} CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION_FOR_VC_NOT_FOUND Failed to fetch configurations of cluster {0} from vCenter Server SDDC_MANAGER_VCENTER_NOT_FOUND_FOR_DOMAIN_NAME Failed to get vCenter Server for Workload Domain {0}. SDDC_MANAGER_VCENTER_NOT_FOUND_FOR_DOMAIN_ID vCenter Server for domain with ID {0} cannot be found PUBLIC_REMOVE_DOMAIN_NOT_SUPPORTED_WHEN_STRETCHED_CLUSTERS_ARE_PRESENT Cannot remove Domain as Clusters {0} in the Domain are stretched PUBLIC_REMOVE_DOMAIN_NOT_SUPPORTED_WHEN_STRETCHED_CLUSTERS_ARE_PRESENT.remedy Unstretch Clusters before removing the Domain PUBLIC_REMOVE_DOMAIN_NOT_SUPPORTED_WHEN_XVC_DATASTORES_ARE_PRESENT Clusters in Domain {0} have Cross vCenter Server mounts or datastore source configured PUBLIC_REMOVE_DOMAIN_NOT_SUPPORTED_WHEN_XVC_DATASTORES_ARE_PRESENT.remedy Unmount the Cross vCenter Server datastores and remove any cross vCenter Server datastore sources before removing the Domain PUBLIC_VXRAIL_CLUSTER_CREATION_CANNOT_SKIP_FAILED_HOSTS Failed ESXi Hosts cannot be skipped during VxRail Cluster creation PUBLIC_VXRAIL_CLUSTER_CREATION_CANNOT_SKIP_FAILED_HOSTS.remedy Remove the optional field "skipFailedHosts" from the "computeSpec" in the Cluster creation spec PUBLIC_VXRAIL_CLUSTER_CREATION_CANNOT_CONTAIN_REMOTE_DATASTORE_SPEC Dynamic node not supported on VxRail PUBLIC_VXRAIL_CLUSTER_CREATION_CANNOT_CONTAIN_REMOTE_DATASTORE_SPEC.remedy Remove vSAN remote datastore spec from cluster spec PUBLIC_VXRAIL_CLUSTER_CANNOT_MOUNT_OR_UNMOUNT_REMOTE_DATASTORE VxRail does not support mounting and unmounting of remote datastore PUBLIC_VXRAIL_CLUSTER_CANNOT_MOUNT_OR_UNMOUNT_REMOTE_DATASTORE.remedy Operation not supported on VxRail SKU PUBLIC_VXRAIL_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION Operation not supported for VxRail PUBLIC_VXRAIL_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION.remedy Operation not supported for VxRail PUBLIC_MOUNT_SPEC_VALIDATIONS_FAILED Mount datastore spec validation failed. PUBLIC_MOUNT_SPEC_VALIDATIONS_FAILED.remedy Call mount validations API to get a full report of mount spec validations. PUBLIC_MOUNT_CONFIGURATION_NOT_SUPPORTED Mounting of given datastore is not supported. Check errors in mount spec. PUBLIC_MOUNT_CONFIGURATION_NOT_SUPPORTED.remedy Only remote vSAN datastore mounting by vSAN cluster or Compute only cluster is supported. FAILED_TO_FETCH_NSXT_VERSION Failed to fetch the NSX version of the domain {0} which is being expanded VCENTERS_WITH_EXTERNAL_PSC_FOUND_ON_ENVIRONMENT vCenter Servers With External Platform Services Controller found on environment: {0}. FETCH_HOST_DETAILS_FAILED Failed to fetch ESXi Host(s) details FAILED_TO_TRUST_VXRAIL_MANAGER_CERTFICATE Failed to trust VxRail Manager {0} certificate FAILED_TO_GET_VXRAIL_MANAGER_CERTFICATE Failed to get VxRail Manager {0} certificate VALIDATE_HOST_CERTIFICATE_ON_VC_FAILED Failed to validate ESXi host certificate on vCenter Server VALIDATE_HOST_CERTIFICATE_ON_SDDC_MANAGER_FAILED Failed to validate ESXi host certificate on SDDC manager SDDC_MANAGER_VCENTER_NOT_FOUND_FOR_CLUSTER Failed to get vCenter Server for cluster {0} MGMT_VC_NOT_FOUND Failed to find management vCenter Server FAILED_TO_READ_FILE_PATH Failed to read file path {0} FAILED_TO_GENERATE_VALIDATE_HOST_NFS_DATASTORE_CONNECTIVITY_INPUT Failed to generate params for Validate Host NFS Datastore Connectivity FAILED_TO_RELEASE_BLOCKED_RESOURCE Failed to release blocked resources GET_TARGET_VERSION_API_EXCEPTION Failed to get target version for domain id SAVE_UPDATE_TARGET_VERSION_API_EXCEPTION Failed to save or update target version for domain id {0} and version SAVE_UPDATE_TARGET_AND_VXRAIL_VERSION_API_EXCEPTION Failed to save or update target version for domain id {0}, version {1} and vxRail version ESXI_HOST_VERSION_EMPTY Some ESXi's version is blank in SDDC Manager Inventory ESXI_HOST_VERSION_DOES_NOT_MATCH_PATTERN Some ESXi's version does not match the pattern X.Y.Z-<BUILD-NUMBER> in SDDC Manager Inventory REMOTE_DATASTORE_QUERY_FAILED Remote Datastores query {0} failed CLUSTER_NETWORK_CONFIGURATION_QUERY_LOOKUP_FAILED Unable to find cluster network configuration query response REMOTE_DATASTORE_NOT_FOUND Remote datastore {0} not found DATASTORE_AND_DATACENTER_SOURCE_ID_NOT_FOUND Datacenter and DataStore Source Id not found for cluster {0} VCF_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND VCF Service {0} was not found in SDDC Manager Inventory VCF_SERVICES_NOT_FOUND VCF Services cannot be found in SDDC Manager Inventory GENERATE_RELEASE_RESOURCE_LOCKS_DATA_FAILED Failed to generate release resources locks data MIGRATE_VCF_ATTACHED_TAGS_TO_VCENTER_PARAM_GENERATION_FAILED Failed to generate Migrate VCF Attached Tags to vCenter Server parameter FAILED_TO_MIGRATE_VCF_ATTACHED_TAGS_FOR_HOST Failed to migrate VCF attached tags to vCenter Server for ESXi {0} FAILED_TO_MIGRATE_VCF_ATTACHED_TAGS_FOR_HOST.remedy Assign the desired tags to the host manually FAILED_TO_MIGRATE_VCF_ATTACHED_TAGS_TO_VCENTER Failed to migrate VCF attached tags to vCenter Server FAILED_TO_MIGRATE_VCENTER_ATTACHED_TAGS_TO_VCF Failed to migrate vCenter Server attached tags to VCF GET_SDDC_MANAGER_ACCESS_TOKEN_FAILED Failed to get SDDC Manager public API access token RETRIEVE_RESPONSE_BODY_FAILED Failed to retrieve response body for {0} FAILED_TO_GENERATE_UPDATE_HOST_SOURCE_ID_PARAM Failed to generate Update Host Source Id parameter FAILED_TO_GET_VDS_VERSION Failed to get vSphere Distributed Switch version FAILED_TO_GENERATE_VSAN_TARGET_LICENSE_VERSION Failed to generate vSAN target license version UPDATE_SKIPPED_UNASSIGNED_ESXI_HOSTS_STATUS_FAILED Unable to update the status of unassigned skipped ESXi hosts {0} to Active FAILED_TO_GENERATE_CLOUD_ADMIN_ROLE_INPUT Failed to generate input for creating Cloud Admin role FAILED_TO_GET_SYSTEM_INFO Failed to get system information from SDDC Manager Inventory FAILED_TO_GET_NTP_INFO Failed to get NTP information from SDDC Manager Inventory FAILED_TO_GET_DNS_INFO Failed to get DNS information from SDDC Manager Inventory NSXT_CLUSTER_NOT_REACHABLE NSX Cluster {0} not reachable NO_HEALTHY_HOSTS_IN_CLUSTER No healthy hosts found in cluster FAILED_TO_FETCH_HEALTHY_TRANSPORT_NODE Failed to fetch healthy transport node using host {0} RESOURCE_LOCK_NOT_AVAILABLE_RESOURCE_DUE_TO_RESOURCE_LOCKED Resource Lock is unavailable for {0} resource {1} with ID {2} as the resource is already locked by operation with ID {3} and service {4} RESOURCE_LOCK_NOT_AVAILABLE_RESOURCE_DUE_TO_RESOURCE_LOCKED_AND_CONFLICTING_LOCKS Resource Lock is unavailable for {0} resource {1} with ID {2} as the resource is already locked by operation with ID {3} and service {4}. There are also existing conflicting locks for resources with names {5} RESOURCE_LOCK_NOT_AVAILABLE_DUE_TO_CONFLICTING_LOCKS Resource Lock is unavailable for {0} resource {1} with ID {2} because of conflicting resource locks for resources with names {3} RESOURCES_ALLOCATION_VALIDATION_FAILED Failed to validate allocation of resources RESOURCES_ALLOCATION_FOR_EXECUTION_FAILED Failed to allocate resources for execution {0} RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_NOT_AVAILABLE_DUE_TO_CONFLICTING_ALLOCATION Allocation of {0} resource {1} is not available as it is already allocated by execution {2} MANAGEMENT_SSO_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_NOT_AVAILABLE_DUE_TO_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_JOINED_DOMAINS_REACHED Allocation of Management SSO {0} is not available as the maximum supported number ({1}) of joined domains is reached MANAGEMENT_SSO_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_VALIDATION_FAILED Failed to validate allocation of Management SSO MANAGEMENT_SSO_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FOR_EXECUTION_FAILED Failed to allocate Management SSO for execution {0} NSXT_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_NOT_AVAILABLE_DUE_TO_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_DOMAINS_REUSING_NSXT_REACHED Allocation of NSX Cluster {0} is not allowed as the maximum supported number ({1}) of domains re-using the NSX Cluster is reached NSXT_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_VALIDATION_FAILED Failed to validate allocation of NSX Cluster {0} NSXT_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FOR_EXECUTION_FAILED Failed to allocate NSX Cluster {0} for execution {1} NSXT_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_NOT_AVAILABLE_ANOTHER_NSXT_CLUSTER_ALREADY_ALLOCATED_BY_EXECUTION Failed to allocate NSX Cluster {0} for execution {1} as another NSX Cluster resource ({2}) is already allocated by the same execution COMPUTE_MANAGER_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_NOT_AVAILABLE_ANOTHER_COMPUTE_MANAGER_ALREADY_ALLOCATED_BY_EXECUTION Failed to allocation Compute Manager {0} for execution {1} as another Compute Manager resource ({2}) is already allocated by the same execution COMPUTE_MANAGER_RESOURCE_RELEASE_FOR_EXECUTION_FAILED Failed to release Compute Manager resource for execution {0} RESOURCES_RELEASE_FOR_EXECUTION_FAILED Failed to release resources for execution {0} NSXT_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_RELEASE_FOR_EXECUTION_FAILED Failed to release NSX Cluster resource for execution {0} MANAGEMENT_SSO_RESOURCE_RELEASE_FOR_EXECUTION_FAILED Failed to release Management SSO for execution {0} GENERATE_RESOURCES_FOR_ALLOCATION_FAILED Failed to generate resources for allocation for execution {0} GENERATE_DOMAIN_CREATION_RESOURCE_LOCKS_DATA_FAILED Failed to generate resource locks data for Domain creation. DOMAIN_CREATION_RETRY_ACTION_FAILED An error occurred during execution of retry for the Domain creation operation DOMAIN_CREATION_RETRY_MOUNT_ISO_FAILED An error occurred during re-mount ISO on retry Domain creation operation DOMAIN_CREATION_RETRY_FAILED_MOUNT_DIR_CREATION Could not create temporary directory for mounting DOMAIN_CREATION_RETRY_EMPTY_MOUNT_ISO Domain Mount ISO path cannot be null SYSTEM_LICENSING_INFO_NOT_FOUND No licensing information found for SYSTEM resource type FAILED_TO_GET_LICENSING_INFO Failed to get licensing information INVALID_USE_OF_IS_USED_BY_NSXT The vSphere Distributed Switches {0} are defined to be used by NSX which is not supported in the workloads running on VCF 3.x BOM. COULD_NOT_FIND_VDS_VMNIC_UPLINK_ASSOCIATION_FOR_CLUSTER_HOSTS Could not get vmnic to vSphere Distributed Switches and uplink associations for cluster {0} FAILED_TO_ADD_VDS Unable to add vSphere Distributed Switches {0} inventory VDS_EXISTS_IN_INVENTORY vSphere Distributed Switches {0} exists in inventory for the cluster VDS_VERSION_NOT_COMPATIBLE vSphere Distributed Switches {0} which is of version {1} should be greater than {2} FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ESXI_HOSTS_SOURCE_ID_IN_INVENTORY Unable to update ESXi Hosts source ID in the SDDC Manager Inventory FAILED_TO_UPDATE_ESXI_HOSTS_SOURCE_ID_IN_INVENTORY.remedy Check if the SDDC Manager inventory API is accessible and responding by verifying that the commonsvcs service is up and running in the SDDC Manager appliance, and try again GET_UPGRADES_BY_STATUS_API_EXCEPTION Failed to fetch upgrades with status: {0} VALIDATION_OF_VC_LICENSING_STATE_FAILED The vCenter of domain {0} is in Subscription and does not support any Day N operations. Please transition vCenter and domain out of subscription to proceed. VALIDATION_OF_DOMAIN_LICENSING_STATE_FAILED The domain {0} is in Subscription and does not support any Day N operations. Please transition domain out of subscription to proceed. ERROR_RENAMING_DATASTORE An error occurred while renaming datastore from {0} to {1} in vCenter Server. ERROR_VALIDATE_VCF_VS_VC_LICENSING_STATE Failed to validate license state SDDC_MANAGER_VCENTER_NOT_FOUND_FOR_HOSTNAME vCenter Server with host name {0} cannot be found INVALID_VALUE_CREATE_MANAGEMENT_DOMAIN Create Management Domain value is invalid FAILED_TO_GENERATE_INPUT_FOR_PERSIST_VDS_SOURCE_ID_TO_INVENTORY Failed to generate input for persisting vSphere Distributed Switches source ID in SDDC Manager Inventory. FAILED_TO_GENERATE_INPUT_FOR_PERSIST_VDS_SOURCE_ID_TO_INVENTORY.remedy Verify commonsvcs is up and running, then retry the operation. FAILED_TO_GENERATE_INPUT_FOR_PERSIST_DVPG_SOURCE_ID_TO_INVENTORY Failed to generate input for persisting vSphere Distributed Virtual Portgroups source ID in SDDC Manager Inventory. FAILED_TO_GENERATE_INPUT_FOR_PERSIST_DVPG_SOURCE_ID_TO_INVENTORY.remedy Verify commonsvcs is up and running, then retry the operation. FAILED_TO_GENERATE_INPUT_FOR_PERSIST_DATA_STORE_ID_TO_INVENTORY Failed to generate input for persisting Data Store source ID in SDDC Manager Inventory. FAILED_TO_GENERATE_INPUT_FOR_PERSIST_DATA_STORE_ID_TO_INVENTORY.remedy Verify commonsvcs is up and running, then retry the operation FAILED_TO_REMOVE_STRETCHED_CLUSTER Cluster with ID {0} is stretched, therefore cannot be removed. FAILED_TO_REMOVE_STRETCHED_CLUSTER.remedy Please unstretch Cluster with ID {0} before removing it. NSX_NETWORK_CONFIG_PREVIEW_POST_DRIFT_NOT_APPLICABLE Preview not applicable as transport node profile is already attached for this cluster, due to which cluster would not get auto reconfigured. FAILED_TO_REFRESH_LCM_LOGICAL_INVENTORY_CACHE Failed to refresh LCM logical inventory cache through private API. FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED This feature is not supported for the current cluster. NSX_DRIFT_TN_INSPECTION_FAILURES Unable to generate NSX network config preview due to TN inspection failures FAILED_TO_UPDATE_LICENSING_INFO Failed to update licensing information FAILED_TO_PERSIST_DOMAIN_LICENSING_INFO Failed to persist licensing information for Workload Domain INVALID_LICENSING_MODE Licensing mode {0} is invalid. Allowable values: {1} FAILED_TO_GENERATE_PERSIST_LICENSING_INFO_INPUT Failed to generate input data for persisting Workload Domain Licensing information FAILED_TO_GENERATE_PERSIST_LICENSING_INFO_INPUT.remedy Please verify commonsvcs service is up and running and try again FAILED_TO_FETCH_INVENTORY_DATA Failed to get {0} data from the logical inventory FAILED_TO_FETCH_INVENTORY_DATA.remedy Verify the common services app's health and retry the request EMPTY_DOMAIN_LICENSING_INFO Empty licensing information received for domain with id {} FAILED_TO_GENERATE_STRONG_PASSWORD Failed to generate a valid password after {0} retries FAILED_TO_GENERATE_STRONG_PASSWORD.remedy To resolve this issue either provide the password in the spec or increase the number of retries by updating the property password.generation.max.retries to a higher number UPDATE_CLUSTER_IMAGE_ASSOCIATION_API_EXCEPTION Failed to update association for cluster Id: {0} and cluster image Id: {1} DELETE_CLUSTER_IMAGE_ASSOCIATION_API_EXCEPTION Failed to remove image association for cluster Id: {0} CLUSTER_EXPANSION_SPEC_VALIDATION_FAILED Cluster expansion spec validation failed with the errors {0} CLUSTER_EXPANSION_SPEC_VALIDATION_FAILED.remedy Fix the errors in the input spec and retry the cluster expansion operation SDDC_MANAGER_LOCK_VALIDATION_FAILED Unable to verify there are no locks held on resource {} SDDC_MANAGER_LOCK_VALIDATION_FAILED.remedy Please make sure there are no workflows that are acquiring lock on {} then retry NSX_ALB_VALIDATION_FAILED NSX Advanced Load Balancer spec validation failed PUBLIC_REMOVE_DOMAIN_NOT_SUPPORTED_WHEN_NSX_ALB_ARE_PRESENT Cannot remove Domain as NSX Advanced Load Balancer clusters {0} are present in the domain PUBLIC_REMOVE_DOMAIN_NOT_SUPPORTED_WHEN_NSX_ALB_ARE_PRESENT.remedy Remove NSX Advanced Load Balancer clusters before removing the Domain INVALID_SSO_DOMAIN_SPEC SSO Domain spec cannot be null when Management Domain does not exist INVALID_SSO_DOMAIN_SPEC.remedy Please provide a valid SSO Domain spec FAILED_TO_CREATE_VCF_DOMAIN_INVENTORY Failed to create VCF Domain Inventory object FAILED_TO_GENERATE_VSAN_REMOTE_DATASTORE_INPUT Failed to generate input for vsan remote datastore mount RETRY_COUNT_INVALID Value of retry must be between 3 and 100 RETRY_DELAY_INVALID Value of retry delay must be between 300 and 3600 seconds FAILURE_ACTION_INVALID Value of failure action must be either RETRY or FAIL FAILED_TO_GET_HOST_CREDENTIAL_DETAILS Failed to get the host service account credential details PRE_REMEDIATION_POWER_ACTION_INVALID Value of pre remediation power action must be one of these: POWER_OFF_VMS, DO_NOT_CHANGE_VMS_POWER_STATE, SUSPEND_VMS and SUSPEND_VMS_TO_MEMORY; VSAN_MAX_LICENSE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED vSAN MAX license feature is not supported INITIALIZE_SDDC_BROWNFIELD_FAILED Failed to initialize SDDC Brownfield FAILED_TO_GENERATE_INPUT_FOR_RESOURCE_POOLS_CONFIGURATION Failed to generate input for resource pools configuration FAILED_TO_CREATE_FILE_INSIDE_DATASTORE Failed to create file inside datastore {0} of datacenter {1} FAILED_TO_CREATE_FILE_INSIDE_DATASTORE.remedy Check whether datastore {0} of datacenter {1} is accessible FAILED_TO_DELETE_FILE_INSIDE_DATASTORE Failed to delete file {0} inside datastore {1} of datacenter {2} FAILED_TO_DELETE_FILE_INSIDE_DATASTORE.remedy Check whether datastore {0} of datacenter {1} is accessible INACCESSIBLE_DATASTORE Datastore {0} of datacenter {1} is inaccessible FAILED_TO_RESOLVE_ADDRESS Failed to resolve FQDN to IP address: {0} UPDATE_STATUS_IN_LOGICAL_INVENTORY_FAILED Failed to update the entities for the newly imported domain {0} as ACTIVE in the SDDC Manager inventory UPDATE_STATUS_IN_LOGICAL_INVENTORY_FAILED.remedy Retry the Initialize Imported Domain workflow in task aggregator, or retry the Brownfield Import operation for domain with ID {0} DAYN_WARN_OPTIONAL_GUARDRAILS_VALIDATION_FAILED {0} operation on resource {1} may fail as these checks have failed: {2} DAYN_GUARDRAILS_VALIDATION_FAILED {0} operation validation failed due to: {1} ADD_HOST_ASYNC_VALIDATION_FAILED Error occurred while running add host(s) to cluster validations due to: {0} ADD_HOST_ASYNC_VALIDATION_FAILED_TO_FETCH_CHECKS Error occurred while fetching add host(s) to cluster validation checks due to: {0} ADD_HOST_ASYNC_VALIDATION_EMPTY_CHECKS Failed to fetch add host(s) to cluster validation checks INVALID_REMOVAL_OF_NSX_CLUSTER NSX Remove is Not Allowed for NSX Cluster Configured for Overlay DEPLOY_VLAN_NSX_SPEC_VALIDATION_FAILED Failed to validate deploy VLAN NSX spec REMOVE_VLAN_NSX_VALIDATION_FAILED Failed to validate delete VLAN NSX Cluster from domain NSX_DEPLOY_RETRY_VALIDATION_FAILED Failed to perform retry validations for deploy VLAN NSX cluster due to: {0} NSX_DEPLOY_RETRY_ACTION_FAILED An error occurred during execution of retry for the VLAN NSX Deploy operation INVALID_NSXT_TRANSPORT_ZONE_CONFIG More than one OVERLAY TransportZone is defined - {0} INVALID_NSXT_TRANSPORT_ZONE_CONFIG.remedy Define only one OVERLAY TransportZone and retry the operation. CLUSTER_INVENTORY_VALIDATION_FAILED The cluster inventory validation workflow failed with status {0} CLUSTER_INVENTORY_VALIDATION_FAILED.remedy Please make sure your system is in stable state with the domainmanager app running and retry workflow

    4.3. Domains API

    Error code Description VI_MANAGER_PUBLIC_HOST_CRITERION_DOES_NOT_EXIST Host criteria with name {0} does not exist VI_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLUSTER_CRITERION_DOES_NOT_EXIST Cluster criteria with name {0} does not exist VI_MANAGER_PUBLIC_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND_FOR_ID Domain not found for id {0} VI_MANAGER_PUBLIC_VALIDATION_TASK_NOT_FOUND Task not found for the validation id {0} VI_MANAGER_PUBLIC_HOST_CREDENTIAL_NOT_FOUND Credential for host with ID {0} not found VI_MANAGER_PUBLIC_ISOLATED_WLDS_FEATURE_NOT_ENABLED Isolated WLDs feature is not enabled but ssoDomainSpec is provided

    4.4. Clusters API

    Error code Description REMOVE_CLUSTER_WCP_ENABLED_ERROR Can't remove WCP enabled cluster {0}, Please disable WCP on the cluster from vSphere, prior to removing the cluster. CLUSTER_MANAGER_HOST_CREDENTIAL_NOT_FOUND Credential for host with ID {0} not found QUERY_ID_NOT_FOUND Query ID {0} not found CLUSTER_IMAGE_COMPLIANCE_NOT_FOUND Cluster image compliance not found for cluster with ID: {0} DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND_FOR_ID Domain with ID {0} not found

    4.5. Credentials API

    Error code Description PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_TYPE_NOT_FOUND.remedy Use a valid entity type, {0} is not a valid entity type. PASSWORD_MANAGER_DOMAIN_NAME_NOT_FOUND Domain {0} doesn't exist. PASSWORD_MANAGER_DOMAIN_NAME_NOT_FOUND.remedy Use a valid domain name. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CREDENTIAL_TYPE_NOT_FOUND Credential type {0} not found. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CREDENTIAL_TYPE_NOT_FOUND.remedy Use a valid credential type, {0} is not a valid credential type. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_ID_NOT_FOUND Entity ID {0} not found. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_ID_NOT_FOUND.remedy Use a valid entity Id. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_IP_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND Entity IP address not found. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_IP_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND.remedy Use a valid entity IP address. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_NAME_NOT_FOUND Entity name {0} not found. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_NAME_NOT_FOUND.remedy Use a valid entity name. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_USER_NAME_NOT_FOUND Entity username not found. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_USER_NAME_NOT_FOUND.remedy Use a valid user name for the entity. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_PASSWORD_NOT_FOUND Entity password not found. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_USER_FOR_CREDENTIAL Entity user name {0} is invalid for {1}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_USER_FOR_CREDENTIAL.remedy Use a valid user name for the entity. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CHANGER_NOT_FOUND Invalid entity type {0} for credential {1}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CHANGER_NOT_FOUND.remedy Use a valid combination of entity type and associated credential. PASSWORD_MANAGER_TRANSACTION_WORKFLOWID_NOT_FOUND Could not find workflow ID {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_TRANSACTION_WORKFLOWID_NOT_FOUND.remedy Use a valid workflow Id. PASSWORD_MANAGER_TASK_REGISTRATION_FAILED Failed to register with Task aggregator for {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_TASK_REGISTRATION_FAILED.remedy Check if task aggregator is up and responding. PASSWORD_MANAGER_TASK_CANCELLATION_FAILED Failed to cancel task from Task aggregator for {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_TASK_CANCELLATION_FAILED.remedy Check if task aggregator is up and responding. PASSWORD_MANAGER_TRANSACTION_ID_NOT_FOUND Task ID {0} not found. PASSWORD_MANAGER_TRANSACTION_ID_NOT_FOUND.remedy Use a valid task Id. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CANNOT_PATCH Task ID {0} cannot be patched as it is already successful/cancelled. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CANNOT_PATCH.remedy Use a valid task Id in running state, if applicable. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CANNOT_BE_RESTARTED Transaction ID {0} cannot be restarted as the supplied password became void due to another update. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CANNOT_BE_RESTARTED.remedy You might need to try a new transaction to use a desired password. PASSWORD_MANAGER_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS Password update task {0} is in progress/failed state, retry after sometime. PASSWORD_MANAGER_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS.remedy Wait for currently in-progress transaction to complete as succeeded/cancelled. PASSWORD_MANAGER_NEW_PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED Password update transaction {0} cannot have a modified password at this time. PASSWORD_MANAGER_NEW_PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED.remedy Use the same password previously used in this transaction. PASSWORD_MANAGER_TRANSACTION_ID_MISSING Required parameter transactionId missing in PATCH request body. PASSWORD_MANAGER_TRANSACTION_ID_MISSING.remedy Supply the transactionId in request. PASSWORD_MANAGER_MISC_ERROR Unknown error occurred, check log further. Error : {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_MISC_ERROR.remedy Error occurred is not a common expected exception. Fix the exception cause. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CANNOT_BE_CANCELLED Task ID {0} should be in the failure state to initiate cancel operation. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CANNOT_BE_CANCELLED.remedy Cancel option is only available for a failed transaction. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED Entity type {0} is not supported. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED.remedy Use a supported entity type. PASSWORD_MANAGER_PASSWORD_NOT_FOUND Unable to find password for EntityType {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_PASSWORD_NOT_FOUND.remedy Check if password of this entity type is recorded by CSS. PASSWORD_MANAGER_UPDATE_ACTION_MISSING Password update action is missing. PASSWORD_MANAGER_UPDATE_ACTION_MISSING.remedy Supply an update action type. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_MISSING Password update payload should have valid entity details. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_MISSING.remedy Fix errors in entity details in payload. PASSWORD_MANAGER_TRANSACTIONID_MISSING Password update operation should have valid transaction ID. PASSWORD_MANAGER_TRANSACTIONID_MISSING.remedy Use a valid transaction Id for update operation. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND Entity not found with provided information. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND.remedy Check if provided information about entity is correct. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_IPADDRESS Invalid entity IP address {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_IPADDRESS.remedy Use a valid entity IP address. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_FQDN Invalid entity name/FQDN {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_FQDN.remedy Use a valid entity name/FQDN. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_PAGE Invalid page number specified. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_PAGE.remedy Use a valid page number. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_PAGE_ARGUMENTS Invalid page arguments specified. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_PAGE_ARGUMENTS.remedy Use valid page arguments. PASSWORD_MANAGER_RESOURCE_STATE_CANNOT_BE_SET Unable to set the status {0} for {1}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_RESOURCE_STATE_CANNOT_BE_SET.remedy Check if inventory APIs are responsive. PASSWORD_MANAGER_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE Resource {0} is not available/ready. PASSWORD_MANAGER_DEPENDENT_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE Dependent resource {0} is not available/active. PASSWORD_MANAGER_DEPENDENT_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE.remedy Wait for dependant resource to become active, you might need to fix the workflow marking resource in error state. PASSWORD_MANAGER_RESOURCES_UNAVAILABLE Resources {0} are not available/ready. PASSWORD_MANAGER_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE.remedy Wait for resources to become active, you might need to fix the workflow(s) marking resources in error state. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CSS_SYNC_ERROR Retry this task {0} as it cannot be canceled at this stage due to storage error. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CSS_SYNC_ERROR.remedy Current stage doesn't allow cancel as sync of passwords will fail, retry the failed task. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_MISMATCH The task {0} doesn't match with the supplied entity. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_MISMATCH.remedy Please use the same entity as the task initially operated on. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_LIST_NOT_FOUND List of entities must be supplied for rotate operation. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_LIST_NOT_FOUND.remedy Supply the list of entities in the rotate operation request. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ROTATE_CANNOT_BE_STARTED The password rotate operation cannot be started. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ROTATE_CANNOT_BE_STARTED.remedy Check logs and fix the cause of failure in transaction initiation. PASSWORD_MANAGER_TRANSACTION_TYPE_MISMATCH Task ID {0} cannot be patched as it's type {1} is incorrect. PASSWORD_MANAGER_TRANSACTION_TYPE_MISMATCH.remedy Use the same operation type in retry request as in the failed transaction. PASSWORD_MANAGER_OPERATION_TYPE_MISSING Password operation type is missing. PASSWORD_MANAGER_OPERATION_TYPE_MISSING.remedy Supply the operation type in the request. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_OPERATION_TYPE Operation type is invalid. Allowable values: {0} PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_OPERATION_TYPE.remedy Use a valid operation type. PASSWORD_MANAGER_UNKNOWN_ACTION Password manager bulk update/rotate feature is disabled. PASSWORD_MANAGER_DATA_IMPORT_FAILED_NO_DATA Missing data to import, check data export function. PASSWORD_MANAGER_DATA_IMPORT_FAILED Failed to import provided data into password management data store. PASSWORD_MANAGER_UNKNOWN_DATA_VERSION Unknown version or version not supported by current import function. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CREDENTIAL_ID_NOT_FOUND Credential ID {0} not found. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CREDENTIAL_ID_NOT_FOUND.remedy Use a valid credential Id in request. PASSWORD_MANAGER_VALIDATION_ID_NOT_FOUND Validation ID {0} not found. PASSWORD_MANAGER_EXPIRATION_FETCH_WORKFLOW_ID_NOT_FOUND Expiration fetch workflow ID {0} not found. PASSWORD_MANAGER_RETRY_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_MISMATCH Task ID {0} cannot be patched as there is mismatch in request body. PASSWORD_MANAGER_RETRY_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_MISMATCH.remedy Use the same details of resources in patch request as in the original failed task. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_BASIC_AUTH_CREDENTIAL Invalid basic-auth credential in request body. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_BASIC_AUTH_CREDENTIAL.remedy Supply correct credentials in the request. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_RESOURCE_TYPE Resource type is invalid. Allowable values: {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_RESOURCE_TYPE.remedy Use a valid resource type. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_CREDENTIAL_TYPE Credential type is invalid. Allowable values: {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_CREDENTIAL_TYPE.remedy Use a valid credential type. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_PAGESIZE_LIMIT Limit must not be less than one. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_PAGESIZE_LIMIT.remedy Use a valid page size limit. PASSWORD_MANAGER_LOOKUP_FAILED Failed to look up passwords due to an internal problem. Try again later. PASSWORD_MANAGER_LOOKUP_FAILED.remedy Check logs and fix the cause of error. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CHECK_DEPLOYMENT_LOCK_FAILED Unable to check status of deployment lock. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ACQUIRE_DEPLOYMENT_LOCK_FAILED Unable to acquire lock for password update. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ACQUIRE_DEPLOYMENT_LOCK_FAILED.remedy Wait for lock to be available, you might need to check if locking APIs are responsive. PASSWORD_MANAGER_RELEASE_DEPLOYMENT_LOCK_FAILED Unable to release lock for password update. PASSWORD_MANAGER_RELEASE_DEPLOYMENT_LOCK_FAILED.remedy Check if locking APIs are up and responding. PASSWORD_MANAGER_DEPLOYMENT_LOCK_UNAVAILABLE Deployment lock is currently held by an in-progress workflow. PASSWORD_MANAGER_DEPLOYMENT_LOCK_UNAVAILABLE.remedy Wait for in-progress workflow to finish and release the lock. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_UUID Invalid UUID. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INVALID_UUID.remedy Use a valid UUID. PASSWORD_MANAGER_RESOURCE_FETCHER_TASK_FOR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND Unable to find resource fetcher task for given EntityType : {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_RESOURCE_FETCHER_TASK_FOR_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND.remedy Use a valid & supported entity type for lookup operation. PASSWORD_MANAGER_REGISTER_TASK_WITH_TASK_AGGREGATOR_FAILED Failed to register password management operation task with Task Aggregator, WorkflowId {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_REGISTER_TASK_WITH_TASK_AGGREGATOR_FAILED.remedy Check if task aggregator APIs are up and responding. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CANCEL_TASK_WITH_TASK_AGGREGATOR_FAILED Failed to cancel password management operation task with Task Aggregator, , WorkflowId {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CANCEL_TASK_WITH_TASK_AGGREGATOR_FAILED.remedy Check if task aggregator APIs are up and responding. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_VRA_ASSOCIATED_TO_AD_FAILED Unable to get VRA associated to AD account from inventory. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_VRA_ASSOCIATED_TO_AD_FAILED.remedy Check if inventory APIs are up and responding. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_SDDC_MANAGER_ASSOCIATED_TO_BACKUP_ACCOUNT_FAILED Unable to get sddc manager associated to backup account from inventory. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_SDDC_MANAGER_ASSOCIATED_TO_BACKUP_ACCOUNT_FAILED.remedy Check if inventory APIs are up and responding. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_ESXI_LIST_FAILED Unable to get ESXI's from the inventory. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_ESXI_LIST_FAILED.remedy Check if inventory APIs are up and responding. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_VRLI_LIST_FAILED Unable to get VMware Aria Operations for Logs from inventory. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_VRLI_LIST_FAILED.remedy Check if inventory APIs are up and responding. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_NSX_EDGE_CLUSTERS_LIST_FAILED Unable to get NSX Edge Clusters from NSX Cluster {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_NSXT_EDGE_CLUSTERS_LIST_FAILED Unable to get NSX-T Edge Clusters from NSX-T Cluster {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_NSX_EDGE_CLUSTERS_LIST_FAILED.remedy Check if NSX APIs are up and responding. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_NSXT_EDGE_CLUSTERS_LIST_FAILED.remedy Check if NSX-T APIs are up and responding. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_NSX_TRANSPORT_NODES_LIST_FAILED Unable to get NSX Transport Nodes from NSX Cluster {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_NSXT_TRANSPORT_NODES_LIST_FAILED Unable to get NSX-T Transport Nodes from NSX Cluster {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_NSXT_TRANSPORT_NODES_LIST_FAILED.remedy Check if NSX-T APIs are up and responding. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_NSX_TRANSPORT_NODES_LIST_FAILED.remedy Check if NSX APIs are up and responding. PASSWORD_MANAGER_RESOLVE_LOAD_BALANCER_IP_FAILED Unable to resolve VMware Aria Operations for Logs load balancer IP address. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ERRORCAUSE_JSON_PARSING_FAILED Unable to parse diagnostic details JSON to find error cause. Check the transaction details for exact error message. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ERRORCAUSE_JSON_PARSING_FAILED.remedy You might need to get the diagnostic details JSON from password management DB to know the error cause. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CRASH_RECOVERY_TRANSACTION_INCONSISTENCY Credential update for user : {0} on resource : {1} marked inconsistent during crash recovery. Generally this happens when the application/VM is restarted while an operation is in progress. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CRASH_RECOVERY_TRANSACTION_INCONSISTENCY.remedy Manually check the transaction in inconsistent state and fix the inconsistency, use retry/cancel operation to proceed further. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CRASH_RECOVERY_TRANSACTION_PREVALIDATION_FAILED Credential {0} operation failed. Generally this happens when the application/VM is restarted while an operation is in progress. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CRASH_RECOVERY_TRANSACTION_PREVALIDATION_FAILED.remedy Crash recovery marked this transaction in pre-validation stage as inconsistent. Please try a new transaction to change passwords. PASSWORD_MANAGER_RESOURCE_CREDENTIALS_NOT_FOUND Unable to find requested resource credentials for {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_RETRIEVE_PASSWORD_EXPIRY_FAILED Password expiry retrieval failed for {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_LOGIN_FAILED_POST_PASSWORD_CHANGE Unable to login using new password for entity {0}, after password change. PASSWORD_UPDATE_LOGIN_FAILED_POST_PASSWORD_CHANGE.remedy Check if the old password is working and then use cancel operation to release lock. Otherwise, check for errors in logs. PASSWORD_UPDATE_UNKNOWN_ERROR_OCCURED Unknown error occurred, check log further. PASSWORD_UPDATE_UNKNOWN_ERROR_OCCURED.remedy Try to fix error cause. PASSWORD_UPDATE_CSS_CREDENTIAL_UPDATE_FAILED Unable to update credentials for the host in css {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_CSS_CREDENTIAL_UPDATE_FAILED.remedy Check if CSS APIs are up and responding. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_CONNECTION_FAILED Unable to connect to entity : {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_CONNECTION_FAILED.remedy Validate if resource is reachable, user is not in locked state and credentials used are correct. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_CONNECTION_FAILED_WITH_ERROR Unable to connect to {0} due to {1}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENTITY_CONNECTION_FAILED_WITH_ERROR.remedy Validate if resource is reachable, user is not in locked state and credentials used are correct. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_ENTITY_FROM_INVENTORY_FAILED Unable to retrieve entity type {0} from inventory. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_ENTITY_FROM_INVENTORY_FAILED.remedy Check if inventory APIs are up and responding. PASSWORD_UPDATE_SET_ENTITY_STATUS_IN_INVENTORY_FAILED Unable to set the status for {0} to inventory. PASSWORD_UPDATE_SET_ENTITY_STATUS_IN_INVENTORY_FAILED.remedy Check if inventory APIs are up and responding. PASSWORD_UPDATE_UNKNOWN_DOMAIN_NAME Unknown domain name to fetch VCF Solutions, domain name:{0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_UNKNOWN_DOMAIN_NAME.remedy Check if inventory APIs are up and responding. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_ENTITY_CREDENTIALS_FAILED Unable to find credential for {0} and credential type {1}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_ENTITY_CREDENTIALS_FAILED.remedy Check if CSS APIs are up and running, validate if requested credential type is valid. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_ENTITYTYPE_CREDENTIALS_FAILED Unable to find credential for {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS_CREDENTIALS_FAILED Unable to find credential for service accounts. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_ALL_CREDENTIALS_FAILED Unable to get all credentials from CSS. PASSWORD_UPDATE_ENTITYTYPE_NULL_FOR_CREDENTIAL_FETCH Unable to filter credential list as entity type is null. PASSWORD_UPDATE_ENTITYTYPE_OR_CREDENTIALTYPE_NULL_FOR_CREDENTIAL_FETCH EntityType or CredentialType to filter credential list is null. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS_FAILED Unable to find service account credentials. PASSWORD_UPDATE_RESPONSE_DATA_PARSING_FAILED Unable to parse response data. PASSWORD_GET_NSX_BACKUP_SETTINGS_FAILED Unable to get backup settings for NSX {0} with backup user credentials. PASSWORD_UPDATE_NSX_BACKUP_SETTINGS_FAILED Unable to update NSX with backup user credentials. PASSWORD_UPDATE_INTERACTIVE_SHELL_SESSION_ERROR Error occurred in interactive shell session. PASSWORD_UPDATE_WEAK_PASSWORD_PROVIDED Password must include at least 1 uppercase and lowercase character, must also have 1 numeric and 1 special character from [!,@,#,$,^,*]. It should have length between 8-127 characters with no three adjacent characters repeating. PASSWORD_UPDATE_WEAK_PASSWORD_PROVIDED.remedy Use a password which satisfies password complexity requirements. PASSWORD_UPDATE_WEAK_VC_PASSWORD_PROVIDED Password must include at least 1 uppercase and lowercase character, must also have 1 numeric and 1 special character from [!,@,#,$,^,*]. It should have length between 8-127 characters with no three adjacent characters repeating.Must NOT be a dictionary word. PASSWORD_UPDATE_WEAK_VC_PASSWORD_PROVIDED.remedy Use a password which satisfies password complexity requirements. PASSWORD_UPDATE_WEAK_WSA_API_PASSWORD_PROVIDED Workspace One Access API user password must include at least 1 uppercase and lowercase character, must also have 1 numeric and 1 special character from [!,@,#,^,*]. It should have length between 8-127 characters with no three adjacent characters repeating. Note that '$' is not an allowed character in password from Workspace One Access product. PASSWORD_UPDATE_WEAK_WSA_API_PASSWORD_PROVIDED.remedy Use a password which satisfies password complexity requirements. Note that '$' is not an allowed character in password from Workspace One Access product. PASSWORD_UPDATE_WEAK_NSX_PASSWORD_PROVIDED NSX API user password must include at least 1 uppercase and lowercase character, must also have 1 numeric and 1 special character from [!,@,#,^,*]. It should have length between 12-127 characters with no three adjacent characters repeating. Must NOT include more than four monotonic character sequences. Must NOT be a palindrome. Must NOT be a dictionary word. PASSWORD_UPDATE_WEAK_NSXT_PASSWORD_PROVIDED NSXT API user password must include at least 1 uppercase and lowercase character, must also have 1 numeric and 1 special character from [!,@,#,^,*]. It should have length between 12-127 characters with no three adjacent characters repeating. Must NOT include more than four monotonic character sequences. Must NOT be a palindrome. Must NOT be a dictionary word. PASSWORD_UPDATE_WEAK_NSXT_PASSWORD_PROVIDED.remedy Use a password which satisfies password complexity requirements. PASSWORD_UPDATE_USER_NOT_VALIDATED Username {0} could not be validated. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENABLE_SSH_FAILED Enable SSH on Edge Node {0} {1} failed for user {3} PASSWORD_UPDATE_DISABLE_SSH_FAILED Disable SSH on Edge Node {0} {1} failed for user {3} PASSWORD_MANAGER_SSH_STATUS_CHECK_FAILED SSH service status check on Edge Node {0} {1} failed for user {3} PASSWORD_MANAGER_NSXT_MANAGER_SSH_STATUS_CHECK_FAILED SSH service status check on Nsx Manager {0} failed. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_VROPS_ADAPTER_CREDENTIAL_IN_VRLI_FAILED Could not get VMware Aria Operations adapter credential in VMware Aria Operations for Logs. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_VCENTER_ADAPTER_CREDENTIAL_IN_VRLI_FAILED Could not get vCENTER adapter credential in VMware Aria Operations for Logs. PASSWORD_UPDATE_UPDATE_VCENTER_ADAPTER_CREDENTIAL_IN_VRLI_FAILED Could not update vCENTER adapter credential in VMware Aria Operations for Logs. PASSWORD_UPDATE_UPDATE_VROPS_ADAPTER_CREDENTIAL_IN_VRLI_FAILED Could not update VMware Aria Operations adapter credential in VMware Aria Operations for Logs. PASSWORD_UPDATE_LOGINSIGHT_SESSIONID_FAILED Could not get sessionId from VMware Aria Operations for Logs. PASSWORD_UPDATE_LOGINSIGHT_VIP_NOT_FOUND VMware Aria Operations for Logs VIP was not found. PASSWORD_UPDATE_NSX_CONTROLLERS_NOT_RUNNING one or more NSX controllers are not running. PASSWORD_UPDATE_NSX_CONTROLLERS_FAILED Unable to change password of NSX controllers in NSX manager: {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_NSX_EDGES_FAILED Unable to change password of NSX edge in NSX manager: {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_SSH_CONNECTION_FAILED Unable to obtain SSH connection to entity: {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_SSH_CONNECTION_FAILED.remedy Please verify that the account is active and is not locked. If the password of the account has expired, manually reset the password in the product and then perform a REMEDIATE operation in the SDDC Manager, to update its stored copy of the password. PASSWORD_UPDATE_INVALID_SECONDARY_PSC_PASSWORD Invalid password sent in request, Password used must be same as primary PSC instance password. PASSWORD_MANAGER_PSC_ADMIN_CLIENT_CONNECTION_FAILED Unable to establish connection with resource. PASSWORD_MANAGER_PSC_ADMIN_CLIENT_CONNECTION_FAILED.remedy Please verify that the account is active and is not locked. If the password of the account has expired, manually reset the password in the product and then perform a REMEDIATE operation in the SDDC Manager, to update its stored copy of the password. PASSWORD_UPDATE_PASSWORD_POLICY_VOILATED Invalid password for the specified password policy for entity : {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_NSX_USER_DETAILS_FAILED Failed to get NSX user details. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_NSXT_USER_DETAILS_FAILED Failed to get NSX-T user details. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_NSXT_USER_DETAILS_FAILED.remedy Please verify that the account is active and is not locked. If the password of the account has expired, manually reset the password in the product and then perform a REMEDIATE operation in the SDDC Manager, to update its stored copy of the password. PASSWORD_MANAGER_NSX_USER_API_FAILED Failed to get NSX user details. PASSWORD_MANAGER_NSXT_USER_API_FAILED Failed to get NSXT user details. PASSWORD_MANAGER_NSXT_USER_API_FAILED.remedy Please verify that the account is active and is not locked. If the password of the account has expired, manually reset the password in the product and then perform a REMEDIATE operation in the SDDC Manager, to update its stored copy of the password. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_NSXT_COMPUTE_MANAGER_DETAILS_FAILED Failed to get NSXT Compute Managers details. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_NSX_COMPUTE_MANAGER_DETAILS_FAILED Failed to get NSX Compute Managers details. PASSWORD_UPDATE_NSXT_COMPUTE_MANAGER_API_FAILED Update API for NSXT Compute Manager failed. PASSWORD_UPDATE_NSX_COMPUTE_MANAGER_API_FAILED Update API for NSX Compute Manager failed. PASSWORD_GET_NSXT_BACKUP_SETTINGS_API_FAILED The attempt to confirm the current configuration of a NSX-T cluster {0} failed. Check that it is accessible and then retry the operation.. PASSWORD_GET_NSX_BACKUP_SETTINGS_API_FAILED The attempt to confirm the current configuration of a NSX cluster {0} failed. Check that it is accessible and then retry the operation.. PASSWORD_UPDATE_NSXT_BACKUP_SETTINGS_API_FAILED Update API for for BACKUP settings failed. PASSWORD_UPDATE_PKS_API_FAILED VCF solutions API failed. PASSWORD_UPDATE_BASIC_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_API_FAILED Update basic auth password API failed. PASSWORD_MANAGER_MANAGEMENT_VCENTER_FOR_HOST_NOT_FOUND Invalid inventory, no management vCenter for host found. PASSWORD_MANAGER_COMMAND_EXECUTION_IN_VM_FAILED Failed executing command in VM. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FILE_READ_IN_VM_FAILED Failed reading file in VM. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FILE_DOWNLOAD_IN_VM_FAILED Failed downloading file in VM. PASSWORD_MANAGER_VM_NOT_FOUND_BY_FQDN Failed to find powered-on VM with FQDN {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_VM_NOT_FOUND_BY_FQDN.remedy Please make sure that VM with FQDN {0} exists and is powered-on. PASSWORD_MANAGER_MULTIPLE_VM_FOUND_FOR_FQDN Found {0} powered-on VMs with FQDN {1}, should be 1. PASSWORD_MANAGER_MULTIPLE_VM_FOUND_FOR_FQDN.remedy Please make sure each powered-on VM has a unique FQDN. PASSWORD_UPDATE_VRA_CREDENTIAL_FAILED Could not update vRA credential. PASSWORD_UPDATE_MISSING_PRODUCT_IN_VRSLCM Failed to update {0} environment because of missing configuration of {0} in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle, configure {0} in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle. PASSWORD_UPDATE_MISSING_REQUEST_ID_IN_VRSLCM Failed to update admin password in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle because of missing request id. PASSWORD_UPDATE_VRSLCM_API_FAILED Failed to update Environment in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle because of error response. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_VRA_NODES_FAILED Failed to get node details of the vRA product. PASSWORD_UPDATE_SSO_CREDENTIALS_FOR_NSX_MANAGER_FAILED Unable to update SSO credentials for NSX manager : {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_SSO_CREDENTIALS_FOR_CAFE_NODES_FAILED Unable to update SSO credentials with cafe nodes : {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_SSO_CREDENTIALS_FOR_VROPS_FAILED Unable to update SSO Password with VMware Aria Operations {0} due to {1}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_SSO_CREDENTIALS_FOR_VXRAIL_MANAGER_FAILED Unable to update SSO credentials for VxRail manager : {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_VCENTER_CREDENTIALS_FOR_VRSLCM_FAILED Unable to update vCenter password in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle: {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_VRA_API_CREDENTIALS_TO_VROPS_FAILED Unable to update VMware Aria Automation api credentials to VMware Aria Operations. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_VRSLCM_TOKEN_FAILED Failed to get token from VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle. PASSWORD_UPDATE_VRLI_FAILED_IN_VRSLCM VMware Aria Operations for Logs product failed to update in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle environment. Manually update the VMware Aria Operations for Logs environment in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CSS_PASSWORD_TEST_FAILED Testing existing ssh credential for the entity: {0} has failed. PASSWORD_MANAGER_CSS_PASSWORD_TEST_FAILED.remedy Please verify that the account is active and is not locked. If the password of the account has expired, manually reset the password in the product and then perform a REMEDIATE operation in the SDDC Manager, to update its stored copy of the password. PASSWORD_UPDATE_ENTITY_FAILED Failed to change password for entity : {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_BASH_SHELL_ACTIVATION_FAILED Unable to activate bash shell on {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_BASH_SHELL_ACTIVATION_FAILED.remedy Please verify that the account is active and is not locked. If the password of the account has expired, manually reset the password in the product and then perform a REMEDIATE operation in the SDDC Manager, to update its stored copy of the password. PASSWORD_MANAGER_BASH_SHELL_DEACTIVATION_FAILED Unable to deactivate bash shell on {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_BASH_SHELL_DEACTIVATION_FAILED.remedy Please verify that the account is active and is not locked. If the password of the account has expired, manually reset the password in the product and then perform a REMEDIATE operation in the SDDC Manager, to update its stored copy of the password. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_VRA_TOKEN_FAILED Unable to get token from VMware Aria Automation: {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_CASSANDRA_CREDENTIALS_FROM_VRLI_FAILED Could not retrieve cassandra credentials from VMware Aria Operations for Logs : {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_CUSTOM_JUNIT_EXCEPTION Custom exception errorcode for Junits. PASSWORD_MANAGER_NO_VCENTER_FOR_DOMAIN_FOUND Invalid inventory, no domain vCenter for the domain : {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_NO_PSC_FOR_DOMAIN_FOUND Invalid inventory, no domain PSC for the domain : {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_SSO_CREDENTIALS_FAILED Unable to get SSO credentials. PASSWORD_MANAGER_GET_VRSLCM_VERSION_FAILED Unable to get VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle version. PASSWORD_UPDATE_NO_DOMAIN_FOR_DOMAIN_NAME_FOUND Invalid inventory, no domain found for the domain name : {0}. PRIVILEGED_USER_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED Privileged user not authorized for this operation. PRIVILEGED_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Invalid privileged username and/or password. PRIVILEGED_USER_USERNAME_MISSING_DOMAIN Privileged username must be in the format user@domain. PRIVILEGED_USER_GENERIC_ERROR Internal error occurred during validation of privileged user credentials. PASSWORD_START_SSH_NSXT_API_FAILED Failed to start SSH service on NSXT. PASSWORD_START_SSH_NSX_API_FAILED Failed to start SSH service on NSX. PASSWORD_STOP_SSH_NSXT_API_FAILED Failed to stop SSH service on NSXT. PASSWORD_STOP_SSH_NSX_API_FAILED Failed to stop SSH service on NSX. PASSWORD_MANAGER_NSXT_USER_SSH_FAILED NSXT user SSH failed. PASSWORD_MANAGER_NSX_USER_SSH_FAILED NSX user SSH failed. PASSWORD_MANAGER_PATCH_TRANSACTION_INITIATION_FAILED Cannot patch transaction : {0}, as it's initiation failed during pre-validation. Try as a new transaction. PASSWORD_MANAGER_PATCH_TRANSACTION_INITIATION_FAILED.remedy Try as a new transaction after resolving the pre-validation failures. PASSWORD_MANAGER_RESOURCES_NOT_FOUND Cannot initiate password {0} because some resources in request couldn't be found. PASSWORD_MANAGER_USER_GENERIC_ERROR Internal error occurred during validation of user credentials. PASSWORD_MANAGER_USER_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED User not authorized for this operation. PASSWORD_MANAGER_USER_NOT_ALLOWED_PSC User is not allowed to update or rotate PSC credentials. Please login using an alternate 'ADMIN' account to perform this operation. PASSWORD_MANAGER_INPUT_SPEC_EMPTY Input specification is empty. PASSWORD_UPDATE_VRA_ENDPOINT_FAILED Failed to update VRA endpoints with new password. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_VRA_ENDPOINTS_FAILED Failed to fetch list of VRA endpoints. PASSWORD_UPDATE_VRA_ENDPOINT_VALIDATION_FAILED Failed to validate endpoint {0} with new credentials. PASSWORD_UPDATE_VRA_ENDPOINT_POST_VALIDATE_FAILED Failed to update endpoint {0} post validation. PASSWORD_UPDATE_DEPENDANT_UPDATE_FAILED Failed to finish dependant update. PASSWORD_MANAGER_SUBTRANSACTION_WORKFLOWID_NOT_FOUND Could not find subtask Id {0} for task Id {1}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_CREATE_VRSLCM_CLIENT_FAILED Unable to create VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle client for : {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_ENTITY_VIA_VRSLCM_NOT_SUPPORTED Entity type : {0} is not currently supported for password update via VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle. PASSWORD_UPDATE_VIA_VRSLCM_FOR_CREDENTIALTYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED Credential type : {0} for entity : {1} - {2} is not currently supported for password update via VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle. PASSWORD_UPDATE_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_CREATION_FAILED Unable to create request payload for {0}/{1} - {2}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_VREALIZE_NODE_DETAILS_FAILED Unable to fetch VMware Aria node details for {0} : {1}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_VALIDATE_WSA_API_CREDENTIALS_FAILED Failed to validate Workspace One Access : {0} API user : {1} credentials. PASSWORD_UPDATE_SDDCMANAGER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND Could not find SDDC Manager service account to connect to {0} PASSWORD_VALIDATE_RESOURCE_NOT_SUPPORTED Password validation is not supported for resource: {0} PASSWORD_VALIDATE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NOT_SUPPORTED Password validation is not supported for resource: {0}. Only user accounts, system accounts and SDDC Manager service accounts are supported. PASSWORD_VALIDATE_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE Resource: {0} is not in active state. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENABLE_LOCKDOWN_MODE_FAILED Enabling of lockdown mode on ESXi host : {0} has failed. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ENABLE_LOCKDOWN_MODE_FAILED.remedy Please immediately enable lockdown mode manually. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_LOCKDOWN_MODE_STATUS_FAILED Failed to fetch lockdown mode status on the host : {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_LOCKDOWN_MODE_STATUS_FAILED.remedy Login to VC / ESXi host & validate if lockdown status is available. Fix any issue with host. PASSWORD_MANAGER_DISABLE_LOCKDOWN_MODE_FAILED Disabling of lockdown mode on ESXi host : {0} has failed. PASSWORD_MANAGER_DISABLE_LOCKDOWN_MODE_FAILED.remedy Login to VC/ESXi host & check the state of ESXi host to know the cause of failure. PASSWORD_MANAGER_VALIDATE_ESXI_CREDENTIALS_FAILED Validation of password of ESXi host : {0} has failed. PASSWORD_MANAGER_VALIDATE_ESXI_CREDENTIALS_FAILED.remedy Check if the password used to connect to ESXi host is valid. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ESXI_API_FAILED Update of password on ESXi host : {0} has failed. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ESXI_API_FAILED.remedy Check the state of the host to ensure that its reachable & performing optimally. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ESXI_API_POST_CHANGE_FAILED Validation of new password of ESXi host : {0} after password change has failed. PASSWORD_MANAGER_ESXI_API_POST_CHANGE_FAILED.remedy Use remediate option to fix this failure. PASSWORD_MANAGER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND Service account to connect to the resource : {0} couldn't be found. PASSWORD_MANAGER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND.remedy Please ensure that a service account exists to be able to be used to connect to the ESXi host. PASSWORD_VALIDATE_RESOURCE_IN_LOCKDOWN_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED Password validation cannot be performed when host {0} is in lockdown mode. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_NSXT_PRIMARY_NODE_FQDN_FAILED Failed to fetch primary node fqdn for NSXT cluster : {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_FETCH_NSX_PRIMARY_NODE_FQDN_FAILED Failed to fetch primary node fqdn for NSX cluster : {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_NSXT_CLUSTER_TEST_FAILED Failed to test: {0} credentials throughout the NSXT cluster: {1}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_NSX_CLUSTER_TEST_FAILED Failed to test: {0} credentials throughout the NSX cluster: {1}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_NSXT_CLUSTER_TEST_FAILED.remedy Please check if password used to connect is valid and there is at least one active node in the NSXT cluster. PASSWORD_MANAGER_NSX_CLUSTER_TEST_FAILED.remedy Please check if password used to connect is valid and there is at least one active node in the NSX cluster. PASSWORD_MANAGER_AUTO_ROTATE_FAILED Failed to trigger scheduled password rotation for the configured accounts. Next trigger will only happen on next configured frequency. PASSWORD_MANAGER_AUTO_ROTATE_FAILED.remedy Please manually trigger password rotation for the failed accounts. PASSWORD_MANAGER_AUTO_ROTATE_FREQUENCY_VALUE_INVALID Auto Rotate schedule frequency value is invalid. PASSWORD_MANAGER_AUTO_ROTATE_INPUT_SPEC_EMPTY Auto Rotate input spec is empty. PASSWORD_MANAGER_AUTO_ROTATE_INPUT_SPEC_INVALID Auto Rotate input spec is not valid. PASSWORD_MANAGER_AUTO_ROTATE_INPUT_SPEC_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED Resource type: {0} not supported for auto rotate. PASSWORD_MANAGER_AUTO_ROTATE_INSERT_SCHEDULE_CONFIGURATION_FAILED Failed to create schedule for selected resources. PASSWORD_MANAGER_AUTO_ROTATE_FEATURE_DISBALED Auto Rotate feature disabled. PASSWORD_MANAGER_SSH_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND_FOR_EXPIRY_RETRIEVAL Unable to find the SSH credential of {0} to retrieve password expiry. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_ENTITYTYPE_CREDENTIALS_FAILED Unable to find credential for {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_ALL_CREDENTIALS_FAILED Unable to get all credentials from CSS. PASSWORD_UPDATE_SSH_CONNECTION_FAILED Unable to obtain SSH connection to entity: {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_SSH_CONNECTION_FAILED.remedy Please verify that the account is active and is not locked. If the password of the account has expired, manually reset the password in the product and then perform a REMEDIATE operation in the SDDC Manager, to update its stored copy of the password. PASSWORD_UPDATE_NSXT_USER_API_FAILED Failed to get NSXT user details. PASSWORD_UPDATE_NSXT_USER_API_FAILED.remedy Please verify that the account is active and is not locked. If the password of the account has expired, manually reset the password in the product and then perform a REMEDIATE operation in the SDDC Manager, to update its stored copy of the password. PASSWORD_UPDATE_ENTITY_CONNECTION_FAILED Unable to connect to entity : {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_ENTITY_CONNECTION_FAILED.remedy Validate if resource is reachable, user is not in locked state and credentials used are correct. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_ENTITY_CREDENTIALS_FAILED Unable to find credential for {0} and credential type {1}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_ENTITY_CREDENTIALS_FAILED.remedy Check if CSS APIs are up and running, validate if requested credential type is valid. PASSWORD_UPDATE_ENABLE_SSH_FAILED Enable SSH on Edge Node {0} {1} failed for user {3} PASSWORD_UPDATE_PSC_ADMIN_CLIENT_CONNECTION_FAILED Unable to establish connection with resource. PASSWORD_UPDATE_PSC_ADMIN_CLIENT_CONNECTION_FAILED.remedy Please verify that the account is active and is not locked. If the password of the account has expired, manually reset the password in the product and then perform a REMEDIATE operation in the SDDC Manager, to update its stored copy of the password. PASSWORD_UPDATE_NSXT_USER_SSH_FAILED NSXT user SSH failed. PASSWORD_UPDATE_MANAGEMENT_VCENTER_FOR_HOST_NOT_FOUND Invalid inventory, no management vCenter for host found. PASSWORD_UPDATE_COMMAND_EXECUTION_IN_VM_FAILED Failed executing command in VM. PASSWORD_UPDATE_CSS_PASSWORD_TEST_FAILED Testing existing ssh credential for the entity: {0} has failed. PASSWORD_UPDATE_CSS_PASSWORD_TEST_FAILED.remedy Please verify that the account is active and is not locked. If the password of the account has expired, manually reset the password in the product and then perform a REMEDIATE operation in the SDDC Manager, to update its stored copy of the password. PASSWORD_UPDATE_BASH_SHELL_ACTIVATION_FAILED Unable to activate bash shell on {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_BASH_SHELL_ACTIVATION_FAILED.remedy Please verify that the account is active and is not locked. If the password of the account has expired, manually reset the password in the product and then perform a REMEDIATE operation in the SDDC Manager, to update its stored copy of the password. PASSWORD_UPDATE_BASH_SHELL_DEACTIVATION_FAILED Unable to deactivate bash shell on {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_BASH_SHELL_DEACTIVATION_FAILED.remedy Please verify that the account is active and is not locked. If the password of the account has expired, manually reset the password in the product and then perform a REMEDIATE operation in the SDDC Manager, to update its stored copy of the password. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_VRA_TOKEN_FAILED Unable to get token from VMware Aria Automation: {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_NO_VCENTER_FOR_DOMAIN_FOUND Invalid inventory, no domain vCenter for the domain : {0}. PASSWORD_UPDATE_GET_VRSLCM_VERSION_FAILED Unable to get VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle version. PASSWORD_UPDATE_FETCH_SSO_CREDENTIALS_FAILED Unable to get SSO credentials. PASSWORD_UPDATE_VALIDATE_WSA_API_CREDENTIALS_FAILED Failed to validate Workspace One Access : {0} API user : {1} credentials. PASSWORD_MANAGER_SSH_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND Unable to find the SSH credential of {0}. PASSWORD_MANAGER_NSX_ALB_USER_API_FAILED Failed to update user credential in NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller Cluster. PASSWORD_MANAGER_NSX_ALB_CHECK_PASSWORD_API_FAILED Failed to validate admin password of NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller Cluster. PASSWORD_UPDATE_VRLI_CREDENTIALS_FOR_VROPS_FAILED Unable to update {0} credential of VMware Aria Operations for Logs ({1}) on VMware Aria Operations ({2}). {3} PASSWORD_UPDATE_WSA_CREDENTIALS_FOR_VROPS_FAILED Unable to update {0} credential of Workspace ONE ({1}) on VMware Aria Operations ({2}). {3}

    4.6. License keys API

    Error code Description LICENSE_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS Unable to add license key since license key {0} already exists. LICENSE_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS.remedy Add a different license key since identical license key already exists. LICENSE_MANAGER_LICENSE_KEY_NOT_FOUND License key with UUID {0} does not exist. LICENSE_MANAGER_LICENSE_KEY_NOT_FOUND.remedy Try again with proper license key LICENSE_KEY_NOT_FOUND_FOR_RESOURCE Failed to fetch license key for resource with UUID {0} for version {1}. LICENSE_KEY_NOT_FOUND_FOR_RESOURCE.remedy Try again with product version compatible with the existing licenses. LICENSE_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST License key {0} does not exist. LICENSE_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST.remedy Try again with existing license key ADD_DLF_FAILED Error while adding DLF ADD_DLF_FAILED.remedy Make sure you are passing required details, (1) Error while writing a file, may be permission issues. LICENSE_KEY_INCORRECT_FORMAT_ERROR License key is not in correct format. LICENSE_KEY_INCORRECT_FORMAT_ERROR.remedy Make sure you are adhering to License key format (1) Key should be 29 character in length. (2) Key should be hyphenated at each 5 letter word. DLF_INVALID_PATH Invalid DLF path DLF_INVALID_PATH.remedy 1.Make sure you have correct DLF path. LICENSE_KEY_CORRUPTED License key is corrupted. LICENSE_KEY_CORRUPTED.remedy 1. Make sure you use correct license key. NO_VALID_DLFS_FOUND No valid DLF found in system. NO_VALID_DLFS_FOUND.remedy 1.Make sure you have correct licensekey 2. Use add DLF rest api to add one valid DLF in system. LICENSE_KEY_EXPIRED License key has expired. LICENSE_KEY_EXPIRED.remedy 1. Make sure you use correct license key. NO_ACTIVE_LICENSE_KEY_FOUND Active license key not found. NO_ACTIVE_LICENSE_KEY_FOUND.remedy 1. Make sure you add an active license key. EXCESS_ACTIVE_LICENSE_KEYS_FOUND More number of active license keys found. EXCESS_ACTIVE_LICENSE_KEYS_FOUND.remedy 1. Make sure you specify the license key which needs to be used. LICENSE_KEY_NOT_COMPATIBLE The license key is not compatible with the current licensing mode and cannot be used. LICENSE_KEY_NOT_COMPATIBLE.remedy Make sure you use compatible license key for the action. DLF_UNREADABLE_PROPERTIES DLFs Unable to read properties. DLF_UNREADABLE_PROPERTIES.remedy 1. Make sure you use correct license key. DLFSERVICE_READ_FILE_AS_STRING_FAILED Error while reading DLF file {0} DLFSERVICE_READ_FILE_AS_STRING_FAILED.remedy Make sure you have correct dlf stored prior attempt to read. INVALID_LICENSE_KEY Invalid license key. INVALID_LICENSE_KEY.remedy 1. Make sure you use correct license key. LICENSE_KEY_NOT_RECOGNISED The SDDC Manager is unable to recognize the license key. Try applying the license key to the product. LICENSE_KEY_NOT_RECOGNISED.remedy Try applying the license key to the product. NULL_LICENSE_KEY The license key is null NULL_LICENSE_KEY.remedy Make sure the input is correct and the license exists. NULL_LICENSE_KEY_UPDATE_SPEC License key update spec is null NULL_LICENSE_KEY_UPDATE_SPEC.remedy Make sure to pass license key update spec as payload. LICENSE_KEY_NOT_SUPPORTED Licensekey is not supported, contact administrator. LICENSE_KEY_NOT_SUPPORTED.remedy 1.Make sure you have valid DLF in system. PSC_OR_CREDS_NOT_AVAILABLE PSC or credential service not accessible. PSC_OR_CREDS_NOT_AVAILABLE.remedy 1. Make sure the PSC/credential service are accessible. INVALID_UUID Invalid UUID given INVALID_UUID.remedy 1.Make sure a valid UUID is given INVALID_UUID_OR_INVALID_LICENSE_KEY license key or uuid of license key passed is invalid INVALID_UUID_OR_INVALID_LICENSE_KEY.remedy use valid license key or uuid LICENSE_MANAGER_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND Resource with UUID {0} does not exist. LICENSE_MANAGER_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND.remedy Try again with proper resource UUID. LICENSE_MANAGER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED Operation is not supported. LICENSE_MANAGER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED.remedy None. LICENSE_KEY_CANNOT_BE_DELETED The license key is in use and cannot be deleted. LICENSE_KEY_CANNOT_BE_DELETED.remedy Make sure that the license key is not used for licensing any resource. LICENSE_KEY_NOT_SPECIFIED Atleast one license key must be specified in the input. LICENSE_KEY_NOT_SPECIFIED.remedy Specify one or more license keys in the input. LICENSE_MANAGER_LOCK_NOT_AVAILABLE Lock not available. LICENSE_MANAGER_LOCK_NOT_AVAILABLE.remedy None. EXCESS_LICENSE_KEYS_FOUND More than one license key found for {0} in the input. EXCESS_LICENSE_KEYS_FOUND.remedy Retry with a single or no license key. PRODUCT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED Product type {0} is not supported. PRODUCT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED.remedy 1.Make sure you add the license key for only supported product types. LICENSING_DATA_UNKNOWN_VERSION Licensing data version {0} not supported. LICENSING_DATA_UNKNOWN_VERSION.remedy Please pass the correct version of data. LICENSING_DATA_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND Licensing data handler not found for version {0}. LICENSING_DATA_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND.remedy Please pass the supported version to get data handler. FAILED_TO_CONNECT_TO_HOST Failed to connect to resource {0} FAILED_TO_CONNECT_TO_HOST.remedy Please check connection to host {0} with accurate credentials INVALID_PRODUCT_TYPE Product type is invalid. Allowable values: {0} INVALID_PRODUCT_TYPE.remedy Make sure that the product type is one among {0} LICENSE_KEY_USAGE_NOT_FOUND_PSC_DOES_NOT_EXIST Unable to get license usage as PSC does not exist. LICENSE_KEY_USAGE_NOT_FOUND_PSC_CREDENTIALS_NOT_FOUND Unable to get license usage as credentials for PSC is not found. LICENSE_IS_MISSING_FEATURES License key on host {0} is missing the following features: {1} LICENSING_INVALID_RESOURCE_TYPE Resource type {0} is invalid. Allowable values: {1} LICENSING_INVALID_RESOURCE_TYPE.remedy Make sure that the resource type is one among {1} INVALID_RESOURCE_ID There are no {0} resources with given IDs : {1} INVALID_RESOURCE_ID.remedy Make sure that resources with given IDs exist. RESOURCE_TYPE_MISSING Resource type is not provided or invalid for the given resource IDs. RESOURCE_TYPE_MISSING.remedy Specify the correct resource type for given resource IDS. GET_LICENSING_INFO_FAILED Failed to retrieve the licensing information. UPDATE_LICENSING_INFO_FAILED Failed to update the licensing information for domain {0}. LICENSING_INFO_FOR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND Licensing information for domain {0} is not found. LICENSING_INFO_FOR_MGMT_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND Licensing information for management domain is not found. LICENSING_INFO_FOR_MGMT_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND.remedy Make sure to add the management domain's licensing information. MANAGEMENT_DOMAIN_DOES_NOT_EXIST Management domain not found in inventory. MANAGEMENT_DOMAIN_DOES_NOT_EXIST.remedy None. EMBEDDED_LICENSE_KEY_NOT_FOUND No embedded license keys found. FAILED_TO_FETCH_NSXT_FOR_DOMAIN Failed to fetch NSX cluster for domain {0}. FAILED_TO_FETCH_CREDENTIALS_FOR_NSXT Failed to fetch credentials for NSX cluster {0}. FAILED_TO_PREPARE_NSXT_ENDPOINT Failed to prepare NSX end points for domain {0}. SYSTEM_INFO_NOT_FOUND System info not found in inventory. LICENSING_SPEC_RESOURCES_HAVE_DIFFERENT_DOMAIN_ID Resources are part of different domains. LICENSING_SPEC_RESOURCES_HAVE_DIFFERENT_DOMAIN_ID.remedy Use same domaindId across all resources. LICENSING_SPEC_LICENSE_KEYS_ARE_MISSING New license key not provided for one or multiple resources. LICENSING_SPEC_LICENSE_KEYS_ARE_MISSING.remedy Provide license key for all resources. LICENSING_SPEC_PRODUCT_TYPES_ARE_MISSING Product type is missing for one or multiple resources. LICENSING_SPEC_PRODUCT_TYPES_ARE_MISSING.remedy Provide type under productInfo for all resources. LICENSING_SPEC_PRODUCT_TYPES_ARE_INVALID Product type is invalid for one or multiple resources. LICENSING_SPEC_PRODUCT_TYPES_ARE_INVALID.remedy Provide type under productInfo as VCENTER or NSX or VSAN or WCP or ESXI. LICENSING_SPEC_INVALID_PRODUCT_TYPES_FOR_DOMAIN Product is invalid for one or multiple domain resources. LICENSING_SPEC_INVALID_PRODUCT_TYPES_FOR_DOMAIN.remedy Provide type under productInfo as VCENTER or NSX. LICENSING_SPEC_INVALID_PRODUCT_TYPES_FOR_CLUSTER Product is invalid for one or multiple cluster resources. LICENSING_SPEC_INVALID_PRODUCT_TYPES_FOR_CLUSTER.remedy Provide type under productInfo as VSAN or WCP. LICENSING_SPEC_INVALID_PRODUCT_TYPES_FOR_HOST Product is invalid for one or multiple host resources. LICENSING_SPEC_INVALID_PRODUCT_TYPES_FOR_HOST.remedy Provide type under productInfo as ESXI. OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_WITH_CURRENT_LICENSING_MODE This operation not supported in {0} mode. OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_WITH_CURRENT_LICENSING_MODE.remedy Make sure the system/domain is in right licensing mode for the operation. UPDATE_LICENSE_KEYS_FAILED Failed to update license keys for resources. UPDATE_LICENSE_KEYS_FAILED.remedy Look at the logs to debug. EXPIRED_LICENSE_KEY_PROVIDED License Key {0} has expired. EXPIRED_LICENSE_KEY_PROVIDED.remedy Add a not expired license key. HOSTS_NOT_PART_OF_INVENTORY Host(s) provided are not part of inventory. HOSTS_NOT_PART_OF_INVENTORY.remedy Add available hosts to the spec. HOSTS_NOT_PART_OF_CLUSTER Host {0} not part of cluster {1}. HOSTS_NOT_PART_OF_CLUSTER.remedy Add correct Host info to spec. HOSTS_NOT_PART_OF_DOMAIN Host {0} not part of domain {1}. HOSTS_NOT_PART_OF_DOMAIN.remedy Add Host part of single domain to spec. CLUSTER_NOT_PART_OF_DOMAIN Cluster {0} not part of domain {1}. CLUSTER_NOT_PART_OF_DOMAIN.remedy Add cluster that is part of domain to the spec. CLUSTERS_NOT_PRESENT Cluster(s) not present in inventory. CLUSTERS_NOT_PRESENT.remedy Add correct clusters to spec. DOMAIN_NOT_PRESENT Domain not present in inventory. DOMAIN_NOT_PRESENT.remedy Add correct domain to spec. INVALID_PRODUCT_TYPE_FOR_LICENSE_KEY Product type for License Key {0} is incorrect. INVALID_PRODUCT_TYPE_FOR_LICENSE_KEY.remedy Use correct product type for License Key. FAILED_TO_PERFORM_QUERY Failed to perform query {0}. FAILED_TO_GET_HOSTS_USING_HOST_IDS Failed to get hosts with ids {0}. FAILED_TO_GET_CLUSTER_USING_CLUSTER_IDS Failed to get clusters with ids {0}. FAILED_TO_GET_DOMAINS_USING_DOMAIN_IDS Failed to get domains with ids {0}. FAILED_TO_GET_HOSTS_USING_DOMAIN_IDS Failed to get hosts with domain ids {0}. FAILED_TO_GET_CLUSTERS_USING_DOMAIN_IDS Failed to get clusters with domain ids {0}. GENERATE_UPDATE_LICENSE_ACQUIRE_RESOURCES_LOCK_DATA_ACTION_FAILED GenerateUpdateLicenseAcquireResourcesLockDataAction has failed. LICENSE_KEY_NOT_PRESENT License Key is not present in inventory. LICENSE_KEY_NOT_PRESENT.remedy Add license key to inventory or check the license key. LICENSE_CHECK_MAX_REQUESTS_EXCEEDED License check requests reached it's maximum capacity. Try after some time. LICENSE_CHECK_MAX_REQUESTS_EXCEEDED.remedy Try after some time. FAILED_TO_FETCH_ASSIGNED_LICENSES Failed to fetch assigned licenses. ASSIGNED_LICENSES_NOT_FOUND There are no assigned licenses found for this product. FAILED_TO_CONNECT_TO_LICENSE_SERVICE_IN_VCENTER Failed to fetch licenses from vCenter {0} as its license service may be down. LICENSING_DOMAIN_NOT_ACTIVE Licensing can not be performed on domain {0} since it is NOT Active. LICENSING_DOMAIN_NOT_ACTIVE.remedy Please ensure the domain is in Active state. LICENSING_CLUSTERS_NOT_ACTIVE Licensing can not be performed on clusters {0} since they are NOT Active. LICENSING_CLUSTERS_NOT_ACTIVE.remedy Please ensure the clusters are in Active state. FAILED_TO_GET_HOSTS_USING_CLUSTER_IDS Failed to get hosts part of clusters with ids {0}. FAILED_TO_GET_VCENTERS_USING_DOMAIN_IDS Failed to get vCenters of domains with ids {0}. LICENSE_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE_FOR_VCENTER License key {0} is of version {1}, but vCenter {2} is of version {3}. LICENSE_KEY_INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_HOSTS License key {0}, has version {1} which is incompatible for hosts {2} and respective versions {3}. INSUFFICIENT_LICENSE_CAPACITY_FOR_VCENTER Server capacity required for vCenter {0} is {1}, but license key {2} has available {3}. LICENSE_CAPACITY_CORES_INSUFFICIENT_FOR_HOST_BY License Key {0} has available cores {1}, but required core for hosts are {2}. LICENSE_CAPACITY_CPU_PACKAGES_INSUFFICIENT_FOR_HOST_BY License Key {0} has available CPU packages {1}, but required CPU packages for hosts are {2}. CLUSTER_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_VSAN_STORAGE_TYPE Cluster {0}, does not have vSan as primary Datastore type. DOMAIN_LEVEL_PRODUCT_HAS_EVALUATION_LICENSE_KEY Product type {0}, for domain {1}, is in Evaluation mode. CLUSTER_LEVEL_PRODUCT_HAS_EVALUATION_LICENSE_KEY Product type {0}, for domain {1}, cluster {2}, is in Evaluation mode. HOST_LEVEL_PRODUCT_HAS_EVALUATION_LICENSE_KEY Product type {0}, for domain {1}, cluster {2} and host {3}, is in Evaluation mode. FAILED_TO_GET_ALL_DOMAINS Failed to get all domains data from inventory. LICENSE_RESOURCE_MISSING LicenseCheckResource can not be null in ResourceLicensingInfo. MGMT_DOMAIN_NOT_IN_INVENTORY Management domain not part of inventory. LICENSE_CHECK_RESOURCES_NULL LicenseCheckResources is null. LM_LICENSE_CHECK_RESOURCES_EMPTY LicenseCheckResources is empty. DOMAIN_DOES_NOT_EXIST Domain {0} not found in inventory. LICENSING_INFO_FOR_SYSTEM_NOT_FOUND Licensing information for system is not found. FAILED_TO_FETCH_SYSTEM_INFO Failed to fetch system information. LICENSING_RESOURCE_ID_BLANK Resource ID cannot be null or blank. FAILED_TO_RUN_PRECHECKS Failed to run prechecks for domain {0}. VCENTERS_NOT_FOUND_FOR_DOMAIN vCenters not found for domain {0}. VCENTER_VERSION_PRECHECK_FAILED vCenter version check failed. Actual version: {0}, Minimum version: {1}. LICENSE_KEY_FOR_CLUSTER_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_VSAN_ESA License key {0} being used for cluster {1} does not support VSAN_ESA storage type. LICENSE_KEY_FOR_CLUSTER_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_VSAN_MAX License key {0} being used for cluster {1} does not support VSAN_MAX storage type.

    4.7. Network pools API

    Error code Description NETWORKPOOL_IPADDRESSES_IN_USE Deletion of network pool {0} prevented. IP Addresses in use NETWORK_NOT_FOUND_IN_NETWORKPOOL Specified network {0} not part of networkpool {1} NETWORKPOOL_SPEC_VALIDATION_FAILED Error while validating network pool parameters NETWORKPOOL_CREATE_FAILED Failed to create the network pool NETWORKPOOL_GET_FAILED Failed to get the network pool {0} with id {1} IPPOOL_ADD_VALIDATION_FAILED Invalid IP Pool parameters specified or overlapping IP Pool found IPPOOL_REMOVE_VALIDATION_FAILED No IP Pool found or IP Pool in use IPPOOL_ADD_FAILED Error when adding IP Pool to network IPPOOL_REMOVE_FAILED Error removing IP Pool from network COMMONSVCS_NETWORKPOOL_NETWORK_NOT_ENOUGH_IP_ADDRESSES_AVAILABLE Not enough free IP addresses {2} available in chosen network {0} IP_ADDRESS_RESERVATION_FAILED Request to reserve {2} IP addresses not successful UNUSED_IP_ADDRESSES_LISTED_FOR_RELEASE Not all IP addresses are in the used IP list for this network IP_ADDRESS_RELEASE_FAILED The IP addresses cannot be released INVALID_IP_COUNT_SPECIFIED Invalid count: {2} IP addresses requested from chosen network {0} UNKNOWN_NETWORK_SPECIFIED Unknown Network Type specified to release IP address INVALID_NETWORK_SPECIFIED Invalid Network ID specified INVENTORY_ERROR Failed to fetch ESXi hosts associated with network pool {0} from inventory HOSTS_ASSOCIATED_WITH_NETWORKPOOL Deletion of network pool {0} prevented. Hosts associated with Network Pool DUPLICATE_NETWORKPOOL_FOUND Another networkpool {0} with the same name found NETWORKPOOL_WITH_OVERLAPPING_NETWORK_FOUND A network in the pool overlaps with one of the existing networks already present NETWORKPOOL_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR NetworkPoool Internal Server Error NETWORKPOOL_MISSING_NETWORK The networks of type VMOTION is mandatory but was not provided. NETWORKPOOL_MISSING_VSAN_EXTERNAL_NETWORK The networks of type VMOTION, VSAN are mandatory but was not provided. NETWORKPOOL_INVALID_VSAN_EXTERNAL_NETWORK The networks of type VSAN EXTERNAL is invalid. MISSING_NETWORKPOOL_NAME A valid network pool name must be specified MINIMUM_NETWORKS_MISSING At least one network should be present in the network pool MALFORMED_NETWORK_SPEC Malformed subnet data received NETWORK_PARAMS_INVALID One of VLAN ID, Subnet IP address, MTU or IP pools is invalid DUPLICATE_NETWORKS_IN_NETWORKPOOL The networkpool {0} has multiple networks of the same type SUBNET_OVERLAP_IN_NETWORK Subnet Range Overlap within same VLAN DELETE_NETWORK_WITH_SINGLE_IPPOOL_FAILED Ip Pool cannot be removed from a network with a single Ip Pool DELETE_MISSING_IPPOOL_FAILED No IP Pool {0} found in the network DELETE_IPPOOL_IN_USE_FAILED Ip Addresses are allocated from the IpPool {0} NETWORKPOOL_WITH_OVERLAPPING_IPPOOLS_FOUND Overlapping IP Pools found across networkpools DUPLICATE_NETWORKPOOL_NAME_FOUND Failed to update the networkpool name {0}. Networkpool with same name exists.

    4.8. Tasks API

    Error code Description CONFLICTING_FUNCTIONALITIES_UPDATE The following functionalities are registered for both blocking and unblocking: {0}. Please specify one action. VERSION_CHANGE_NOT_SUPPORTED Cannot update version {0} to {1} as it is not supported.

    4.10. Certificates API

    Error code Description CERTIFICATE_GET_CSR_FAILED Unable to get CSR. Ensure that the Generate CSRs workflow is triggered for {0}. CERTIFICATE_CSR_VALIDATION_FAILED Validation of CSR failed. CERTIFICATE_GENERATE_CERTIFICATE_FAILED Generate certificate operation failed. CERTIFICATE_GET_FAILED Unable to get certificate. CERTIFICATE_CSR_DOWNLOAD_FAILED CSR download operation failed. CERTIFICATE_GET_CA_CONFIGURATION_FAILED Failed to get CA configuration. CERTIFICATE_CA_CREATION_FAILED Unable to create CA. CERTIFICATE_CA_DELETION_FAILED Unable to delete {0} CA configuration. CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_FAILED Certificate validation failed for {0} with error {1} CERTIFICATE_CA_IS_INVALID Invalid CA type {0} CERTIFICATE_CA_NOT_CONFIGURED Unable to configure CA settings. CERTIFICATE_REPLACE_CERT_FAILED Replace certificate operation failed. CERTIFICATE_REPLACE_CERT_FAILED_WITH_ERROR Replace certificate operation failed with error {0} CERTIFICATE_GENERAL_EXCEPTION CERTIFICATE_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND No plugin found for {0}. CERTIFICATE_SERVICE_RESTART_FAILED Service restart failed for {0}. Please ensure that all the vCenter services has started before retry. CERTIFICATE_INVALID_RESPONSE Received invalid response {1} for {0} CERTIFICATE_CSR_INVALID_SAN Generate CSR failed due to passing of invalid SAN CERTIFICATE_SAN_NOT_SUPPORTED Generate CSR failed because resource {0} with version {1} does not support SAN CERTIFICATE_INVALID_FQDN The fqdn field is missing in the spec CERTIFICATE_INVALID_TYPE The type field is missing in the spec CERTIFICATE_HOST_NOT_FOUND Host {0} not found CERTIFICATE_ENTER_HOST_MAINTENANCE_MODE_FAILED Enter Maintenance Mode for host {0} failed with error {1} CERTIFICATE_EXIT_HOST_MAINTENANCE_MODE_FAILED Exit Maintenance Mode for host {0} failed with error {1}

    4.11. Backup and Restore API

    Error code Description FAILED_TO_FETCH_FINGERPRINT Failed to fetch fingerprint for the given backup server {0} and port {1}. BACKUP_FAILED Backup failed : {0} RESTORE_FAILED Restore failed : {0} INVALID_ENCRYPTION_PASSPHRASE Provided encryption passphrase is invalid. INVALID_ENCRYPTION_PASSPHRASE.remedy Provide a valid encryption passphrase. Criteria for passphrase: min length: 12; max length: 32; min special characters: 1, special characters allowed: [~, !, @, ^, -, _, +]; min numbers: 2; min capital letters: 2; max consecutive characters: 2. BACKUP_LOCATION_INVALID_PROTOCOL Backup location protocol is not supported. BACKUP_LOCATION_INVALID_PROTOCOL.remedy Provide Backup Location protocol as SFTP. BACKUP_LOCATION_PORT_NULL Backup location port cannot be null. BACKUP_LOCATION_USERNAME_BLANK Backup location username cannot be null or blank. BACKUP_LOCATION_PASSWORD_BLANK Backup location password cannot be null or blank. BACKUP_LOCATION_DIRECTORY_PATH_BLANK Backup location directory path cannot be null or blank. BACKUP_LOCATION_SERVER_BLANK Backup location server cannot be null or blank. BACKUP_RESOURCE_TYPES_EMPTY Backup schedule resource types cannot be empty. BACKUP_SSH_FINGERPRINT_PATH_BLANK Backup location SSH fingerprint cannot be null or blank. INVALID_BACKUP_RESOURCE_INPUT Backup input specification must contain at least one backup resource. INVALID_BACKUP_RESOURCE The backup specification contains an invalid backup resource {0}. INVALID_BACKUP_LOCATION_PORT Port value given for backup location is invalid INVALID_NUMBER_OF_BACKUP_RESOURCE Backup input specification cannot have more than one backup resource. INVALID_ENCRYPTION_PASSPHRASE_INPUT Backup input specification must contain encryption passphrase. INVALID_BACKUP_SCHEDULE Backup schedule input {0} is invalid. INVALID_BACKUP_SCHEDULE_FOR_HOURLY_SCHEDULE Backup schedule for HOURLY schedule requires minutes field. INVALID_BACKUP_SCHEDULE_FOR_WEEKLY_SCHEDULE Backup schedule for WEEKLY schedule requires daysOfTheWeek, hourOfTheDay and minutes fields. INVALID_BACKUP_SCHEDULE_FREQUENCY Provided backup schedule frequency type {0} is invalid.Supported schedule frequencies are {1}. INVALID_BACKUP_SCHEDULE_FOR_INVALID_DAYS_OF_WEEK Backup schedule for WEEKLY schedule requires valid Days of the week, {0} are invalid. Supported Days of the week are {1}. BACKUP_SCHEDULE_NOT_ALLOWED Backups can not be scheduled when an in-built SFTP server is used. SDDC_MANAGER_BACKUP_FAILED SDDC Manager backup operation failed in task {0} SDDC_MANAGER_BACKUP_FAILED.remedy If the error condition is not a transient condition, resolve it. If you manually initiated the backup, try again. If not, the failed backup will be automatically retried BACKUP_OPERATION_FAILED Unexpected error encountered when processing SDDC Manager Backup BACKUP_OPERATION_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering backup again QUIESCE_SYSTEM_FAILED Quiescing operation failed, please try again later QUIESCE_SYSTEM_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering backup again UNQUIESCE_SYSTEM_FAILED Unquiescing operation failed UNQUIESCE_SYSTEM_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering backup again BACKUP_SDDC_MGR_CONFIG_FAILED Backup operation failed for SDDC Configuration BACKUP_SDDC_MGR_CONFIG_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering backup again BACKUP_SDDC_MGR_DB_FAILED Backup operation failed for vPostgres BACKUP_SDDC_MGR_DB_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering backup again BACKUP_SDDC_MGR_SYSTEM_CONFIG_FAILED Backup operation failed for SDDC Manager System Configuration BACKUP_SDDC_MGR_SYSTEM_CONFIG_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering backup again PACKAGE_SDDC_MGR_BACKUP_FAILED Package SDDC Manager backup operation failed PACKAGE_SDDC_MGR_BACKUP_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering backup again SAVE_SDDC_MGR_BACKUP_FAILED Saving SDDC Manager Backup file failed SAVE_SDDC_MGR_BACKUP_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering backup again DELETE_SDDC_MGR_OLD_BACKUPS_FAILED Deleting SDDC Manager old Backups failed DELETE_SDDC_MGR_OLD_BACKUPS_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering backup again SDDC_MANAGER_RESTORE_FAILED SDDC Manager Restore operation failed SDDC_MANAGER_RESTORE_FAILED.remedy If the error condition is not a transient condition, resolve it RESTORE_SDDC_MGR_DB_FAILED Restore operation failed for vPostgres RESTORE_SDDC_MGR_DB_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering restore again RESTORE_SDDC_MGR_CONFIG_FAILED Restore operation failed for SDDC Configuration RESTORE_SDDC_MGR_CONFIG_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering restore again RESTORE_SDDC_APP_CONFIG_FAILED SDDC Manager system config import failed RESTORE_SDDC_APP_CONFIG_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering restore again POST_RESTORE_REMEDIATION_FAILED Post Restore Remediation failed POST_RESTORE_REMEDIATION_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering restore again POST_RESTORE_NFS_REFRESH_FAILED Post Restore NFS refresh failed POST_RESTORE_NFS_REFRESH_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering restore again STOP_SDDC_MGR_SRVS_FAILED Failed to stop all VCF SDDC Manager Services STOP_SDDC_MGR_SRVS_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering restore again START_SDDC_MGR_SRVS_FAILED Failed to start all VCF SDDC Manager Services START_SDDC_MGR_SRVS_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering restore again EXTRACT_SDDC_MGR_BACKUP_FAILED Extracting SDDC Manager backup file operation failed EXTRACT_SDDC_MGR_BACKUP_FAILED.remedy Retry triggering restore again ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS A restore operation is in progress. The restore solution does not support running a second in parallel, try after the current one completes ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS.remedy Retry after sometime BACKUP_FILE_INVALID Invalid backup tar file BACKUP_FILE_INVALID.remedy Please provide appropriate Backup tar file BACKUP_PASSPHRASE_MISSING Invalid input parameter, passphrase missing BACKUP_PASSPHRASE_MISSING.remedy Passphrase required for encrypting backup file GET_RESTORE_TASKS_FAILED Unexpected error encountered when processing request for task GET_RESTORE_TASKS_FAILED.remedy Retry after sometime CRASH_RECOVERY_OPERATION Workflow stopped due to application failure CRASH_RECOVERY_OPERATION.remedy Retry triggering workflow again

    4.12. Appliance API

    Error code Description CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_EXISTS_IN_TRUST_STORE Certificate already exists in SDDC Manager trust store CERT_VALIDATION_ERROR Error while validating certificate INVALID_CERTIFICATE Could not parse certificate from input string INVALID_CERTIFICATE_USAGE_TYPE Invalid certificate usage type {0} SDDC_TRUST_STORE_UPDATE_FAILED Failed to update SDDC Manager trust store(s) NGNIX_TRUST_STORE_UPDATE_FAILED Failed to update NGNIX trust store TRUST_STORE_CERTIFICATE_READ_FAILURE Failed to read SDDC Manager trust store entries TRUST_STORE_CREATION_FAILURE Not able to create trust store CERTIFICATE_ALIAS_NOT_FOUND_IN_TRUST_STORE Certificate alias {0} not found in SDDC Manager trust store

    Last updated 2024-06-21 01:22:12 -0700

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