This page provides the release notes associated with each release of RStudio and Posit Workbench. Please contact customer support (
) for questions about the described changes.
RStudio 2024.09.0
“Cranberry Hibiscus”
Date: 2024-09-23
Posit Product Documentation theme v4.0.2; adds dark mode and several accessibility improvements. (rstudio-pro#6373)
Added ability for RStudio and Workbench to use AES 256 encryption. (rstudio-pro#4011)
You can now toggle between R and Python in the Console by clicking the language’s logo in the Console pane header. (#11613)
Allow customization of the project scratch path location. (#14875)
Restart commands are now run after restoring the search path + global environment by default. (#14636)
The “Save as Image” dialog now includes a “Use device pixel ratio” check box, controlling whether plots are scaled according to the current display’s DPI. (#14727)
The “Soft-wrap R source files” preference now applies to all source files, and has been relabelled appropriately. (#10940)
RStudio now supports Electron flags set via
on Linux / macOS. On Windows, the paths are
. (#14641)
RStudio now uses a glimpse-like display for data.frame list-column entries. (#14257)
Posit Workbench
Quitting Jupyter and VS Code sessions from the home page no longer force quits them immediately; instead, they are given time to exit gracefully, as with RStudio Pro sessions. (rstudio-pro#5317)
Workbench jobs launched on Kubernetes or on Slurm with Singularity support now default to using the same container image as the parent session. (rstudio-pro#5875)
Workbench’s Prometheus metrics now track R and Python jobs launched, in addition to sessions. (rstudio-pro#6271)
When launching sessions on Slurm, environment variables set by the Slurm scheduler itself should now be available to sessions. (rstudio-pro#5148, rstudio-pro#4692, rstudio-pro#3255)
flag has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use
to disable environment variable forwarding instead. (rstudio-pro#5895)
The New Project dialog in RStudio Pro now defaults to the R version of the current session, rather than the system default. (rstudio-pro#4244)
Workbench jobs launched from RStudio Pro now default to the R version of the current session, rather than the system default. (rstudio-pro#5903)
Added support for Jupyter Notebook 7. (rstudio-pro#6266)
Replaced code server binary with PWB Code Server. PWB Code Server is bundled with the PWB VS Code Extension, so a separate install is no longer required. It is a fork of VS Code 1.93.0. (rstudio-pro#6265)
In VS Code sessions, Workbench now preserves the open directory or workspace on a per-session basis. (rstudio-pro#6491)
Fixed an issue preventing potential data leakage between users in the same browser session. (vscode-server#17)
Disabled Jupyter Notebooks by default on fresh installs of PWB. (rstudio-pro#6269)
Workbench now respects the
environment variable, which can be used to point to a non-standard location for the Slurm configuration file. (launcher#767)
Workbench now does a better job of tracking which Slurm jobs it owns, allowing multiple independent Workbench servers to use the same Slurm cluster, or a single Workbench server to use the same backing Slurm cluster with different configurations. (launcher#908)
Preview of the workbench api, using api-tokens for launching sessions and session status. See documentation for details.
Added support for just-in-time provisioning of local user accounts for Proxied Auth, OpenID Connect, and SAML Authentication. Just-in-time provisioning creates users on first login, and can serve as an alternative to SCIM-based provisioning for Identity Providers that do not support the SCIM protocol. (rstudio-pro#5909)
Workbench now has a native integration for Snowflake that includes support for managed Snowflake OAuth credentials, allowing end users to sign into a Snowflake account from the home page and, using their existing identity, be immediately granted access to data and warehouses. (rstudio-pro#6280)
Added visual credential controls to the New Session dialog to quickly sign into and select credentials for new sessions. (rstudio-pro#6287)
Added an Edit Credentials dialog to allow users to select and sign into Workbench-supported cloud providers, with a few additional controls over the selection widget. (rstudio-pro#6287)
Updated Admin Guide with additional guidance for Kubernetes installations on
accessing license files from secrets
specifying PostgreSQL database passwords as environment variables
. (rstudio-pro#5312)
Improved performance of Workbench when automatic user provisioning is enabled by adding support for the Workbench NSS library to communicate over unix socket. (rstudio-pro#6591)
The RStudio diagnostics system no longer automatically loads packages when encountering calls of the form
. (#9692)
Fixed an issue where breakpoints set within
calls in Shiny applications did not behave correctly. (#14815)
Fixed an issue where Build output from ‘Run Tests’ was not appropriately colored. (#13088)
Fixed an issue where various editor commands (Reindent Lines; Run Chunks) could fail in a document containing Quarto callout blocks. (#14640)
Fixed an issue where end fold markers were not rendered correctly in Quarto documents. (#14699)
Fixed an issue where the context menu sometimes did not display when right-clicking a word in the editor. (#14575)
Fixed an issue where the “Go to directory…” button brought up the wrong dialog (#14501; Desktop)
Fixed an issue where “View plot after saving” in the Save Plot as Image dialog sometimes did not work. (#14702)
Fixed an issue where the IDE could hang when navigating the Files pane to a directory containing a very large number of files. (#13426)
Fixed an issue where RStudio could trigger active bindings in environments when requesting completions. (#14784)
Fixed an issue where the editor scroll speed had inadvertently been decreased. (#14664)
Fixed an issue where external links couldn’t be opened from a popped-out Help pane window. (#14801; Desktop)
Fixed an issue where loaded package DLLs were not unloaded prior to attempting to build and install an under-development package from the Packages pane. (#13399)
Fixed an issue where breakpoints could not be added to an already-sourced file in some cases. (#14682)
Fixed an issue where autocompletion results did not display for datasets imported via
in some scenarios. (#14672)
Fixed an issue where paths were not tilde-aliased after selection in certain desktop dialogs. (#14851)
Fixed an issue where the RStudio diagnostics system could emit spurious errors for documents using the R pipebind placeholder
. (#14713)
Fixed an issue where RStudio incorrectly modified the PATH when “Automatically activate project-local Python environments” was selected. (#14659)
Fixed an issue where column name completions could be very slow for SQL tables with dbplyr (>= 2.4.0). (#14864)
Remove superfluous Uninstall shortcut and Start Menu folder (#1900; Desktop installer on Windows)
Hide Refresh button while Replace All operation is running in the Find in Files pane. (#13873)
Stop the File Pane’s “Copy To” operation from deleting the file when source and destination are the same. (#14525)
Fix keyboard shortcuts acting on the wrong source file when using Visual Editor in source columns or separate windows. (#12581, #11684)
Fix startup error due to invalid zoom setting triggering a config schema violation. (#14690)
Removed extra spaces after package names in warning message about required packages. (#14608)
Moved the “Sign commit” check box to Git/Svn global options panel. (##14559)
RStudio’s editor highlighting no longer accepts embedded spaces in ‘#|’ comment prefixes. (#14592)
RStudio now preserves a file’s existing line endings when performing a Find and Replace. (#14796)
Fixed an issue with loading and saving files to folders whose path partially patches the user’s home folder. (#14764)
Fixed an issue where headers without a label in R Markdown documents were not shown in the scope tree. (#13159)
Fixed an issue where RStudio could launch with an incorrect initial working directory when using multiple sessions. (#14695)
Fixed an issue where ggplot2 aesthetic completions were not provided for plots assigned to a variable. (#14566)
Fixed an issue where attempting to inspect a list-column entry in a View()-ed data.frame with custom row names would fail. (#14509)
Fixed an issue where the document outline in Quarto documents could incorrectly render in very long documents in some scenarios. (#14906)
Fixed an issue with a once-in-a-long-while auto-save error dialog. (rstudio-pro#6468)
Fixed an issue with linux PAM session error handling. (#12116)
Fixed an issue where the RStudio debugger location could be incorrect when debugging a package’s S3 method. (#14499)
Fixed an issue where RStudio could hang when clicking on a citation in the visual editor. (#10823)
Fixed RStudio Desktop Pro crashing at startup on macOS 15 Sequoia. (rstudio-pro#6777)
Posit Workbench
Workbench jobs now set resource profiles correctly. (rstudio-pro#5217)
When launching a Workbench job from RStudio Pro, changing fields in the Options tab no longer resets the selected R version in the Environment tab. (rstudio-pro#5218)
Fixed bug that prevented users from receiving the admin-configured default settings when launching VS Code sessions. (rstudio-pro#6207)
RStudio Pro sessions running inside Singularity containers on Slurm now respect the
setting. (rstudio-pro#6319)
When user provisioning is enabled, server logs no longer contain related debug messages unless debug logging is enabled. (rstudio-pro#6480)
Trailing slashes in Databricks workspace URLs in the
file no longer prevent users from signing in to Databricks from the home page. (rstudio-pro#6435)
Resource profiles on Kubernetes and Slurm are now listed in the order in which they appear in the config file. (rstudio-pro#6485)
Switching the selected IDE when launching a session from the home page no longer resets the image selection. (rstudio-pro#4079)
Removed an error starting sessions in some docker containers about resetting keyrings, other unnecessary debug messages. (rstudio-pro#6444)
Fixed a bug where users who attempted login before being provisioned could not log in after being provisioned. (rstudio-pro#6564)
Fixed bug that prevented Workbench from respecting licenses with an unlimited named user limit when re-activating SCIM provisioned users. (rstudio-pro#6561)
Fixed bug where user provisioning would not work properly if the homedir column in the database for any user was null. (rstudio-pro#6587)
Fixed a pagination issue in the SCIM API that could prevent more than 100 users from being provisioned via Okta. (rstudio-pro#6608)
Fixed various bugs that could cause NSS requests to fail when automatic user provisioning is enabled. (rstudio-pro#6676, rstudio-pro#6657)
Posit Workbench
If upgrading from Workbench
with automatic user provisioning enabled, fix a performance and reliability issue:
In the
file, update the
setting to:
See the
User Provisioning Configuration
section in the Posit Workbench Administrator Guide for more information. (rstudio-pro#6591)
Updated the following dependencies to the listed version:
Added a Generic Architectures page to the Workbench Admin Guide
Added an AWS Single Server reference architecture to the Workbench Admin Guide
Added an AWS EKS reference architecture to the Workbench Admin Guide
Added a Background Jobs vs Workbench jobs page to the Workbench Admin Guide
Fixed an issue where editor tools (e.g., Reindent Lines) did not work in Quarto documents with
blocks. (#14652; #14640)
Fixed an issue where insertion of braces in Sweave documents did not function as intended. (#14667; #14646)
Fixed ability to build using system YAML (#14629)
Posit Workbench
Fixed an issue introduced in 2024.04.0 with the create-container-user feature for job launcher plugins that reuse a container for more than one session (rstudio/rstudio-pro#6408)
Improved some AWS documentation links in the reference architecture section
RStudio now requires R 3.6.0 or newer. (#14210)
RStudio’s auto-completion system now supports ggplot2 aesthetic names and data columns. (#8444)
RStudio’s auto-completion system now supports the display of the “label” attribute. (#14242)
RStudio Desktop on Windows and Linux supports auto-hiding the menu bar. (#8932)
RStudio Desktop on Windows and Linux supports full-screen mode via F11. (#3243)
RStudio Desktop now supports pasting of file paths for files copied to the clipboard. (#14240)
RStudio now reports a diagnostics warning when
(rather than
) is used in
, and
conditionals. (#14455)
R projects can be given a custom display name in Project Options. (#1909)
The automatic display of Copilot code completions can now be controlled via a user preference. (#14033)
Copilot code suggestions can now be requested via the keyboard shortcut
Ctrl + \
The next word in a Copilot code suggestion can now be accepted via
Ctrl + Right
Cmd + Right
on macOS). (#14395)
RStudio now highlights and lints Quarto chunk options in Python code chunks.
RStudio no longer highlights
\[ \]
\( \)
Mathjax equations; prefer
$$ $$
$ $
instead. (#12862)
Added cmake option to build RStudio without the check for updates feature. (#13236)
Allow choosing R from non-standard location at startup. (#14180; Windows Desktop)
support to systemd service definitions. (#13819)
RStudio’s GWT sources can now be built with JDKs > 11. (#11242)
Show grey background instead of solid-white during Desktop startup. (#13768)
The ‘restartSession()’ API method gains the ‘clean’ argument. (#2841)
‘dot’ chunks in R Markdown documents are now executable. (#14063)
(rstudioapi) Fixed an issue where selectFile() did not parse filter strings in a cross-platform way. (#13994)
Show Quarto version information in the About dialog. (#14263)
RStudio now reports repository validation errors (if any) when adding secondary repositories in the Global Options -> Packages pane. (#13842)
The working directory of a background job now defaults to the .Rproj location when a project is open. (#12600)
Add search results copy button and search results breadcrumbs to RStudio User Guide. (#13618, #14069)
RStudio now supports generation of a Copilot diagnostic report from the Copilot preferences pane. (#14358)
The RStudio debugger is now better at matching debugged code to source documents. (#13925)
RStudio no longer includes spurious chunk markers from Copilot completion results. (#13686)
Added new commands which toggle the maximized state of Console, Source, and Tab Group quadrants [Accessibility]. (#7022)
RStudio now prints a warning if an overly-long line of console input is truncated when sending to R. (#14420)
Implemented Posit Product Documentation theme to RStudio & Posit Workbench Release Notes and RStudio IDE User Guide via Quarto extension. (#14513)
Posit Workbench
Show custom project names on Workbench homepage. (rstudio-pro#5589)
Added support for JupyterLab 4 through the Python extension
PWB JupyterLab
. (rstudio-pro#5777)
Added search results copy button and search results breadcrumbs to Workbench Administration Guide, Workbench User Guide, RStudio Desktop Pro Administration Guide. (#5088, #5603)
Migrated Troubleshooting Launcher and Kubernetes guide from site to Workbench Administration Guide: Job Launcher > Launcher Troubleshooting section. (#5720)
Added search results copy button and search results breadcrumbs to Workbench Administration Guide, Workbench User Guide, RStudio Desktop Pro Administration Guide. (#5088, #5603)
When launching sessions from the home page, memory is now shown in GB rather than MB. (rstudio-pro#2722)
When running sessions on Kubernetes or Slurm with Singularity, the home page now remembers the container image used most recently and sets it as the default. This includes custom images, when permitted. (rstudio-pro#3601, rstudio-pro#4079)
When launching a session from the home page on Kubernetes or Slurm, the dropdown for available container images is now better organized and manages long image names more gracefully. (rstudio-pro#5630)
Opening the job summary for a session on the home page now shows much more detailed information, including the session’s host (if available), AWS role and/or Databricks Workspace (if any), queue (on Slurm), platform-native ID (on Slurm and Kubernetes) and resource profile (if applicable). (rstudio-pro#3690, rstudio-pro#5537)
The Databricks pane is now enabled by default if there are Databricks workspaces configured in the
file. There is no need to enable it separately. To disable the pane, set
in the
file. (rstudio-pro#5556)
A new icon on the RStudio Pro toolbar shows information on active AWS or Databricks credentials, if present. (rstudio-pro#5860)
The PostgreSQL password can now be set via environment variable. (rstudio-pro#5332)
Implemented Posit Product Documentation theme in Posit Workbench Administration Guide, Posit Workbench Licenses, Posit Workbench User Guide, and RStudio Desktop Administration Guide via Quarto extension. (rstudio-pro#5729)
Performance improvement where nginx handles static files, configurable with nginx.static.conf file. (rstudio-pro#5671)
VSCode: upgraded coder/code-server to 4.22.1 (VS Code version 1.87.2) on all operating systems except CentOS 7. Upgraded to coder/code-server 4.16.1 (VS Code version 1.80.2) on Centos 7.
Added preview of Code OSS - with Posit Workbench, pwb-code-server version 2024.04-b31 (VS Code version 1.87.0). (rstudio-pro#3777)
Robustness and scalability improvements for streaming connections. Close all streaming connections when tabs are invisible, and impose limits on “session output view”. Added options for tuning large-scale system performance: launcher-sessions-proxy-timeout-seconds, max-streams-per-user, streaming-connection-timeout-seconds rserver.conf option. . (rstudio-pro#5888, rstudio-pro#5616, rstudio-pro#5771, rstudio-pro#3417)
Added support for debug, and strace session diagnostics for individual user sessions. Create a file with ‘strace’ or ‘debug’ in ~/.config/rsession-diagnostics or ~/.config/pwb/jupyter-diagnostics, vscode-diagnostics. Logs in ~/.local/share/{rstudio,pwb}/log. (rstudio-pro#5529)
Posit Workbench no longer has a dependency on the
package. (rstudio-pro#4261)
Container users that have special characters in their names, such as
, can now be created at session start. (rstudio-pro#2714)
Prometheus metrics are now available as a Preview feature. (rstudio-pro#5793)
Prometheus metrics can now be enabled or disabled with
. (rstudio-pro#5792)
Prometheus metrics can now be configured. For more details see
Promethes Metrics in the Workbench Admin Guide
. (rstudio-pro#5791)
Added support for automatically provisioning users when using Okta or Microsoft Entra ID as an IdP. When using this feature, users can be assigned to Workbench from the IdP and do not need to be created as POSIX users. This feature also supports migrating from local, or ldap/sssd, users to IdP provisioned users. For more details see the
User Provisioning section of the Admin Guide
. (rstudio-pro#2784)
Move the force-quit session option into the session info dialog. (rstudio-pro#3385)
Added support for setting Posit Workbench envrionment variables at the service level in an EnvironmentFile:
. (rstudio-pro#5337)
Added support for Slurm with Singularity and Apptainer. (rstudio-pro#5236)
Updated the Workbench JupyterLab 3 extension to v1.1.738 to upgrade NPM dependencies. (rstudio-pro#5900)
Fixed an issue where Stage chunk and Stage line in the Review Changes UI failed in some scenarios. (#5476)
Fixed shortcut for inserting an assignment operator to work on non-US English keyboards. (#12457)
Fixed an issue where the menubar would show on secondary windows if Alt key was pressed. (#13973)
Fixed Windows installer to delete Start Menu shortcut during uninstall. (#13936)
Fixed current Git branch not always showing correctly in external editor windows. (#14029)
Fixed the tooltip to show the correct keyboard shortcut when hovering over URLs in the editor. (#12504)
Fixed Save As dialog on Windows not showing Save As Type field when extensions are hidden. (#12965)
Fixed GitHub Copilot project preferences not showing the correct status message. (#14064)
Fixed an issue where Quarto chunk option completions were not displayed at the start of a comment. (#14074)
Fixed an issue where pipes containing a large number of comments were not indented correctly. (#12674)
Fixed an issue where RStudio would unnecessarily list directory contents when opening a file. (#14096)
Localize Copilot-related user interface strings into French. (#14092)
Improved highlighting of YAML chunk options for Quarto Documents. (#13836)
Removed obsolete “Use Internet Explorer library/proxy” checkbox from Packages settings. (#13250)
Improved error handling for Desktop Pro license handling. (rstudio-pro#4873)
Fixed exception being logged when copying or cutting from the editor in a separate window. (#14140)
Fixed an issue where RStudio’s R diagnostics warned about potentially missing arguments even when disabled via preferences. (#14046)
Fixed an issue where the Visual Editor’s toolbar controls were duplicated on format change. (#12227)
Fixed regression that caused extra whitespace at the bottom of some popups. (#14223)
Fixed type dropdowns not working in dataset import when user-interface is in French. (#14224)
Fixed an issue where RStudio failed to retrieve help for certain S3 methods. (#14232)
Fixed a regression where the Data Viewer did not display ‘variable.labels’ for columns. (#14265)
Fixed an issue where autocompletion help was not properly displayed for development help topics. (#14273)
Fixed an issue where Shiny onSessionEnded callbacks could be interrupted when stopped in RStudio. (#13394)
Fixed misencoded Hunspell dictionaries. (#8147)
Fixed an issue where the RStudio debugger failed to step through statements within a tryCatch() call. (#14306)
Improved responsiveness of C / C++ editor intelligence features when switching Git branches. (#14320)
If R is not found when starting RStudio Desktop on Linux and macOS, Rstudio Desktop shows an error dialog. (#14343)
An empty
no longer logs spurious JSON parsing errors. (rstudio-pro#4347)
Fixed Help pane’s Next and Previous find-in-topic buttons to have meaningful accessible labels [Accessibility]. (#14347)
Fixed an issue where the RStudio debugger would re-focus a debugged context over-aggressively. (#10664)
Fixed handling of duplicated calls in debugger when source references not available. (#14276)
Fixed issue where stepping through lines of code in tryCatch() would provide incorrect debug highlight. (#14306)
Fixed an issue where PATH modifications in .Renviron / .Rprofile could be lost on macOS. (#9815)
Fixed an issue where custom headers were not propagated to
when calling
. (#14282)
Fixed an issue where code highlight in Sweave expressions was incorrectly handled. (#14382)
Fixed an issue where the Edit button in the Viewer pane could fail for Quarto documents. (#14325)
Fixed an issue where terminal history would show internal commands. (#9833)
Fixed an issue where RStudio could fail to launch with Conda builds of R. (#13184)
Fixed an issue where hovering over S4 class names in the Help pane could produce an R error. (#13344)
Fixed an issue where defining a custom viewer method produced an R error when View was called. (#14439)
Fixed an issue where Quarto dashboards could not be previewed if their file path contained a single quote. (#13900)
Fixed an issue where language objects (calls, formulas) were not described in the Environment pane. (#14446)
Improved some French translations of the UI.
Fixed an issue where searches in the Help pane could fail for entries like
. (#10975)
Fixed an issue where the “Save workspace on exit” preference was ignored in some cases. (#14258)
Fixed an issue where the NEWS button in the Update Packages dialog could fail to find the package NEWS file in some cases. (#12648)
Fixed an issue where Tensorflow object completions were not generated in some contexts. (#14524)
Fixed an issue in Vim where bracket highlighting followed the bracket behind the cursor when in normal mode. (#4152)
Posit Workbench
Fixed an issue where Professional Driver installation could fail on macOS. (rstudio-pro#5168)
Fixed low-contrast text on Workbench pages [Accessibility]. (rstudio-pro#4464)
The terminal pane of JupyterLab sessions now respects the user’s default shell. (rstudio-pro#5484)
The Databricks pane now respects the
setting in the
file even when running in legacy RStudio Server Pro mode. (rstudio-pro#5695)
Fixed an issue where pending or failed sessions that were launched on Slurm will no longer erroneously appear in the Workbench Jobs pane on the home page. (rstudio-pro#4846)
VSCode sessions will now respect the
option in
when installing extensions in a user’s directory on vscode session startup. (rstudio-pro#6078)
Fixed an issue where
rstudio-server license-manager deactivate
would emit an error indicating incorrect usage of the
command when
is already stopped. (rstudio-pro#5549)
Fixed an error message in the Databricks pane of RStudio Pro sessions when Databricks authentication is not available. (rstudio-pro#5583)
Fixed an issue where
commands would not work when
was set in systemctl overrides. (rstudio-pro#4122)
Fixed an issue with the permissions on files uploaded from shared projects in RStudio Pro sessions. (rstudio-pro#3134)
Fixed setting project sharing ACLs on parent directories for projects in subfolders. (rstudio-pro#5309)
Fixed sporadic CPU usage and crash in rworkspaces. (rstudio-pro#5690)
Fixed problem with
rstudio-server reload
changing permissions on nginx proxy/body dirs leading to user errors accessing the system. (rstudio-pro#5636)
Updated Ace to version 1.32.5. (#14227; Desktop + Server)
Updated Electron to version 28.2.6. (#14055; Desktop)
Updated GWT to version 2.10.0. (#11505; Desktop + Server)
Updated NSIS to version 3.09. (#14123; Windows Desktop)
Updated OpenSSL to version 3.1.4. (Windows Desktop)
Updated nginx to 1.25.4. (rstudio-pro#5970)
Updated node.js to version 18.19.1. (#14373, rstudio-pro#5935)
Updated zlib to 1.3.1. (rstudio-pro#5971)
Deprecated / Removed
Due to the upcoming
end of support for CentOS 7
in June 2024, CentOS 7 builds are no longer available for public download. If you have any questions, please contact Posit Support.
Removed GitHub Copilot preview label and disclaimer in Copilot options panes (#14067)
Fixed an issue where GitHub Copilot indexed binary files when project indexing enabled (#14106)
Fixed regression that prevented opening help topics in separate window (#14097)
Increased open files limit (#14148)
Fixed an issue with saving pane layouts for Desktop Pro and Workbench (rstudio-pro#5612)
Posit Workbench
Fixed join session when ready control not responding to mouse clicks in all areas (rstudio/rstudio-pro#5609)
Fixed intermittent rserver crash when joining a session started with the job launcher that is not immediately available (rstudio-pro#5579)
Fixed regression introduced in 2023.06 with
rstudio-server reload
where permission changed on nginx directories caused intermittent content loading errors (rstudio-pro#5636)
Fixed intermittent rworkspaces performance problem where in unusual circumstances, it would make repeated get_jobs requests (rstudio-pro#5690)
Fixed rworkspaces crash with debug logging enabled when get_jobs request returned an error (rstudio/rstudio-pro#5690)
Fixed supported Slurm versions in Integrating with Slurm - Administration Guide (rstudio-pro#5857)
Added missing Slurm dependency to Integrating with Slurm documentation (rstudio-pro#5876)
Removal of Debian 10 due to end of support (rstudio-pro#5925)
Updated Ace to version 1.28. (#13708)
Updated Boost to version 1.83.0. (#13577)
Updated Electron to version 26.2.4. (#13577)
Updated the default version of the GitHub Copilot agent to 1.10.3. (#13729)
Updated openssl to 1.1.1w on Mac and Windows. (#13683)
Updated Electron Forge to version 6.4.2 and Webpack to version 5.89.0. (rstudio-pro#5383)
Updated Quarto to version 1.3.450. (#13914)
RStudio now supports highlighting of inline YAML chunk options in R Markdown / Quarto documents. (#11663)
RStudio now supports auto-completion following
. (#13451)
RStudio now supports the execution and display of GraphViz (
) graphs in R Markdown / Quarto chunks. (#13187)
RStudio now supports the execution of chunks with the ‘file’ option set. (#13636)
RStudio now supports
to compile Sweave/Rnw documents. (#13812)
RStudio now supports pasting of file paths for files copied to the clipboard. (#4572)
RStudio now supports duplicate connection names for Posit drivers. (rstudio-pro#5437)
Improved support for development documentation when a package has been loaded via
. (#13526)
Better error message when user preferences fail to save due to folder permissions. (#12974)
With screen reader support enabled, hitting ESC key allows Tabbing away from editor. [accessibility] (#13593)
Posit Workbench
Removed link for opening sessions in RStudio Desktop Pro from Session Info dialog. (rstudio-pro#5263)
Restored database password encryption support removed in 2023.09.1 (rstudio-pro#5365)
Added Licenses guide that includes open source software components and full copies of license agreements used by the components. (#5027)
Added support for launching jobs via Singularity with Slurm (launcher#447)
Added requestTime to nginx access logs when rserver.conf’s server-access-log=1. Format for rserver-http-access.log has changed to add a request time field useful for seeing how long it takes rserver to respond to requests. WARNING: if you have code that processes the log file, expect a new field.
Increased the built-in nginx server’s max connection limit, enabled nginx error logging, and allow both to be configured (rstudio-pro#4652, rstudio-pro#4747, rstudio-pro#5452)
Replaced Administration Guide section PRO markers with Workbench tags. (#5416)
Improved Admin: The Logs tab allows viewing other server log files. A new Server tab provides real-time performance info and on-the-fly adjustment of the rserver log-level (rstudio-pro#5212)
Added Databricks integration to RStudio Pro Sessions which allows users to seamlessly interact with Databricks clusters and resources (rstudio-pro#4927)
Added Databricks integration to Workbench which enables pass-through auth with Databricks, AWS-Databricks, and Azure Databricks for IDE and VS Code (rstudio-pro#4927)
Fixed an issue preventing the object explorer from exploring httr request objects. (#13348)
Fixed an issue where underscores in file names were incorrectly displayed in menu items. (#13662)
Fixed an issue where previewed plots were not rendered at the correct DPI. (#13387)
Fixed an issue where warnings could be emitted when parsing YAML options within R Markdown code chunks. (#13326)
Fixed an issue where inline YAML chunk options were not properly parsed from SQL chunks. (#13240)
Fixed an issue where help text in the autocompletion popup was not selectable. (#13674)
Fixed an issue where a file could be opened twice when debugging functions sourced from other directories. (#13719)
Fixed an issue preventing publishing standalone Quarto content from within larger Quarto projects. (#13637)
Fixed an issue that prevented RStudio from opening PDF vignettes from the Help pane. (#13041)
Inline chunk execution now respects YAML style plot options styled with hyphens. (#11708)
Fixed a bug where project options updated in the Project Options pane were not properly persisted in RStudio 2023.09.0. (#13757)
Fixed viewing or blaming files on GitHub for a newly created branch. (#9798)
Fixed an issue on macOS where ‘-ne’ was erroneously printed to the console with certain versions of Bash. (#13809)
Fixed an issue where attempts to open files containing non-ASCII characters from the Files pane could fail on Windows. (#13855, #12467)
Fixed an issue where the color highlight for Console input could not be disabled. (#13118)
Fixed an issue that could cause the RStudio IDE to crash if a large amount of Console output was serialized with a suspended session. (#13857)
Fixed an issue where Find in Files results were not presented in rare cases. (#12657)
Fixed an issue that could cause errors if an R Markdown document was saved while a chunk was running. (#13860)
Fixed an issue where console output could be dropped when rendering large ANSI links. (#13869)
Fixed an issue preventing users from copying code from the History pane. (#3219)
Fixed WSL terminals not starting on RStudio Desktop for Windows. (#13918)
Fixed an issue that prevented users from opening files and vignettes with non-ASCII characters in their paths. (#13886)
Fixed an issue where large, heavily-nested objects could slow code execution in the R session. (#13965)
Fixed performance problem locating RStudio projects that live under a large directory tree (rstudio-pro#5435)
RStudio will no longer attempt to activate the default system installation of Python automatically. (#13497)
RStudio now records the deployment target for newly published documents, even when deployment fails due to an error in the document. (#12707)
Improved performance of R Markdown chunk execution for projects running on networked filesystems. (#8034)
Improved screen reader support when navigating source files in the editor. [accessibility] (#7337)
Session Protocol Debug in Tools -> Command Palette turns on log-level=debug when set (rstudio-pro#5095)
Reduce overhead of session suspension checks and writes to the executing file (#13534, rstudio-pro#4922)
Reset session keyring on Linux platforms to ensure credentials added in a session are isolated (rstudio-pro#5485)
Posit Workbench
Fixed opening job details in new windows more than once for Workbench jobs on the homepage. (rstudio/rstudio-pro#5179)
Fixed accessibility issues with empty Session and Project lists on the homepage. [accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#5214)
Fixed accessibility issues with Project controls on the homepage when not using launcher sessions. [accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#5215)
Fixed unlabeled input field in Rename Session modal dialog on the homepage. [accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#5178)
Fixed mismatched label on “Join session when ready” check box in New Session dialog. [accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#5221)
Fixed issue that caused start-up crash in environments with encrypted database passwords. (rstudio-pro#5228)
Fixed an issue where Shift+Tab wouldn’t wrap focus in the New Session dialog. [accessibility] (rstudio-pro#4488)
Fixed an issue where sessions couldn’t be started with a keyboard with Kubernetes or Slurm. [accessibility] (rstudio-pro#4360)
Fixed label on the button for showing and hiding launcher details so it is available to screen reader. [accessibility] (rstudio-pro#5268)
Fixed an issue where last sign in for user would be updated even if login fails due to license limits (rstudio-pro#5039)
Fixed bug where vscode and jupyter websockets might be intermittently closed in some circumstances, especially when auth-timeout-minutes=0 (rstudio-pro#5220)
Fixed routing problem with load balancing when not using a standard port (rstudio-pro#5367)
Fixed intermittent problem with load balancing and local launcher sessions for some features like workbench jobs (rstudio-pro#5451)
Fixed issue where the homepage did not display RStudio session’s ‘Executing’ status consistently (rstudio-pro#5141)
Fixed bug in the Posit Workbench VS Code extension that prevented the extension from recognizing all Dash apps (rstudio-workbench-vscode-ext#239)
Improved the accessible label on launcher job details buttons. [accessibility] (rstudio-pro#5270)
Reduced the number of DB connections allocated in the pool when servers have many CPUs (rstudio-pro#5210)
Posit Workbench
We have removed support for decrypting or providing encrypted database passwords for the internal PostgreSQL database. Instead, we now strongly recommend a more robust authentication mechanism, such as SSL certificate-based authentication. When a password appears to be encrypted, Workbench will log a warning, and attempt to use it as an unencrypted password. For more information please see the
Posit Workbench admin guide section on PostgreSQL
GitHub Copilot is available as an opt-in integration with RStudio. This feature is currently in public Preview, and has only been tested on RStudio Desktop. Copilot support is expected to be generally available in RStudio Desktop, RStudio Server and Posit Workbench in a future release.
Update to Electron 26.2.4 (#13457)
Upgrade Node to 16.20.2 (rstudio-pro#5275)
Posit Workbench
Fixed a bug where project options updated in the Project Options pane were not properly persisted in RStudio 2023.09.0 (#13757)
Fixed issue preventing enabling screen reader mode (#13710)
Posit Workbench
Exclude unused files from the Workbench VS Code Extension package
Fixed issue that caused start up crash in environments with encrypted database passwords. (rstudio-pro#5228)
Update to Electron 25.5.0 (#13457)
Add support Quarto Manuscript projects, a new Quarto feature that will be released in Quarto 1.4.
Added option to sign Git commits (#1865)
Add section to theme generation that will use theme-specific color(s) to set colors of vim/emacs-mode cursor
Posit Workbench
An initial set of Prometheus metrics and grafana dashboard are available for the Workbench server (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3273)
Additional support for publishing new content types to Posit Cloud (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4541)
Update code-server to version 4.14.1 (VS Code version 1.79.2) bundled with node 16.20.2 (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4774, rstudio/rstudio-pro#5012)
Update rserver-saml to 0.7.0 (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4903)
Change the default behavior of the load-balancer configuration setting
to always be true. This has no effect on non load-balanced environments. (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4953)
Auto-generate the
and launcher key pair in load-balanced environments (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4985)
Add the
and launcher key pair to the node table of the database for load-balanced environments. (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4985)
Multiple instances of the Slurm plugin can now point at the same backing cluster without interfering with one another, provided they have different names (rstudio/launcher#706)
The Slurm plugin now has a
setting that allows choosing a different partition than the cluster-wide default. The default partition is also put at the top of the list and highlighted in the UI when launching sessions (rstudio/launcher#551, rstudio/launcher#627, rstudio/rstudio-pro#4658)
Resource profiles for the Slurm plugin now support setting the partition (rstudio/launcher#695, rstudio/rstudio-pro#4658)
Resource profiles for the Kubernetes plugin now support setting placement constraints (rstudio/launcher#714, rstudio/rstudio-pro#4767)
When launching sessions or Workbench jobs, available clusters are now shown only when there is more than one option (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4675)
Non-shared projects on the home page no longer show a superfluous “Owner” field (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4984)
Users can now opt to receive desktop notifications when their sessions are ready, which is especially useful on platforms like Slurm or Kubernetes where this may take more than a few seconds (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3432)
While waiting to auto-join a session from the home page, the popup now shows additional status information on Kubernetes and Slurm and no longer warns about sessions that take more than 30 seconds to start (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4813)
Projects that can’t be found by the server are no longer completely hidden on the home page; rather, they are flagged as potentially moved or deleted (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4958)
Workbench now sets the
environment variable for all sessions. This can help users of hosted Apache Spark clusters (including Databricks) identify when Workbench users are accessing Spark (rstudio/rstudio-pro#5015)
Security audit and file size optimization for VS Code Workbench extension (rstudio/rstudio-workbench-vscode-ext#227)
option for load balancing to cleanup node table and fixed error caused by stale nodes (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4888)
Added explicit load-balancing-enabled option to rserver.conf (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4836)
Sticky sessions are no longer required to use OpenID Connect authentication (rstudio/rstudio-pro#2451)
Fixed issue where
was not properly forwarded on macOS (#13085)
Fixed issue where ‘ggrepel’ plot annotations could disappear when a plot was redrawn in an R Markdown document (#4330)
Fixed issue where whitespace in error messages was not properly preserved (#13239)
Fixed issue where the Data Viewer could fail to render data.frames containing AsIs matrices (#13215)
Fixed issue where error messages were not properly translated on Windows in some cases (#10308)
Fixed issue where Electron menubar commands are not disabled when modals are displayed (#12972)
Fixed bug causing invalid/empty
error when accessing a dataframe variable (#13188)
Fixed bug preventing dataframe column navigation past the default number of display columns (#13220)
Fixed bug preventing files from being saved when user
path includes trailing slashes on Windows (#13105)
Fixed broken Help pane after navigating to code demo (#13263)
Fixed bug preventing Update Available from displaying (#13347)
Fixed bug causing dataframe help preview to fail for nested objects (#13291)
Fixed issue where changes to binary files were not presented in Git History view (#13126)
Fixed bug where clicking “Ignore Update” would fail to ignore the update (#13379)
Fixed issue with alignment of R argument names in Help pane (#13474)
Fixed issue where user was not warned of missing Rosetta installation on Apple silicon (#12791)
Fixed bug with modals disabling copy/paste (#13365)
Fixed issue with file opened twice when navigating
package hyperlinks (#13134)
Fixed issue where column names weren’t provided as completion candidates for DBI tables. (#12577)
Fixed an issue where parameter name completions were not provided within
joins. (#13415)
Fixed issue where R sessions containing large ‘igraph’ objects could become slow (#13489)
Posit Workbench
Fixed intermittent rsession crash when the linux nscd service was enabled (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4648)
Fixed bug when resuming session not restoring current working directory for Terminal pane (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4027)
Fixed bug preventing
from being modified in system init scripts (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4584)
Removed unnecessary files from install packages (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4943)
Updated Launcher go dependencies to latest versions (rstudio/rstudio-pro#5021)
Workbench will no longer log a spurious error about ownership when the
file is on an NFS mount with
set (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4721)
, and
settings now apply to all IDEs. Individual settings for Jupyter and VS Code sessions are now marked as deprecated (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4651)
Recent projects listed on the home page should no longer have an empty “Last Used” field (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4157)
The Slurm plugin no longer warns that some legitimately-supported Slurm versions are not supported (rstudio/launcher#644)
AWS roles can now be chosen when resuming a session as well as launching a new one (rstudio/rstudio-pro#5043)
rstudio-server active-sessions
command and added
Fixed load balancing to count all types of sessions (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3016)
Fixed bug preventing user’s last sign in date from updating on CentOS 7 and PostgreSQL (rstudio/rstudio-pro#5072)
Limit logs collected in rstudio-diagnostics to reduce size
Improved performance of group membership tests (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4643)
Increased read buffer size for rserver proxy (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4764)
Various improvements to the responsiveness of the Workbench home page (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4736, rstudio/rstudio-pro#4750, rstudio/rstudio-pro#4762, rstudio/rstudio-pro#4085)
Fixed rserver CPU bottleneck when session generates lots of output but never starts (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4865)
Avoid username lookups when listing processes looking for sessions (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4800)
Avoid load balancing node-status checks for Slurm and Kubernetes sessions (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4876)
RStudio IDE
Fixed an issue causing data to be sorted incorrectly in the data viewer within paginated columns (#13328)
Fixed bug preventing files from being saved when user
path includes trailing slashes on Windows (#13105)
Fixed issue where Electron menubar commands are not disabled when modals are displayed (#12972)
Fixed bug preventing Update Available from displaying (#13347)
Fixed bug causing dataframe help preview to fail for nested objects (#13291)
Fixed bug where clicking “Ignore Update” would fail to ignore the update (#13379)
Fixed bug preventing
from being modified in system init scripts (rstudio-pro:#4584)
Posit Workbench
Caching of passwd lookups for a few more api calls including the process info api used by load balancing (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4800)
Avoid intermittent hanging
process when using 3rd party active directory (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4614)
Fixed rserver CPU utilization bug when starting a session that emits lots of output without the expected “listening on port” pattern (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4865)
Fixed bug when resuming session not restoring current working directory for Terminal pane (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4027)
More efficient version of is user in groups feature and improved error handling for when get group fails (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4643)
Fixed issue with Slurm and load balancing that could delay session starts or occasionally fail to start (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4971)
Updated jupyterlab buildutils package to fix vulnerability (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4951)
Updated the SAML helper program to fix problem found in vulnerability scan (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4903)
Add support for newer Slurm v23 (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4766)
RStudio IDE
Fixed bug causing invalid/empty
error when accessing a dataframe variable (#13188)
Fixed bug preventing dataframe column navigation past the default number of display columns (#13220)
Posit Workbench
Updated to Electron 23.3.0 (#13030)
Moved Help panel font size setting to Appearance tab in Global Options (#12816)
Updated openssl to 1.1.1t for Windows (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3675)
Improved visibility of focus rectangles on Server / Workbench Sign In page [Accessibility] (#12846)
Added ability to enable minidump generation for Electron crashes (#13025)
Added Quarto for Linux arm64 (#12411)
Updated zlib to 1.2.13 (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4531)
Posit Workbench
Added the
session option, controlling whether active connections can block the suspension of an R session
Added the
session option, controlling whether R objects containing external pointers can block the suspension of an R session
Added http server request processing statistics for the rserver, logged as info/debug messages, controlled by the option
in rserver.conf (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4554)
Updated code server to 4.12.0 to address security vulnerabilities
Updated nginx to supported version 1.24.0 (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4532)
Updated PCRE to PCRE2, version 10.42 (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4530)
Added a new
option in
that allows limiting the port range available to RStudio Pro sessions (rstudio/rstudio-pro#945)
Added support for accessing delegated credentials through Azure Active Directory in RStudio Pro sessions (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4485)
Support for setting per-user AWS credentials in RStudio Pro sessions is now generally available (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4246)
RStudio IDE
Fixed display problems with Choose R dialog when UI language is French (#12717)
Fixed focus switching to Help Pane search box after executing ? in the console [Accessibility] (#12741)
Fixed initial focus placement in Help Pane [Accessibility] (#10600)
Fixed invalid element role on session-suspended icon [Accessibility] (#12449)
Improved screen-reader support for Console pane toolbar [Accessibility] (#12825)
Background script jobs are now run using the global environment, which fixes the behavior of
in backgrounds jobs (#11866)
Fixed bug that caused Update Available dialog to show after the user selected to Ignore Update (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4179)
Fixed bug that prevented updating to the latest release if version was previously ignored (#12874)
RStudio no longer uses
when attempting to enumerate R versions in the Windows registry (#12599)
Fixed file-type icons not displaying in Finder on Mac (#12252)
Fixed saving and restoring window location when maximized or partially offscreen (#12463)
Fixed display of macOS message dialogs (#12928)
Set theme of menu bar, title bar, and dialogs (dark vs. light) based on RStudio theme (#12247)
Fixed issues with mouse back / forward navigation in Source pane and Help pane (#12932)
Fixed opening files from command-line with relative paths (#12495, #12563)
Fixed issue with column preview with older versions of the ‘pillar’ package. (#12863)
Fixed bug where the OK button was disabled in Choose R dialog when only one version of R installed (#12916)
Improved robustness when chosing custom R version in Windows desktop (#12969)
Fixed bug that prevented RStudio Desktop from starting on Linux if desktop.ini was unreadable (#12963)
Improved RStudio Desktop startup behavior when the user state folder is inaccessible (#12988)
Fixed saving files to UNC paths on Windows (#12652, #12935)
Fixed window disappearing when restoring from maximized on macOS (#13010)
Fixed Project Build Tools preferences pane showing &mdash text in French UI (#11134)
Fixed inserting cross references in a Quarto document showing no references (#12882)
Fixed keyboard shortcut help not displaying in Emacs or Sublime Text mode (#11376)
Fixed issue with rendering development documentation with R 4.3.0 (#12945)
Fixed issue with use of “Whole word” with Find in Files search (#13017)
Fixed issue with diagnostics freezing session with documents containing pipebind operator (#13091)
Fixed issue with stopping a Quarto Shiny doc render on Windows (#12546)
Fixed issue causing sessions to fail to start if repos contained
value (#12946)
Fixed “Error Retrieving Help” bug when data preview column contains
values (#12918)
Fixed hang when restarting R or closing IDE after rendering a Quarto document (#12836)
Fixed an issue where large R objects could adversely affect the performance of the IDE (#13103)
Posit Workbench
Fixed unlabeled buttons for screen reader users when page is narrow [Accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4340)
Removed redundant mouse-only New Session widget from accessibility tree [Accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4338)
Fixed launcher error details not showing on the homepage when clicking “Error Details” (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4333)
Fixed theme button’s semantics so it is meaningful to screen reader [Accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4337)
Fixed screen reader accessibility for the homepage theme dropdown menu [Accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4339)
Fixed hidden controls on Session Info dialog remaining active [Accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4341)
Added keyboard support to the “Show list” control in New Session dialog [Accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4461)
Fixed job details to be hidden from screen reader when visibly hidden [Accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4466)
Fixed sign-in pages to be more mobile and zoom friendly [Accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4472)
Cache results for user and group lookups (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4451)
Increased timeout for stale messages error (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4325)
Reduced database queries and remove locking around DB calls (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4492)
Eliminated assertion failed error when reloading config with load balancing enabled (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4504)
Fixed verify-installation failure when jupyter sessions were enabled but jupyter was not installed (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4390)
AWS credentials now work correctly on Kubernetes, Slurm, and when PAM sessions are disabled (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4484, rstudio/rstudio-pro#4686)
Add option to allow launcher sessions to return a non-zero exit code (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4719)
Errors related to
when running in single-user (unprivileged) mode are now resolved (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4578, rstudio/rstudio-pro#4597)
A blank
file no longer causes
Failed to parse settings
errors (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4347)
Kubernetes Service Accounts that contain only numeric characters will now work correctly with templates (rstudio/launcher#650)
Resource profiles now work correctly when the Slurm plugin is configured with
is empty (rstudio/launcher#639)
Routine timeouts when watching Kubernetes resources are no longer logged as an error (rstudio/launcher#604)
The Kubernetes plugin should now reload authorization tokens more reliably (rstudio/launcher#685)
Fixed a memory leak and various crashes in the Kubernetes plugin (rstudio/launcher#584, rstudio/launcher#645, rstudio/launcher#660)
The Kubernetes plugin now interprets the default number of AMD GPUs correctly (rstudio/launcher#688)
Fixed the logic when manipulating ACLs for project sharing to not remove permissions on parent directories (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4258)
Fix no cross references when inserting (#12882)
Fix Windows Choose R dialog error after selecting an R installation (#12984)
Fix saving files to UNC paths on Windows (#12652)
Fix RStudio freeze when copy/pasting on Windows (#12879)
Fix inserting an empty citation (#12833)
Posit Workbench
Increase timeout for stale messages error (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4325)
Reduce database queries and remove locking around DB calls (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4492)
Eliminate assertion failed error when reloading config with load balancing enabled (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4504)
Fix a bug with starting JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebook sessions when ServerApp.token=’’ is present in the Jupyter settings (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4491)
Routine timeouts when watching Job Launcher Kubernetes resources are no longer logged as an error (rstudio/launcher#604)
Resolve an issue in the Job Launcher Kubernetes plugin with handling Kubernetes token rotation that would result in the Kubernetes plugin restarting (rstudio/launcher#584)
Address a memory leak in the Job Launcher Kubernetes plugin related to the reloading of the Kubernetes API token (rstudio/launcher#645)
Kubernetes Service Accounts that contain only numeric characters will now work correctly with templates (rstudio/launcher#650)
Resource Profiles now work correctly when the Job Launcher Slurm plugin is configured with
is empty (rstudio/launcher#639)
Address a crash in the Job Launcher Kubernetes Plugin (rstudio/launcher#660)
Fix a bug in Job Launcher Kubernetes Plugin Kubernetes Auth Token reload logic for streaming requests (rstudio/launcher#685)
RStudio IDE
Adopt panmirror (visual editor) migration to quarto-dev/quarto project (#12316)
Upgrade Electron to 22.0.0 (#11734)
Upgrade Quarto to 1.2.335 (#12697)
roxygen2 completions show description and complete as a snippet (#11957)
data frame and data frame columns completions show more information (#12308)
Support more “complex” start of pipe chains in completions (#9612), #10538
Revisit the order of completions, i.e., columns before search path secondary completions (#12292)
and data.table related completions (#12289), 11202
Support column completions for arrow objects (#11629)
Support searching for roxygen specific information in fuzzy finder (Go to File/Function) (#12190)
“Rainbow” fenced divs, controlled by Options > R Markdown > [v] Use rainbow fenced divs (#12115)
Disable argument tooltips in the script editor for unknown functions (#12160)
Add RTools 4.3 support (#12528)
Add support for R 4.3 (#12751)
Posit Workbench
Sessions now have lower CPU priority during suspension on macOS and Linux (#12623)
Sessions run on Kubernetes or Slurm will no longer exit with nonzero codes under normal circumstances (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3375)
Updated code-server to version 4.9.1 (VS Code version 1.73.1) (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4150)
Preview support for setting per-user AWS credentials in RStudio Pro sessions (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4246)
Sessions run on Kubernetes or Slurm can now greatly simplify the task of assigning CPU, memory, or GPU resources by using named Resource Profiles (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4249)
Kubernetes Job and Service resources created by Workbench now set the
label to
When the Job Launcher is enabled, the Local plugin can now be configured to use “external” load balancing, which removes the need for the
to be on shared storage (rstudio/launcher#42, rstudio/rstudio-pro#3770)
A new
setting in the
file can be used to limit visibility of Slurm partitions to specific users or groups (rstudio/launcher#309)
All Job Launcher plugins now support fractional values for the
setting (i.e.,
for 30 minutes) (rstudio/launcher#372)
RStudio IDE
Fixed an issue where Git / SVN actions requiring user input could fail in some situations. (#12390)
Fixed an issue where the plots displayed in the inline preview were incorrectly scaled on devices with high DPI (#4521, #2098, #10825, #7028, #4913).
Fixed background jobs not showing the entire output (#12389)
Fixed mixed-case CSS colors (#12562)
Fixed indentation of colored text (#12489)
Fixed (and speedup) identification of the presence of external pointers (#12328)
Fixed rendering of custom source markers (#12425)
Fixed handling of backticks in data frame columns in auto-completion (#8675)
Fixed group_by() specific completions (#12356)
Fixed auto-completions when named arguments already in use (#12326)
Fixed column name completions when package name is specified (#9786)
Fixed Excel import preview (#3955)
Fixed indentation of raw strings (#12127)
Removed empty spell check tooltips (#11306)
Fixed package completion tooltips (#12147)
Fixed setting rsession log level using command-line argument or logging.conf (#12557)
Fixed issue that allowed users to overwrite their home directory in server mode (#12653)
Fixed “Check for updates” incorrectly reports that there are no updates (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3388)
Fixed default options for Choose R dialog on Windows (#12452)
Fixed data viewer’s “Show in new window” results in an empty window (#12468)
Fixed uncaught Shiny error breaks RStudio’s “Run in Window” feature (#12569)
Fixed previewing rendered html_document causes URLs to open in a browser (#12494)
Fixed link opens in a browser after Render with .qml file when comments are turned on in
Fixed Copy Plot to Clipboard - pasting bitfile option not working correctly in the latest build (#12466)
Fixed Find in Files with git projects and older version of git (#11822)
Posit Workbench
Fixed intermittent hanging logins in Workbench using ActiveDirectory (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4285)
Fixed incorrect icons displayed in the sessions drop-down menu in RStudio Pro (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4257)
Editor Selection widget in New Session dialog is now usable via keyboard [Accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4205)
Editor Selection widget in New Session dialog supports screen reader usage [Accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4206)
Editor icons in New Session dialog are marked as cosmetic for screen readers [Accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4207)
Homepage modal dialogs are now implemented correctly for keyboard and screen reader use [Accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4208)
Posit logo on the home page marked as cosmetic for screen readers [Accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4209)
Focus and keyboard-focus styles have been improved on the homepage [Accessibility]
Keyboard support has been added to the job summary drop-down in session list items on the homepage [Accessibility]
Improved alt-text and updated link to on sign-in page logo [Accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4096)
Help pane home page switches to single-column display at narrow widths [Accessibility] (#12643)
RStudio Pro sessions drop-down panel icons marked with role=“presentation” [Accessibility] (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4257)
Workbench will no longer write an unrelated
file to the
directory (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4279)
Fixed the frequent
No such file or directory
errors logged by
when on a system with cgroups v2 (#10914, rstudio/rstudio-pro#2683)
Support Kubernetes v1.24 (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4064)
Security fix: User ID is now set by the server when running Workbench Jobs created by VS Code (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4255)
Fixed connection issues with SSL-enabled sessions running on Slurm in a load-balanced cluster or after a Launcher restart (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4098)
RStudio now displays a splash screen on startup, while the R session is being initialized. (#11604)
Updated RStudio Desktop installer on Windows to detect running RStudio by process name. (#10588)
Whether pending console input is discarded on error can now be controlled via a preference in the Console pane. (#10391)
Improved handling of diagnostics within pipeline expressions. (#11780)
Improved handling of diagnostics within glue() expressions.
Completions within R Markdown documents now respect the
chunk option if set. (#12047)
RStudio now provides autocompletion results for packages used but not loaded within a project.
Improved handling of missing arguments for some functions in the diagnostics system.
Code editor can show previews of color in strings (R named colors e.g. “tomato3” or of the forms “#rgb”, “#rrggbb”, “#rrggbbaa”) when
Options > Code > Display > [ ] enable preview of named and hexadecimal colors
is checked.
Fixes the bug introduced with
>= 1.03 where Rmd documents show the error message
object 'partition_yaml_front_matter' not found
upon project startup. (#11552)
Name autocompletion following a
now correctly quotes names that start with underscore followed by alphanumeric characters. (#11689)
Suspended sessions will now default to using the project directory, rather than the user home directory, if the prior working directory is no longer accessible. (#11960)
The fuzzy finder indexes C(++) macros. (#11981)
Improved handling for large amounts of
output in the Console pane. (#12059)
Build output is now truncating when very large amounts of output are produced (e.g. from C++ compilation warnings).
Memory usage in the environment pane now works correctly on Linux when using cgroups v2. (#11894)
Fixed an issue where code execution could pause in RStudio Server after closing the browser tab even with active computations. (Pro #3943)
Chunk output calls
method on vctrs-based classes stored in a dataframe. (#6878)
RStudio attempts to infer the appropriate version of Python when “Automatically activate project-local Python environments” is checked and the user has not requested a specific version of Python. This Python will be stored in the environment variable “RETICULATE_PYTHON_FALLBACK”, available from the R console, the Python REPL, and the RStudio Terminal (#9990)
Shiny for Python apps now display a “Run App” button on the Source editor toolbar. (Requires
Python package v0.2.7 or later.)
Support for v2 format of Quarto crossref index
Support for RHEL7 and CentOS7 and fixes missing Pandoc for RMarkdown (rstudio-pro#3804)
Posit Workbench
Rebranded Workbench from RStudio Workbench to Posit Workbench to match Posit Software, PBC’s new branding terminology and iconography
(long) option to
. When
/usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rserver-url -l <port number>
is executed within a VS Code or Jupyter session, the full URL where a user can view a server proxied at that port is displayed (rstudio-pro#3620)
load balancing option to ensure that session requests are always proxied from the local workbench server in a cluster. Eliminates the need to open a range of ports in the firewall for sessions to be reached by other workbench servers (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3670)
Redesigned the session launch dialog from the homepage to show all session types at once (rstudio-pro#3646)
Enabled the Job Launcher with the Local Launcher by default in clean installations of Workbench (rstudio-pro#3571)
Enabled all session types (Jupyter Lab, Jupyter Notebook, RStudio Pro, and VS Code) by default in clean installations of Workbench and added warnings to the Session Launch dialog and the Posit Workbench log when the components for a session type is not installed (rstudio-pro#3689)
Add support for disabling RStudio Pro sessions (rstudio-pro#3642)
Posit Workbench VS Code Sessions
Install VS Code session support (code-server) with Posit Workbench instead of requiring a separate download (rstudio-pro#3643)
Updated code-server to version 4.7.1 (VS Code version 1.71.2) (rstudio-pro#3643)
Sets the
environment variable to the proxied port URL for port 8000 in VS Code and Jupyter sessions, allowing FastAPI applications to run without additional configuration. (rstudio-pro#2660)
Workbench now checks for the
binary in the
environment variable (if present) then the
setting in
, or falls back to the preinstalled version and finally the
. This allows more flexibility when launching sessions on Kubernetes or Slurm clusters. (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3942)
Add support for launching Workbench Jobs through VS Code Sessions (rstudio-pro#3565)
Posit Workbench VS Code Extension
Install VS Code Extension with Posit Workbench instead of requiring a separate download (rstudio-pro#3643)
Introduce Workbench Job management to VS Code Extension (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3784, rstudio/rstudio-pro#3565)
Added a pop-up notification when working with certain relevant filetypes that makes it easier to find the Workbench Extension. This notification is a one-time view per user. It can be re-enabled in the user settings (vscode-ext#96).
Rebranded the interface to match Posit Software, PBC’s new branding terminology and iconography
Fixed extension servers appearing in Proxied Servers list (vscode-ext#116)
Added support for Flask, including a help dialog and the Posit Workbench Flask Interface code snippet, for proxying Flask applications (rstudio-pro#2660)
Added a FastAPI help dialog and the following code snippets for setting the root_path in FastAPI applications (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3698):
Posit Workbench Uvicorn Root Path Snippet
Posit Workbench FastAPI Uvicorn Root Path Snippet
Added a Warning notification that appears when a uvicorn process was started with a custom port, without the root-path argument. These processes will now appear in the Proxied Servers view with a warning icon (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3699)
Fixed mislabelling of Shiny app in Proxied Servers list (#117)
Posit Workbench Jupyter Sessions
Workbench now checks for the
binary in the
environment variable (if present), then the
setting in
, and finally the
. This is allows more flexibility when launching sessions on Kubernetes or Slurm clusters. (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3942)
Fixed an issue where Workbench would not install the
extension automatically if the configured
path was a symlink to the actual install location. We now follow the symlink. (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3942)
by default for clean installations of Workbench to prevent possible data loss due to Jupyter storing all state in the browser (rstudio-pro#4010)
Posit Workbench Jupyter Extension
The Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab extensions have been updated to match with the new Posit Software, PBC branding (rstudio-pro#3645)
Experimental ARM64 and RedHat 9 support
Experimental (preview) support for Linux
platforms, such as the Raspberry Pi and AWS Graviton
Experimental (preview) support for RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 and compatible platforms, such as Rocky Linux 9
Fixed an issue where the console history scroll position was not preserved when switching focus to a separate application (#1638)
Fixed an issue where Find in Files could omit matches in some cases on Windows (#11736)
Fixed an issue where the Git History window inverted the display of merge diffs (#10150)
Fixed an issue where Find in Files could fail to find results with certain versions of git (#11822)
Fixed visual mode outline missing nested R code chunks (#11410)
Fixed an issue where chunks containing multibyte characters was not executed correctly (#10632)
Fixed bringing main window under active secondary window when executing background command (#11407)
Fix for schema version comparison that breaks db in downgrade -> upgrade scenarios (rstudio-pro#3572)
Fixed an issue in the Electron build of the IDE on Macs where users could not clone a git repository via password-protected SSH or HTTPS (#11693)
Fixed scroll speed sensitivity for Mac and Linux and added a preference to adjust it (#11578)
Fixed an issue in server environments where invoking
directly could lead to orphaned processes and undefined behavior. Processes are now cleaned up more consistently as a part of server or launcher shutdown. (rstudio/rstudio-pro#2585)
RStudio sessions now shut down and suspend properly when they receive a
signal, as they have for
Fixed an issue where
would render Workbench non-functional. The setting now works as expected. (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3010)
Fixed an issue where the
, and
subcommands of
did not work when using the Launcher. (rstudio/rstudio-pro#4007)
Fixed conflicting keyboard shortcut for toggling screen reader support on macOS (#12339)
Fixed issue with session-ssl that prevented resuming some sessions in a load-balanced environment (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3759)
Fixed intermittent problem where sessions in the Posit Workbench homepage would display incorrect status over NFS (rstudio/rstudio-pro#3979)
Fixed an issue where Workbench Job output would somtimes fail to show (rstudio-pro#3972)
Fixed an issue where reactivating a user could result in an erroneous warning that user license limit had been reached (rstudio-pro#3874)
Deprecated / Removed
Removed the Tools / Shell command (#11253)
Deprecated the vscode.conf “min-ext-version” option for specifying the minimum version of the Posit Workbench VS Code extension as the extension is now bundled with Workbench and Session packages rather than being downloaded (rstudio-pro#3643)
Removed the “rstudio-server install-vs-code” admin command for downloading and configuring code-server; code-server is now installed with Workbench, use the “rstudio-server configure-vs-code” command for configuration (rstudio-pro#3643)
It is highly recommended that you disable session culling in Jupyter sessions by done by setting
to prevent potential data loss (rstudio-pro#3054)
Fix for schema version comparison that breaks db in downgrade -> upgrade scenarios (rstudio-pro#3572)
Fix for Quarto crossref indexing/completion not working with Quarto v1.0
Fixed homepage session status problems (rstudio-pro#3644, #3671, and #3669)
Fixed regression in spotted-wakerobin that prevented sessions from starting when launcher-sessions-use-password=1 (rstudio-pro#3664)
Fixes the bug introduced with
>= 1.03 where Rmd documents show the error message
object 'partition_yaml_front_matter' not found
upon project startup (#11552)
Fixed regression in spotted-wakerobin that prevents R sessions from starting when the crashhandler reports an error (#11717)
Fixed problems with load balancing when database connections are timed out, and fail to restore (pro #3714)
Fixed an issue where chunks containing multibyte characters was not executed correctly (#10632)
Fixed an issue with signing the Ubuntu 22 package by switching the compression to a supported type
Fixed visual mode outline missing nested R code chunks (#11410)
Cannot read property 'python'
error when creating new projects on some systems (#11769)
Linux: Support for Ubuntu 22.04, Fedora 35. (#10902, #9854)
Source marker
can contain ANSI SGR codes for setting style and color (#9010)
Linux/MacOS: Executing a code selection that encounters an error will stop execution of remaining code (#3014)
Added support for hyperlinks in the console and build pane (#1941)
Added support for blurred text (#11019)
“Clean and Rebuild” and “Install and Restart” have been merged into “Install Package”, the “Project Options > Build” gains a “clean before install” option to toggle the –preclean flag. The Build toolbar changes to “Install | Test | Check | More v” (#4289)
The source button uses
on C++ files that have
decorations (#10387)
New *Relative Line Numbers- preference for showing line numbers relative to the current line, rather than the first line (#1774)
Upgraded SOCI library dependency from version 4.0.0 to 4.0.3 (#10792)
(macOS only) RStudio now reads the PATH from the user’s default shell on startup (#10551)
(experimental) Option to display the user interface in French (#10455)
Label commit timestamps as being in UTC (#2544)
The choice of pipe operator (
or native R 4.1+) inserted with the “Insert Pipe Operator” keyboard shortcut can now be configured at the project level as well as the global level (#9409)
The Git/SVN pane now supports creating ED25519-encrypted SSH keys by default. Newly created RSA SSH keys will now be 4096 bits instead of 2048 to increase security (#8255)
Read only R and C++ files (marked by “do not edit by hand”) are ignored by the fuzzy file finder (#10912)
Linux: For compatibility with newer versions of glibc (>= 2.34), the seccomp filter sandbox is disabled. See for more details. (#9854)
Changed “Jobs” tab in IDE to “Background Jobs” (#11296)
The fuzzy finder shows
calls when the search term starts with “t” (#11082)
Calls to test_that() appear in the source file outline (#11082)
Windows: Update embedded libclang to 13.0.1 (#11186)
Added a warning when renv is actively overriding repository settings in Global Options (#9947)
Workbench now supports project sharing in single-session mode (i.e. when
) (rstudio-pro#1263)
Find in Files
Fixed Find in Files whole-word replace option, so that when “Whole word” is checked, only file matches containing the whole word are replaced, as displayed in the preview (#9813)
Adds support for POSIX extended regular expressions with backreferences in Find in Files find and replace modes, so that special regex characters such as
, etc do not need to be escaped, and other ERE escape sequences such as
, and
are now supported. This matches the behavior of R’s own
function, but note that backslashes do not need to be escaped (as they typically are in R strings) (#9344)
The “Common R source files” option in Find in Files has been updated to “Common source files”, with support for searching Markdown (of any type, including .Rmd), JS, and YAML files (#10526)
Updated support for searching paths and filenames with Unicode characters on Windows, including Chinese and non-Latin characters (#9881)
Add a refresh button to the Find in Files pane to enable manual refresh of Find in Files search results (#3240)
Added support for the
placeholder as used by the R pipe-bind operator, to be introduced with R 4.2.0. (#10757)
Added support for using the AGG renderer (as provided by the ragg package) as a graphics backend for inline plot execution; also added support for using the backend graphics device requested by the knitr
chunk option (#9931)
rstudioapi functions are now always evaluated in a clean environment, and will not be masked by objects in the global environment (#8031)
Removed support for versions of R earlier than R 3.3.0. (rstudio-pro#2887)
Chunk options in the body of a code chunk, prefaced by
will be respected during inline code execution, and will take precedence over conflicting chunk options in the chunk header (#10645). Both YAML
tag: value
syntax and valid R expressions will be parsed.
Fixed issue in R debugger that caused RStudio to lose focus out of source code when interacting with the console in certain ways, such as evaluating an expression (#10664)
Fixed an issue where vignette content was illegible when viewed with a dark theme. (#11164)
Fixed an issue where previewing a plot as PDF could fail after a session restart. (#1905)
Fixed logging of
error values by logging them as hexadecimal instead of decimal (#10310)
Fixed notebook execution handling of knitr
chunk option to suppress messages if the option is set to FALSE (#9436)
Fixed plot export to PDF options (#9185)
iterates through classes of
is now synchronous and returns document id (#8938)
Session > Load Workspace
menu option now explicitly namespaces
if the
function has been masked in the global environment (#10089)
The data viewer truncates large list cells to 50 characters by default, this can be changed with the command palette or
rstudioapi::writeRStudioPreference("data_viewer_max_cell_size", 10L)
The R version and logo displayed in the top left of the console will update to the current R version whenever the R session is restarted (#10458)
Fixed issue where
errors under specific sssd configurations (
ignore_group_members = true
) (#10829)
Fixed a security issue where shiny apps and vscode sessions remained active after signout (rstudio-pro#3287)
Fixed an intermittent hang when invoking
rstudio-server verify-installation
which caused stale
processes to exist (rstudio-pro#3041)
(Windows only) Fixed an issue where multiple instances of RStudio launched at the same time could bind to the same session. (#10488)
Fixed unintended change of date/time formatting in the VCS commit history (#10810)
Fixed an issue where code of the form ‘1:2:3’ was diagnosed incorrectly. (#10979)
Add back link to the title of sessions so that users can easily open sessions in new tabs and copy session links (rstudio-pro#3290)
(Linux Only) License-manager now works in a installer-less context (rstudio-pro#3150)
Fixed an issue where R raw strings were not highlighted correctly in R Markdown documents. (#11087)
Fixed issue with using RStudio server behind multi-level proxy servers (#11010)
Fixed an issue with project sharing where other users’ actions could prevent a session’s auto suspend (rstudio-pro#3362)
Fixed a regression in which the “(Use Default Version)” option was not present in some R version selector drop downs (rstudio-pro#3451)
Fix opening a remote session via downloaded rdprsp file in Mac Desktop Pro when it (RDP) is already open (rstudio-pro#3291)
Fixed several error marker issues in visual mode where they did not display (#10949 #10483)
Allow Jupyter and VScode sessions to be renamed from the homepage (rstudio-pro#1686)
Fixed a user-facing error and added logging when the a session fails to launch due to a misconfigured launcher (rstudio-pro#1684)
RStudio Workbench
Add a -G option to
to allow configuring the effective group of the process (#3214)
When resuming a suspended session with the Kubernetes Launcher Plugin, the container image that was previously being used will now be selected by default (#1520)
Upgrade the default version of
to 4.4.0 to resolve issue with the latest Python VS Code extension (Pro #3320)
JupyterLab Sessions are now configured to be run with the
extension. If not globally installed, this will be auto-installed for users on their first JupyterLab session launch (Pro #3429)
Change the label of the “Jobs” section on the homepage to “Workbench Jobs” to disambiguate. Likewise, change the “Launcher” pane title in the IDE to “Workbench Jobs” (rstudio-pro#3138, rstudio-pro#3453)
Session status information on the homepage has been upgraded! Additional information about a session’s processes is easily accessible with a drop-down. Visual updates and cues help improve the user experience. Back-end updates improve the stability and responsiveness of session operations and status changes (rstudio-pro#2443)
Change the “Jobs” tab to “Launcher Diagnostics” in the session information pop-up to further distinguish it from various other references to “jobs.” Hide the “Job Name” field, as it was confusing where it was displayed in the session information details. (rstudio-pro#3453)
Upgrade the default version of
to 4.4.0 to resolve issue with the latest Python VS Code extension (Pro #3320)
JupyterLab Sessions are now configured to be run with the
extension. If not globally installed, this will be auto-installed for users on their first JupyterLab session launch (Pro #3429)
Added ability to configure a
file allowing admins to create a list of VS Code extension that will be pre-installed for all users (Pro #3378)
Deprecated / Removed
The minimum supported R version for the IDE has been increased from R 3.0.1 to R 3.3.0 (rstudio-pro#2887)
Block port proxy requests at
for Jupyter sessions - previously only available if
Jupyter Server Proxy
was installed (Pro #3339)
No longer support Debian 9 (“stretch”) for Desktop, Server, and Workbench (#10981)
No longer support SLES 12 for Desktop, Server, and Workbench (#10583)
Fixes the bug introduced with rlang >= 1.03 where Rmd documents show the error message object ‘partition_yaml_front_matter’ not found upon project startup (#11552)
Fixed for schema version comparison that breaks db in downgrade -> upgrade scenarios (rstudio-pro#3572)
Fixed issue in R debugger that caused RStudio to lose focus out of source code when interacting with the console in certain ways, such as evaluating an expression (#10664)
Fixed an issue where files would appear to be blank when opened in projects not using UTF-8 encoding on Windows with R 4.2.0. (#11206)
Ubuntu 22.04 (“Jammy”) and Fedora 35 Compatibility:
Ubuntu Jammy builds of RStudio using libssl3 to enable installation on Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish 22.04 LTS (#10902)
Fixed incompatibility between QtWebEngine and newer glibc by disabling Chromium sandbox, see disclaimer below (#9854)
For Ubuntu 22.04 (“Jammy”), Fedora 35, and other distros with with newer versions of glibc (>= 2.34) the RStudio Desktop application now disables the Chromium security sandbox in order to workaround a library conflict between the version of chromium used in Qt 5.12 and the platform libraries. The sandbox is a second level security mechanism that prevents untrusted Javascript code from exploiting unknown security problems from using a set of protected system services.
While we will continue to support the Chromium security sandbox for other versions of Linux and in our upcoming Electron version on all platforms, we believe the product security for RStudio Desktop on Ubuntu 22.04 and Fedora 35 will not be significantly affected even with this security feature disabled. Software security is not a perfect science so we want to be clear about the implications so users can make informed choices.
RStudio Desktop is a developer’s tool that is commonly runs custom code outside of the browser sandbox. Users already must take care to trust the code they run, and are protected by the language and library interfaces they use, as well as a trusted supply chain of package managers. RStudio Desktop either accesses all files on the local system, or connects through an explicit process to trusted servers.
See for more details.
Support for the enhanced R help system, introduced with R 4.2.0.
Added editor support for the R pipe-bind placeholder (
). (#10757)
Fixed an issue causing tooltips and menus to render incorrectly in Safari 15.4. (#10821)
Fixed a security issue where shiny apps and vscode sessions remained active after signout (rstudio-pro#3287)
Fixed various issues with incorrect escaping of citation brackets (#10075)
Fixed issue with inability to insert Quarto crossrefs (#10918)
(Windows only) Fixed an issue where multiple instances of RStudio launched at the same time could bind to the same session. (#10488)
Fixed an issue preventing deployment of applications on Windows. (#10672)
Fixed an issue where
did not handle “globs” as expected. (#10679)
Fixed incorrect label in Global Options for “Show full path to project in window title” (#10688)
Fixed hang running Rmd chunks with launcher sessions and other problems the new session-ssl feature of RStudio Workbench (Pro #3301)
Fixed failure to create log file for rserver-session-reaper (#3307)
Fixed failure to create log file for rserver-acls (#3318)
Fixed error refreshing the IDE when project sharing is enabled and a file is actively being shared (Pro #3321)
Fixed restoring session containing invalid
Improved handling of table markdown in visual editor (#9830)
Added option to show line numbers in visual mode code chunks (#9387)
Made visual code chunks collapsible (#8613)
Show source diagnostics in visual code chunks (#9874)
Fixed code execution via selection in indented visual mode code chunks (#9108)
Fixed detection of HTTP(S) URLs on Windows in the image resolver (#9837)
Improved behavior of citekey removal in Insert Citation dialog (#9124)
Fix issue with unicode characters in citation data (#9745)
Fix issue with unicode characters in citekeys (#9754)
Fix issue with delay showing newly added Zotero references when inserting citations (#9800)
Add ability to insert citation for R Packages (#8921)
Fixed BetterBibTeX detection on Linux (#10007)
Fixed DT tables being squashed in the viewer pane (#10276)
RStudio Workbench
Added support for setting the
on Kubernetes sessions using
mounts in
(Pro #2976).
Added support for Slurm 21.08 to the Slurm Launcher plugin
setting to make it possible to adjust or disable the license warnings that appear two weeks prior to expiration (Pro #440)
When an R version defined in
uses an environment module, the name of the module is displayed in the version select menus instead of the system R version name. (Pro #2687)
Clicking on a session entry in the RSW homepage will always attempt to launch it – the title is no longer a link. Clicking on “Info” will always show info. (Pro #3082)
With the options
, and
enabled, RSW will now add a group to the user even if the group with a matching id exists but with a different name. (Pro #2971)
Added SSL communication between RSW and remote sessions (using the job launcher). It’s enabled by default and can be disabled in rserver.conf by setting session-ssl-enabled=0. Certificates are generated for each job by default or can be manually configured. (Pro #3026)
Disable session SSL for Code Server 3.9.3 and support auth changes in Code Server 3.11.0 (Pro #3111)
Show user’s full name, or proxied auth display name, in Project Sharing presence indicator (Pro #3121)
Allow users to specify R version in launcher jobs (Pro #1046)
Show additional environment information in the IDE Job Launcher dialog (Pro #3110)
Allow users to specify custom path to R_HOME in the IDE Job Launcher when the target cluster or image do not match the current environment (Pro #3110)
Removed some unnecessary warnings in the RStudio VS Code Extension when using Dash (Ext #98)
Added a link to a help article about using VS Code Sessions in RStudio Workbench
Blocked access to code-server’s
url (Pro #3275)
Sessions that attempt to automatically suspend, but were blocked by some operation, will report what’s blocking suspension in the IDE in the R Console toolbar (Pro #2618)
Added ability to disable the dependency checker by setting the
environment variable. This increases the compatibility with older R versions.
RStudio now supports the experimental UTF-8 UCRT builds of R (#9824)
Preliminary support for R graphics engine version 15 in R 4.2.0. (#10058)
Default file download method in Windows for R 4.2 and above changed from
now handle international characters on Windows (#10451)
Add commands to open selected files in columns or active editor (#7920)
Add *New Blank File- command to Files pane to create empty files of selected type in the directory (#1564)
Add CSRF token header
and cookie
, to avoid clashing with similarly named headers and cookies in other services (#7319)
Use double indent for function parameters to align with Tidyverse style (#9766)
key file in Version Control options UI (#9991)
Updated Files Pane buttons to resize and remain visible at smaller widths (#9870)
Remove ‘Classic’ IDE theme (#9738)
Added support for Amazon Linux 2 (Pro #2474)
Treat Alt and Caption fields differently depending on file type (#9713)
Fixed shortcut conflict on German keyboard (#9276)
Updated shinymod snippet for Shiny modules (#10009)
Fixed an issue where
conda install
could fail within a Git Bash terminal on Windows (#10283)
Add hover text to ‘Go to project directory’ button in Files pane (#10092)
Fixed an issue that could cause calls to
functions to fail after restart (#2919)
Fixed errors when uploading files/directory names with invalid characters (Pro #698)
Added error when rsession may be running a different version of R than expected (Pro #2477)
Fixed “No such file or directory” errors when auto-saving R Notebook chunks while running them (#9284)
Fixed issue causing unnecessary document switching when evaluating statements in debugger (#9918)
Fixed scrolling past long sub-content (like kables) in RMD files. User must interact with sub-content in order to scroll through it (#2202)
Fixed custom shortcuts not appearing correctly in menus (#9915)
Fixed custom shortcuts not appearing correctly in “Keyboard Shortcuts Help” and Electron menus. (#9953)
Fixed header scrolling in data viewer tables not following table contents in unfocused windows (#8208)
Fixed permissions on Mac Desktop application so all user accounts can launch it (#9945, #10267)
Fixed logging directory permissions to be more restrictive (775 instead of 777) (#3099)
Fixed errors when opening or saving Rmarkdown documents when R is busy (#9868)
Fixed issue with SLES 12 builds using OpenSSL 1.1 instead of 1.0.2
Fixed a bug where Slurm Launcher jobs that exited with a non-zero exit code would still have a zero exit code (Launcher #203)
Fixed a bug where Slurm Launcher jobs with standard error would never be written to the output file (Launcher #203)
Fixed a bug where Slurm Launcher jobs that exited due to a signal would not show the exit code as 128+signal (Launcher #203)
Fixed a bug where Launcher log files could be stuck being owned by the root user (#9728)
Fixed bug with customized display names and launcher sessions (Pro #3217)
R Session options (pro #3181)
Reverted changes supporting UTF-8 code page with UCRT builds of R (>= 4.2.0). (#10507)
Fixed a security issue where shiny apps and vscode sessions remained active after signout (rstudio-pro#3287) (Windows only) Fixed an issue where multiple instances of RStudio launched at the same time could bind to the same session. (#10488) (macOS only) Fixed an issue causing tooltips and menus to render incorrectly in Safari 15.4. (#10821)
Support for the UTF-8 code page with UCRT builds of R (>= 4.2.0) (#9824)
Support for R (>= 4.2.0) on Windows (#9792)
Preliminary support for R graphics engine version 15 in R 4.2.0. (#10058)
Fix issue causing backslashes to be added to citations in the visual editor (#10075)
Fix issue preventing startup on multi-user macOS environments (#9945, #10267)
Fixed issue causing verify-installation to hang in load balanced launcher environments (Pro #3036)
Fixed bug that prevented publishing to Connect from a preview window (#9901)
Fixed bug that prevented RStudio from correctly reporting new versions when running ‘Check for Updates’ (Pro #9911)
Fixed bug that prevented disabling the “Automatically activate project-local Python environments” setting (#9952)
Fixed bug preventing detection of Python environments when conda installed in typical location but not on path (#9975)
Make Python detection less likely to override RETICULATE_PYTHON (#9999)
In an effort to help make the RStudio Team products more cohesive, logging has been changed significantly.
By default, server logs will now be written to file instead of syslog. Warnings and errors will still log to syslog. This can be controlled by the
parameter in
By default, server logs will now be written under
Logs can now be written in JSON lines format.
Reloading the logging.conf configuration by sending a SIGHUP to the
process will now cause all RStudio managed subprocesses to also refresh their logging configuration.
Logging can now be partially configured using environment variables (
, and
Log files will now rotate by time in addition to the existing rotation by file size. This can be controlled by the
parameter in
For more information, see section 2 of the Admin Guide.
RStudio Workbench
Load-balancing configuration is now automatic, stored in the internal database, and doesn’t require editing config files. Added supporting
rstudio-server list-nodes
command to show users the node’s status according to the database. (Pro #2167)
Use of the
headers, or the precense of nodes, in the load-balancing configuration file will lead to warning messages logged. (Pro #2167)
Use of
headers, or the precense of nodes, in the load-balancing configuration file will lead to warning messages logged. (Pro #2167)
rstudio-server delete-node
command to allow users to remove a load-balancing node from the database (Pro #2800)
Added AWS Cognito support to OpenID integration (Pro #2313)
Add file uploads and downloads to session audit log (Pro #2226)
RStudio Workbench can now run without root access in a single-user mode (Pro #9496)
Updated embedded nginx in Server Pro to 1.20.1 (Pro #2676)
Use separate database schema for open source RStudio Server instances (
) and RStudio Workbench instances (
) to avoid conflicts (Pro #2725)
Prevent user preferences from setting CRAN repos when
(Pro #1301)
Ensure that improperly configured
values can’t hang user sessions (Pro #2532)
Support username aliases, where two usernames map to the same uid (Pro #2736)
Fixed issue where running Python chunk in notebook did not validate reticulate was installed (#9471)
Fixed issue where .md, .py, .sql, and .stan files had duplicate event handlers (#9106)
Fixed issue where output when running tests could be emitted in wrong order in Build pane (#5126)
Fixed issue where RStudio could crash when viewing a malformed data.frame (#9364)
Fixed issue where completion tooltip was erroneously shown in multi-line strings in some cases (#8677)
Fixed issue with autocompletion of column names within native-piped R expressions (#9385)
Fixed issue where help requests for Python objects would fail with reticulate 1.20 (#9311)
Fixed issue where busy sessions can’t be interrupted and block basic file operations (#2038)
Fixed issue where R Markdown error output was not properly formatted when displayed (#9390)
Fixed issue where R Markdown template skeletons with a ‘.rmd’ extension were not discovered (Pro #1607)
Fixed issue where autocompletion system could emit errors with R (< 3.3.0). (Pro #2680)
Fixed issues causing multiple background jobs to be created when running Shiny applications in the background (#8746, #6904)
Fixed issue causing an error when adding files to static content published to RStudio Connect (#9571)
Fixed issue where R banner could be displayed twice on startup (#6907)
Fixed issue where RStudio was unable to initialize a Git repository in UNC paths on Windows (#4137)
Removed the breaking change introduced in Juliet Rose that changed the behavior of the X-Forwarded-Proto header when RSW is behind a proxy server (Pro #2657)
Fixed issue where adjacent links in the Visual Editor could merge into a single link (#8471)
Fixed Issue where items deleted from a local Zotero Collection would still appear in the Visual Editor’s Insert Citation dialog.
Fixed issue where Console width was computed incorrectly with some custom fonts (#8696)
Fixed two 502 errors with load balancing: quick session restart, and failover for non-launcher sessions (Pro #2696)
Fixed problem with backspace in terminal causing incorrect display (#9249)
RStudio Desktop Pro only supports activation with license files (Pro #2300)
option has been renamed to
option has been renamed to
Update bundled Pandoc to version 2.14.1
Depend on new versions of
(2.10) and
Fixed an issue where scroll position in PDFs was not preserved on re-render (#9603)
Support highlight of ‘css’ and ‘asis’ chunks in R Markdown documents (#4821)
Improved ordering of completion results within
calls (#9293)
Syntax support for embedded knitr chunks (#9579)
Add option to synchronize the Files pane with the current working directory in R (#4615)
Add new *Set Working Directory- command to context menu for source files (#6781)
Local background jobs can now be replayed (#5548)
Improved display of R stack traces in R functions invoked internally by RStudio (#9307)
High DPI (“Retina”) plots are now supported on RStudio Server (#3896)
The “auto-detect indentation” preference is now off by default (#9211)
Make the *Use renv with this project- option sticky, and allow setting by admins (Pro #2671)
RStudio no longer treats R objects containing null external pointers specially when building Environment pane (#5546)
Make Cmd+Shift+0 the shortcut for restarting session on MacOS (#7695)
Update Plumber file template for Plumber 1.0 (#9402)
Support creating supplemental groups when create-container-user=1 (Pro #2276)
RStudio addins installed within
tools:::R_user_dir(<pkg>, "config")
are now discovered by RStudio. (#9648)
Removed the breaking change introduced in Juliet Rose that changed the behavior of the X-Forwarded-Proto header when RSW is behind a proxy server (Pro #2657)
Fixed an issue where RStudio Desktop Pro could fail when connecting to remote sessions via https (Pro #2651)
Fixed a crash that can occur when opening a VS Code session behind a path-rewriting proxy (Pro #2699)
Updated embedded nginx to 1.20.1 (Pro #2676)
Blocked access to code-server’s
url (Pro #3275)
Fixed a security issue where shiny apps and vscode sessions remained active after signout (rstudio-pro#3287)
Date: 2021-06-01
This is a major update to RStudio 1.4 that includes the following enhancements and bugfixes:
Add native support for Apple Silicon (aarch64) builds of R on macOS (#8652)
Show memory usage details in Environment pane (#4033)
Added support for the
pipe operator and the
pipe-bind operator, proposed for R 4.1.0 (#8543)
Added support for the
function shorthand syntax, proposed for R 4.1.0 (#8543)
Added preference toggle for inserting the
pipe operator when the Insert Pipe Operator command is used (#8534)
Compilation of Sweave documents now uses tinytex when requested (#2788)
Preliminary support for R graphics engine version 14 in R 4.1.0. (#9251)
The Python REPL can now be interrupted (#8763, #8785)
Python installs within
are now discovered by RStudio (#8852)
Improved handling of unicode input on Windows (#8549)
Fixed issue where inspecting a null Python object would cause emit errors to console (#8185)
Detect active Python version when publishing content (#8636)
Use active Python version when knitting R Markdown files (#8854)
The active version of Python is now placed on the PATH for new Terminal sessions (#9188)
RStudio Workbench
RStudio Server Pro has been renamed to RStudio Workbench to more accurately reflect its cross-language editing capabilities.
RStudio Workbench’s Linux packages have new file names,
instead of
. The operating system package name remains
, so installs and upgrades will work correctly. Scripts which refer to the
file names directly will need to be updated.
Added support for JupyterLab 3 (Pro #2022)
Add support for using OpenID and SAML authentication schemes when a proxy is required for outbound requests (Pro #2427)
Updated product licensing engine (LimeLM) to TurboActivate and TurboFloat to v4.4.3.
Licenses can now be applied and updated without a restart (Pro #2468)
Improved R session diagnostic logging; now records all instances of a session (Pro #2268)
Improved troubleshooting logging for PostgreSQL encrypted password configuration (Pro #2441)
file locking diagnostic utility; now tries all lock types and recommends configuration (Pro #2400)
Added new
rstudio-server reload
command to reload some server configuration settings without a restart (Pro #2139)
option in
to control size of database connection pool; avoid creating a large pool on systems with many CPUs (Pro #2494)
Display hidden characters in filenames when logging config files with
(Pro #2509)
Add support for SSL communication between nodes when using load balancing (Pro #2565)
VS Code
Visual Studio Code is fully supported on RStudio Workbench and no longer in beta
Added support for Dash, Streamlit, and local web development servers in VS Code sessions
Added RStudio Workbench navigation tools in VS Code sessions
Added a new user settings template file for VSCode settings to allow administrators to specify a default user configuration for VSCode sessions (Pro #2014)
Set environment variables
, and
when VSCode is launched (Pro #2346, Pro #2373)
rstudio-server install-vs-code
to install
3.9.3 (Pro #2576)
3.3.0 moves the executable to a
directory. After upgrading
, the
setting in
may need to be updated to include
in the path. This happens if the upgrade is not done by
or if
is being programatically managed. If not updated, VS Code sessions will launch with “wrong version number” message.
Change the default behavior of
to not configure a global extensions directory and allow users to manage their own extensions. If
was run with a previous release and you’d like to change your configuration, the configuration can be manually removed from
or the script can be rerun to regenerate
(Pro #2516)
rstudio-server install-vs-code-ext
script to install the RStudio Workbench VS Code extension in a global directory and upgrade
to 3.9.3 (Pro #2456)
When a global extensions directory isn’t configured, install the RStudio Workbench extension on the first VS Code session launch per user (Pro #2376)
Disable the extensions marketplace in VS Code sessions when a global directory is configured that the user does not have write access to (Pro #2507)
Improved error messaging for VS Code session errors from
(Pro #2442)
RStudio Server Open Source
RStudio when served via
erroneously reported its own address as
during redirects if the header
was defined by a proxy. That could lead to a confusing proxy setup. That has been fixed, but existing proxy installations with redirect rewite settings matching for
may have to be adjusted.
RStudio Server no longer supports Internet Explorer 11.
option to enable more aggressive session suspension behavior (Pro #1934)
configuration file simplifies setting environment variables for the main RStudio server process. (Pro #2433)
Refreshed style on sign-in page; sign-in page now has a dark mode that syncs with the operating system’s (#9092, #9093)
Visual Editor
Code chunks in the visual editor now respect the “Tab Key Always Moves Focus” accessibility setting (#8584)
The commands “Execute Previous Chunks” and “Execute Subsequent Chunks” now work when the cursor is outside a code chunk in the visual editor (#8500)
The commands “Go to Next Chunk” and “Go to Previous Chunk” now work in the visual editor (#9005)
Fixed issue causing the document to scroll unpredictably when a code chunk inside a list item is executed in the visual editor (#8883)
Cmd+U now toggles underlining in the visual editor on macOS (#8656)
Improve YAML cursor position after omni-insert in the visual editor (#8670)
Fix issues finding words with punctuation in visual mode (#8655)
Fix spurious image insertion when pasting into visual mode from Excel (#8665)
Fix issue causing spell check to stop identifying misspellings when switching between visual and source modes (#8473)
Fixed issue importing dataset author data from DOIs in the visual editor (#9059)
Fixed issue where the Insert Citation dialog in the visual editor would clear selected citation when typeahead searching (#8521)
Fixed issue where the bibliography path is assumed to be document relative when inserting citations in the visual editor (#8847)
Fixed error in visual mode spellcheck where underline would disappear when hitting backspace (#9187)
Job Launcher
Fixed an issue where the Kubernetes Launcher could hang in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) environments by lowering the watch-timeout-seconds parameter default down to 3 minutes instead of 5 (Pro #2312)
Fixed issue preventing Kubernetes sessions from starting due to incorrect SSL certificate checking on websocket connections; make websocket connections support the
option (Pro #2463)
Fixed an issue where the Kubernetes Launcher can sometimes get in a state where communication with Kubernetes hangs until a restart (Pro #2548)
Fixed an issue where Kubernetes Launcher services could sometimes leak and never be cleaned up (Pro #2548)
Fixed an issue causing Kubernetes plugin to fail to deserialize jobs from Kubernetes 1.19 (Pro #2605)
Improved a Slurm Session Launch Delay that may occur due to buffering when using Slurm job steps (Pro #2331)
Fixed an issue where Load Balanced Local Launcher instances could get into a state where they would no longer receive job updates from other nodes due to silent network drops (Pro #2281)
The mouse back / forward buttons can now be used to navigate within the Help pane (#8338)
Right-click on document tab provides menu with close, close all, close others (#1664)
Rename File added to document tab context menu (#8374)
Copy Path command added to document tab context menu (#7289)
Preliminary compatibility with UCRT builds of R-devel (#8461)
Update Windows Desktop to openSSL 1.1.1i (#8574)
Improve ordering of items in Command Palette list and search results (#7567, #7956)
Update embedded Pandoc to v2.11.3.2
Change default per-user install folder to
on Windows (#8598)
Detect newer plumber tags when enabling plumber integration (#8118)
Option to restore RStudio 1.2 tab key behavior in editor find panel; search in Command Palette for “Tab key behavior in find panel matches RStudio 1.2 and earlier” (#7295)
in Files pane (#8658)
Make the set of always-shown files and extensions in the Files pane configurable (#3221)
Log location of addins that raise parse errors at startup (#8012)
Support dual/charcell-spaced editor fonts (e.g., Fira Code) on Linux desktop environments (#6894)
Improve logging of session RPC failures (Pro #2248)
Add support for
methods enabling callbacks for command execution (Pro #1846)
Add support for non-CRAN repositories when installing R packages in the background (#8946)
Add server homepage link and retry options to mitigate “Unable to connect to service” errors (Pro #2066)
Add support for commenting and uncommenting code in C (
) files (#4109, thanks to
The R session binary (
) now has a
option for reporting its version (Pro #2410)
RStudio Desktop startup diagnostics now include the RStudio version/platform and an option to copy to plain text (#6628, #9117)
Improved Spellcheck package to be compatible with all known Hunspell-compatible dictionaries, improved spellcheck initial loading and large file performance (#9161)
Add ‘whole word’ filter to Find in Files. (#8594)
Fixed an issue that could cause RStudio to crash when generating plots on Windows (#9113)
Fixed an issue causing slow session startup and “Unable to connect to service” errors on RStudio Server (#9152)
Fix Windows Desktop installer to support running from path with characters from other codepages (#8421)
Fixed issue where R code input could be executed in the wrong order in some cases (#8837)
Fixed issue where debugger could hang when debugging functions called via
Fixed issue where rendering .tex document with tinytex would fail on Windows (#8725)
Fixed issue where reinstalling an already-loaded package could cause errors (#8265)
Fixed issue where RStudio would inappropriately autoload the ‘yaml’ and ‘tinytex’ packages (#8698)
Fixed issue where right-assignment with multi-line strings gave false-positive diagnostic errors (#8307)
Fixed issue where restoring R workspace could fail when project path contained non-ASCII characters (#8321)
Fixed issue where forked R sessions could hang after a package was loaded or unloaded (#8361)
Fixed issue where attempting to profile lines ending in comment would fail (#8407)
Fixed issue where warnings + messages were mis-encoded in chunk outputs on Windows (#8565)
Fixed issue where C++ compilation database was not invalidated when compiler was updated (#8588)
Fixed issue where SQL chunks containing non-ASCII characters could fail to run on Windows (#8900)
Fixed issue where ‘case:’ statements were not outdented when rainbow parentheses were active. (#8846)
Fixed issue where Stan completion handlers were duplicated on save (#9106)
Improved checks for non-writable R library paths on startup (Pro #2184)
Fixed issue preventing R Notebook chunks from being queued for execution if they had never been previously run (#4238)
Fix various issues when the “Limit Console Output” performance setting was enabled (#8544, #8504, #8529, #8552)
Fix display of condition messages (errors and warnings) in some character encodings (#8546)
Fix out-of-date tooltip when renaming files (#8490, #8491)
Fix incorrect keyboard shortcuts shown in some places in the Command Palette (#8735)
Fixed issue with formatting of closing braces when inserting newline in C++ code (#8770)
Fixed issue where empty panes would remain open and pop open unexpectedly (#8460)
Fixed issue where ‘continue comment on newline’ would treat Markdown headers as comments (#6421)
Fixed issue where Set Working Directory command could fail if path contained quotes (#6004)
Fixed issue where Pro database drivers will not install if
is missing (Pro #2284)
Fixed issue causing the mouse cursor to become too small in certain areas on Linux Desktop (#8781)
Fixed issue causing Run Tests command to do nothing unless the Build tab was available (#8775)
Fixed issue where paging in the DataViewer would throw errors and current columns wouldn’t update (#9078)
Fixed issue causing RStudio Server to create
folder with incorrect permissions when
is set (Pro #2388)
Fixed issue causing
to exit without showing the error that caused it to do so (Pro #2399)
Fixed issue causing spurious “Failed to reset ACL permission mask” errors to be logged outside shared projects on some filesystems (Pro #2406)
Fixed issue where sending code from Python History pane would switch Console to R mode (#8693)
Fixed issue where Open File dialog would fail to open files whose names were explicitly typed (#4059)
Fixed issue causing Project Sharing to fail to set Access Control Lists when using NFS v4 and
security principals (Pro #2415)
Fixed issue where dialog boxes [e.g. Git commit, Installing Pro Database drivers] could fail to show output with Limit Console Output turned on (Pro #2284)
Fixed issue where uploading a .zip archive when unzip was not on PATH would cause a cryptic error (#9151)
Fixed issue where RStudio occasionally reset the locale to the “default” locale on Windows (#9350)
Errors that occur when R packages update the Connections pane are now better handled and reported (#9219)
Fixed an issue where login page could fail intermittently with slow network connections (Pro #2551)
Date: 2021-02-22
This is a minor update to RStudio 1.4 that contains fixes for a handful of important bugs.
Fixed issue where R code input could be executed in the wrong order in some cases (#8837)
Fixed issue where default initial working directory was incorrectly set to a project directory (#8683)
Fixed issue causing the second inline equation in a paragraph to fail to render in visual editing mode (#8810)
Fixed issue where session source database sentinel file was not being written correctly when the session is suspended (#8903)
Misc - Update Pandoc to 2.11.4 (#8848) - Update jQuery to 3.5.1 (Pro #2314)
RStudio 1.4.1103-4
Wax Begonia
Date: 2021-01-20
A new
visual editor
for R Markdown documents
Improved support for Python, including an environment pane for Python and visualization of Python objects
Workbench productivity improvements, including a command palette and rainbow parentheses
A more configurable workspace with additional source columns and improved accessibility
Support for SAML and OpenID authentication, and experimental support for VS Code sessions, in RStudio Server Pro
Dozens of small improvements and bugfixes
The default version of Python used by
can now be customized via the Global Options pane.
Python indentation rules are now applied to Python code within R Markdown documents. (#5945)
Pressing F1 when the Python completion list is shown now opens the relevant Help documentation. (#5982)
Python objects are now shown in the Environment Pane when
REPL is active. (#6862)
Python objects can now be viewed using the Data Viewer and Object Explorer. (#6862)
function now displays PNG plots within the Plots pane. (#4965)
Plots generated via
are now shown with a higher DPI in the Plots pane when appropriate.
The autocompletion system can now auto-complete virtual environment names in
The default renderer used for the RStudio graphics device can now be customized. (#2142)
The AGG renderer (as provided by the ragg package) is now a supported backend. (#6539)
Version 14 of the R Graphics Engine, which will be introduced in R 4.1, is now supported. (#8383)
Any tab can be hidden from view through Global Options. (#6428)
Accessibility preference to reduce focus rectangle display (#7242)
Multiple source panes can be opened in the main window via Global Options. (#2854)
Keyboard shortcut F6 added to navigate focus to the next pane. (#7408)
Accessibility preference to show a highlight around focused panel (#7881)
Configurable Paths
The user data folder ~/.rstudio has been moved to ~/.local/share/rstudio, and its location can now be customized with XDG_DATA_HOME. (#1846)
XDG_CONFIG_DIRS can be used to specify alternate directories for server configuration files. (Pro #1607)
It is now possible to specify the exact folder for user data and configuration files using new environment variables RSTUDIO_DATA_HOME, RSTUDIO_CONFIG_DIR, etc. (#7792)
The Files pane now sorts file names naturally, so that e.g. step10.R comes after step9.R. (#5766)
Added command to File pane’s “More” menu to copy path to clipboard (#6344)
Table summaries are shown for tibble objects in R Notebooks. (#5970)
RStudio now infers document type from shebang (e.g. #!/usr/bin/env sh) for R, Python and shell scripts (#5643)
New option to configure soft wrapping for R Markdown files, and command to change the soft wrap mode of the editor on the fly (#2341)
New Command Palette for searching and running build-in commands and add-ins (#5168)
Colorize parentheses, braces, and brackets in assorted colors (#7027)
Option to display Console error and message output in same color as regular output (#7029)
Moved console options to a new pane in Global Options (#7047)
The Data Viewer now uses the format() methods defined for columns entries when available (#7239)
Add support for navigating source history with mouse forward/back buttons (#7272)
Add ability to go directly to various Global Option panes via Command Palette (#7678)
R6Class method definitions are now indexed and accessible by the fuzzy finder (Ctrl + .)
The ‘Preview’ command for R documentation files now passes along RdMacros declared from the package DESCRIPTION file (#6871)
Some panes didn’t have commands for making them visible, now they do (#5775)
Show correct symbol for Return key in Mac menus (#6524)
Added command and button for clearing Build pane output (#6636)
Added option to disable clickable hyperlinks in the editor (#6689, thanks to Paul Kaefer)
Added basic editor support for Dockerfiles (#5141)
Markdown-style sub-sections are now rendered as nested sections in the document outline for R documents (#4124)
Update to Pandoc 2.11 (#7696)
Ctrl + D can now be used to send EOF when reading user input via readLines() (#3448)
External files with spaces in their path or filename are now openable on Big Sur from Files pane (#8506)
PDF files opened from Files pane on macOS will open in registered application, not always (#8506)
RStudio Server is no longer supported on RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 or CentOS 6, as these platforms have reached the vendors’ End of Life (EOL) dates (Pro #2203)
RStudio Server
The font used in the editor and console can now be customized on RStudio Server. (#2534)
The new option www-same-site provides support for the SameSite attribute on cookies issued by RStudio. (#6608)
New X-RStudio-Request header for specifying originating URL behind path-rewriting proxies (Pro #1579)
New X-RStudio-Root-Path header or the new www-root-path for specifying the exact path prefixes added by a path-rewriting proxy (Pro #1410).
The option www-url-path-prefix was deprecated and removed. Use www-root-path instead.
Improved error logging of mistyped usernames when using PAM authentication (#7501)
RStudio Server Pro
RStudio Server Pro now requires a Postgres database when using its internal load balancer; this database must be set up prior to upgrade from earlier releases. If you have a multi-node RStudio Server Pro installation, consult the Administration Guide for instructions before upgrading.
RStudio Server Pro uses a new location for user state; .rstudio is now .local/share/rstudio. This is a breaking change if you have symlinked .rstudio and can make downgrade more complicated. See the Administration Guide for more information, including instructions for using the old location if desired for compatibility with previous releases.
SAML is now supported as an authentication mechanism (Pro #1194)
OpenID Connect is now support as an authentication mechanism (Pro #1747)
Visual Studio Code is now an available editor when using Launcher sessions (Pro #1423)
New auth-proxy-sign-out-url option specified an endpoint to take the user to when “Sign Out” is clicked in the IDE user interface (Pro #1745)
New user profile option session-limit allow limiting the maximum number of sessions a user can have (Pro #540)
Project sharing is automatically disabled and a warning is issued when server-multiple-sessions=0. (Pro #1263)
New load-balancer option timeout limits how long to wait for a response from a node, defaults to 10 seconds. (Pro #1642)
New load-balancer option verify-ssl-certs for testing nodes with self-signed certificates when using SSL. (Pro #1504)
New launcher-verify-ssl-certs and launcher-sessions-callback-verify-ssl-certs options for testing with self-signed certificates when using SSL. (Pro #1504)
R sessions can now be renamed from within the session or the home page. (Pro #1572)
Project Sharing now works on Launcher sessions.
Remote session connections over HTTPS can now load certificates from the Apple Keychain. (Pro #1828)
Improved session load balancing when using the Local Job Launcher plugin to evenly spread session load between Local plugin nodes. (Pro #1814)
Update embedded nginx to v1.19.2 (Pro #1719)
Changed the command to retrieve Slurm resource utilization to be run as the current user rather than the slurm-service-user (Pro #1527)
Reduced supurflous log messages in the Slurm Launcher Plugin log file about non-RStudio jobs in Slurm (Pro #1528)
Allow administrators to disable the ability to set resource requests on jobs launched through the Slurm Launcher Plugin (Pro #1948)
Add support for setting GPU and GRES requests on jobs launched through the Slurm Launcher Plugin (Pro #1390)
Allow administrators to enable Slurm job requeueing for jobs launched through the Slurm Launcher Plugin (Pro #2025)
Update the version of Slurm supported by the Slurm Launcher Plugin to 20.02 (Pro #2192)
Project Sharing can now use raw UIDs as security principals, for compatibility with nodes that cannot resolve domains (Pro #2104)
RETIRED: The option auth-proxy-require-hmac is has been retired and it is no longer operational. RStudio will not start if enabled. See the documentation on [Proxy Security Considerations] for alternatives to secure RStudio. (Pro #2029)
Fix GetPass not working in remote sessions from Rstudio Desktop Pro (Pro #2218)
Fix issue with creating RSA key from remote sessions in RStudio Desktop Pro (Pro #2219)
Ensure error messages occurring during installation are displayed in the terminal (Pro #2214)
Fixed issue where debugger contexts were not displayed correctly for byte-compiled functions. (#6922)
UTF-8 character vectors are now properly displayed within the Environment pane. (#6877)
Fixed issue where diagnostics system surface “Unknown or uninitialized column” warnings in some cases. (#7372)
Fixed issue where hovering mouse cursor over C++ completion popup would steal focus. (#5941)
Fixed issue where autocompletion could fail for functions masked by objects in global environments. (#6942)
Fixed issue where autocompletion could fail to provide argument names for piped-to S3 generics. (#7060)
Fixed issue where UTF-8 output from Python chunks was mis-encoded on Windows. (#6254)
Git integration now works properly for project names containing the ‘!’ character. (#6160)
Fixed issue where loading the Rfast package could lead to session hangs. (#6645)
Fixed header resizing in Data Viewer (#1665)
Fixed resizing last column in Data Viewer (#2642)
Fixed inconsistencies in the resizing between a column and its header (#4361)
Fixed submission of inconsistently indented Python blocks to reticulate (#5094)
Fixed error when redirecting inside Plumber applications in RStudio Server Pro (Pro #1570)
Fixed failure to open files after an attempt to open a very large file (#6637)
Fixed Data Viewer getting out of sync with the underlying data when changing live viewer object (#1819)
Fixed issue where attempts to plot could fail if R tempdir was deleted (#2214)
Fixed issue that caused sessions to freeze due to slow I/O for monitor logs (Pro #1259)
Added CSRF protection to sign-in pages (Pro #1469)
Fixed issue that allowed multiple concurrent sign-in requests (#6502)
Fixed issue where the admin logs page could sometimes crash due to a malformed log statement (Pro #1768)
Fixed issue where the URL popped out by the Viewer pane was incorrect after navigation (#6967)
Fixed issue where clicking the filter UI box would sort a data viewer column (#7299)
Fixed issue where Windows shortcuts were not resolved correctly in file dialogs. (#7327)
Fixed issue where failure to rotate a log file could cause a process crash (Pro #1779)
Fixed issue where saving workspace could emit ‘package may not be available when loading’ warning (#7001)
Fixed issue where indented Python chunks could not be run (#3731)
Fixed disappearing commands and recent files/projects when RStudio Desktop opens new windows (#3968)
Fixed issue where active repositories were not propagated to newly-created renv projects (#7136)
Fixed issue where .DollarNames methods defined in global environment were not resolved (#7487)
Reduced difference in font size and spacing between Terminal and Console (#6382)
Fixed issue where path autocompletion in R Markdown documents did not respect Knit Directory preference (#5412)
Fixed issue where Job Launcher streams could remain open longer than expected when viewing the job details page (Pro #1855)
Fixed issue where rstudioapi::askForPassword() did not mask user input in some cases
Fixed issue where Job Launcher admin users would have gid=0 in Slurm Launcher Sessions (Pro #1935)
Fixed issue where Slurm Job Launcher jobs would not post updated resource utilization without browser refresh (Pro #2177)
Fixed issue causing script errors when reloading Shiny applications from the editor toolbar (#7762)
Fixed issue where saving a file or project located in a backed up directory (such as with Dropbox or Google Drive) would frequently fail and display an error prompt (#7131)
Fixed issue causing C++ diagnostics to fail when Xcode developer tools were active (#7824)
Added option for clickable links in Terminal pane (#6621)
Fixed issue where R scripts containing non-ASCII characters in their path could not be sourced as a local job on Windows (#6701)
Fixed issue where non-ASCII characters in Subversion commit comments were incorrect encoded on Windows (#7959)
Prevent Discard button from being hidden in Subversion diff viewer (#6031)
Fixed issue where French (AZERTY) keyboards inserted ‘/’ rather than ‘:’ in some cases (#7932)
readline() and readLines() can now be interrupted, even when reading from stdin() (#3448)
Fixed issue causing Knit button to show old formats after editing the YAML header (#7833)
Fixed issue wherein the Python prompt would continue to be shown after an R restart (#8011)
Fixed issue where searches in the console history could inappropriately preserve search position (#7682)
Fixed issue where auth-pam-session-use-password would not work when multiple Server nodes are used behind an external load balancer (Pro #2158)
Fixed issue where project sharing configured it server-project-sharing-root-dir would fail to share when the path contain mixed ACL support (Pro #2061)
Fixed issue where project sharing would fail to share when the path contain mixed NFS ACL support (Pro #2103)
Fixed issue where in sharing a project on some NFSv4 filesystems could result in damage to owner permissions (Pro #2188)
Fixed issue where file permissions were not corrected after uploading a file to a shared project (Pro #2208)
Fixed issue where the project sharing would not work behind a HTTPS proxy (Pro #2088)
Date: 2020-09-18
This is a patch release of RStudio 1.3, consisting primarily of bugfixes and small improvements.
Fix an issue where a PAM session would be attempted for Launcher sessions when no password is available, potentially locking users out of their accounts (Pro #1831)
Fix an issue causing logs to fail to load in the admin panel when using the local time zone (Pro #1766)
Fix an issue where syslog and monitor log entries could contain newlines in them, preventing the admin logs page from properly displaying log entries (Pro #1782)
Fix an issue where failing to open the Slurm job output file could result in hanging
tail -f
child processes (Pro #1856)
Fix an issue where a delay in the creation of the Slurm job output file could result in a hanging “Determining session network” page when opening a session (Pro #1792)
Fix an issue where
would not load sessions (#7575)
Fix session crashing on Windows desktop (#7637, #7652, #7665)
Fix an issue where launching many sessions simultaneously could cause a segfault (#7670)
Fix an issue where invalid logging statements were not properly skipped in the Admin log page, causing a crash of the rserver-admin process (#1766)
Fix an issue where sharing a project would cause extra rserver processes to be spawned into a hanging state, requiring external cleanup (Pro #1736)
Fix an issue where invalid logging statements were not properly skipped in the Admin log page, causing a crash of the rserver-admin process (Pro #1766)
Fix an issue where sessions running on Slurm compute nodes with names longer than 20 characters could not be entered (Pro #1906)
Fix an issue where users could not launch sessions via Kubernetes or Slurm if they belonged to a group that was innumerable (Pro #1895)
Fix an issue where users could not be added to shared projects when
was set in some configurations (Pro #1944)
Fix an issue where global replace gave unexpected results outside of a project (#7736)
Fix an issue with session detection that could cause a failure to sign in when the authentication does not complete immediately (Pro #1104)
Date: 2020-08-11
This is a patch release of RStudio 1.3, consisting primarily of bugfixes and small improvements to RStudio 1.3.
Misc - Compatible with R graphics engine version 13 (R 4.1.0+) (#7253) - Add support for configurable
path in Server Pro (Pro #1777) - Add support for running Slurm plugin in unprivileged Docker containers (Pro #1744)
Fix issue where files could not be uploaded when using RStudio Server load balancing (Pro #1751)
Fix issue where the Crash Handler notification prompt would never go away (#7243)
Fix issue with slow shutdown on Windows (#7117)
Fix issue where Launcher debug logs could contain user’s plain text password (Pro #1687)
Fix issue where some log entries could not be displayed on the admin logs page (Pro #1783)
Fix “TypeError” when sign-in using IE11 (#7359)
Fix issue where users belonging to more than 101 groups could not launch Kubernetes sessions (Pro #1796)
Fix problem with moving Console between left and right columns (#7246)
Fix issue with
not scrolling cursor into view (#7317)
Fix issue with
packages being eagerly loaded on IDE launch (#7265)
Fix issue with folded chunk outputs getting stuck at top of IDE (#7293)
Fix issue where Slurm Launcher jobs could not be started on systems with root squash configured for the user home directory (Pro #1775)
Fix issue where locking an account would cause an infinite redirect loop on the sign-in page (Pro #1785, Pro #1764)
Fix issue where Jupyter sessions could not be started when the home directory was a root squash mount (Pro #1795)
Fix issue where large R objects in the environment pane could not be expanded (Pro #1799)
Fix issue where Session Server settings for a saved server could not be modified (Pro #1824)
Date: 2020-07-15
This is a patch release of RStudio 1.3, consisting primarily of bugfixes and small improvements from the initial 1.3 stable release.
R 4.0.0’s raw string literals are now handled properly by the diagnostics engine. (#6788)
Allow projects to reopen after a crash (#3220)
Added spellcheck blacklist item for preview Latvian dictionary (#6594)
Allow multiple space-separated domains in
for Tutorial API (Pro)
highlightUi call to accept a callback variable containing an R script to be executed after the highlight element has been selected (#67565)
Adds class attributed to RMarkdown chunks, their control buttons, and their output based on their given labels. (#6787)
Add option
to force a path on auth cookies (Pro #1608)
Add additional keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+`) for Focus Console Output accessibility command (#6850)
Always set application role for screen readers and removed related accessibility preference checkbox (#6863)
for Ace editor license (#7102)
Removed requirement of password forwarding for PAM sessions when using Launcher sessions (Pro #1638)
Announce text of warnings bar via screen reader (#6963)
Fix issue where projects using renv sometimes failed to load (#7077)
Fix issue where attempts to create clusters via parallel package failed on macOS (#6692)
Fix display issue with keyboard shortcut in Modify Keyboard Shortcuts dialog (#7142)
Fix ‘truncating string with embedded nuls’ warning being emitted when saving R Notebook (#6932)
Fix Compare Results and other incompatibility with newer versions of the
package (#6960)
Fix Terminal to work with both Git-Bash and RTools4 MSYS2 installed on Windows (#6696, #6809)
Fix auto-activation of JAWS screen reader virtual cursor in Console Output region (#6884)
Fix dependency installation for untitled buffers (#6762)
Fix failure to open source files when debugging some functions in R 4.0.0 (work around R bug in
) (#6854)
Fix failure to use the first project template and default open files (#6865)
Fix issue where R_LIBS_SITE could be forcibly set empty, overriding the value in /etc/R/REnviron (#6982)
Fix keybinding failure when global keybindings exists but user keybindings don’t (#6870)
Fixed Chromium issue when using RStudio Desktop on Linux systems with newer glibc (#6379)
Fixed install issue where service scripts would not be created if there was no /lib/systemd path (Pro #6710)
Fixed issue where an attempt to create more sessions than the license limit would fail with a generic error (Pro #1680)
Fixed issue where users could not save files in home directory if specified by UNC path (#6598)
Fixed issue where file upload would fail when the file already existed (#7015)
Fix sign out from the Admin Dashboard when behind a path-rewriting proxy (Pro #1709)
Fix “Login as user” from the Admin Dashboard when using Launcher sessions (Pro #1710)
Fix issue with first esc keypress being ignored (#7045)
Fix issue with spellcheck not working with realtime turned off (#7068)
Fix error when some HTML comments are included in R Markdown documents (#6997)
Fix issue where toolbar buttons were missing on initialization (#7076)
Fix error in Viewer pane when previewing Distill blogs (#6945)
Fix misalignment of some number cells in the data viewer (#6975)
Fix C++ autocompletion results missing on macOS in some contexts (#7097)
Fix misleading errors report for
without Launcher (Pro #1718)
Fix Global Options failure to launch when missing secondary repositories (#7116)
Send keyboard focus to the Source pane when creating new files (#7103)
Fix failure to open HTML widgets from the Viewer in an external web browser on Windows with R >= 4.0.0 (#6893)
Fix “cannot access the file” error with rstan when Viewer is open (#7046)
Fix launching jobs from working directories with spaces on their names (Pro #1708)
Update editor toolbar when R Markdown documents are switched to/from Notebook mode in YAML header (#7051)
Fix error when invoking spell check manually on some languages (#7018)
Fix RStudio Desktop Pro Job Launcher connections and path mappings (Pro #1726 and Pro #1727)
Fix painting of Appearance pane in Global Options on RStudio Desktop (#6268)
shortcut to insert assignment operator in R Markdown documents (#7169)
Fix issue with duplicated signature tooltips in R Markdown documents (#7154)
Fix issue with chunk toolbars not showing up in some cases (#7067)
Fix RStudio Server Pro issue where R version modules would sometimes not be able to modify the PATH environment variable (Pro #1737)
Fix dealing with expired sessions due to inactivity or signed out when using multiple browser tabs (Pro #1731, #7205)
Fix dropdowns not repopulating after being closed via keyboard shortcut (#7215)
Fix errors occurring during verify-installation command (#7221)
RStudio Server Pro
New option
allows project sharing outside user home directories (Pro #1340)
Update embedded nginx to 1.17.10
Date: 2020-05-22
This is a major new release of RStudio which includes the following enhancements:
Dramatically improved accessibility support, including support for screen readers, keyboard navigation improvements, focus indicators and contrast improvements, and more.
Real-time spellchecking with customizable dictionaries and inline correction suggestions.
Dozens of other productivity improvements, including auto-save, global search and replace, and Shiny background jobs.
All preferences and settings are now saved centrally in plain text files, and can be set by admins and backed up by users.
Compatibility with iPad OS 13 for RStudio Server.
RStudio Desktop Pro can now function as a client for RStudio Server Pro; access your server’s compute power and environments with the convenience of a windowed desktop application.
Dramatically improved accessibility for sight-impaired users, including:
Keyboard focus management and visibility upgrades
Improved keyboard navigation
Compatibility with popular screen readers
Compliant contrast ratios and other accessibility improvements
User preference for disabling user-interface animations such as when zooming panes
Spell Check
Real-time spell-checking engine for checking while editing
Customizable dictionaries and word ignore lists preloaded with common R terms
Inline correction suggestions
Preferences and Configuration
All user preferences and settings can now be set using a plain JSON file
All user preferences can now have global defaults set by a system administrator
New diagnostics commands for editing the prefs file, resetting state, and viewing pref system data
Editor themes, snippets, file templates, and keybindings are now portable and can be installed by admins
The content of new file templates (New R Script, New R Markdown, etc.) can now be controlled by users or administrators
New projects can be initialized with renv, giving them an isolated project environment
Server Security
New auth-timeout-minutes option signs users out after a defined period of inactivity (Pro #667)
CSRF hardening improvements including optional validation of the HTTP Origin header (Pro #1214)
Add option auth-cookies-force-secure to always mark auth cookies as secure when SSL is terminated upstream (Pro #995)
Set HTTP header X-Content-Type-Options to discourage MIME type sniffing (Pro #1219)
Authentication cookies are now revoked after signout (Pro #606)
File-serving resource endpoints can now be made more restrictive; added new restrict-directory-view and directory-view-whitelist options (Pro #607)
RStudio Server now uses 2048 bit RSA keys, for secure communication of encrypted credentials between server / session and client
iPad OS 13
Improved keyboard and touch support for iPadOS 13.1
Support Ctrl+[ as Esc key on iPadOS 13.1 keyboards lacking physical Esc key (#4663)
Add ability to resize panes using keyboard arrow keys via View / Panes / Adjust Splitter
Terminal Improvements
User preference to configure initial working directory of new terminals (#1557)
Command to open a new terminal at location of current editor file
Command to insert the full path and filename of current editor file into terminal
Command in File pane to open a new terminal at File pane’s current location
Command in to change terminal to current RStudio working directory (#2363)
PowerShell Core option in terminal (Windows-only)
Custom terminal shell option for Windows desktop (previously only on Mac, Linux, and server)
Change shortcuts for Next/Previous terminal to avoid clash with common Windows shortcuts (#4892)
Suppress macOS Catalina message about switching to zsh in Terminal pane (#6182)
Add ‘Close All Terminals’ command to Terminal menu (#3564)
Zsh option in terminal for Mac and Linux desktop, and RStudio Server (#5587)
Diagnostics and Recovery
Add automated crash handling and reporting
Show detailed logs and process output when R fails to start (#2097)
Add “Safe Mode” for opening sessions without profile scripts or workspace restoration (#4338)
Support for tutorials with the learnr package in a new Tutorials pane
Background Jobs
Add support for running Shiny applications as background jobs (#5190)
Install missing package dependencies in a background job (#5584)
Auto Save
Changes automatically (and optionally) saved to disk after a few seconds or when editor loses focus (#5263)
Option to disable real-time backup of unsaved changes to avoid conflicts with Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. (#3837)
Option to adjust idle interval for backup or saving changes
Add global replace with live preview and regular expression support (#2066)
Enable large file uploads (over 4GB) in RStudio Server (#3299)
Improved ‘Comment / Uncomment’ handling of empty lines around selection (#4163)
Files with extension ‘.q’ are no longer indexed or parsed as R files (#4696)
Add support for an API command to return the list of R packages RStudio depends on (#2332)
Upgrade internal JSON parsing engine for speed improvements (#1830)
Improved ergonomics for history prefix navigation (#2771)
Make columns resizable in the Environment pane (#4020)
Add Word Count command (#4237)
Keyboard shortcuts for main menu items on RStudio Server (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+F for File menu)
Show number of characters when entering version control commit messages (#5192)
Update embedded Qt to 5.12.5 for Chromium update, stability and bugfixes (#5399)
Add preference for changing font size on help pane (#3282)
Warn when Xcode license has not been agreed to on macOS when command line tools required (#5481)
Improved browser tab names (project name first, complete product name) (Pro #1172)
The diagnostics system now understands referenced symbols in glue strings (#5270)
Add preference for compiling .tex files with tinytex (#2788)
Long menus and popups now scroll instead of overflowing (#1760, #1794, #2330)
Sort package-installed R Markdown templates alphabetically (#4929)
The ‘Reopen with Encoding’ command now saves unsaved changes before re-opening the document. (#5630)
Autocomplete support for Plumber #* comment keywords (#2220)
Automatically continue Plumber #* on successive lines (#2219)
Comment / uncomment is now enabled for YAML documents (#3317)
Reflow comment has been rebound to ‘Ctrl + Shift + /’ on macOS. (#2443)
Allow fuzzy matches in help topic search (#3316)
The diagnostics system better handles missing expressions (#5660)
Keyboard shortcuts for debugging commands can be customized (#3539)
Update Pandoc to 2.7.3 (#4512)
Update SumatraPDF to version 3.1.2 (#3155)
Allow previewing PDFs in fullscreen mode in Sumatra PDF (#4301)
RStudio Server runtime files are stored in /var/run, or another configurable location, instead of /tmp (#4666)
Errors encountered when attempting to find Rtools installations are handled more gracefully (#5720)
Enable copying images to the clipboard from the Plots pane (#3142)
Update minimum supported browser versions (#5593)
Automatic refresh of the Git pane can now be enabled / disabled as required. (#4368)
Target directory can be changed from within the ‘Upload Files’ dialog (RStudio Server)
Zoom Left/Right Column commands for keyboard users (#5874)
Increase maximum plot size for large, high-DPI displays (#4968; thanks to Jan Gleixner)
Make maximum lines in R console configurable; was previously fixed at 1000 (#5919)
Option to only show project name instead of full path in desktop window title (#1817)
New rstudio –version command to return the version of RStudio Desktop (#3922)
Scan R Markdown YAML header for R packages required to render document (#4779)
Support use of F13 - F24 for custom keyboard shortcuts (full Mac keyboard has F13-F19, for example)
Keyboard shortcuts for searching R help in Help pane, and next/previous help page (#5149)
Keep keyboard focus in the console during debugging (#6039)
Enable wrap-around for previous/next source tab by default (#6139)
Provide full SHA in detail of Git commits (#6155)
File monitor now ignores Packrat, renv library folders (#3267)
Make global source control commands rebindable (#6503)
Fix issue where calling install.packages() without arguments would fail (#5154)
Fix issue where C code in packages would incorrectly be diagnosed as C++ (#5418)
Fix plot history when plot() called immediately after (#3117)
Fix debug stopping past breakpoint when source windows are open (#3683)
Fix diagnostics error with multibyte characters in R Markdown documents on Windows (#1866)
Fix stale processes when invoking child R processes with large command lines (#3414)
Fix an issue where help tooltips could become corrupt when using prettycode (#5561)
Fix an issue where signature tooltips were shown even when disabled by user preference (#5405)
Fix an issue where Git did not work within projects whose paths contained multibyte characters (#2194)
Fix an issue where RStudio would fail to preview self-contained bookdown books (#5371)
Fix modal dialog boundaries extending out of the app window in certain cases (#1605)
Fix issue where session restore could fail when using multiple user libraries
Fix issue where library paths were not forwarded when building package documentation
Restore ability to select and copy text in version control diffs (#4734)
Fix incorrect column names when non-dataframes with a column named x were viewed (#3304)
Fix inconsistent shading in R Markdown chunk backgrounds with folding (#2992)
Fix list column display in columns past 50 with data viewer (#5851)
Fix incorrect column type display when paging columns (#5479)
Fix incorrect sorting in data viewer when paging columns (#4682)
Fix carryover of light ANSI background colors (#6092)
Fix issue where Shiny applications using reticulate on Windows could crash on run (#6140)
Fix issue where pasting text into last chunk in document could occasionally cause hang (#6226)
Fix blank Viewer Pane when displaying most HTML widgets with R 4.0.0 (#6737)
RStudio Professional
Logging improvements; log destinations and levels are more configurable and can be changed in real time
RStudio Desktop Pro can now function as a client for RStudio Server Pro
New tools for viewing and managing server users when using named user licensing
Floating licensing can now pass through an HTTPS proxy
The Launcher service now starts and runs automatically when the system starts
New Kubernetes Launcher plugin feature to modify the generated job/pod specs (#1353)
When containers are created when running RStudio Launcher sessions, user home directories are propagated to the container instead of requiring the home directories to be mounted at /home. This is a potentially breaking change, and will requiring updating the /etc/rstudio/laucher-mounts file to mount the home directory to the correct location (#1369)
New Kubernetes Launcher plugin feature to allow the specification of a requests limit to allow for oversubscription of Kubernetes resources (#1360)
Slurm Launcher plugin will now generate jobs with much shorter names (#1595)
Thanks to Dr Jonathan Godfrey (Massey University, New Zealand), and to JooYoung Seo ( for their valuable insights on improving screen reader support in RStudio 1.3.
Date: 2020-04-13
This is a maintenance release of RStudio containing small bugfixes and functionality enhancements.
Fix a crash when debugging with R 4.0+ (#5888)
Server Pro
Fix a crash in rserver that sometimes occurs when a port proxy request fails to connect (#1361)
Fix a display issue for configured Launcher session limits (#1167)
Fix inability to select R version in Global Options and elsewhere (#1470)
Fix failure to start R sessions when multiple values are present in
RStudio 1.2.5033-1
Orange Blossom
Date: 2019-12-17
Add compatibility with recent versions of the
package (#5677, #5703)
Eliminate warnings when using
(#5268, #5363)
Ensure compatibility with Boost 1.72.0 (#5742)
Set Server Name Indication (SNI) on outbound HTTPS requests for compatibility with TLS 1.3 (#5757)
Session configuration option to customize environment variables saved when session suspends (#5769)
Server Pro
Add ability to configure Slurm command line tools location for the Slurm Launcher Plugin (#1298)
Fix an issue where the Slurm service user must have a home directory for the Slurm Launcher Plugin (#1286)
Fix an issue where errors are ignored when validating the version of Slurm for the Slurm Launcher Plugin (#1287)
Add documentation for load balancing limitations, module support, and support for multiple versions of R with the Slurm Launcher Plugin (#1296)
RStudio 1.2.5019-6
Date: 2019-11-01
Fully reset Connections pane objects when refreshing (#2136)
Fix incorrect
result with R >= 3.6.0 (#4986)
after launch on macOS to prevent spurious library load errors (#5313)
Include R/RStudio version in HTTP user agent header when installing required packages (#5369)
Eliminate warnings when using
(#5268, #5363)
Truncate console output in notebooks to avoid hang with long outputs (#5518)
Fix plain serif/sans-serif font rendering on macOS Catalina (#5525)
Restore First Project Template feature (Pro #1267)
Server Pro
Include Job Launcher logs in diagnostics report (#1262)
Add ability to specify multiple R versions with same path but differing labels (#1034)
Include child processes and timing information in session diagnostic traces (#1192)
Adds better Session UI/UX including sorting, label viewing, and creation visibility (#1215)
Respect user profile resource limits for local launcher R sessions (#1269)
RStudio 1.2.5001-3
Date: 2019-09-19
RStudio Server Pro
New Slurm plugin for the Job Launcher enables running R sessions and jobs on Slurm clusters
Support for starting and managing Jupyter sessions alongside R sessions
Overhaul of user dashboard for managing R sessions, Jupyter sessions, and jobs
Restore capability to use 32-bit R on Windows (#3150)
Fix pane configuration being reset after customization (#2101)
Fix issue where middle click failed to close editor tabs (#4379)
Fix incorrect application of C++ project compilation options to non-project files (#4404)
Fix issues on MacOS with command line tool headers when ‘/usr/include’ is missing (#4405)
Fix failure to start on R 3.6.0 when the error option is set in
Fix issue where attempts to run R debugger in
could hang RStudio (#4443)
Fix parsing multi-line expressions with single brackets inside strings (#4452)
Improve detection of remote sessions on Windows (#4466)
Fix issue where text in prompts would fail to display on macOS Mojave (#4497)
Fix “Reload App” button for Shiny applications in Firefox on RStudio Server (#4552)
Fix issue where themes without names would not use the file name as a name instead (#4553)
Fix NULL in code preview on first attempt to import data (#4563)
Prompt for permissions on macOS Mojave when R packages require them (#4579)
Add explicit dependency on required
package on Linux (#4610)
Fixed inability to execute editor commands from menu in RStudio Server (#4622)
Remove unnecessary dependency on
package (#4628)
Fix failure to launch RStudio Desktop when started as root user (#4631)
Fixed an issue where the Files pane occasionally would fail to scroll to bottom (#4662)
Fixed an issue where RStudio would always use the discrete GPU on macOS (#4672)
Fix startup failure when using multiple CRAN repos (#4751)
Fix console display issue with certain mixed color output patterns (#4777)
Improve detection of current working directory for terminals on macOS (#4570)
Update to Pandoc 2.7.2 on Windows to address occasional segfaults (#4618)
Qt support libraries for Wayland are now bundled on Linux (#4686)
Set secure flag when clearing cookies for consistency (Pro #964)
Use a shared Python session to execute Python chunks via reticulate
Simple bindings to access R objects from Python chunks and vice versa
Show matplotlib plots emitted by Python chunks
Store passwords and secrets securely with keyring by calling rstudioapi::askForSecret()
Install keyring directly from dialog prompt
Author D3 visualizations in RStudio and preview in the Viewer pane
Use r2d3 D3 visualizations in R Notebook chunks
Run any R script as a background job in a clean R session
Monitor progress and see script output in real time
Optionally give jobs your global environment when started, and export values back when complete
Author SQL queries in RStudio and preview in the SQL Results pane
Run Tests command in testthat R scripts for direct running
testthat output in the Build pane with navigable issue list
Integration with shinytest to record and run Shiny app tests
Create PowerPoint presentations with R Markdown
Package Management
Specify a primary CRAN URL and secondary CRAN repos from the package preferences pane.
Link to a package’s primary CRAN page from the packages pane.
Configure CRAN repos with a repos.conf configuration file and the r-cran-repos-file option.
Suggest additional secondary CRAN repos with the r-cran-repos-url option.
Create Plumber APIs in RStudio
Execute Plumber APIs within RStudio to view Swagger documentation and make test calls to the APIs
Publish Plumber APIs to RStudio Connect
Git ‘Create Branch’ dialog defaults to remote associated w/current branch (if any)
Added link to purrr cheatsheet (in Help) and link to browse all cheatsheets
Added option to temporarily disable environment pane refreshing
Improve NSE detection for dplyr (better understands S3 dispatch and idioms)
Add ability to search for displayed database objects in Connections tab (#1549)
Add button to open profiler output in an external browser (#1657)
Add option to show the R Markdown render command used when knitting (#1658)
Add option to show hidden files in the Files pane (#1769)
Upgrade embedded Pandoc to 2.2.1 (#1807)
Allow renames that change only file case on Windows (#1886)
Remember scroll position when navigating in Help pane (#1947)
Show warning when attempting to edit a generated file (#2082)
Allow opening .ini files with file.edit (#2116)
Add shinymod snippet for Shiny modules (#2078)
Allow changing zoom level without reloading (#2125)
New command ‘Pull with Rebase’ to pull and rebase a branch in a single step (#2151)
Click on promises in the Environment pane now calls force on the promise
Add Rename command to File menu for quick rename of current file (#2199)
Numeric filtering in data viewer shows value distribution and supports user-entered values (#2230)
Improved support for custom knitr engines in R Notebooks (#2401)
Add support for viewing external web URLs in the Viewer pane (#2252)
Add option to disable drag-and-drop for text in the editor (#2428)
Add option to disable cursor save/load; improves performance on some Windows machines (#2778)
R startup files (e.g. .Rprofile) are now always saved with trailing newlines (#3029)
Update embedded libclang to 5.0.2 (Windows only)
RStudio now a 64-bit application on Windows (Linux and Mac are already 64-bit)
Fix “Invalid byte sequence” when spell checking
Fix incorrect Git status pane display when git detects that a file has been copied
Fix hang when submitting empty passwords and password encryption is turned off (#1545)
Fix HTTP 500 error when navigating to directories such as /js/ (#1561)
Fix issue where Build pane would get ‘stuck’ on failed Rcpp::compileAttributes() call (#1601)
Fix low/no-contrast colors with HTML widgets in notebooks with a dark theme (#1615)
Fix invalid YAML in some cases when changing R Markdown output type via dialog (#1609)
Fix error when quitting while a function named q() is present (#1647)
Fix crash when executing multiple R Notebook chunks with a failing Rcpp chunk (#1668)
Fix missing blank lines in code chunks in R Notebook preview (#1556)
Fix selection in Files pane when files are modified while checked (#1715)
Fix incorrect truncation of some R object descriptions in Environment pane (#1703)
Fix duplicate prompts in each window when using RStudio API showPrompt (#1706)
Fix proxy timeouts with the websocket used for the Terminal, via keepalive messages (#1860)
Fix file.edit failures with Chinese filenames on Windows (#1868)
Fix errors when importing non-ASCII filenames in base Import Dataset (#1910)
Fix rserver crash that can occur when proxying websockets to Shiny apps (#2061)
Fix hang on some Linux systems caused by X11 clipboard monitoring w/ option to disable monitoring (#2068)
Fix empty column titles when viewing matrices without column names (#2086)
Fix error when pressing F1 on non-function autocomplete results (#2127)
Fix hang when autocompleting filenames in large directories (#2236)
Fix inability to copy content from Viewer pane and data viewer in IE11 (#2351)
Fix errant addition of msys-ssh to path on non-Windows platforms (#2352)
Fix buggy behavior with when ANSI colors are present (#2387)
Fix external process slowness (git, etc.) when open file limit RLIMIT_NOFILE is high (#2470)
Fix issue caused by resolving symlinks when choosing Git path (#2476)
Fix display of consecutive spaces in the Data Viewer (#2499)
Fix issue where ‘#’ in YAML strings would be highlighted as comments (#2591)
Fix over-eager loading of yaml package when IDE starts up (#2602)
Fix issue on Windows with R dialogs showing behind RStudio window (#2901)
Fix incorrect insertion of mousewheel handler into HTML widget JavaScript (#2634)
Fix unresponsive buttons in Connections pane when connection deletion is cancelled (#2644)
Fix RStudio hang when installing packages (e.g. BH) in Packrat projects on Windows (#1864)
RStudio Server Pro
Overhauled R versions, allowing you to specify version labels, load environment modules, and execute a prelaunch script when loading specific versions.
New rsession-diagnostics-enabled option for rserver.conf to enable session launch diagnostics mode to help diagnose session launch failures.
Added support for auth-pam-sessions-use-password option in a load balanced setup.
Added ability to suspend sessions from user home page.
Added hmac signature verification for proxy auth mode with new auth-proxy-require-hmac option in rserver.conf.
Add nodes to RStudio Server Pro load-balanced clusters without service interruptions.
RStudio Pro Drivers
Discover, install and uninstall RStudio Pro Drivers from the New Connection wizard.
Date: 2018-10-18
This is a maintenance release of RStudio which contains fixes for the following issues:
Fix sign-out issue when “stay signed in” is checked in RStudio Server (
Fix hang when submitting empty passwords and password encryption is turned off (
Fix dark theme partial application in data viewer when upgrading from 1.0 (
Fix overlap between Refresh icon and plot title text (
Fix slow File Open dialog on RStudio Desktop for Linux (
Fix slow open of new files on Windows when using network drives (
Fix build pane freeze when Rcpp::compileAttributes results in parse errors (
Fix issue when migrating from RStudio 1.0 which could result in empty R files (
Fix incorrect output type when compiling R script to non-HTML report (
Improve spacing in account when username and servername are short (
Fix incorrect background highlighting after reindent (
Fix autocompletion of Rcpp C++ objects (
Better “hand” cursor position on RStudio Desktop for Linux (
Fix segfault that can occur when a notebook contains a Rcpp chunk with compilation failures (
Fix problems with Git for Windows installations into sub-directories of home directory (
Fix crashes when restarting R session while using a network drive (
Don’t suspend R sessions with active external pointer objects (
Allow new “Copy To” command in Files Pane to overwite its target (
Respect “Load All” command shortcut when the Terminal is open (
Detect full-screen mode correctly in Terminal pane (
Support Pandoc 2 in RSTUDIO_PANDOC (
Allow installation of package dependencies from repos not named CRAN (
Fix password entry in Subversion and other shell dialogs (
Ensure R Markdown files are saved before publish (
Reconnect terminal when disconnected via proxy timeout (
Closing Shiny apps no longer can crash RStudio Server (
Avoid hang when .git folder own Windows is not hidden (
Setting non-default Knit Directory no longer breaks R Markdown websites (
Fix scrolling through database objects if there are more than 25 (
Pressing F1 on help autocompletions no longer raises an error (
RTools 3.5 compatibility (
R Notebook compatibility with R 3.5 (
Fix issues with RStudio bundled with Anaconda in Windows 10 build 1803+ (
Fix disconnects with latest version of Shiny, RStudio Server, and Firefox (
Fix paged table output R Notebooks with R 3.5.1 (
Fix republishing content from directories with very short names (
Server Pro: Update embedded nginx to 1.14.0
Server Pro: Can now log in to load-balanced servers when password contains a space (Pro #338)
RStudio 1.1.383
DATE: 2017-10-09
New Connections tab for working with a wide variety of data sources
Connections to data sources are saved and can be easily reconnected and reused
Objects inside data sources can be browsed and contents viewed inside RStudio
Works with ODBC data sources and Spark, and can integrate with other R packages
New Terminal tab for fluid shell interaction within the IDE
Support for xterm emulation including color output and full-screen console apps
Support for multiple terminals, each with persistent scrollback buffer
Web links in terminal can be clicked and opened in default browser (new tab for server)
Windows terminal supports multiple terminal shell types
Git Bash, if installed
Command Prompt (cmd.exe), 32-bit and 64-bit depending on OS support
PowerShell, 32-bit and 64-bit depending on OS support
Bash on Windows Subsystem for Linux, if installed on 64-bit Windows 10
Default Windows terminal shell type set in new Global Options/Terminal preferences pane
Object Explorer
New view for the exploration of hierarchical / deeply-nested R objects
Can recursively inspect R lists, environments, functions, S4 objects
Integration with the xml2 package for exploration of XML documents
Generate R code that can be used to access a particular item within object
New flat, modern UI theme
New dark theme option
Retina-quality icons throughout
Data Import
Add support for all file encodings supported by R
Restore text import dialog from previous releases (uses only base R functions)
Code generator in import dialog now creates a relative path to data file
R Markdown
Added option to specify the working directory when executing R Markdown chunks
Added option to set preview mode (in viewer, window, etc.) in YAML header
Added option to skip knitting before publishing in YAML header
Multiline strings in YAML header are now properly highlighted
R Notebooks
Python chunks now respect virtualenv if present
‘Rename in Scope’ now works within R chunks
Global chunk options (e.g. ‘echo’) now properly respected in Notebook mode
Fixed an issue where non-R chunk output could become duplicated
Added option to set notebook mode in the document’s YAML header
Allow setting default chunk connection option to raw connection object
Added an ‘Use paged tables’ checkbox under chunk options popup
Git Integration
Add support for creating new Git branches and setting upstream remotes
Git branch list is now searchable
RStudio warns when attempting to commit large files (>10 MB)
Implemented ‘ignore whitespace’ option for Git Diff view
Wait for index.lock file to clear before performing git operations (with recovery)
Improve handling of paths containing special characters
ANSI escape code support in console for colored output
Add support for custom, user-provided
project templates
Add support for middle-click pasting using X11 global selection (Linux Desktop only)
Document cursor position is now saved and restored between RStudio sessions
Addins are now fully searchable in dropdown toolbar menu
Add support for changing editor tabs with the mouse wheel
Snippets can now be inserted in the R console
Add option to knit in current working directory or project directory
Cmd/Ctrl+Enter in Help pane now sends selected example code to console
View(vignette(…)) now opens editor with vignette source
Ctrl+P/Ctrl+N to visit previous/next console history line (like readline)
Ctrl+R to search console history incrementally (like readline)
New “Copy To” command in Files pane to copy and rename in one step
Added UI for loading ‘.rds’ files when clicked in Files pane
F2 in source editor opens data frame under cursor in a new tab
Highlight markdown inside ROxygen comments
Minor fixes to C++ syntax highlighting
Added syntax highlighting for TOML files
Provide autocompletion support for R6 ‘new()’ methods
Improve performance of autocompletion for installed packages
Add option to run multiple consecutive lines of R with Ctrl+Enter
Add commands to run a line, statement, or consecutive lines
Add Clear Console button to top of Console pane
Add option to wrap around when navigating to previous or next editor tab
Allow opening directories as projects (Server and macOS only)
Vim: Use ]f and [f to open adjacent files on the file system
Show disambiguation in overflow list when two editor tabs have the same filename
Respect control characters in error output; makes e.g. curl output correct
Add new cheatsheet links to Help: Data Import, Interfacing Spark
macOS: Always show project label on dock tiles
Remove 100 column limit in data viewer
Make columns in data viewer resizable
Add option to kill child processes when session exits
Upgrade to
Remove Packrat package sync notifications; replace with Check Library Status command
Add support for ligature coding fonts in RStudio Desktop for Windows and Linux
Added page viewer (accessible via getOption(“page_viewer”)) for viewing web content in an external window.
Add editor theme Dracula (thanks to
Fabian Mundt
Server Pro: Add option to disable file uploads
Server Pro: Upgrade to TurboActivate 4.0; improves licensing
Server Pro: Add support for floating (lease-based) licenses
Server Pro: Show the size of suspended sessions
Server Pro: Add user-defined session labels
Server Pro: Upgrade to nginx 1.12.0
Server Pro: Add support for NFSv4 Access Control Lists in Project Sharing
Server Pro: Add support for user-initiated session quit and force-terminate
Server Pro: Add support for admin-supplied notifications in R sessions
Server Pro: New session-timeout-kill-hours option to expire and cleanly remove old R sessions
Fixed an issue where dragging tabs out multiple times could revert contents to older version
macOS: fixed ‘crash on wake’ issue with late-2016 Macbooks
Fixed mangling of YAML header string values containing backticks
Fixed mangling of YAML indentation when re-indenting R Markdown documents
File downloads from the internal browser are now saved correctly on Linux and Windows
Rendering or running an R Markdown document no longer saves it unnecessarily
‘Insert assignment operator’ shortcut now works on Firefox
Fixed issue where ‘execute current statement’ behaved poorly with unclosed statements
Fixed issue where tibble warnings could be emitted by autocompletion engine
Fixed issue where ‘Copy Plot to Clipboard’ from Viewer failed with macOS Sierra
Fixed issue where keybinding changes were not reflected in popped-out windows
Fix hang when replacing a misspelled word with word and punctuation
Fixed issue where cursor would begin blinking even when ‘Blinking Cursor’ preference disabled
Editor now responds correctly when renaming an open file using the Files pane
Fixed an issue that could cause the data viewer cache to contain orphaned entries
Fixed highlighting of Markdown text within Markdown blockquote
Invoke R without –vanilla when building R Markdown websites
Fixed an issue in which R Markdown documents could get stuck in notebook mode
Fixed an issue preventing plain .md files from being published if not rendered
Fixed runtime crashes in R packages that use Boost libraries
Fixed startup crashes associated with Boost regular expressions
Fixed an issue where scroll position in History pane could be lost when losing focus
Fixed an issue where RStudio would fail to discover build tools if R was not on PATH
Improve stability of crashed session recovery system
Fixed issues arising from restoring a session suspended with a different R version
Color errors in the R console correctly when resuming a session
Fixed an issue in which notebook tables would not print data with lists of lists
Fix session crash that can occur with certain malformed chunk headers
Fix issue preventing New Session from working on Ubuntu 16+
Server Pro: Fix issue with dirty indicator/saving after collaborative editing ends
Server Pro: Fix issue with using multiple R versions feature when multi-session is off
Fix for crashes in Pandoc on Ubuntu 16
Fix inability to open some text file types on macOS High Sierra beta
Fix missing output/issues pillbox on Windows Compile PDF output
Fix superflous warnings in install.packages
Fix blank data viewer issue affecting some Windows users
Miscellaneous - Show Python error stack traces (using reticulate) - Add .registration=TRUE to useDynLib when Rcpp >= 0.12.11 - New binary release for users running Ubuntu 16+ and Debian 9+
RStudio 1.0.143
Date: 2017-04-19
R 3.4 Support
Support for debugging code in R 3.4.0
Support for graphical output in R 3.4.0
Fix bug in macOS 10.12.4 with input of extended characters
Fix bug causing R Notebook chunk temporary folder errors
Fix scroll jump when clicking on the Console pane in newer versions of Chrome
Fix errors when printing data frames containing dates
Server Pro: Fix issue with collaborative editing when owner’s session is suspended
Environment pane support for
Improved sizing of htmlwidgets in R Notebooks
Allow changing to R Notebook mode without closing and reopening the file
Add support for knitr code chunks defined in external .R files
Add support for raw relative paths such as “..” in knitr root.dir option
Add support for ‘output.var’ chunk option for Stan chunks
Improve scrolling past htmlwidgets in the editor
Always show chunk output preferences (inline or console)
Add support for variable height HTML widgets (non-knitr figures)
Improve support for non-ASCII characters in chunk metadata and output
Add support for JavaScript and CSS chunks
Data Import
Add support for all readr locale settings (date/time format, decimal, etc.)
Prompt for a comma-separated list of factors instead of a collection
Add Ctrl+Tab / Ctrl+Shift+Tab shortcuts to navigate tabs (Desktop only)
Include .scala files in fuzzy file finder (Ctrl + .)
Add support for pre-rendered Shiny documents (shiny_prerendered)
Update Stan editor mode to support Stan 2.12.0
Server Pro: Add new
option for specifying framing permissions
Improve resilience against malformed YAML header in R Markdown documents
Avoid triggering active bindings in environments from the Environment pane
Fix encoding of R_HOME, R_USER, and R_LIBS_USER on Windows
Fix project-based file completion on Windows
Respect loaded packages in R help topic completion
Fix positioning of editor toolbar buttons in Safari and Mac OS client
Fix incorrect height of R Notebook outputs when run above viewport
Detect multi-line data.table chains properly
Allow git staging for filenames containing a space on Windows
Use Windows proxy settings to serve requests made by htmlwidgets
Fix cross-domain error when opening a link to RStudio Server in a new window
Fix comment toggling for ROxygen comments
Fix notebook resource problems occurring in projects on mounted filesystems
Server Pro: Allow server user to have group name differing from user name
Server Pro: Don’t require LDAP to support user enumeration when
is set
Authoring tools for
R Notebooks
Integrated support for the
package (R interface to Spark).
Enhanced data import tools based on the
Performance profiling via integration with the
Authoring tools for R Markdown
and the
Many other miscellaneous enhancements and bug fixes.
R Notebooks
Authoring tools for
R Notebooks
Inline display for text, latex, tabular data, graphics, and htmlwidgets in source editor
All code and output saved within a single notebook HTML file (.nb.html)
Multiple language engines including Python, Bash, SQL, Rcpp, and Stan
Tools for running various combinations of chunks (current, next, previous, remaining)
Data Import
Import dataset from text via
Import dataset from Excel via
Import dataset from SAS, SPSS, and Stata via
Preview data while importing datasets
Explicitly set column types while importing datasets
Preview and copy code while importing datasets
Profiling features based on the
Visualize profiling results within the IDE
Profile menu enables easy stop/start of profiling or profiling of selected lines.
Save and load of previous profiling sessions
RStudio Connect
Publish reports, applications, and plots to
RStudio Connect
One-click deployment of Shiny applications
Publish and schedule periodic execution of R Markdown reports
Set which users and/or groups have permission to view content
Integrated support for the
Create and manage connections to Spark clusters and local Spark instances
Browse tables and columns of Spark DataFrames
Preview the first 1,000 rows of Spark DataFrames
Source Editor
Ctrl+Enter now executes current R statement when selection is empty
Use Shift+Click to open web links in source editor (Command+Click on OS X)
Enabled auto-pairing of backticks in R documents
Fixed regression re: folding of unnamed sections, e.g. ‘#####’
Implemented folding for sub-sections in R documents
Added option for display of ‘end’ fold markers
Display function tooltip on mouse over of function name
Added option to display function signature tooltip on cursor idle
Autocompletion allows mismatch between ‘.’, ’_’ in token
Improvements to refactoring utility ‘Rename in Scope’
Expand selection command learns how to expand to current statement
Added (as unbound command) Sublime Text style ‘Quick Add Next’
The various ‘yank’ commands are now rebindable (Ctrl + Y, Ctrl + K, Ctrl + U)
Insert assignment operator (Alt+-, ‘<-’) is now rebindable
Insert pipe operator (Cmd+Shift+M, ‘%>%’) is now rebindable
Enable implementors of .DollarNames to provide custom types
R Markdown
Inline preview for MathJax equations
Show custom formats in Knit menu
Show options menu and Knit w/ Params for custom formats
Use “Run Document” for custom formats with runtime: shiny
Add option to suppress Knit preview entirely
Add R Markdown pane to global options dialog
Build tab and preview support for R Markdown websites
Various enhancements for authoring with the bookdown package
Add command to clear knitr cache
Update pandoc to 1.17.2
Update MathJax to 2.6.1
Provide autocompletion of header paths
Syntax highlighting of raw, wide, unicode string literals (e.g R”hello”)
Added session-default-working-dir and session-default-new-project-dir options
Added sudo, lsb-release, and libssl1.0.0 packages to Debian dependencies
Server Pro: Auditing for authentication and session start/suspend/exit events
Server Pro: Ability to configure per-user and per-group session timeouts
Server Pro: Ability to include custom HTML within server sign-in page
Server Pro: Update to Nginx 1.10.1
Improved performance of ‘Find in Files’ tool
Attempting to cut or copy with an empty selection no longer clears the clipboard
Files pane now has a fixed header row
Attempting to check out remote git branch now checks out local copy tracking remote
Published plots are larger and responsive to changes in browser size
Implement gt/gT bindings in Vim mode to switch to next/previous tab
Always provide file completions for top-level current directory
Prevent wrapping of text in Files pane display
Indicate when object details in environment pane have been truncated
Improved keyboard navigation in browser file widgets
Added option to limit length of lines in console history
Improved performance when many lines of code sent to console
‘save()’ warnings no longer emitted when saving session state
Update C++ unit testing library (catch) to v1.3.3 (fix gcc >=5 compilation errors)
Change default max.print to 1000 (was 10000)
Fixed a hang on Windows + 64bit R when errors occurred while resizing Plots pane
Fixed an issue where a user-defined git executable was sometimes not respected on OS X
Data Viewer: fixed a crash that could occur when calling ‘View()’ on matrix
R Markdown: hide chunk toolbar when chunk is hidden by folded Markdown section
R Markdown: fixed highlighting with multiple Markdown links on one line
R Markdown: improved highlighting for ’*‘,’_’
R Markdown: fixed issue where sections did not display in document outline when following empty bulleted list
Reformat code: fixed an issue where
was not recognized as a single token
SVN: avoid recursive revert when reverting changes to modified directory properties
Autocompletion: fixed errors printed in console when ‘devtools::load_all()’ active
Autocompletion: fixed errors printed in console for functions ‘force’, ‘identity’
Autocompletion: ensure .DollarNames method respected when discovered
Autocompletion: avoid errors when retrieving completions in debugger
Viewer: Fixed issue in ‘Export -> Copy to Clipboard’ when IDE not at default zoom level
Fix hang caused by large, heavily-nested S4 objects
Fix for ‘httpdPort’ detection error sometimes seen with R built from source
Fixed a hang on Windows with 64-bit R when attempting to load a corrupted workspace
Fixed an issue where non-interactive addins could not be executed in popped out windows
Diagnostics: fix false positive errors with ‘{’ following function calls
Diagnostics: engine better understands ‘data()’ calls (fixes ‘no symbol in scope’ false positive)
Improved performance of document tokenization (fix laggy typing)
Sweave: Fix block commenting of chunks
Sweave: Fixed an issue where TOC headings weren’t displayed in document outline
Fix highlighting of escaped ‘$’ in inline Mathjax expressions
Fix editor preview vanishing on zoom level change
Emacs mode: C-f now moves the cursor forward instead of opening Find dialog
Emacs mode: C-r now performs a reverse isearch on Windows (rather than running code)
Ensure that modal dialogs capture all input even in the presence of multiple modals
Filter out “00LOCK” directories from package name completions
Provide completions for ‘lazydata’ objects within namespaces
Prevent warnings from leaking when accessing refClass elements for completions
Fix inablity to get active frame for completions when package lfe was loaded
Prevent completion popup from appearing offscreen for very long completion names
Don’t pass encoding=“” to knitr for .Rpres files not in a project
Avoid duplicating keydown handlers in image list boxes (e.g. New R Markdown template)
Ensure editor completion popups are hidden when editor loses focus
Cleanup R auto-indentation for plain () or []
(i.e., when not in a function call)
Suppress httpd warnings on invalid help queries
Correct syntax highlighting for operator << in C++ mode
Fix highlighting in R mode for numbers with only a trailing decimal (e.g. ‘1.’)
Ensure that SparkR DataFrames appear as data in environment pane
Avoid firing active bindings in completion system
Fix copy, cut, paste handling when Emacs mode enabled
Avoid perturbing RNG state when invoking View()
Fix unlinked directories in Files pane when other users’ folders are browseable
Fixed an issue where nested folds were not preserved correctly on save / load
Prevent lines terminated by from entering editor (cause of many subtle problems)
Fix error message when invoking View() on an object with no columns
Fix blank screen on log-in when PAM username capitalization doesn’t match system
Prompt to save untitled (never saved) documents when closing source windows
Don’t depend on number of call frames when detecting install.packages call
Fix failure to install packages with long install.packages commands after restart
Server Pro: Fix issue causing sporadic session launch failures when using PAM sessions
Support for multiple
source windows
(tear editor tabs off main window).
Pane zooming for working distraction free within a single mode.
Editor and IDE keyboard shortcuts can
now be customized
Emacs keybindings
mode for the source editor.
Support for registering custom
RStudio Addins
R Markdown editing improvements including outline view and inline UI for chunk execution.
Support for
R Markdown reports.
Various improvements to RStudio Server Pro including
multiple concurrent R sessions
, -se of
multiple R versions
, and
shared projects
for collaboration.
Source Editor
New Emacs editing mode
Editor and IDE keyboard shortcuts can now be customized
Support for multiple source windows (tear editor tabs off main window)
New global and per-project options for line feed conversion
Snippets: pass parameters to snippet generating R functions
Split into lines command for multiple cursors (Ctrl+Alt+A)
New keyboard shortcuts to expand/contract current selection
Cmd+Alt+Shift+{Up/Down} OS X
Ctrl+Shift+{Up/Down} otherwise
Enhanced display of sections in R scope navigator
Added document outline display to R and C++ documents
New Close All Except Current command
Rename variable in scope (Cmd+Shift+Alt+M)
More context-sensitive highlighting of R keywords
Option to enable highlighting of R function calls
F2 now navigates into files (e.g. within calls to source)
Yank before/after (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U) now use system clipboard on RStudio Desktop
Yank after cursor (Ctrl+K) no longer eats end of line character
Added option controlling ‘surround on text insertion’ behavior
R Markdown
New run chunk and options buttons overlaid at the top right of chunks
New shortcut for run current chunk (Cmd+Shift+Enter)
Outline view for quick navigation between sections/code chunks
Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown navigate between sections within Rmd, Rpres
Enabled comment/uncomment (Cmd+Shift+C) for Markdown documents
Knit with Parameters command for previewing with varying parameters
Run All now executes chunks in console (rather than calling e.g. knitr::purl)
Reorganize toolbar commands/menu for improved discoverability
Added Run Setup Chunk command
Updated embedded pandoc to v1.15.2
Update embedded pdf.js to v1.3
Support additional options for MS Word (table of contents, keep markdown)
RStudio Addins:
Register R functions as addins that can interact with the IDE using the rstudioapi package.
Accessible from the Addins menu and can be bound to custom keyboard shortcuts
New Session command (create new R session with same project or working directory)
Open project in a new window from the projects recently used menu
New Shiny App command for quick creation of Shiny applications
Data Viewer: Filter factor columns by text or level
Raise limit on shinyapps uploads to 1GB from 100MB
‘Edit -> Replace and Find’ opens Find toolbar if not already open (e.g. with Cmd+Shift+J)
Improve performance of console for large and/or rapidly updating output
Roxygen quick reference available from the Help menu
Links to RStudio cheatsheets available on the Help menu
Scan for Rtools in both HKCU and HKLM (for non-Admin installs of Rtools)
Run app command and shortcut now works for running single file Shiny applications
Move running Shiny apps between IDE panes and windows without restarting the app
Add support for single-file, standalone Shiny applications
Parse TeX magic comments that start with “%%” (ESS compatibility).
Change default Rpres template to specify autosize: true
Automatically create ~/.ssh directory if necessary on Windows
Added Makefile mode (used for Makefile, Makevars)
Always use LF for line endings in Unix Makefiles in R packages
Return environment variables as completions within Sys.getenv(), Sys.setenv() calls
Add ‘R Scripts’ preset filter to Find in Files dialog
OS X: Support for executing commands via AppleScript via ‘cmd’ verb
OS X: Enable WebKit WebGL by default
OS X: Enable WebKit DeveloperExtras by default
OS X: Enable creation of directories in folder picker dialog
Windows: Update to SumatraPDF 3.1.1
Added ability to zoom panes (e.g. Ctrl+Shift+1 to zoom source pane)
Add Console on Left/Right commands for quick relocation of Console
Add product and version metadata to Windows installer
Add askForPassword function to rstudioapi
Improved detection of Msysgit installation location on Windows
Include active project in document title (caption of browser tab)
Quit session command now accessible from global toolbar
Added option to control how many days users stay signed in for
Allow specification of multiple groups in auth-required-user-group option
Suspend and resume running R sessions when server is restarted
Add kill-session and kill-all admin commands
Use SHA256 for signing cookies (previously used SHA1)
Use more resilient file locking mechanism for compatibility with NFS volumes
Attempt to close application window when quitting
Track installed client version using git commit hash rather than timestamp
Detect minimum user id from /etc/login.defs (can also be specified via option)
Save user-specific .RData and .Rhistory if .Ruserdata directory exists
Server Pro: Shared Projects (including concurrent multi-user editing)
Server Pro: Support for multiple concurrent R sessions per-user
Server Pro: Support for running against multiple versions of R
Server Pro: Ability to record user console history for audit purposes
Server Pro: Home page for navigating to active sessions and recent projects
Server Pro: Don’t close PAM sessions by default (configurable via an option)
Server Pro: Remove Google OpenID auth (deprecated by Google in favor of OAuth)
Server Pro: Add option to specify client-id for Graphite metrics back end
Server Pro: Supported SSL protocols is now configurable
Server Pro: Add option to rewrite user header in proxied authentication
Diagnostics: Avoid linting symbols in R formulas
Diagnostics: Resolve functions in correct namespace
Diagnostics: Fix invalid diagnostics within formulas
Diagnostics: Respect // [[Rcpp::export]] functions used in R code
Fix grid metrics issues (e.g. text too small) by using res of 96 rather than 72
Correct computation of getOption(“width”) on high DPI displays
Rcpp: Parse attributes when generating diagnostics for header files
Enable outdenting in Rhtml documents
Find all now respects active search/replace options
Fix issue with cursor disappearing in Rmd chunks for ambiance theme
Publish button shows in the editor and viewer at the appropriate times
Avoid spurious R warnings when autocompletions requested
Allow completions in statements following infix operators
Completions in Install Packages are now correct for the case of multiple active repositories
Vim mode: prevent paste operation from entering visual mode via Ctrl+V cross-talk
Fixed chunk highlighter issues that occurred when editing chunk label
Correctly handle call to edit() with no arguments
Fix inability to start up on OS X when multiple conflicting R versions are on the library search path
Prevent crash when canceling out of q() prompt on Windows
OS X: Fix crash which could occur when focusing text boxes with placeholders
OS X: Viewer now correctly recognizes session temp dir even when prefixed by /private
OS X: Word document preview now correctly reloads for newer versions of Office
Fix issue with rstudioapi previewRd function when path included spaces
R 3.3: Don’t call setInternet2 or use –internet2 flag for child R processes
Linux, Windows: ensure native printer used (don’t default to PDF printing)
Linux: Install on Debian Sid and Ubuntu 16.04 via addition of libgstreamer-0.10 dependencies
Prevent spurious navigation when user cancels from the file upload dialog
Don’t include H3 (and higher) headers when creating presentation slide preview navigation menu
Don’t allow long file paths to overflow in message dialogs
RPM: Set autreqprov to “no” for both desktop and server
Prevent periods from being used in Rmd date field (caused LaTeX errors)
Support for viewing large data sets (removed 1k row limit)
Data can be filtered, searched, and sorted
Viewer updates to reflect changes in data
R Code Completion
Completions provided automatically without an explicit gesture
All objects visible from the current scope are now included in completions
Completions in more contexts including S3 and S4 methods and dplyr pipelines
Automatic insertion of closing parens when appropriate
Inline help tooltip for signatures of completed functions
Completion for statements spanning multiple lines
Specialized autocompletions provided for library, data, vignette, ?
For Shiny applications, autocompletions for ui.R + server.R pairs
Completions for dimension names in [, [[ calls
Completions from packages in library, require calls automatically inferred and supplied even when not loaded
Completions for knitr options, e.g. in opts_chunk$get(), are now supplied
Completions for dynamic symbols within .C, .Call, .Fortran, .External
Completions for object names for ‘formula’ arguments, e.g. lm(.., data = mtcars)
R Code Diagnostics
Syntax errors are highlighted and displayed in red (e.g. missing commas, unmatched brackets)
Function calls are checked and validated with e.g.
Warn if variable is used but no definition is available in scope
Warn if variable is defined but never subsequently used
Whitespace diagnostics to help code conform to
Source Editor
Improvements in file/function navigation:
Fuzzy matching on search terms
Navigate to file posititions using file:line:col
Include parameters in function navigation menu
Multiple cursors:
Create a new cursor above / below the current cursor with CTRL + ALT + {up / down}
Move the active cursor up / down with CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + {up / down}
Create multiple cursors by pressing CTRL + ALT and clicking + dragging the mouse
Improved Vim mode:
Various bug fixes
Visual block selection (CTRL + v)
Multiple-cursor aware
Macros (q)
Marks (m)
Quick find (/)
Support a subset of commands in :
Use :help for documentation on available commands
Configurable snippets for fast insertion of common blocks of code
Editor tabs in the source pane can now be rearranged
Automatically save files prior to sourcing (controlled by option)
Support for multiple cursors via Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down
Alt+Enter to run code while retaining cursor position
Ctrl+Shift+E to select within matching parens / braces
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E to expand selection to matching paren / brace
Comment/uncomment respects indent level when appropriate
New Reformat Code command for R scripts
Shift+Enter now searches backwards in Find/Replace
Find All option added in Find/Replace
Ctrl+E now focuses the editor after finding from selection
New option to control comment continuation on insertion of new lines
Reflow text (comment) for markdown and plain text modes
Updated to Ace (source editor component) v1.1.8
Syntax highlighting for GraphViz and mermaid.js diagrams.
Diagram previews using the DiagrammeR package (requires recent version from GitHub).
Syntax highlighting modes for many new languages including Clojure, CoffeeScript, C#, Graphviz, Go, Groovy, Haskell, Java, Julia, Lisp, Lua, Matlab, Perl, Ruby, Rust, Scala, and Stan.
Keyword and text based code completion for many languages including JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, and SQL.
A wide variety of new editor themes (color schemes) are now available.
Increase file size limit to 5MB (was previously 2MB)
C/C++ Development
Code completion
Code diagnostics
F2 code navigation (go to definition)
Go to file/function for C/C++
Find usages for C++ symbols
Intelligent auto-indentation
Scope tree for quick intra-file navigation
Web Development (HTML/CSS/JavaScript)
Code completion
Inline diagnostics (JSHint) on syntax and other issues
Improved handling of objects containing or consisting of NULL externalptr
Allow ‘debugSource’ to be executed in user-specified environment
Improved heuristics for locating the stack frame where errors originated
Autocompletions now available when debugging
Improved debug stepping through statements wrapped in tryCatch()
Better call frame selection when using recover()
Keyboard shortcuts for Step Into (Shift+F4) and Step Out (Shift+F6)
Improvements to New Package:
Generate cleaner packages with no warnings
Respect various devtools options
Support for roxygen2 ‘vignette’ roclet
Insert Roxygen Skeleton command (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R)
Default to roxygenize for Build and Reload
Improved checking for supported protocol with packrat package
Escape backslashes in library names when loading packages
Call to library after Build and Reload respects –library argument
Validate that required versions are available for prompted installs
Set R_BROWSER=false and R_PDFVIEWER=false (as CRAN does) for R CMD check
Render plots using devicePixelRatio for retina and HDPI screens -Preserve last exported size in Save Plot as PDF dialog now creates a new desktop graphics device (e.g. quartz) if the RStudio device is already active.
R Markdown
Updated to pandoc 1.13.1
Support for parameterized R Markdown reports
Ensure that .RData from Rmd directory isn’t loaded during Knit
Improved handling of lists in editor
Syntax highlighting for comments in markdown documents
Make publishing UI easier to discover
Require save before previewing Rmd file
Handle encoding correctly for Run All Chunks on Windows
Support for deploying single interactive documents (not just directories)
Updated internal PDF viewer (PDF.js) to version 1.0.1040
Updated rendering engine to Qt 5.4 for improved performance
Windows: updated to MSYS SSH 1000.18
Windows: check HKCU in addition to HKLM when scanning for R versions
Windows: Use Rtools 3.3 when running under R 3.2
Use system.file() rather than .packages() to query for package availability.
Bind Cmd+Shift+K shortcut to Compile PDF and Preview HTML
When evaluating R strings ensure ‘try’ is called from base package
Default to current working directory for New Project from existing directory
Add Clear Recent Projects menu item to toolbar project menu
Command to sync current working directory and Files pane to project directory
Eliminated rstudio and manipulate packages (both now available on CRAN)
Respect existing values for RSTUDIO_PANDOC and RMARKDOWN_MATHJAX_PATH environment variables.
Added global RStudio.Version function for getting basic version info
Diagram previews using the DiagrammeR package (requires recent version from GitHub).
Added Markers pane and sourceMarker API for externals tools (e.g. linters)
Enable specification of Sweave driver in Rnw magic comment
Re-map prev/next tab shortcuts to eliminate conflicts with window managers
Run App command for single file Shiny applications
Deprecated ‘source.with.encoding’ in favor of source(…, encoding = “…”)
Make source code compatible with -std=c++11
Allow specifying character encoding, row name source, and comment character when importing data
Jump to the definition of a function by clicking it in the environment pane
Increase shinyapps upload limit to 1GB (was previously 100MB).
Use systemd to manage server processes on platforms where it is the default
Add server-set-umask option to control whether the server sets its umask to 022 at startup
Improved installation by reducing dependencies and providing additional platform-specific builds (e.g. SUSE, RHEL5 vs. RHEL6/7)
Server Pro: Support for SPDY protocol
Server Pro: Custom header name for proxied authentication
Server Pro: Option to eliminate “stay signed in” option for PAM authentication.
Server Pro: Update to Nginx 1.8.0
Prevent error dialog when getOption(“repos”) is an unnamed vector
Fix for regex Find/Replace lockup with empty strings
Fix for console text unselectable in Firefox
Find in Files now always activates result pane
Correctly reflow comments in Rmd C++ code chunks
Don’t warn when saving C/C++ file with .hpp extension on OS X
Ensure that rmarkdown documents render within input directory
Eliminate race condition that could cause crash when polling child processes
Correct handling for breakpoints in files with non-ascii filenames on Windows
Next/previous word behavior in Rmd is now consistent with behavior in R scripts
Don’t parse YAML front matter if not preceded by whitespace
Eliminate some UI problems on Windows HDPI systems
Prevent null reference exception in packages pane with active filter + packrat
Allow JSON as text file type in the editor
Only hide object files (e.g.
in Files pane when in package src directory
Ensure cursor is always visible after source navigation
Server: Ensure that LANG is populated from system default when not inherited
Server: Provide required domain socket permissions during startup
IE 11: Strip unprintable unicode characters in Rmd front matter dates
Only filter object file listings in ‘src’ directory
Fix crash in R tokenizer when source files have binary 0xFFF
Correctly navigate to package inst/include directory for template errors
Fix visual debugging issues when code isn’t saved in system encoding
Fix compilation errors that occurred as a result of GCC concept checks
Persist last size setting in Save Plot as PDF dialog
R 3.2: Specify .Platform$pkgType when installing binary package archives
Next generation of R Markdown based on
Create HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents as well as
New markdown syntax including expanded support for tables, definition lists, and bibliographies
A responsive (multi-device friendly) and themeable HTML template based on
Include raw LaTeX within markdown for advanced customization of PDF output
Use Shiny with R Markdown to create interactive documents
Compile HTML, PDF, or MS Word notebooks from R scripts
See the
rmarkdown website
package for more details
Option to preview R Markdown HTML in Viewer Pane
Enhancements to HTML previewing for presentation authoring
Previewing for MS Word and PDF output
Added Run Previous Chunks command (Ctrl+Alt+P)
Keyboard shortcut for Knit is now Ctrl+Shift+K
Debugging Tools
Support for R 3.1 advanced stepping commands (step into and finish loop)
Allow viewing and stepping through functions that don’t have source-refs (via deparse)
Improved support for debugging outside of functions including stepping inside loops
Integrated support for
New devtools mode for package development (uses devtools for check, document, test, etc.)
Keyboard shortcuts for Test (Ctrl+Shift+T) and Document (Ctrl+Shift+D)
Package listing is now grouped by library
Pick default save location for files based on type (e.g. R, src, man, etc.)
Don’t write HTML output when previewing package Rmd or md documentation
Shiny Development
Run and debug Shiny applications directly within the IDE
Launch applications and reload changes on the fly using Run/Reload command (Ctrl+Enter)
Automatically close Shiny application windows on interrupt/exit
Integrated support for publishing applications to
Source Editor
Keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+M) for magrittr pipe operator (%>%)
Find from selection keyboard shortcut (Mac: Cmd+E, Windows/Linux: Ctrl+F3)
Execute Current Section command (Mac: Cmd+Option+T, Windows/Linux: Ctrl+Alt+T)
Syntax highlighting modes for XML, YAML, SQL, Python, and shell scripts.
Command to execute Python and shell scripts (Ctrl+Shift+Enter)
New Extract Variable code refactoring (thanks to Dirk Schumacher)
Miscellaneous improvements to R and C++ syntax highlighting (thanks to Kevin Ushley)
Execute R code from the Source Viewer using Ctrl+Enter
Option to automatically strip whitespace at the end of lines
Option to ensure that R source files always end with newline
Always use tabs for indentation in Makefile and Makevars
Enable save command immediately for new documents
RStudio Server
Support for Internet Explorer 10 and 11
Improved satellite window reactivation (e.g. version control, preview, etc.)
Improved location and refresh header re-writing for localhost proxy
r-cran-repos option now works consistently and overrides user CRAN option
Fix completion window dismissal issue in Ubuntu Chrome
Compatibility with RHEL/CentOS 7
Pro: Load balancing for increased capacity and high availability
Pro: Allocate cores and set scheduler priority and resource limits per user or group
Pro: Run a different version of R per user or group
Pro: Optionally forward credentials to PAM sessions (e.g. for issuing Kerberos tickets)
Pro: New config options to disable access to various features
Pro: Migrate Google Accounts support to OAuth 2.0 interface
Pro: Login as user link now works correctly when running behind proxies
Pro: Updated embedded nginx to 1.6.2
Pro: Prevent use of SSLv3 protocol
Pro: Compatibility with SLES 11 (SP1, SP2, and SP3)
Viewer: History, Zoom, and Export commands for static HTML widgets
Publish to RPubs from Plots and Viewer panes
Keyboard shortcut quick reference (Mac: Option+Shift+K, Windows/Linux: Alt+Shift+K)
Mac: Overlay project name on RStudio Dock icon when multiple projects are open
Mac: Added New Window command to RStudio Dock icon
Mac: Show help PDFs in Preview rather than in an internal window
Mac: Correct handling of file downloads from help pane
Mac: Direct /usr/bin/gnutar to /usr/bin/tar if necessary on Mavericks
Mac: Updated code signing method for OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Mac: Remove duplicated PATH entries on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Mac: Eliminate checkbox animation in dialog boxes on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Windows: Automatically adapt typefaces for for high-dpi displays
Linux: Improved Ubuntu font rendering (spacing for monospace, font face for proportional)
Linux: Don’t link to R BLAS and LAPACK on RedHat/Fedora (R 3.1 compatibility)
Git/SVN menu on global toolbar with commands for active file and project
Added history, zoom, and export for static HTML widgets in Viewer pane
View/Blame on GitHub commands for GitHub projects (file or selection driven)
Display current Git branch in main window title
Added stringsAsFactors and options to Import Dataset
Restore previously entered input to console after executing commands
Increase limit on active plots from 30 to 100
Added documentation on which version rstudio package functions were introduced
Updated GWT library to version 2.6.0
Updated pdf.js for improved performance and fidelity of PDF preview
R 3.2: Use new API for accessing tools::httpdPort
R 3.2: Support for Rtools 3.2
Disable spell checking and auto-correction in text entry fields
Fix debugger line highlighting for functions invoked with :: at the console
Fix for package breakpoints set after library() sometimes missing srcrefs
Fix cursor positioning on OS X when CJK characters are present
Handle Windows junctions (soft links) in the Files Pane
Correctly scale satellite windows in Windows high DPI mode
Prevent slowdown in scrolling and editing for large Rmd and Sweave files
Preserve working directory when restarting R while not in a project
Fix for intermittent R Pubs upload failures
Environment: prevent view of large data frames from collapsing on update
Packages: Don’t check dependency status when repos = NULL
Packages: Respect repository option already set from .Rprofile
Packages: Don’t use –with-keep.source for R < 2.14
Plots: fix issues with copy plot to clipboard on OS X
Plots: prevent spurious warnings when rendering plots from already closed device
Help: handle internal redirects from R help correctly on Windows & Linux
Server: Fix issue which caused extra bytes at end of some file uploads
Server: Prevent freeze when concurrently reading both ends of proxied websocket
Server: Enable loading of IDE within an iframe in Firefox
Server: Don’t remove /usr/[s]bin soft links during upgrades
Server: Fix python egg cache issue with metrics script
Server: Ensure helper processes run as server user and terminate with parent
Server: Fix completion window dismissal issue in Ubuntu Chrome
Mac: Correctly detect OS X command line tools on OS X Yosemite
Mac: Prevent extra line from being copied in Safari 8
Prevent loading of videos in HTML Preview (caused crashes in some configurations)
Respect ‘whole word’ option in source editor replace operations
Eliminate compiler errors when building on Ubuntu 14.04
Correctly recognize application/xml as a text file type in the source editor
Prevent crash which occurred after opening a QtWebKit web inspector
Prevent error messages during session termination
Fix for Windows crash when ESC key pressed at startup
Fix for installing packages when repos option is an unnamed vector
Debugging Tools
Set breakpoints within the source editor, both inside and outside functions
View object values and call stack during debugging
Step through code line by line
Error inspector for quick access to tracebacks and debugger after runtime errors
Integration with traditional R debugging tools, such as
For more information see
Debugging with RStudio
Environment Pane
Browse any environment on the search path
Filtering by name/value
Expand lists, data frames, and S4 objects inline
for displaying object values
Optional grid view sortable by various attributes
Many other small correctness and robustness enhancements
R Presentations
Easy authoring of HTML5 presentations based on
R Markdown
Extensive support for authoring and previewing inside the IDE
Many options for customizing layout and appearance
Easily published as either a standalone HTML file or to
For more information see
Authoring R Presentations
Source Editor
Use Rcpp template by default for new C++ files
Add code folding for markdown headings/sections
Option to not restore source documents when re-opening projects
Preserve open source documents when underlying project directory is moved
Ability to execute roxygen example code via Cmd/Ctrl+Enter
Change fold/unfold all keyboard shortcut to use ‘O’ rather than ‘0’
Automatically insert a newline at the end of R scripts when executing the last line in the file
Don’t advance cursor after execute code if there is a selection
Detect and provide notification when editing readonly files (Linux and OSX only)
TeX syntax highlighting for .dtx and .ins files
Allow opening application/postscript files in the editor
Scroll to cursor when reactivating the source pane via the keyboard shortcut
Improve clarity of error message for moved or deleted source files
R code automatic indentation now adapts to alternate indentations on subsequent lines
Execute multi-line statements even when line delimiter is plain
Control+Enter can now execute commands in the console
Allow Esc key to interrupt the console even if used when focus is in the source editor
Scroll to cursor when reactivating the console via the keyboard shortcut
User option to disable the Packages pane (useful if there are hundreds of packages installed)
Environment variable (RSTUDIO_DISABLE_PACKAGES) that can be used to entirely disable the Packages pane.
Build packages using –with-keep-source by default
Correctly set LC_COLLATE for roxygenize (now works the same as devtools)
Automatically focus console after devtools Load All command
knitr 1.2 is now the minimum required version
Higher fidelity parsing of knitr error messages
MathJax compatability mode for IE 10
Correctly base64 encode images with special characters in their paths
Read the Sweave template from the filesystem (resources/templates/sweave.Rnw)
Update Windows PDF viewer to Sumatra PDF v2.4
Viewer Pane
New Viewer pane for viewing local web content within RStudio
Works with files written to the R session temporary directory or arbitrary localhost URLs
For more information see
Extending RStudio with the Viewer Pane
Replaced Qt with native Cocoa implementation for Mac desktop to improve performance
RStudio can now build on OS X Mavericks with the latest version of XCode
Support the AppNap API on OS X Mavericks to prevent CPU throttling when R is busy
Use domain sockets (Linux/OS X) and named pipes (Windows) for R session communication rather than TCP/IP
Allow R help http server to handle custom URLs directly
Significantly more robust detection of user home paths on Windows
Detect R on OS X even if /usr/bin/R has been deleted
Add option to create projects in a new window
Abilty to create Shiny applications directly from the New Project dialog
Display row.names in data viewer
Compatiblity with Rtools 3.1 (R-devel)
Added previewRd function to RStudio package
Keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+F10) for restarting R session
Don’t add commands to history when Browser> context is active
Limit size of history database file to approximately 1 MB
Move History button to main toolbar for Git VCS
Always use code-search dialog for Go To Function
Treat objects of type data.table and cast_df as data in the environment pane
New RSTUDIO_HTTP_REFERER environment variable for detecting the full client URL in server mode
User option to disable automatic checking for updates to RStudio
Environment variable (RSTUDIO_DISABLE_CHECK_FOR_UPDATES) that can be used to disable automatic checking for updates to RStudio
Improved error message for failure to start due to version mismatch between libR and loaded packages
Disable spell-checking in VCS commit message widget
Add .travis.yml to the whitelist of hidden files displayed in the Files pane
Fix inability to change default working directory on Ubuntu 13.10
Block iframes with remote URLs rather than showing them in a new window
RStudio Server
Localhost URLs (e.g. for Shiny, Rook, or OpenCPU applications) are now automatically proxied back to remote clients on the main server port.
Add upstart script for RedHat/CentOS 6
No longer specify unlimited core size in upstart script
More permissive AA profile during startup (ability to auto-detect R in more locations)
Enhance fidelity of callstacks for client-side errors
Respect X-Forwarded-Proto header required for redirects when running behind SSL proxies
Deprecated rsesssion ulimit options: rsession-memory-limit-mb, rsession-stack-limit-mb, and rsession-process-limit
Changed Chrome close document shortcut to Cmd+Alt+W
Avoid evaluating promises for objects in the workspace
Recognize more object types as datasets (any object of class data.frame)
Fix for browseVignettes function not working in server mode
Prevent spurious console warnings when long vectors appear in the workspace
Recover gracefully from plot export default directory being removed during a session
Track multiple changes within a session to default export plot directory
Ignore YAML front-matter that contains multi-line lists in R Markdown documents
Prevent mis-detection of embedded R chunks in C++ files (space required before R on first line)
Don’t serve http content (javascript:false) when running behind an https proxy
Fix for cursor positioning bug when using Safari 7.0
Clear busy indicator after cancelling update packages
Serve woff fonts with correct mime type (avoids warnings in javascript console)
Ensure that the user’s own group is checked when verifying that a user belongs to a group
Fix for console interrupt button sometimes remaining active even when session is idle
Enable copying of prompt text from within the console
Navigate to help topics based on mouse selection (formerly requried keyboard selection)
Ensure that Git revert requests with no valid files don’t revert all unstaged changes
Prevent RPM upgrade from removing rstudio-server script from /usr/sbin
Fix for some text file types being incorrectly detected as binary on RedHat 5
Detect R location within cmake configuration even when warnings or other spurious output are generated during R startup.
Eliminate warnings which sometimes occurred when initializing default user package library
Eliminate warnings which sometimes occurred when resizing graphics devices
R 3.02 plots now correctly restore during session resume and build and reload
R 3.02 plots that occur in rapid sequence without rendering in the UI now work correctly
Prevent “parameter type mismatch” error when using manipulate
Prevent error messages which could occur when restarting R from an already suspended session
Package Development
This release includes a variety of tools to support R package development, including:
A new Build tab with various package development commands and a view of build output and errors
Build and Reload command that rebuilds the package and reloads it in a fresh R session
Incremental reload is very fast and preserves the state of the previous R session, providing quick turnarounds and much more interactive workflow for package development
Additional commands for checking packages and building source and binary packages
Ability to create a new package based on existing R source files
There are also a number of features aimed at making it easier to write R documentation:
Preview and optional automatic preview on save for Rd files
Spell-checking for Rd files
Syntax highlighting, code-completion, and re-flowing for
Ability to automatically invoke Roxygen prior to package builds
There is also integration with the
package, including:
Load All command and keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+L) that calls
All package installations respect the development library established by
Automatic restoration of
when reloading and restarting R sessions
This release includes many new features to support seamless R and C++ integration using
, including:
Syntax highlighting for C/C++
Quick navigation to gcc errors and warnings
Support for
Rcpp Attributes
Command w/ keyboard shortcut for
Editor support for embedded R code chunks in C++ source files
Automatic calls to
for package builds
New project option to create “Package w/Rcpp”
Automatic unloading of Windows dynamic libraries before package builds
Editor support for Rcpp code chunks in R Markdown
Source Editor
Find and Replace improvements:
Incremental search
Find/Replace in selection
Backwards find
Options for whole word and wrap
Automatic indentation improvements:
Full support for auto-indent in Sweave/knitr code chunks
More intelligent handling of closing braces
Recognize operators (e.g. ‘+’ for ggplot) as expression continuations
Option to control whether function arguments are vertically aligned
Option to disable auto-indent after pasting code into editor
editing mode
suite of editor themes
Surround selected text with quote/brace/paren/etc. on key input
Jump to matching brace/param (Ctrl+P)
New options: show whitespace, show indent guides, non-blinking cursor
Advance to next line after executing a selection from the editor
Significantly improved file-type detection (automatically open all files detected as text)
More intelligent history navigation with up/down arrow keys
Confirm if attempting to quit while R console is busy
Improved auto-scroll behavior in the console
Option to focus console after executing code from editor
Send interrupt for ESC key even if server doesn’t appear to be busy
Display error output in distinct color for TextMate theme (and some others)
Plot zoom window improvements:
Automatically refreshes with plots pane
Remembers and restores it’s size (within each session)
Use bg=transparent option for plots to RStudio device
Always use native R png device with cairo bitmapType on Linux
Default plot export dialogs to current size of plots pane
Option to use cairo_pdf for PDF plot export on platforms where it is available
Set useDingbats = FALSE for PDF plot export (for compatibility with broader set of PDF viewers)
Compatibility with R Graphics Engine version 10 (R-devel)
Install Packages dialog can now install both source and binary packages
Warn and offer optional restart when updating packages that are currently loaded
Display package version and tooltip indicating which library they are installed in
Option to use RStudio CRAN mirror (Amazon S3/CloudFront)
Install rstudio and manipulate packages in default user library (R 3.0)
New option to control whether hidden objects are removed in Clear All
Confirm prior to editing large (length >= 100) workspace objects
Call read.csv directly when possible in import dataset (compatibility with spreadsheets exported as CSV from LibreOffice)
Custom workspace display for ore.frame objects
Treat objects of type data.table and cast_df as data
Added a Log button to the HTML preview window for reviewing the compilation log
Changed insert chunk keyboard shortcut to Cmd+Alt+I
Enable syntax highlighting inside of Markdown lists
Add docs on inline R code to markdown quick reference
Markdown rendering no longer performs a hard wrap for newlines
Ignore Pandoc title blocks and YAML front-matter when rendering markdown
Don’t use new window to open links from Markdown generated HTML documents
Parse new knitr error message format for enhanced R error diagnostics
Removed stitch notebook option
Append rather than prepend /opt/local/bin to path (prefer MacTeX over MacPorts Tex)
Explicitly pass file encoding to Sweave and knitr
Compatibility with R 3.0
Ability to specify a global UI zoom-level
Improved keyboard navigation for the Help pane (Ctrl+F, incremental search)
Show directory disambiguater when multiple projects in the MRU share the same name
Support for OS X Lion full screen mode
Add Ctrl+Q shortcut for quit on Windows on Linux
Change replace and find keyboard shortcut to Cmd+Shift+J
Change Chrome close window shortcut to Cmd+Shift+Z
Preface Alt keyboard shortcuts on the Mac with Cmd (international keyboard compatibility)
Preference to control whether –internet2 is enabled on Windows
Find in files search pattern defaults to current selection
Remember find in files search scope (per-project) across sessions
RSTUDIO environment variable is set at startup (for detecting RStudio within .Rprofile)
New ‘rstudio’ package with versionInfo and diagnosticsReport functions
Change Windows stack size to 20MB (was 10MB in v0.96)
Sign Windows installer using Authenticode
More robust handling of errors that occur during quit
Reduce error option related overhead of calls from C++ to R
Remove legacy 32MB minimum memory limit
New Restart R and Terminate R commands
More graceful recovery if the underlying R session crashes or is unable to start
Diagnostic tools for troubleshooting startup and configuration problems
Prohibit opening binary files in the source editor
Improved detection of invalid or too-large source files at startup
Prevent OS X freeze which occurs when more than one modal dialog shows at startup.
Use Recycle Bin for file deletion on Windows and OS X
RStudio Server
Suspend now saves and restores .libPaths and environment variables
Suspend now correctly handles packages loaded from a custom lib.loc
Option to automatically re-execute .Rprofile on session resume
Automatic installation of dependencies on Debian/Ubuntu using gdebi
Fix execute rule conflict with AppArmor base abstraction
Ability to discover R in non-standard filesystem locations
Don’t allow console width to be set to an invalid value
Correct default project file name for project directories containing a period
Remove files from MRU list if an error occurs while opening them
Recognize .q and .s files as R source files
Show forward and back buttons for Rmd and Rnw source documents
Enable shell escape option for LaTeX now works correctly on Windows
Fix for execute current/next chunk not working in certain cursor states
Code folding keyboard shortcuts now work for non-top level code blocks
Correctly display next/previous tab shortcuts on Linux
Advance to empty line after executing last line in the document
Yank (Ctrl+U) shortcut now works as intended on all platforms
Prevent selection of user-interface elements (only text can be selected)
Ensure that serialization progress always appears above global toolbar
Restore focus to editor after switching file types
Restore focus to main window after open/save dialogs are dismissed
Ensure that Git/SVN and document preview windows correctly reactivate in Chrome
Use correct SVN directory even when working directory changes
Set locale correctly on OS X (including respecting locale preferences)
Set R_ARCH in multi-arch builds of R for OS X
Print warning when running against MacPorts R that is compiled without aqua/quartz
When scanning for R script don’t treat /usr/bin/R as a script if it’s actually a directory
Fix OS X crashes that occurred sporadically for some list boxes in the options dialog
Don’t prevent application exit when errors occur while reverting source documents
Don’t show plot preview if it’s larger than available screen space
Prevent simultaneous display of message box and update dialog
Ctrl+W can now closes the plot zoom window
Use correct parameters to ensure a valid EPS file is exported
Show correct number of variables in data viewer
Automatically hide history popup panel when clicking away from it
Correctly handle package status when multiple versions of packages are installed
Update status of packages even when they are hidden by a filter
Don’t call packageVersion for compatibility with R 2.11.1
RShowDoc type=html now works correctly on Windows
browseURL can now open HTML documents now prefaced by the file:// protocol
browseURL in desktop mode no longer performs additional URL encoding
Ensure that PDF preview works even when concordance isn’t available
Display search results when looking up help term with more than one matching symbol
PDF links now open correctly from the Help pane
Always use bundled gnu grep on windows (rather than other versions of grep that might be in the path)
Eliminate upstart and AppArmor mis-detection on Debian testing
Prevent freeze when loading large line-wrapped source files on Chrome for Linux
Spell checking for Sweave and TeX documents.
Integrated PDF previewer that supports two-way synchronization (
) between the editor and PDF view.
Support for weaving Rnw files using the
package (requires knitr version 0.5 or higher).
Parsing of TeX error logs to extract errors, warnings, and bad boxes and present them in a navigable list.
Web Publishing
Editing and previewing R Markdown and R HTML files (like Sweave except for web pages).
Creation of easy to distribute standalone HTML files (with embedded images).
Support for including LaTeX and MathML equations in web pages using
Source Editing
Find in files with regular expressions.
Code folding (expanding and collapsing regions of code).
0.96.331 — August 27th, 2012
Fix issue with git console flashing on windows
0.96.330 — August 6th, 2012
Retina display font rendering for new MacBook Pro
Add Ctrl+R as a shortcut for Run Code on Windows
Improved window restoration behavior (especially for multi-monitor configurations)
Prevent console from flickering after it has been cleared
Always initialize projects even while the underlying filesystem doesn’t support locking
Never overwrite exiting project file when creating a new project
Ensure that source-on-save setting is always respected
Source documents no longer marked as dirty if they are changed while RStudio is closed
Find in Files updated to work correctly with OS X 10.8 grep
RStudio Server compatibility with Safari 6
0.96.316 — June 29th, 2012
Ability to define custom markdown rendering function to override default handling
HTML preview improvements: set focus on load, preserve anchor when refreshing
New notebook types based on calling knitr::stitch and knitr::silk
No longer require \ escape for MathJax native equations
Syntax highlighting mode for C/C++
Use current project directory as default for save as dialog
Fix for narrowing of console width after external PDF preview
0.96.304 — June 8th, 2012
Added Create Notebook for quick reports from R scripts
Support for wider variety of equation delimiters
0.96.233 — June 7th, 2012
Rebuild from correct v0.96 branch
0.96.231 — June 5th, 2012
Fix publish to RPubs on Windows
0.96.230 — June 4th, 2012
Support for publishing markdown documents to RPubs
0.96.228 — May 26th, 2012
Fix symbol lookup incompatibility with R-devel
0.96.227 — May 25th, 2012
Introduce more explicit syntax for equation embedding to eliminate parsing ambiguities
Update docs to reflect no current support for ASCIIMath equations
0.96.225 — May 23rd, 2012
Comment/Uncomment for LaTeX and Sweave files
Call Sweave/knitr with –no-save and –no-restore (rather than –vanilla)
Default to calling pdflatex or xelatex directly (rather than using texi2dvi)
Don’t spell-check cite* or bibitem commands
Create new documents using a basic template that documents R Markdown syntax
Eliminate table borders in Markdown CSS
Improved document title detection
Added documentation on R code blocks to Markdown quick reference
Use a local version of MathJax for previews (enabling MathJax preview even when offline)
Use SVG for local MathJax previews on the Mac (but still publish as HTML/CSS)
Allow embedding multiple inline equations on a single line
Allow inline equation definitions to span across multiple lines
Only include HTML-CSS options in local preview mode
Link to the https version of the MathJax scripts in generated HTML file
Source Editing
Changed Comment/Uncomment shortcut to Ctrl+Shift+C
Fixed issue with clipboard shortcuts on Japanese keyboard layouts
Fixed inability to enter braces in international keyboard layouts on the Mac
Execute current function now works (fixed regression)
Developer ID code signing for Mac
Add libjpeg62 dependency for Ubuntu 12.04
Fix symbol lookup incompatibility with R-devel
Prevent console access by forked child processes
0.96.122 — May 14th, 2012
Sweave / knitr
Spell checking for Sweave and TeX documents.
Integrated PDF previewer that supports two-way synchronization (
) between the editor and PDF view.
Support for weaving Rnw files using the
package (requires knitr version 0.5 or higher).
Parsing of TeX error logs to extract errors, warnings, and bad boxes and present them in a navigable list.
Chunk option auto-complete, chunk folding, jump to chunk, and iterative execution of chunks.
Compilation based on multiple input files (support for specifying a root TeX document) .
TeX formatting commands, block comment/uncomment, and various new compilation options.
Web Publishing
Editing and previewing R Markdown and R HTML files (like Sweave except for web pages).
Creation of easy to distribute standalone HTML files (with embedded images).
Support for including LaTeX and MathML equations in web pages using
Source Editing
Find in files with regular expressions.
Code folding (expanding and collapsing regions of code).
Automatic comment reflowing (Cmd+Shift+/).
Smart editing of Roxygen comments.
Syntax highlighting for Markdown, HTML, Javascript, and CSS files.
New font customization options.
Fixed incompatibility with Winbind for PAM authentication.
Fixed editor cursor off by one line problem that occurred after rapid scrolling.
Updated to Qt 4.8: required for PDF viewer and to fix OS X Lion trackpad scrolling issue (however as a result 32-bit Mac systems and OS X 10.5 are no longer supported).
RStudio 0.95.265
Date: 2012-04-05
Fix R 2.15 startup problem when libraries with missing dependencies are loaded in .Rprofile
0.95.263 — March 15th, 2012
Shortcuts no longer disabled after showing SVN commit dialog
0.95.262 — February 28th, 2012
Fix JPEG, TIFF, and BMP plot exporting for R 2.14 on OS X
0.95.261 — February 15th, 2012
Source Editor
Bypass corrupt source documents on startup
0.95.258 — January 31st, 2012
Version Control
Git https authentication now works on Mac OS X
Fix for startup problems when a pane layout includes only a (hidden) Git or SVN panel
Fixed various issues with project paths containing non-Ascii characters on Windows
Eliminate spurious display of scrollbars for History pane with Ubuntu Mono typeface
Correctly launch Chrome on Windows for external URLs (when it is the default system browser)
0.95.256 — January 25th, 2012
Create projects that enable easy switching between working directories
Each project has its own RStudio context:
R session
Open source documents
Arrangement of panes
Saved workspace (.RData)
All R code within a project is indexed for quick navigation by filename or function
Projects can be bound to version control repositories (Git or Subversion)
File-association for .Rproj files to open projects from the shell
Open multiple instances of RStudio with different projects concurrently
Code Navigation
Quickly navigate to any file or function within a project using typeahead search
Go To Function Definition:
Go to the definition of function currently at the cursor (F2 or Ctrl+Click)
Works for both indexed source code as well as functions defined within packages
Special handling for S3/S4 methods with multiple definitions
Back and Forward commands for quickly traversing navigation contexts (including tab switches)
Version Control
Integrated support for binding projects to Git and Subversion repositories
Git/SVN pane:
View current changelist
Stage or revert changes
Switch branches
Review changes window:
Diff pending changes
Incremental stage/discard of chunks (Git)
All functions from Git/Svn pane also available
History window:
View the history of all changelists (and their associated diffs) for a project
View changelists that affect only a specific file or directory
Filter changelists by subject (Git)
Other New Features
Support for multiple concurrent instances of RStudio
Global toolbar for accessing common file/navigational commands
Source editor improvements:
Jump to Line
Reindent Lines
Automatically re-indent lines on paste
Save All and Close All commands
Immediate refresh of documents changed in external editors
Manipulate package:
Button control
Function to capture mouse coordinates (
Shell command:
Desktop: open system terminal in current directory
Web: open web-based terminal in current directory
Use native Ubuntu monospace and proportional fonts on newer Ubuntu systems (11.10+)
Support for \1..\99 and , n regex search & replace
Correctly highlight variables which include dot (.) in their names
Prevent unmapped command keys on OSX from inserting characters in the editor
Correctly handle context-sensitive help requests for functions which include underscore (_) in their names.
Remove syntax highlighting for strings within LaTeX.
Improve precision of click-selection on variables in the editor
F1-help now works properly for Google Chrome browsers
Don’t auto-insert matching quotes for string-terminating quotes
Disable quote-matching in Roxygen comments
Fix cursor-position issues in soft-wrapped documents
Run function definition now works correctly on Windows
Preserve scroll position for History pane across activations
Fix re-rendering of R 2.14 lattice plots after server suspend/resume
data.css is now correctly served when running behind a reverse proxy
Fix Ubuntu 64-bit packaging issue that was introduced in 0.94.109
0.94.110 — October 3rd, 2011
Source Editor
Fix Ubuntu 64-bit packaging issue that was introduced in 0.94.109
0.94.109 — October 3rd, 2011
Source Editor
Fix intermittent problems with autoindent
0.94.106 — September 22nd, 2011
R 2.14
Temporarily disable support for dev.hold / dev.flush (need to buffer flushes to reduce http round trips)
0.94.105 — September 12th, 2011
R 2.14
Support for Graphics Engine v9 (dev.hold, dev.flush, and dev.capabilities)
Parallel package compatibility (corrected problem with child process signal handling)
Eliminate readLines warning (for incomplete last line) from startup and after source of active document
0.94.102 — August 22nd, 2011
Enforce editor file size limits (1MB warning, 5MB absolute limit) in desktop mode
Improved track-pad responsiveness for scrolling on OSX Lion
Use short file name variant for R.home() on Windows
Use privileged mode for PAM authentication on Ubuntu
Correct escaping of apostrophes in settings files
Enable select none button in package update dialog
0.94.92 — July 11th, 2011
Source Editor and Console
Added Source with Echo command (Ctrl-Shift-Enter)
Editor toolbar menu for specifying default source echo behavior
Sourcing of saved files uses file’s path rather than temporary file
Change Run All shortcut to Ctrl-Shift+R and remove from toolbar
All commands from multiline input are recalled by up-arrow
Correctly handle spacing for ampersands within quotes
Fix for misalignment of text with embedded tabs
Correct indentation behavior when in hard tab mode
Improved detection of TeX installation on OS X
Prevent activation of external console window on Windows
Correct state for dev.interactive even when graphics device not yet loaded
Delegate to shell for unknown file types in desktop mode
Eliminate warning messages resulting from display of bquote assignments in workspace
Skip reading of .DS_Store files in source database directory
Prevent crash when timestamp is called from .Rprofile on Windows
0.94.82 — June 15th, 2011
Source Editor and Console
Run code:
Run all lines in source file
Run to current line
Run from current line
Redefine current function
Re-run previous region
Code is now run line-by-line in the console
Brace, paren, and quote matching
Improved cursor placement after newlines
Support for regex find and replace
Optional syntax highlighting for console input
Press F1 for help on current selection
Function navigation / jump to function
Column and line number display
Manually set/switch document type
New themes: Solarized and Solarized Dark
Improved image export:
Formats: PNG, JPEG, TIFF, SVG, BMP, Metafile, and Postscript
Dynamic resize with preview
Option to maintain aspect ratio when resizing
Copy to clipboard as bitmap or metafile
Improved PDF export:
Specify custom sizes
Preview before exporting
Remove individual plots from history
Resizable plot zoom window
History tab synced to loaded .Rhistory file
New commands:
Load and save history
Remove individual items from history
Clear all history
New options:
Load history from working directory or global history file
Save history always or only when saving .RData
Remove duplicate entries in history
Shortcut keys for inserting into console or source
Check for package updates
Filter displayed packages
Install multiple packages
Remove packages
New options:
Install from repository or local archive file
Target library
Install dependencies
Find text within help topic
Sort file listing by name, type, size, or modified
Set working directory based on source file, files pane, or browsed for directory.
Console titlebar button to view current working directory in files pane
Source file menu command
Replace space and dash with dot (.) in import dataset generated variable names
Add decimal separator preference for import dataset
Added .tar.gz (Linux) and .zip (Windows) distributions for non-admin installs
Read /etc/paths.d on OS X to ensure RStudio has the same path as terminal sessions do
Added manifest to rsession.exe to prevent unwanted program files and registry virtualization
Break PAM auth into its own binary for improved compatibility with 3rd party PAM authorization modules.
Ensure that AppArmor profile is enforced even after reboot
Ability to add custom LD library path for all sessions
Improved R discovery:
Use which R then fallback to scanning for R script
Run R discovery unconfined then switch into restricted profile
Default to uncompressed save.image output if the administrator or user hasn’t specified their own options (improved suspend/resume performance)
Ensure all running sessions are automatically updated during server version upgrade
Added verify-installation command to rstudio-server utility for easily capturing configuration and startup related errors
Undo to unedited state clears now dirty bit
Extract function now captures free variables used on lhs
Selected variable highlight now visible in all themes
Syncing to source file updates made outside of RStudio now happens immediately at startup and does not cause a scroll to the bottom of the document.
Fixed various issues related to copying and pasting into word processors
Fixed incorrect syntax highlighting issues in .Rd files
Make sure font size for printed source files matches current editor setting
Eliminate conflict with Ctrl+F shortcut key on OS X
Zoomed Google Chrome browser no longer causes cursor position to be off
Don’t prevent opening of unknown file types in the editor
Fixed sporadic missing underscores (and other bottom clipping of text) in console
Make sure console history is never displayed offscreen
Page Up and Page Down now work properly in the console
Substantially improved console performance for both rapid output and large quantities of output
Install successfully on Windows with special characters in home directory name
make install more tolerant of configurations where it can’t write into /usr/share
Eliminate spurious stderr output in forked children of multicore package
Ensure that file modified times always update in the files pane after a save
Always default to installing packages into first writeable path of .libPaths()
Ensure that LaTeX log files are always preserved after compilePdf
Fix conflicts with zap function from epicalc package
Eliminate shortcut key conflicts with Ubuntu desktop workspace switching shortcuts
Always prompt when attempting to save files of the same name
Maximized main window now properly restored when reopening RStudio
PAM authorization works correctly even if account has password expiration warning
Correct display of manipulate panel when Plots pane is on the left
Source editor enhancements
We’ve added some new features & options to the source editor. We’ve also received lots of feedback on more advanced capabilities users want in the editor and we will definitely address this in upcoming releases. New stuff in the editor includes:
Highlight all instances of selected text
Insert spaces for tabs (soft-tabs)
Customizable print margin line
Selected line highlight
Toggle line numbers on/off
Optional soft-wrapping for R source files
The docs on
source code editing options
include more details.
Customizable layout and appearance
One of the most frequently requested features we’ve have is the ability to put the Console and Source views side-by-side. This configuration (and others) are now possible. New appearance and layout options include:
Customize locations of panes and tabs
Change default font size for code views
Select from various editor themes including TextMate, Eclipse, and others.
For more details see the docs on
appearance and layout options
Interactive plotting (manipulate)
This release includes a package called manipulate that can be use to create interactive plots within RStudio. Manipulate is very flexible and includes the following capabilities:
Generate plots with inputs bound to custom controls (rather than being hard-coded to a single value)
Variety of control types including slider, picker, and checkbox.
Controls appear next to the plot and can be easily shown and hidden
More details as well as screenshots with examples can be found in the
manipulate documentation
Works with R installed from source
The first beta of RStudio was compatible with the binary version of R distributed from CRAN. The current release works with any version of R, including:
R built and installed from source using make install
MacPorts or Homebrew versions of R on MacOS X
The docs on
using different versions of R
describe how RStudio determines which R to run against on each platform.
Character encoding
In this release we’ve significantly improved handling of non-ASCII characters, this includes:
Unicode characters can be used for input and output in the console.
The source editor supports Unicode characters and can open/save files using any character encoding.
A product-wide default encoding can be set, and can be overridden on a per-document basis.
See the
character encoding
documentation for more details.
Improved management of working directories
We’ve added a number of new features to make it easier to switch between working contexts located in different directories. These include:
Option to specify a default initial working directory
Tools - Change Working Dir menu command to change both the working directory and Files pane.
Optional file associations for .RData and .R that initialize RStudio within the opened file’s directory
Windows: Startup in working directory specified for shortcuts
Mac: Startup in folder dragged and dropped on RStudio Dock icon
Linux: Startup in terminal working directory when run from the command line
The docs on
working directories and workspaces
go into more depth on these features.
Other Enhancements
Recognize haracter in console so that txtProgressBar works as expected
Lift restrictions on size of console input which can be sent to R (was 4K total, is now 4K per line)
Jump to next non-blank line in source after executing via Ctrl-Enter
Source Editing
Improved size and legibility of default fonts on Windows & Linux
New keyboard shortcuts:
Alt- for inserting assignment (“<-”) operator.
Ctrl+Shift+Home/End for select to start/end
Ctrl+Shift+P for Compile PDF
Add “return” to list of symbols syntax highlighted as a keyword
Compatible with R 2.11.1 on Mac (previously required R 2.12)
Added CFBundleSignature to Mac version
Correctly initialize memory.limit to available physical memory on 64-bit Windows
Ensure that R uses Internet2 on Windows for interoperability with proxy servers.
Compatibility with changes to the R 2.13 internal web server (pass headers to custom handlers).
Allow RStudio desktop to run under root account
Improved support for openSUSE (still requires install from source):
Added install-dependencies-zypper script
Added init.d script for daemon management
Packaging and Installation
Added RStudio.version function to show current version of RStudio
Changed name of RStudio binary from rdesktop to rstudio (avoid conflict with existing rdesktop binary)
Added /usr/bin/rstudio soft-link
Change DEB and RPM dependency on base R package to “recommends” rather than “depends”
Made it more straightforward to install from source:
Eliminated git pull requirement (can now build directly from tarball)
Optionally use system package manager installed versions of Qt4 & Boost
Added Tools menu with Interrupt R, Change Working Dir, and Options commands.
Add support for loading .rda files into Workspace.
Improved file icons including new custom icons for Rnw and Rd files.
Respect both R_USER and HOME environment variables for determining location of R home directory
Render plot changes on calls to Sys.sleep (enables animated plots)
Workaround Ubuntu TeX ~ substitution bug by using pdflatex rather than texi2dvi
Workspace restored message prints at startup even if no workspace was restored
Numeric keypad Enter and navigation keys not correctly interpreted by console
Esc key not always correctly interpreted when attempting to exit from incomplete command.
Source Editing
Source pane can become fully selected and impossible to unselect.
Control-Enter to execute sometimes results in selection not updating properly
Jump to Word (Ctrl+Right) doesn’t navigate past ‘[’ character.
Ctrl+Backspace doesn’t delete previous word on Windows
Characters illegible when Lucida Grande is installed on Mac systems
Active tab in source mode sometimes hidden or partially obscured
Control+S repeats last Undo/Redo on Firefox 3.6
Print from source view not working in Firefox 4
Eliminate key binding conflicts for international keyboard layouts
Incorrect shortcut key displayed in tooltip for Run from source commands
Variables with dots (“.”) in their names not highlighting on double-click.
Graphics device not reselected after closing other device (e.g. pdf or png device)
X11 device and rgl package not working properly on on Mac.
Save as PNG command not working on Linux
Re-entrant plot rendering routine causes crash for plots which take a long time to be rendered.
plotmath expressions not rendered correctly
Plot history can grow arbitrarily large and cause disk/memory problems.
rJava package not working on Linux due to incomplete LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Not always correctly detecting whether TeX is installed
Dependency on psmisc package not specified for RStudio Server
Incorrect file association for download of RPM on Fedora
Failed to start when running behind some proxy server configurations.
Unable to initialize from .Rhistory file that is owned by root
Exit delay of 2-3 seconds in Mac version
Crash when custom gtk theme contains missing or invalid images for standard icons
Unresponsiveness when viewing extremely large data frames
Conflicting RStudio instances running in parallel if launched from different executable paths