双边滤波器(bilateral filter,LBF),然而BF的权值是不稳定的,因此在边缘附近会出现一些翻转。此外BF计算复杂度是O(r^2);为了改善BF权值的稳定性,引入了
联合双边滤波器(joint bilateral filter ,LBF)。两者之间的差别就是JBF用了一个导向图作为值域权重的计算依据。下面我们通过数学公式展示二者的不同:
Image analysis and enhancement tasks such as tone mapping, colorization, stereo depth, and photomontage, often require computing
a solution (e.g., for exposure, chromaticity, disparity, labels) over
the pixel grid. Computational and memory costs often require that
a smaller solution be run over a downsampled image. Although
general purpose upsampling methods can be used to interpolate the
low resolution solution to the full resolution, these methods generally assume a smoothness prior for the interpolation.
We demonstrate that in cases, such as those above, the available
high resolution input image may be leveraged as a prior in the context of a joint bilateral upsampling procedure to produce a better
high resolution solution.