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Hi CAP Experts,

today I ran into the following error while using the draft capabilities of CAP.
Consider the following simplified setup to reproduce the issue


namespace com.sap.ibso;
using { cuid } from '@sap/cds/common';
entity Person : cuid {
    name : String;
    addresses : Composition of many Person2Address on addresses.person = $self;
entity Person2Address {
    // the below split of properties into *_ID and separate Association field is required to workaround the following error
    // { [Error: SQLITE_ERROR: no such column: person] errno: 1, code: 'SQLITE_ERROR', query: 'SELECT * FROM PersonService_Person2Addresses_drafts ALIAS_1 WHERE person = ?' }
    key person : Association to Person;
    key address : Association to Address;
    key person_ID : UUID;
    person : Association to Person on person.ID = person_ID;
    key address_ID : UUID;
    address : Association to Address on address.ID = address_ID;
entity Address : cuid {
    street : String;
    city : String;
    persons : Association to many Person2Address on persons.address = $self;




using { com.sap.ibso as entities } from '../db/person';
annotate PersonService.Persons with @odata.draft.enabled;
service PersonService @(path : '/person') {
    entity Persons as projection on entities.Person;
    entity Person2Addresses as projection on entities.Person2Address;
    entity Addresses as projection on entities.Address;

Then I execute the following sequence of http request, like a Fiori Elements UI would use to create the corresponding entity instance(s).
Remark: the client.test(...) section simply takes the value of the ID property from the response and saves it in a environment variable to be used by the subsequent requests with {{person_ID}}

POST http://localhost:4004/person/Persons
Content-Type: application/json
    client.test("Response contains ID", function() {
        client.global.set("person_ID", response.body.ID);
PATCH http://localhost:4004/person/Persons(ID={{person_ID}},IsActiveEntity=false)
Content-Type: application/json
{ "name": "John Doe" }
POST http://localhost:4004/person/Persons(ID={{person_ID}},IsActiveEntity=false)/addresses
Content-Type: application/json
{ "address_ID": "45fcd28d-5038-4c5b-b74d-f811b054e2cf" }
POST http://localhost:4004/person/Persons(ID={{person_ID}},IsActiveEntity=false)/PersonService.draftPrepa...
Content-Type: application/json
{ "SideEffectsQualifier": "" }
POST http://localhost:4004/person/Persons(ID={{person_ID}},IsActiveEntity=false)/PersonService.draftActiv...
Content-Type: application/json

On the last request which should activate the draft instance(s) to "real" instance(s), I get a response with status code 500 Internal Server Error and the following response body

{"error":{"code":"500","message":"SQLITE_ERROR: near \"address_ID\": syntax error"}}

while the "cds run --in-memory"-log shows the following

[cds] - POST /person/Persons
[cds] - PATCH /person/Persons(ID=941d4010-c57c-4399-b68c-ae343d6ec260,IsActiveEntity=false)
[cds] - POST /person/Persons(ID=941d4010-c57c-4399-b68c-ae343d6ec260,IsActiveEntity=false)/addresses
[cds] - POST /person/Persons(ID=941d4010-c57c-4399-b68c-ae343d6ec260,IsActiveEntity=false)/PersonService.draftPrepare
[cds] - POST /person/Persons(ID=941d4010-c57c-4399-b68c-ae343d6ec260,IsActiveEntity=false)/PersonService.draftActivate
[2020-12-08T10:47:28.369Z | ERROR | 1580937]: { [Error: SQLITE_ERROR: near "address_ID": syntax error] errno: 1, code: 'SQLITE_ERROR', query: 'SELECT c.person_ID AS "c_person_ID", c.address_ID AS "c_address_ID", d.DraftUUID AS "d_DraftUUID", true AS "c_IsActiveEntity", filterExpand.ID AS "filterExpand_ID", true AS "filterExpand_IsActiveEntity" FROM PersonService_Person2Addresses c INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM (SELECT a.ID AS ID FROM PersonService_Persons a LEFT JOIN DRAFT_DraftAdministrativeData b ON b.DraftUUID IN ( SELECT DraftAdministrativeData_DraftUUID FROM PersonService_Persons_drafts WHERE ID = a.ID ) WHERE a.ID = ?)) filterExpand ON ( filterExpand.ID = c.person_ID ) LEFT JOIN DRAFT_DraftAdministrativeData d ON d.DraftUUID IN ( SELECT DraftAdministrativeData_DraftUUID FROM PersonService_Person2Addresses_drafts WHERE person_ID = c.person_ID address_ID = c.address_ID )' }

If I analyse the query shown in the logs, I can see, that there is a logical "and" missing in the last where-clause:

WHERE person_ID = c.person_ID address_ID = c.address_ID

I guess that this query is generated during some kind of CAP internal processing since I don't have any custom service event handler like this.before(...).
Is this actually a bug in the internal sql query generation or is there an issue with my setup?

Thanks and regards

Drafts requires single keys of type UUID (https://cap.cloud.sap/docs/advanced/fiori#draft-for-localized-data)

so basically, you need to set up your Person2Address entity as something like this:

entity Person2Address {
    key ID: UUID
    person_ID : UUID; // I am using String(36) here - don't remember why
    person : Association to Person on person.ID = person_ID;
    address_ID : UUID; // I am using String(36) here - don't remember why
    address : Association to Address on address.ID = address_ID;

Thank you for the quick answer and the wiki link.

Since I already thought that it's related to the composite key, I found your proposed solution on my own.
I consider it rather a workaround instead of a solution, that's why I wanted to ask in the community.

Composite keys on drafts would probably complicate the draft tables and the corresponding draft handling logic. But anyway I wonder why there are no composite keys possible for drafts... are there specific (technical) limitations?

For now I continue with the following solution with the additional unique constraint to avoid duplicate entries.

entity Person2Address @(assert.unique : {
    person2address : [ person, address ]
}) : cuid {
    person  : Association to Person;
    address : Association to Address;

Thanks again

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