  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

I  use a "link to the search" drilldown from a table panel

When I have a look to my xml, I have a lot of special characters

          <link target="_blank">search?q=%60index_mesuresc%60%20sourcetype%3D%22ez%3Acitrix%22&amp;earliest=&amp;latest=</link>

as far as I know, we can use cdata to correct this?

so I dont know how to use cdata tag for not displaying characters

I have tried this but it doesnt works

<link target="_blank"><![CDATA[search?q=%60index_mesuresc%60%20sourcetype%3D%22ez%3Acitrix%22&amp;earliest=&amp;latest=]]></link>

Could you help please?

The link is a URL and has to be encoded as such, for example, spaces are encoded as %20. This is standard for URLs. The URL is "displayed" by the browser in the address bar. Further to this, the string has to be further encoded as the dashboard is SimpleXML, for example, ampersands as encoded as &amp;. This is also standard for XML. Since you have already confirmed that this works, I would go with a functioning solution if I were you.

The link is a URL and has to be encoded as such, for example, spaces are encoded as %20. This is standard for URLs. The URL is "displayed" by the browser in the address bar. Further to this, the string has to be further encoded as the dashboard is SimpleXML, for example, ampersands as encoded as &amp;. This is also standard for XML. Since you have already confirmed that this works, I would go with a functioning solution if I were you.

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