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// Tutorial //

More i18n with Vue: Formatting and Fallbacks

Published on April 1, 2020
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By Jim Toth

More i18n with Vue: Formatting and Fallbacks

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Today we’ll be covering how a number of formatting options available with the vue-i18n plugin for internationalization (i18n). We’ll also be covering how to handle fallbacks when no string is available for a locale. We’ll be using the vue-i18n plugin written by Kazuya Kawaguchi , and this article is building up from this previous one , which introduces using vue-i18n for internationalization (i18n) in Vue.js apps.

vue-i18n provides a number of ways to format your app strings. We can even define a custom formatter if you don’t like the default style. We can also provide fallbacks that are useful when we’re missing strings for a given locale.

App Setup

Formatting Features


Ruby on Rails


Custom Formatting Docs if you’d like to learn more.


Wrapping Up

docs! 🤓

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