Check out this list of free and premium widget libraries for Axure RP created by our community. For more on how to load and create your own libraries in Axure RP, read the
Widget Libraries documentation
If you have built a library that you would like to share, you can
submit your library
We made this library for both mobile and desktop prototyping. It is excellent for you to combine UI and UX designs.
It includes Material Design 2 and the latest Material Design 3.
Created by Svetlin Denkov (light_forger). This library includes 490 icons found in IcoMoon's Free icon pack. The library supports V7's ability to use webfonts. In the .rplib you will find instructions for setup and use of the library and webfont. The glyphs have been successfully tested on variety of mobile devices.
Bring your mobile prototypes to life with the new iPhone Frames Axure Widget library by Axure Market. With a range of unique designs, you can easily customize your creations and create stunning visuals for mobile applications. Get ahead of the game and dazzle your users with these beautiful frames, saving time and money in the process.
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