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/ ˈbrɑː.mɪn / noun US
a member of a group of people who hold a high social position and who are usually well educated, especially people from the northeastern states of the US:
In Florida, the formal Boston Brahmin looks as out of place as a New England pine in the Everglades. 在佛罗里达州,派头十足的波士顿上层人物看起来就像大沼泽地里的新英格兰松树一样与周遭格格不入。
/ ˈdɪg.nə.ter.i / noun
a person who has an important position in a society:
Several foreign dignitaries attended the ceremony. 几位外国要人出席了那个仪式。

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/ grænˈdiː / noun
an important person, especially in a particular job or area of public life
leading light

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/ ˌliː.dɪŋ ˈlaɪt / noun
an important and respected person in a group or organization:
A leading light in/of the art world, she was a close friend of the director. 作为艺术界的重要人物,她曾是导演的亲密朋友。
big name

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/ ˌbɪg ˈneɪm / noun informal
a famous or important person:
Are there any big names in the movie? 这部电影里有大明星吗?

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/ ˈwɑːtʃ ˌlɪst / noun
a list of people or things that must be watched closely, for example because they might be dangerous or in danger, or because you want to see what happens to them:
They were searching for two men on the government's terrorist watch list who they knew had entered the United States. 他们正在搜寻两名政府恐怖分子监视名单上的男子,他们知道这两人已进入美国境内。
flavour of the month phrase UK UK informal
the most popular person at a particular time:
Andy is certainly flavour of the month with the boss. 安迪显然是目前最受老板赏识的人。

(Translation of 人物 from the Cambridge Chinese (Simplified)-English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

(a person who is) involved in or connected with improving people's lives and reducing suffering

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