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Data has a method withUnsafeBytes(_:) which allows you to access its contents through a typed UnsafePointer<T> , where the type T is satisfied by the caller (there's also withUnsafeMutableBytes(_:) that gives you mutable access to the underlying data).

However it's not documented exactly what we're allowed to substitute for the type T . Is the following fairly innocuous looking example well-defined?

import Foundation
let data = Data([0xFF])
let i = data.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr: UnsafePointer<Int8>) in
print(i) // -1

Looking at the source, assumingMemoryBound(to:) is used in order to get the typed pointer to the underlying bytes – however AFAIK that means that T and UInt8 must be both be related types, and UInt8 must be layout compatible with T (and for withUnsafeMutableBytes(_:) this would need to extend to mutual layout compatibility).

From that I would conclude that the above example exhibits undefined behaviour due to the violation of strict aliasing, assuming that Int8 and UInt8 are unrelated types. Is this correct?

If so, it would be great if the documentation for both withUnsafeBytes(_:) and withUnsafeMutableBytes(_:) could be updated to make the user aware of this very easy to fall into pit (especially given the fact the user doesn't always have to spell out the type T explicitly, it can be inferred).

I did notice a proposal from December 2016 that aimed to replace withUnsafeBytes(_:)'s UnsafePointer<T> argument with an UnsafeRawBufferPointer (note the link in the post is broken, you have to expand the body), which I would support – but it was deferred until sometime after Swift 4. Now that we're in the window for Swift 5, would now be a good time to re-visit this proposal?

Strictly speaking, Foundation should probably use withMemoryRebound(to:capacity:) rather than assumingMemoryBound(to:), but that's on us, not the user. It's not supposed to be required for the user to write this, and it should not be documented as a pitfall.

(@Andrew_Trick, @Philippe_Hausler?)

Thanks, though even with withMemoryRebound(to:capacity:), I believe something like this, which still looks fairly innocuous, would be undefined:

let data = Data([0xFF, 0xFF])
let j = data.withUnsafeBytes { (ptr: UnsafePointer<UInt16>) in

as withMemoryRebound requires a type with the same size and alignment. Is it intentional for the above usage of withUnsafeBytes to be undefined? (or is it another case of being an implementation detail?).

Regardless, I really do think the documentation in general for both withUnsafeBytes and withUnsafeMutableBytes needs to be updated specifying what preconditions are needed for the type T in order for them to work in a well-defined manner.

Hamish is right. Thank you for pointing this out.

Data.withUnsafeBytes(_) cannot use withMemoryReboundTo(to:capacity:) because that requires a typed pointer to begin with. Data is a raw byte buffer so has no idea how the memory may have previously been typed.

Originally, the Data.withUnsafeBytes used bindMemory, which avoided undefined
behavior in the above example. (It still encouraged undefined behavior
when using Data(bytesNoCopy:) though). For some reason, that was changed to assumingMemoryBound(to:). I either didn't notice that change or can't remember it.

FYI: here's an open bug on fixing the Foundation.Data API. Feel free to file more, particularly one to change the implementation back to bindMemory!