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I don’t see any recent topics on this forum regarding this book and the repo hasn’t had any activity for over a year. Does anyone know if there are still plans to finish this book.


Yes it is. I have a big update due in a week or so, although I keep pushing it back as I get feedback and make last minute improvements :sweat_smile:

You can check out the update on my staging site:

Discover three.js

All the free chapters have been rewritten. I’ve switched to using modules throughout, and also slightly expanded the book’s scope to discuss software architecture. There are now about 60,000 words in the free section.

All examples have been rewritten to use modules. The goal is now to build up to a real-world, production-ready app, rather than creating tiny experiments.

There’s a custom code editor to replace Codesandbox which was frequently buggy. Should make for a much smoother experience. I’m no longer hosting the examples on GitHub. Instead you’ll be able to download each chapter’s example as a zip from within the chapter. I’ve updated the examples repo to note this.

Note that this is a testing site so there may be mistakes and errors, and the account signup links are visible but not working. Any feedback is much appreciated.

EDIT: and the code editor has a few bugs in portrait mode. Should be mostly fine in landscape.