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Doctrine features a filter system that allows the developer to add additional criteria to queries, regardless of where the query is generated within the application (e.g. from a query builder, loading referenced documents). This is useful for excluding documents at a low level, to ensure that they are neither returned from MongoDB nor hydrated by ODM.

Throughout this document, the example MyLocaleFilter class will be used to illustrate how the filter feature works. A filter class must extend the base Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Query\Filter\BsonFilter class and implement the addFilterCriteria() method. This method receives ClassMetadata and is invoked whenever a query is prepared for any class. Since filters are typically designed with a specific class or interface in mind, addFilterCriteria() will frequently start by checking ClassMetadata and returning immediately if it is not supported.

Parameters for the query should be set on the filter object by calling the BsonFilter::setParameter() method. Within the filter class, parameters should be accessed via BsonFilter::getParameter() .

1<?php namespace Vendor\Filter; use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\ClassMetadata; use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Query\Filter\BsonFilter; class MyLocaleFilter extends BsonFilter public function addFilterCriteria(ClassMetadata $targetDocument): array // Check if the entity implements the LocalAware interface if ( ! $targetDocument->reflClass->implementsInterface('LocaleAware')) { return []; return ['locale' => $this->getParameter('locale')];

The Configuration#addFilter() method takes a name for the filter and the name of the filter class, which will be constructed as necessary.

An optional third parameter may be used to set parameters at configuration time:

Filters can be disabled and enabled via the FilterCollection, which is stored in the DocumentManager. The FilterCollection#enable($name) method may be used to enabled and return a filter, after which you may set parameters.

1<?php $config->addFilter('locale', \Vendor\Filter\MyLocaleFilter::class, ['locale' => 'en']);

Disabling and enabling filters has no effect on managed documents. If you want to refresh or reload an object after having modified a filter or the FilterCollection, then you should clear the DocumentManager and re-fetch your documents so the new filtering rules may be applied.

1<?php $filter = $dm->getFilterCollection()->enable("locale"); $filter->setParameter('locale', ['$in' => ['en', 'fr']]); // Disable the filter (perhaps temporarily to run an unfiltered query) $filter = $dm->getFilterCollection()->disable("locale");