I’m still fairly new to Python so I can’t claim I know all the details. I’m using Python 3.11 on Windows 10.
I’m getting this error when I do a
statement. As I’m trying to do proper SQL execution with variables in the SQL statement. The error is:
“psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError: syntax error at or near “)”
LINE 1: …field4 as empid FROM jobcost where (jcenddate >= ? ) LIMIT 10”
This is for Postgresql and I’m passing in a date string in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ and in the SQL statement it must have single quotes around the date. Here is my Python code.
mysql = 'Select field1,field2,field3,field4 as empid FROM mytable where (field5 >= ? ) LIMIT 10'
params = ('2024-03-14', ) # End with a comma to make a tuple.
cur.execute(sql,sqlparams) # cur is my cursor
The SQL should look like this: Select field1,field2,field3,field4 as empid FROM mytable where (field5 >= '2024-03-17' ) LIMIT 10
but I have no way of seeing the query with the date value in it to debug this.
Since I’m new to this surely I’m doing something wrong. The select worked if I did it insecurely using a different method.
What am I doing wrong here? Thank you.
EDIT: All strings in a Postgresql must be enclosed in single quotes like this: SELECT name,job WHERE name='Tom'
. Dates are just represented as strings in Postgresql.
A quick look at the Psycopg2 Documentation shows how it should be done:
mysql = 'Select field1,field2,field3,field4 as empid FROM mytable where (field5 >= %s ) LIMIT 10'
params = (datetime.date(2024, 03, 14), ) # End with a comma to make a tuple.
cur.execute(sql,sqlparams) # cur is my cursor
Two points:
we use %s
as a placeholder (sorry for misleading You in another post, Postgresql seems to be a little bit different) and never surround it with quotes
we use datetime.date
instead of raw string, the library does automatic conversion of the object to the right format
I hope I helped you 
As the traceback mentioned: “…SyntaxError”, it could probably occur at SQL statement, not at python driver level.
You can run your SQL statement above (replace ? with value) on PostgreSQL console to find the syntax error.
New code gets an error in "params = " line.
import datetime
mysql = 'Select ccmasterid as job,ccjobpart,jcenddate,dcmasterid as empid FROM mytable where (jcenddate >= %s ) LIMIT 10'
params = (datetime.date('2024','3','14'), ) # End with a comma to make a tuple.
Error is: “-> params = (datetime.date(‘2024’,‘3’,‘14’), ) # End with a comma to make a tuple.
(Pdb) n
TypeError: descriptor ‘date’ for ‘datetime.datetime’ objects doesn’t apply to a ‘str’ object”
I tried making the year, month and day an int like in your example but I got the same error.
Oops sorry I was writing too fast 
Values to datetime.date
are passed as integers not strings
and in cur.execute
you are writing sqlparams
but a line above you store data in params
I feel unlucky today