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bin: 123456*

I get a lot of hits, however when I add filter; bin -> is -> 123456* , I get 0 hits (No results found), bin field contains 6 OR 7 numbers and I'd like to include 6 AND 7 numbers results into my filter.

Please advise.

search #2:

  • I tried to create a filter to accomplish same as method #1 by Add a filter ( UNDER Query Bar), then in Filter drop down select bin followed by is as operator and for value I entered 123456* and got no results.
  • bin field is a keyword type field that contains following bins: 123456, 1234560, 1234561, 1234562 ... 1234569 (in different documents of course) and I'd like to capture all of them without specifying each (using operator is one of ).

    When you select a keyword to filter on, Kibana tries to give you a list of keywords to select from and then creates a query to match phrase. Apparently you can still edit it and add a wildcard.

    "query": { "match": { "extension.raw": { "query": "jpg", "type": "phrase"

    But according to this page, (go to the very bottom of the page in the box) you can't use wildcards in a phrase match query.
    Actually, you can use wildcards but they're either ignored completely or they are trying to match the literal string 123456* with an asterisk in it.

    Compare that with the query you get if you put the query in the query bar;

    "query": {
        "bool": {
          "must": [
              "query_string": {
                "query": "extension:jp*",
                "analyze_wildcard": true,
                "default_field": "*"

    So you could edit the filter and change from the phase query to a regular query so that wildcards are used.

    I couldn't get wildcard to work through Query bar and if I understand correctly, it's simply not possible to do (to me, wildcard is "a must", apparently not).

    however, maybe Query String Query | Elasticsearch Reference | Elastic is an answer?