The Bionic and Ripple file importers have been updated to work with version 3.0 files with 64-bit timestamps.
The algorithm we use to select the x axis major tick spacing is now much faster.
The Heka importer can use use regular expressions to select items for import.
There is a new importer for BrainVision format files.
The ToolbarText() command is extended to change the allowed user actions when the toolbar is active.
The Intan importer would fail if importing a RHD file containing temperature sensor information.
The slider control in a user-defined dialog could omit one of the tick marks and an initial, non-zero position could be incorrectly displayed.
No longer takes two attempts to close the D360R conditioner dialog when sampling.
Closing the D360R conditioner dialog when sampling could crash Spike2 if an ADC port offset was applied.
If a signal conditioner dialog failed to open, this caused all conditioner dialogs to be unavailable.
The 1902 conditioner dialog did not initialize correctly if there was no configuration file.
The Calibration dialog limited channel units to 5 characters in a 64-bit .smrx data file (which allows up to 10 characters).
With a Micro4 interface, the output sequencer generated outputs 1 sequencer clock tick earlier that previous 1401s; all time intervals and relative timings between sequencer outputs were accurate and it would be most unusual if this had any effect on experimental data.
If you resized the Sampling Notes dialog, the Close button did not move.
The Graphical sequencer could report spurious timing errors when the sequencer timing resolution changed.
In the Sampling Configuration dialog Automation tab, selecting a folder with the Browse... button did not clear existing errors.
A backwards active cursor search of a waveform channel stored in a 32-bit .smr file could report a position one point before the start of the search range, which would fail the search.
During sampling to a 64-bit .smr file, a backwards active cursor search of a waveform channel could report the wrong position.
在 Data points(資料點)或 Expression mode(運算式模式)之外進行的 Event(事件)通道搜尋可能會掛起(如在 Active cursors [活動指標]、Measurements to an XY view [XY 檢視畫面測量] 或 Measurements to a data channel [資料通道測量] 中)。
Tip of the Day(每日提示)對話方塊中的核取方塊現在會可靠地運作。
Add to online(新增到聯機)對話方塊會將所有任意波形標記為停用,但已新增的波形除外。
對資料採樣時,如果用 User entered(使用者輸入)值設定 Measurement to an XY view(XY 檢視畫面測量)或 Measurements to a data channel(資料通道測量),則可能會導致 Spike2 崩潰。
設定 vertical cursor(垂直指標)位置的 context menu(上下文功能表)項不會觸發 active cursor(活動指標)搜尋。
BinomialC(n%, k%) 指令碼命令不允許 n% 或 k% 為 0。
在 non-PCA Clustering(非 PCA 集群)對話方塊中(例如,Cluster on Measurements [測量上的集群]),將 Z 軸設定為時間的命令可以清除所有的濾波器代碼(這會使有色點變成黑色)。