Hope it should work for you.
On my side, I’m stuck with
Error: rpc error: code = Canceled desc = failed to apply token: failed to obtain access token: oauth2: “invalid_scope” "Invalid scopes: "
And in Keycloak logs I have
2024-03-28T07:38:06.412572518Z 2024-03-28 07:38:06,411 WARN [] (executor-thread-87) type=CLIENT_LOGIN_ERROR, realmId=camunda-platform, clientId=zeebe-api, userId=e6d2---------804, ipAddress=–.–.–.–, error=invalid_request, grant_type=client_credentials, client_auth_method=client-secret, username=service-account-zeebe-api
Changing to that token endpoint just gave me the same issue you’re facing
have you found a solution to it? @Gerald
btw. I see nothing in my kc log though
Unfortunatly not. I cannot succeed to use zbctl
And using the 8.5.0-RC2 I succeed to connect to zeebe gateway using Java client (by creating a new application using the wabapp Identity (via port forward, because it is failing via ingress (we have an haproxy in front of)
But now I upgraded to 8.5.0 and it is worst. Still same issue but even the port forward does not work. I soon as I send a command to it, the connection is closed without any logs anywhere…
Error: rpc error: code = Canceled desc = failed to apply token: failed to obtain access token: oauth2: “invalid_scope” "Invalid scopes: "
Hello everyone, I had the same issue as you with zbctl in 8.4.0.
Prefixing the command with ZEEBE_TOKEN_SCOPE=“camunda-identity” makes it work;
ZEEBE_TOKEN_SCOPE="camunda-identity" zbctl status --certPath cert-zeebe.pem --address zeebe.camunda.local:443 --authzUrl https://camunda.local/auth/realms/camunda-platform --clientId [Client ID] --clientSecret [Client Secret]
Finally got it working 
$ export ZEEBE_CLIENT_ID=zeebe
$ export ZEEBE_TOKEN_AUDIENCE=zeebe-api
$ export ZEEBE_TOKEN_SCOPE=camunda-identity
$ export ZEEBE_AUTHORIZATION_SERVER_URL=https://camunda.local/auth/realms/camunda-platform/protocol/openid-connect/token
$ zbctl status --certPath cert-zeebe.pem --address zeebe.camunda.local:443
Cluster size: 1
Partitions count: 1
Replication factor: 1
Gateway version: 8.4.4
Broker 0 - camunda-platform-zeebe-0.camunda-platform-zeebe.default.svc:26501
Version: 8.4.4
Partition 1 : Leader, Healthy