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  • Authenticate to Azure by running the following command:
  • az login --use-device-code

    Enter the code provided in the browser to authenticate to Azure.

  • Once authenticated, you need to set your Azure subscription.
  • az account set --subscription <your-subscription-id>
    GPT-3.5-Turbo LOCATIONS

    If you have Azure OpenAI enabled in your Azure subscription, pick a location name close to you that GPT-3.5-Turbo model is available: australiaeast , canadaeast , eastus , eastus2 , francecentral , japaneast , southcentralus , switzerlandnorth , uksouth , westcentralus , westus , and westeurope .

    Otherwise, use a general Azure location lookup by running this script az account list-locations --query "[*].name" --out tsv | sort

  • Create a resource group in the region closest to you.
  • az group create --name <resource-group-name> --location <region-name>
  • Set the resource group as the default resource group for the Azure CLI.
  • az configure --defaults group=<resource-group-name>
    If you DO NOT Azure OpenAI available in your subscription, run the following command. Otherwise, use the command in the next step.
  • If you HAVE Azure OpenAI available in your subscription, run the following command to create your Azure OpenAI and Azure content safety resources:
  • az deployment group create --name rai-workshop --template-file use-openai/main.bicep 

    NOTE : Use only lowercase letters (8 - 20 characters long) for the Azure OpenAI or Azure Content Safety and . DO NOT use numbers or special characters. Use unique names to make sure the name does not match another instance name. Here's an example:

    Otherwise, if you DO NOT HAVE Azure OpenAI available in your subscription, run the following command to create your Azure content safety resources:

    az deployment group create --name rai-workshop --template-file no-openai/main.bicep